
Методические указания по выполнению контрольных работ для студентов 1 курса факультета туризма и гостеприимства заочной формы обучения (контрольная работа №1) (стр. 3 из 5)

4. We often invite Liz to stay with......in.......house.

5. Jeans always stay in fashion. People like ....

Ex. 14. Form degrees of comparison of the following adjectives.





Ex. 15. Make up sentences according to the model.

I’m very optimistic. (My brother Harold) -
She is a good teacher. (Mr. Brown) -
This text is long (those texts) – Those texts are longer.
That translation is easy. (These sentences) -
Peter has got a comfortable flat. (Jane and Tom) -
Her Spanish is bad. (Their French) -

Ex. 16. Make up negative and interrogative sentences according to the model.




Her daughter has got a friend. (Yes)

Her daughter has not got a friend.

Has her daughter got a friend? – Yes, she has.

Uncle Tom is buying a new computer today. (Yes)
The Earth moves round the sun. (No)
There is a new magazine on the tea table (No)
These tales are quite interesting. (Yes)
We have got enough coffee in our cups. (No)

Ex. 17. Write alterative and tag-questions.




She speaks French well. Does she speak French or English well? She speaks French well, doesn’t she?
Her child has French classes every Tuesday.
They seldom come to them.
She is looking through the papers now.

Ex. 18. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Simple or Future Simple (all the actions are in the future).

1. I’d like to ask you a few more questions before you (to go).

2. If you (to have) anything to report put it in writing and send it to me.

3. When he (to call) I (to give) him a piece of mind.

4. I (to be) at home if you (to need) anything.

5. They (to be) in the gallery if you (to decide) to speak to them.

6. If the (to want) your advice they (to get) in touch with you.

7. I (to write) to you about it when I (to have) time

8. He (to wait) until they (to send) for him.

9. He (to be) all right when this (to be) over.

Ex. 19. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Simple or Future Simple.

1. Come and see me when you (to come) to town and we (to talk) everything over.

2. When the weather (to get) warmer I (to start) practicing.

3. “Come in” – she said – “I (to find out) if she (to be) soon.”

4. I don’t know when they (to come) to see us.

5. If my friends (to come), please, ask them to wait a little.

6. He wants to know if you (to be) free tomorrow.

7. Ask him if he (to stay) for dinner.

8. When things (to get) a little more settled we (to come) to see you.

9. I wonder when they (to write) to us

10. Go straight ahead till you (to come) to a fountain at the corner of the street; then turn left and you (to find) this shop on your right.

11. When you (to come) to the main road remember to stop and look both ways before you (to cross).

12. They can’t tell me when they (to be) free.

13. Ask them when they (to move) into a new flat.

14. If the patient (to continue) to improve we (to transfer) him to another ward.

15. Before we (to talk) about it I’d like to show you something.

Ex. 20. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple or Future Simple.

1. Kate (to cook) dinner every day.

2. Kate (to cook) dinner tomorrow.

3. Kate (to cook) dinner now.

4. Kate (to cook) dinner yesterday.

5. He (to spend) last summer in the country.

6. He (not to spend) last summer in the country.

7. He (to spend) last summer in the country?

8. Where he (to spend) last summer?

9. She (to help) mother yesterday.

10. She (not to help) mother yesterday.

11. She (to help) mother yesterday?

12. How she (to help) mother yesterday?

13. I (not to eat) ice-cream every day.

14. I (not to eat) ice-cream now.

15. I (not to eat) ice-cream tomorrow.

16. I (not to eat) ice-cream yesterday.

17. You (to go) to school every day?

18. You (to go) to school now?

19. You (to go) to the south next summer?

20. You (to go) abroad last summer?

21. What your brother (to do) every day?

22. What your brother (to do) now?

23. What your brother (to do) tomorrow?

24. What your brother (to do) yesterday?

Ex. 21. Make up interrogative and negative sentences.





He was away on business last week. Was he away on business last week? He wasn’t away on business last week.
He studied tourism last year. Did he study tourism last year? He did not study tourism last year.




This travel agency is aggressively expanding its business.
He will hire you.
We are touring about the country.
The guide is accompanying the tourists.
I am arranging my flight.
I will accompany you to the chief animator.
The agency will advertise a new tour package.
They will arrange your flight.
We will provide you with the travel insurance.
The travel agent works at a travel company.
Travel agents sell tours.
He shows tourists round the city.
They work part-time.
I take groups on bus tours.
She uses her English all the time.

