
Методические указания по выполнению контрольных работ для студентов 1 курса факультета туризма и гостеприимства заочной формы обучения (контрольная работа №1) (стр. 4 из 5)

6. In the first half of the 19th century steamships carried passengers within ___________

7. Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus and James Cook were world-famous ___________

8. Thomas Cook arranged the first ___________ in 1855 to Paris.

9. Well-to-do Europeans used to go to health resorts and __________ of Germany for recreation ____________

10. The first travellers used simple boats on the water and ___________ in the desert.

11. During the first group tour Thomas Cook provided his tourists with meals on the train and tickets for the ______________

12. The 19th century tourism was first and foremost for _____________

13. Well-to-do tourists used to travel to the ___________ in the mountains of Austria and Switzerland.

14. Air travel is the fastest ____________ of travelling.

Ex. 2. Make up interrogative and negative sentences.





He was away on business last week. Was he away on business last week? He wasn’t away on business last week.
He studied tourism last year. Did he study tourism last year? He did not study tourism last year.




The travel agent offered a travel insurance.
The travelers chose our new tour yesterday.
They were happy with the travel arrangements.
It was late to change the dates of the tour.
Well-to-do Russians, travelled to European health resorts in the 19th century.
You went to France by train
You took a ferry to reach England.
Our tourism manager made a journey to Turkey.
He was pleased with the journey by air.
He enjoyed the journey by train.
The students got familiar with the sights of Greece last August.
It was high season when they arrived.
The first travellers were merchants and traders.

Ex. 3. Make up alternative questions:




The travelers were pleased with the coach. Were the travelers pleased with the coach or with the hotel?
The travelers took a tour to Athens. Did the travelers take a tour to Athens or to Rome?



They toured around Europe.
The first travelers were merchants.
Thomas Cook set up the first travel agency.
The WTO emerged in 1975.
The first travellens used boats.
They were familiar with boats.
Jet planes emerged in the early 20th century.
Thomas Cook was known all over the world.
The age of modern trains came in the 19th century.
The most famous travellers in the past were explorers.

Ex. 4. Make up tail-questions (disjunctive questions):




The first travellers were familiar with boats. The first travellers were familiar with boats, weren't they?
The first travellers were not familiar with planes. The first travellers were not Familiar with planes, were they?
Well-to-do travellers had enough money and spare time. Well-to-do travellers had enough money and spare time, didn't they?
Common people didn't have enough money and spare time. Common people didn't have enough money and spare time, did they?



Christopher Columbus was one of the best-known explorers.
The age of airplanes changed travel crucially.
The age of airplanes made travel available to all people.
The cost of air transportation didn't make travel available to everybody.
Christopher Columbus discovered America.
Amerigo Vespucci didn't discover America.
Nikitin was not known in the West.
The first travellers used simple means of travelling.
The first travellers didn't travel by air.
They were not familiar with air travel.

Ex. 5. Make up special questions:




The chief animator was on the stage during the whole contest last night. Who was on the stage during the whole contest last night? Where was the chief animator during the contest last night? When was the chief animator on the stage?
The tourists spent their paid holidays at the health resort last season. Who spent paid holidays at the health resort last season? What did the tourists do last season? What did the tourists spend at the health resort last season? What kind of holidays did the tourists spend at the health resort last season? Where did the tourists spend their paid holidays last season? What kind of resort did the tourists spend their paid holidays at? When did the tourists spend their paid holidays at the health resort?



Rich noble people were members of the Russian Tourist Society. Who What kind of
The Russian Tourist Society came into being hi 1901. What When
Thomas Cook Company was well-known in Russia in the 191h century. What Where When
The first Russian guide books gave details of Moscow and St. Petersburg sights. What What kind of
Tourist boom started about 30 or 40 years ago. What When How long ago
Before 1855 Thomas Cook Company dealt with domestic tourism only. When What What kind of
Steamships carried passengers on all oceans of the world. What Whom What kind of
The WTO emerged in 1975. What When
The UN conference on international travel and tourism took place in Rome in 1963. What What kind of Where When
The first motor-cars appeared in the late 19th century. What When
Thomas Cook set up the first travel agency in the middle of the 19th century. Who What When
Thomas Cook provided his tourists with meals and tickets for the races during the first group tour. Who Whom What When
The rich went to German health resorts for treatment and recreation. Who Where Why
In the 19th century tourism was for the rich because they had enough money and spare time. When What Why

Ex. 6. Open the brackets. Mind the word order in interrogative sentences.

