
Методические указания по дисциплине «иностранный язык» для студентов дневной и очно-заочной формы обучения по направлению 521600 «экономика» бакалавриат Омск 2005 (стр. 1 из 3)

Федеральное агентство по образованию

Государственное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования

«Омский государственный технический университет»


Методические указания по дисциплине «иностранный язык»

для студентов дневной и очно-заочной формы обучения по

направлению 521600 « экономика» бакалавриат

Омск - 2005

Составитель Э.Г. Беззатеева

Методические указания предназначены для студентов 1-го и 2-го курсов экономического факультета, изучающих английский язык. Данные указания являются частью УМК, разрабатываемого на кафедре иностранных языков ОмГТУ для студентов-экономистов.



Лексический материал

1. Выучите следующие слова

to consist of – состоять из

to work as (an economist) – работать ( экономистом)

to be fond of – любить, увлекаться

to serve in the army – служить в армии

to have much work to do – иметь много работы

to retire on pension – выйти на пенсию

to keep house – вести дом. хозяйство

to take after smb. – быть похожим на кого-либо

то be married – быть женатым (замужем)

то be single – быть не женатым (не замужем)

a relative – родственник

experienced – опытный

elder, the eldest – старший, самый старший

younger, the youngest – младший, самый младший

at the age of – в возрасте

a first year student – первокурсник

rather – довольно

to enter – поступить (в учебное заведение)

try – стараться, пытаться

plant – завод

turner – токарь

2. Подберите эквиваленты к русским фразам и словам

1. выйти на пенсию;

2. быть похожим на кого-либо;

3. быть первокурсником;

4. токарь;

5. инженер;

6. поступить на вечернее отделение;

7. родственники;

8. увлекаться чем – либо;

9. иметь много работы;

10. быть экономистом.

3. Составьте предложения и запишите их

1. To be, I, a, student, first, year.

2. My, large, to be, family.

3. An, my, father, to be, engineer.

4. My, teacher, mother, to be.

5. My, retired, grandmother, year, last

6. Sister, at, my, study, school.

7. Brother, my, works, turner, as.

8. To have, relatives, we, many.


1. Прочтите и переведите текст


My name is Ivan. I am a first year student of Omsk Technical University. I study at the economic department. My family is rather large. My hometown is Omsk, and my father is an engineer at one of the city's plants. My father is not yet fifty. My mother is a teacher at one of the secondary schools of the city. She teaches Russian and Russian literature and is very fond op her work with the children.

My brother is three years older than I. He has served two years in the Army, and now he works at a plant as a turner. Next year Pavel is going to enter the evening department of the Technical University.

My sister Olga studies at school, she is in the 10th Form. After finishing school she is going to enter the Pedagogical University. Olga is fond of music and plays the piano.

We have a grandmother. She keeps house and has much work to do during the day.

We all try to help her. We have many relatives. They live in Omsk and other dries. They often come to see us at our place, or we go to see them.

Материал для обсуждения

1. Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы

1. How large is your family?

2. How many persons does your family consist of?

3. What are you?

4. Have you any brothers or sisters?

5. What are your parents? .

6. What are your brothers (sisters)?

7. Have you any grandparents?

8. Who keeps house in your family?

9. What is your hobby?

10. How do you prefer to spend your free time?

11. Have you many relatives?

12. Do you often go to see them?

2. Напишите рассказ о своем друге.

3. Спросите своего соседа по парте о его / ее

family, hobbies, friends, favorite books, films, food etc.

4. Подготовьте устное монологическое высказывание « О себе».



Лексический материал

1. Выучите следующие слова

technical university – технический университет

department – факультет

mechanical–engineering d. – механико–технологический факультет

machine–building d. – машиностроительный факультет

poligraphical d. – полиграфический факультет

automation d. – факультет автоматизации

electrical–engineering d. – электротехнический факультет

radio–engineering d. – радиотехнический факультет

faculty of refrigeration machines – факультет холодильных машин

faculty of automation installation – факультет автоматических установок

faculty of flight vehicles – факультет летательных аппаратов

faculty of humanitary education – факультет гуманитарного образования

faculty of economics and management – факультет экономики и управления

lecture hall – лекционный зал

drawing hall – чертежный зал

reading hall – читальный зал

workshop – мастерская

equip – oбоpyдовать

equipment – оборудование

apparatus – аппарат

research – исследование

carry out experiment – проводить опыты

scientific society – научное общество

higher mathematics – высшая математика

strength of materials – сопромат

mechanics – механика

machine elements – детали машин

drawing – черчение

descriptive geometry – начертательная геометрия

mark – оценка

satisfactory – удовлетворительно

to take an examination – сдавать экзамен

to take a-test – сдавать зачет

to pass an ехamination – сдать экзамен

to fail in an examination – не сдать экзамен

to enter the university – поступить в университет

graduate from the university – окончить университет

to be in the first year – быть на 1 курсе

to be first year student – быть первокурсником

attend – посещать

to have classes – иметь занятия

to work hard – упорно работать

to take part in – принимать участия

to get scholarship – получать стипендию

to train specialists – готовить специалистов

to deliver lecture оn – читать лекцию по...

to give classes – проводить занятия

to give labs – проводить лабораторные опыты

term – семестр

2. Give English equivalents to the Russian words and phrases

1. готовить специалистов;

2. быть основанным;

3. факультет;

4. оканчивать ВУЗ;

5. многочисленный;

6. исследовательский;

7. периодическая печать;

8. преподавательский состав;

9. читать лекции;

10. посещать лекции;

11. сдавать экзамен;

12. сдать экзамен;

13. не сдать экзамен;

14. студенческое научное общество.


