з. ежемесячное пособие
и. недееспособный
2)Переведите в первой колонке названия пособий, которые государство предоставляет различным категориям граждан, и соедините колонки по смыслу.
widow's pension maternity pay
families with children who have very low incomes
disabled people to pay for transport or to buy a special vehicle
child benefit family credit
invalidity pension
mobility allowance unemployment benefit
women who leave work to have a baby
a person who is out of work for up to a year
each child until he/she leaves school (at 16) or longer if the child continues education (up to 19)
retired people/pensioners
women, whose husbands die before they retire if they are aged 45 or over
7. 1) Прочитайте и письменно переведите диалог – собеседование.
Mr. Spencer: You are applying for a post here. I have read your letter, but now I want to ask you
a few personal questions. First how old are you?
Mary: Twenty two, sir.
Mr. Spencer: I see. So you left school about five years ago. What were your best subjects at school?
Mary: English and history. I liked French, too. And art. I didn't like mathematics or
science very much. Chemistry was my worst subject.
Mr. Spencer: Mathematics is very useful in office work now.
Mary: Oh, well, I can manage, I have studied book-keeping.
Mr. Spencer: And where have you been for the last five years? I believe you have had some
secretarial and commercial training.
Mary: Yes, I have. When I left school I went to Technical College and took a course of
shorthand typing, book-keeping, office practice and some other subjects.
Mr. Spencer: How long was the course?
Mary: Two years.
Mr. Spencer: And what did you do when you left the technical college?
Mary: I went to work in an insurance company in Manchester.
Mr. Spencer: Did you stay there long?
Mary: I've been there for over a year and I am still working there.
Mr. Spencer: You've been in the same office ever since you left the technical college, haven't you?
Mary: Yes, I have, I've only changed the position. It was six months ago.
2) Составьте письменно подобный диалог о себе (вы устраиваетесь на работу).
8. По прибытию в любую страну вас попросят заполнить форму. Придумайте название страны и заполните следующую форму.
Please complete clearly in BLOCK LETTERS
Family name_________________________________________________________________
Date of birth__________________________________________________________________
Day Month Year
Place of birth_________________________________________________________________
Sex: 1 - Male 2 - Female
Passport No.__________________________________________________________________
Date of issue_________________________________________________________________
Purpose of entry: 1- Employment
2 - Residence
3 – Visit
4 – Transit
5 – Special Permit
6 – Tourism
7 – Study
Address in Dreamland____________________________________________________ Signature______________________________________________________________
For official use only:
Date of entry
No. of Visa
Date of Issue
File No.
Flight No.
Signature Passport Officer
Контрольная работа №1
2 вариант
1. Начертите схему государственного устройства России.
2. Ответьте на вопросы о своем рабочем дне.
1) Where do you work?
2) What's the name of your company?
3) Is your company large?
4) What company do you do business with?
5) When do your office hours begin?
6) What do you usually do in your office in the morning?
7) Have you got much work to do every day?
8) Do you do business with a foreign company?
9) When do you have lunch?
10) Do you have lunch in the office or dо you go out for lunch?
11) What do you do after lunch?
12) What time do you finish your work?
3. Поставьте слова в предложениях в нужном порядке.
1) the theatre, go, often, very, we, to.
2) the news, yesterday, saw, television, I, on.
3) summer, where, she, in, was?
4) there, newspapers, this table, are, any, on?
4. 1) Прочитайте и устно переведите текст.
1. This is Voronin. He is an engineer of the Ministry for Foreign Economic Relations. The engineers of the ministry often go to different countries to do business with foreign companies. Now Voronin is in London. He works at the Russian Trade Delegation.
2. Voronin is usually very busy. He has got much work to do every day. His office hours begin at 8.30. In the morning he looks through Russian and English newspapers and journals. He is interested in the latest political and business events.
3. During the day Voronin meets English businessmen and discusses with them prices for different goods, terms of payment, shipment and delivery. Sometimes he discusses business matters on the phone. Together with Russian inspectors he often goes to plants in and outside London.
4. Now you see Voronin in his office at the Russian Trade Delegation in Highgate. It's 2 o'clock in the afternoon. He is looking through the mail. He usually receives much mail, but today he has got few letters and telexes on his desk. He is reading a letter. It is an enquiry for chemical equipment from his company. Voronin knows «Blake and C°» are selling a new model of his equipment.
2) Письменно переведите первый, второй и третий абзацы текста.
3) Составьте 5 вопросов по содержанию текста.
5. Изучите правила написания резюме и образец. Напишите резюме от своего имени.
Так называется письменная сводка Ваших личных, образовательных и профессиональных данных. Оно как бы письменно представляет «товар», предлагаемый будущему работодателю. Резюме должно быть достаточно подробным, но кратким (обычно не превышать одной страницы) и иметь «товарный» вид. Форма его достаточно произвольна. Например:
EXPERIENCE 1990- 1995
1980- 1990
John Н.Мill
38 Park Avenue, Ap. 50 New York, N.Y.I 1298 Tel. (312) 493-8332
A position as a bookkeeper.
12 years of experience in every routine work in this field. Perfect knowledge of computers and statistics.
Make up all kinds of financial reports, balances and production planning.
San Francisco, California.
Deputy Chief of Planning, Commerce Dpt.