1. We (to make) a tour of France last year. It (to be) a coaching tour. We (not to stay) in any city for more than one day.

2. Where your customers (to spend) their holidays? - They (to be) in the Caucasus. They (to go) to a spa there.

3. When and where the UN conference on international travel and tourism (to take) place? -It (to take) place in 1963 in the capital of Italy.

4. A month ago our company (to put) a new tour together. We (not to advertise) it in mass media. We (to include) it in our new travelogue.

5. They (to set) up a new tourist company and (to do) market research last year.

6. What kind of inclusive tours your travel agency (to offer) to customers last summer season? - We (to offer) inclusive tours with charter to Turkey.

7. You (to cooperate) with major tour operators a couple of years ago? - No, we didn't.

8. A week ago I (to be) away on business. I (to visit) our sales outlets in St. Petersburg. There I (to get) familiar with their tourist attractions. Unfortunately, I (not to see) their museums in the suburbs because we (to be) too busy.

9. The first steamships (not to cover) long distances. They (to move) on inland waterways.

10. Your tourism manager (to travel) anywhere last year? - He (not to take) his paid holidays last year. He (to have) a lot of work to do.

Ex. 7. Ask questions to the following statements and then answer them according to the pattern.



There is a good programme on TV tonight. - Is there a good programme on TV tonight? - No, there isn’t.
There aren't any theatres in my town - Are there any theatres in your town? - Yes, there are.
1. There is a cat in the window.
2. There are a few changes in the text.
3. There are plenty of glasses in the cupboard.
4. There were a lot of people at the stadium.
5. There isn't anything on the plate.
6. There wasn't anybody in the room.
7. There are difficult exercises in this book.
8. There is something on the shelf.
9. There will be some interesting programmes on TV tomorrow.
10. There are several empty seats in the room.
11. There weren't any pears on the plate.

Ex. 8. Translate into English.



1. В этом журнале много интересных статей
2. В нашем городе много музеев и театров.
3. В этой комнате есть телефон?
4. В этой комнате два окна.
5. В чашке не было чая.
6. Сколько статей было в этом журнале? – Там было несколько статей.
7. Сколько студентов в аудитории? – Двадцать.
8. Рядом с нашим домом будет парк.
9. На этой улице была школа?
10. На столе лежит несколько книг
11. Рядом с нашим домом есть школа. Школа находится рядом с нашим домом.
12. В городе несколько театров. Театры находятся в центре города.
13. В вазе стояли цветы. Цветы стояли в красивой вазе.
14. В театре много детей. Дети сейчас в театре.
15. Существует несколько способов решения этой задачи. Способы решения этой задачи даны на странице 5.

Ex. 9. Fill in the gaps.

a) some, any, no.

1. There were ... of my friends there.

2. Well, anyway, there is ... need to hurry, now that we have missed the train.

3. Have you ever seen ... of these pictures before?

4. There is ... water in the kettle: they have drunk it all.

5. There were ... fir-trees in that forest, but many pines.

6. We could not buy cherries, so we bought... plums instead.

b) somebody, anybody, nobody.

1.I saw ... I knew at the lecture.

2.I dare say that there may be ... at the lecture that I know, but what does that matter?

3. Do you really think that... visits, this place?

4.I have never seen ... lace their boots like that.

c) somewhere, anywhere, nowhere.

1. I haven't seen him....

2.I know the place is ... about here, but exactly where, I don't know.

3. Did you go ... yesterday? — No, I went..., I stayed at home the whole day.

Ex. 10. Insert some, any, no, every or their derivatives.

1. Can I have ... milk? — Yes, you can have ....

2. Will you have ... tea?

3. Give me ... books, please. I have ... to read at home.

4. Put ... sugar in her tea: she does not like sweet tea.

5. Is ... the matter with you? Has ... offended you? I see by your face.

Ex. 11. Make up sentences according to the model. Model: I am singer, (my brother). My brother is a singer.

1. We are students. (Nick).

2. The Browns have got two children. (Jane Smith).

3. I am leaving next week. (they).

4. Professor Thomson buys newspapers every morning. (Ben's parents).

5. That pine-tree is too high, (those birches).

Ex. 12. Insert the articles if necessary.