1. Read and translate the text


Omsk State Technical University is one of the biggest High Educational institutions in Omsk. It trains specialists for various branches of industry. It was founded in 1942. There was only one faculty at the University at the time. It was the mechanical – engineering faculty. The first 25 engineers graduated from this faculty in 1947. Our University trains radio, electrical, polygraphical and mechanical engineers. Its numerous laboratories for both teaching and research purposes are equipped with modern apparatus, tools and instrument to provide a high level of training.

There is large library and a reading hall in the University where the students can get any necessary textbook on special subjects. In the reading hall one can get periodical for reading.

Reading and drawing – halls arc also places where students prepare their home tasks. The University teaching stuff is large. There are more than seven hundred teachers, masters of science and professors who deliver lectures on different subjects and give classes to the students. The students attend lectures and classes according to the time - table. Besides, they have practice in the workshops and the laboratories. The students study the following subjects: history, higher mathematics, physics, chemistry, mechanics, descriptive geometry, machine elements, drawing, foreign language and many others. Twice a year students take examinations. Those who work hard at subjects during the term do not fail the exams and pass them well, getting good and excellent marks.

There is a student's scientific society at the University. Both first year students and those who are at the fourth or fifth courses may join it and do research there.

Many students take an active part in the social work. They attend conferences, discuss books, plays and films, organize evening parties and amateur concert, and go in for sports.

2. Make up sentences

1. It, 1942, in, to be, found.

2. University, to train, our, specialists, different

3. There, to be, library, a, University, in, the.

4. The, stuff, University, teaching, large, to be.

5. The, subjects, students, study, different.

6. Students, the, society, there, to be, a, scientific.

7. Many, social, students, to take part, an, part, active, in, work, University, at.

Материал для обсуждения

1. Answer the following questions

1. When was the Technical University founded?

2. Which faculty was the first one?

3. What kind of specialists does our University train?

4. How many departments are there at our University?

5. What subjects do students study at the University?

6. Who delivers lectures on mathematics?

7. When do you usually take your exams?

8. How do students spend their free time after classes?

9. Do you take part in the social life of your University?

2. Compose a plan of the text and retell this text.

3. Work in pair. Ask your partner about his / her University.

4. Speak about your University.



Лексический материал

1. Read and learn the following words and expressions

1. Vocabulary list.

bank – берег, anniversary – годовщина, merchant – купец, inhabitant – житель, unpaved – немощёный, crooked – кривой, pass through – проходить, exile – ссылка, welfare - материальный, spirit – дух, fate – судьба, eminent – замечательный, strive – стремиться, revalue – переоценивать, energies – усилия.

2. Vocabulary list.

Siberian – сибирский, oil refinery – нефтепереработка, tire-making plant – шинный завод, synthetic rubber plant – завод СК, smoke-black plant – сажевый завод, Trans-Siberian Railway - Транссибирская ж/д, Drama Theatre = Драматический театр, Musical Theatre _ Музыкальный театр, Puppet Theatre - Кукольный театр, Concert Hall – Концертный зал, Sports and Concert Palace - СКК, Omsk Folk Choir - Омский русский народный хор, Omsk Symphony Orchestra – Омский симфонический оркестр, Memorial Square - мемориал, Eternal Flame – Вечный огонь.

2. Look through the text quickly and find the Russian equivalents the Russian words and word combinations

Старинный русский город, маленький купеческий городок, место ссылки, город студентов, материальная и духовная культура, омские жители, молитвенный дом, храм, собор.

Текст А

1. Read the text attentively and translate this text


Omsk is one of the oldest Russian towns. Omsk is situated on the banks of the Irtish and Om rivers. The Siberian City of Omsk celebrated its 287thanniversary in 2003.

A former small merchant town has turned for the years of Soviet power into a large industrial, scientific and cultural center of West Siberia. The city today numbers about 1200000 inhabitants.

At the beginning of the 18 century a group of Russian soldiers and Cossacks under the guidance of an officer Buhgolts founded a fortress on the left bank of the Om river. The fortress was later renamed a town of Omsk. So Omsk was founded in 1716. At the end of 19th century the Great Trans-Siberian Railway passed through Omsk. Before the revolution Omsk was just like any other Siberian town – wooden houses, unpaved, dirty, crooked streets, no parks and gardens. Omsk was a place of exile. Decemberists and revolutionaries were exiled by the tzarist government to Omsk. A great Russian writer Dostoevsky spent 4 years in the Omsk fortress.

The city of labour produces goods in sum of more than 6 billion roubles a year. Some items are being supplied to more than 60 countries all over the world. The pride of our city is the first Oil Refinery, a giant of Siberian petrochemistry, which was put into operation in 1965. Besides the chemical enterprises of our city include Synthetic Rubber plant, the Type – making plant, the Smoke – Black plant and others. Engineering, instrument making, light and building industries are developed in Omsk.

Omsk is with good reason considered a city of students, of the youth. Every the fourth of the city’s residents is studying. There are all kinds of educational institutions in Omsk. We have 14 Universities, many technical schools, libraries. The A.S.Pushkin library is the biggest of them.

The city’s history of welfare standards and culture has a particular effect on its characteristics and spirit. The lives and fates of such eminent people of the country as F.Dostoevsky and M.Vrubel, V.Kuibyshev and D.Karbyshev, P.Dravert and V.Shebalin, L.Martinov, S.Zaligin and other prominent figures in science and art are closely connected with Omsk.