In charge of account books, statements, new ideas in planning.
SAKHA Co, Ltd. New York.
Accountant. Prepared accounts and balance sheets of every kind.
LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS London, Great Britain, Bachelor (Ec).
Arrived in the United States January, 1980. British subject. Married, one child.
Available upon request.
6. 1) Найдите и запишите русские эквиваленты к английским словам и выражениям по теме «Социальная защита населения».
1. a child allowance a) вклад, взнос
2. invalidity pension б) налог
3. benefits в) доход
4. provided for (with) г) прибыль
5. elderly people д) снабжен
6. contributions е) пенсия по инвалидности
7. National Insurance ж) пожилые люди
з) детское пособие
и) льготы
к) национальное страхование
2. ) Переведите в первой колонке название пособий, которые государство предоставляет различным категориям граждан, и соедините колонки по смыслу.
widow's pension maternity pay
families with children who have very low incomes
disabled people to pay for transport or to buy a special vehicle
child benefit family credit
invalidity pension
mobility allowance unemployment benefit
women who leave work to have a baby a person who is out of work for up to a year
each child until he/she leaves scool (at 16) or longer if the child continues education (up to 19)
retired people/pensioners
women whose husbands die before they retire if they are aged 45 or over
7. 1) Прочитайте и письменно переведите интервью.
Mr. Spencer: You are applying for a post here. I have read your letter, but now I want to ask you
a few personal questions. First how old are you?
Mary: Twenty two, sir.
Mr. Spencer: I see. So you left school about five years ago. What were your best subjects at school?
Mary: English and history. I liked French, too. And art. I didn't like mathematics or
science very much. Chemistry was my worst subject.
Mr. Spencer: Mathematics is very useful in office work now.
Mary: Oh, well, I can manage, I have studied book-keeping.
Mr. Spencer: And where have you been for the last five years? I believe you have had some
secretarial and commercial training.
Mary: Yes, I have. When I left school I went to Technical College and took a course of
shorthand typing, book-keeping, office practice and some other subjects.
Mr. Spencer: How long was the course?
Mary: Two years.
Mr. Spencer: And what did you do when you left the technical college?
Mary: I went to work in an insurance company in Manchester.
Mr. Spencer: Did you stay there long?
Mary: I've been there for over a year and I am still working there.
Mr. Spencer: You've been in the same office ever since you left the technical college, haven't you?
Mary: Yes, I have, I've only changed the position. It was six months ago.
2) Составьте подобный диалог о себе (вы устраиваетесь на работу).
8. On your arrival to foreign countries you are asked to fill in either a landing card or an entry card. You have arrived in Dreamland and received an entry card. Look it through, find the part to fill in and complete it following the instructions given.
ENTRY CARD Please complete clearly in BLOCK CAPITALS.
Family name_________________________________________________________________
Date of birth__________________________________________________________________
Day Month Year
Place of birth_________________________________________________________________
Sex: 1 - Male 2 - Female
Passport No.__________________________________________________________________
Date of issue_________________________________________________________________
Purpose of entry: 1- Employment
2 - Residence
3 – Visit
4 – Transit
5 – Special Permit
6 – Tourism
7 – Study
Address in Dreamland_________________________________________________________
For official use only:
Date of entry
No. of Visa
Date of Issue
File No.
Flight No.
Signature Passport Officer
Контрольная работа №1
3 вариант
1. Начертите схему государственного устройства Великобритании.
2. Ответьте на вопросы о своем рабочем дне.
1) Where do you work?
2) What's the name of your company?
3) Is your company large?
4) What company do you do business with?
5) When do your office hours begin?
6) What do you usually do in your office in the morning?
7) Have you got much work to do every day?
8) What matters do you usually business with foreign businessmen?
9) When do you have lunch?
10) Do you have lunch in the office or dо you go out for lunch&
11) What do you do after lunch?
12) When do you finish your work?
3. Поставьте слова в предложениях в нужном порядке.
1) Monday, you, on, at home, were?
2) When, in, office, he, was, his?
3) the novel, much, I, very, liked.
4) to, came, the office, he, yesterday, taxi, by.
4. 1) Прочитайте и устно переведите текст.
1. Smirnov is the President of a foreign trade firm.
In the morning he gets up at about 6.30. His wife and children get up later. He goes to the bathroom to take a bath. Then he has breakfast. For breakfast he haas some egges, coffee and sandwiches. He leaves for work at eight o'clock. His office hours begin at 9 o'clock but he usually comes earlier to get ready for work.
2. In the morning the secretary brings him letters and cables. He reads the mail and sends answers to foreign firms. He often receives foreign businessmen at his office. They usually come to discuss prices, terms of payment, shipment and delivery and other business points. Sometimes he goes abroad on business to have talks with foreign customers. Smirnov can speak two foreign languages.
3. At 12.30 Smirnov has lunch. He finishes work at 6 o'clock in the evening, but if there is some urgent business he stays at the office later.
4. Smirnov usually has dinner at home.
After dinner he reads newspapers and magazines, listens to the radio or watches television and helps his wife about the house. He goes to bed at 11.00.
2) Письменно переведите 1 и 2 абзацы текста.
3) Составьте 5 вопросов по содержанию текста.
5. Изучите правила написания резюме и образец. Напишите резюме от своего имени.