Variant II


Read the text. Translate and answer the questions after the text in written form.

Marie Blanc works in a large travel company in Paris. English is her only foreign language.

"I was born in Paris and I'm very happy here. But I like this job because I'm interested in travel. On the whole, this agency deals with business customers. I arrange their flight and hotel bookings all over the world. Apart from that, we often get foreign tourists who want to change their travel arrangements. Of course English is essential.

The best thing about this job? I get cheap holidays!"



Where does Marie Blanc work?
What is she?
What does she do?
Why does she like her job?


Read the text. Translate and answer the questions after the text in written form.

Paola Conti is a tour guide in Florence. She speaks English and Spanish. "I take groups of English speakers - Americans, English, Australians - on bus tours of Florence. In the summer there are four different tours and every time I go out somebody asks a new question, so I never get bored. Anyway, I'd hate to work in an office. I don't want to do this for the rest of my life, but I'm enjoying the job at the moment and I earn a lot of money in the summer".



What is Paola Conti?
What does she do?
When does she work?
Why does she like her work?


Read the text. Translate and answer the questions after the text in written form.

Manuel Romero works in the Tourist Information Office at Malaga airport in the south of Spain. He speaks English and French.

"Most of tourists who come here are British, but we also have a lot of Dutch and German. They usually come on package holidays, so everything is organized in advance. But sometimes they want to hire a car or do something a bit different. Then I give them advice. They usually don't know any Spanish, apart from "Ole", so I use my English all the time.

It's an interesting job and some of the people I meet are very funny. One American couple asked if they could fly to Torremolinos. That's only about ten kilometers from here!"



Where does Manuel Romero work?
How many languages does he speak?
What does he do?
Does he like his job?
What is "a package holiday"?


Read the text. Translate and answer the questions after the text in written form.

There are people in tourism who work for themselves. They are called freelancers. They don't work full-time for any tourist company. They work part-time or in high season only. They don't work in low and off- season.

Among free-lancers there are guides, guides-interpreters, escorts, animators, travel writers. Tourist companies, resort hotels and holidays centers employ them for seasonal work. Cruising companies, resort hotels and holiday centers employ animators for summer high season. Travel agencies which deal with in-coming tourism employ guides, guide-interpreters, escorts. Travel writers offer their articles to magazines and newspapers when they wish to.

Free-lancers are registered. It means that, on the one hand, they have got licenses. Licenses prove their qualifications and give them permission to work. On the other hand, if they are registered, they pay taxes. Free-lancers are, as a rule, members of professional associations. In high season they earn a lot of money. In low and off-season they don't earn any money at all or do some other job. Teachers work as free-lance guides, students work as escorts, actors work as animators. Travel writers are often permanent free-lancers.



What kind of people are called free-lancers?
How and when do free-lancers work?
What are some of the free-lance jobs?
What kind of companies employ animators?
What kind of companies employ animators?
What kind of companies employ guides, guide-interpreters and escorts?
What do travel writers do?
What does it mean that free-lancers are registered?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a freelancer?


Read the text and answer the questions.


In the 19th century tourism was mainly for the rich. They had enough money and spare time for travelling. Not many working people in Europe had paid holidays. Well-to-do people used to take tours to France, Germany, Switzerland and Austria. They spent time at famous sea resorts in France. They went to health resorts and spas of Germany for recreation and treatment. They travelled to the resorts in the mountains of Switzerland and Austria.

In the early 19th century tourists used to travel by trains and steamships. In the first half of the 19th century steamships used to move within inland waterways only. But in the second half of the century they started covering longer distances. The steamships carried passengers on all oceans and seas of the world.



What was tourism in the 19th century like?
What kind of tours did well-to-do people use to take?
Where did they go to in those countries?
How did they use to travel?
Where did steamships move in the first half of the 19th century?
Where did steamships move in the first half of the 19th century?
Where did they move in the second half of the 19th century?


EX. 1. Fill in the blanks:

explorers camels

jet planes mode

treatment the rich

steamships races

inland waterways railway

airplanes spas

resorts development


1. The WTO assists countries in the ___________ of their national tourism.

2. The only means of travelling in the early 19th century were trains and________________

3. Thomas Cook arranged the first trip by ___________ in 1841.

4. When the first ___________ appeared, they changed travel crucially.

5. When .___________ emerged, they made air travel available to most people.