
Мультимедийный курс Развитие навыков аудирования Хабаровск 2007 (стр. 6 из 6)

David: Ah! Is she your boss?

Tom: Yes, she is.

Kristin: No, I'm not. I'm not a boss. We are all colleagues.

14. Getting around the airport

Tom: Where are you going in England, David?

David: I'm on my way to a meeting in Bristol, but I'm traveling through London.

Tom: Bristol ... Where is Bristol?

David: Bristol is a city in the south of England. It's near Wales.

Tom: Is it east of London'?

David: No, it's not. It's west of London.

Airport Voice: Passengers for Magna Carta Airways, flight 867 to London, please proceed to gate C24.

David: OK, the plane is boarding! Good-bye, honey.

Kristin: Bye. David. See you Saturday. Good luck.

David: See you, Tom.

Tom: See you, David. Good luck in Bristol!

So, here we are. Rachel is on the plane to Chicago, and David is traveling to England...

Kristin: ...and we're staying in Boston! I'm heading for a meeting at the office. Where are you going?

Tom: Home. I'm taking the day off. And on my day off it's raining in Boston.

Kristin: You're right. It's raining and it's cold. My car is in the parking garage. Where's your car?

Tom: It's in the parking lot, across from Concourse B. See you.

15. Family relationships

Grandmother: I met him for the first time on a winter morning in nineteen fifty...

That was a long time ago, but I remember it very well. I was at the farmers' market. I bought some fruit and vegetables. And lucky for me, I needed some milk, too. At the dairy stand I saw a tall man...

Emma: Was it Grandpa?

Grandmother: Yes.

Christopher: And then what happened?

Grandmother: I asked for some milk. He said, "Would you like some cheese, also, Miss?" I said "No, thank you." And then he said, "Then, would you like a cup of tea?"

I accepted. We had a cup of tea together and ... two years later we got married.

Emma: Did he work at the university like Dad?

Grandmother: No, no. He was a farmer. I mean, father was a dairy farmer, and he sold the milk at the market. They had a big farm with a lot of cows.

Emma: And horses?

Grandmother: No horses, but they had some chickens.

Christopher: Do you miss grandfather?

Grandmother: Yes, Very much.

Emma: I want a cup of tea, too, Grandma!

Grandmother: No, children don't drink tea. Would you like a cup of hot cocoa?

Emma: Cocoa? OK!

Grandmother: Would you like some hot cocoa, Christopher?

Christopher: Yes, please, Grandma.

Grandmother: All right, hot cocoa then.

Emma: Who's that?

Christopher: That's Aunt Katie!

Emma: And that's Uncle Jack!

Grandmother: Yes, that's Aunt Katie. She's eating a big dish of ice cream...

But that's not Uncle Jack. That's your father.

Christopher: Daddy! He's eating a piece of cake!

Emma: I want a piece of cake, too!

Kristin: Who would like a kiss good-bye from Mom and Dad?

16. Morning routine

David: Christopher, whose backpack is that? Is it yours? Or Emma's?

Christopher: It's mine.That one's hers. The green one.

David: Please put them both by the front door-where they belong. Is Emma still in bed?

Kristin: Good morning!

Christopher: Good morning, Mom.

Radio Voice: Good morning. It's half past seven. This is WMJT. It's time for today's headlines with Katie Baxter.

Kristin: Good morning, Katie.

Katie's Voice: In New York, they have their major marathon race, but here in Boston, we have ours. The...

Kristin: Is this your backpack?

David: Yes, it's his. He's just putting it by the front door now, right, Christopher?

Christopher: Right.

David: Emma! Wake up!

Katie's Voice: Something important is happening at the state capital building. State legislators are...

David: So when is Katie Baxter leaving? Next week?

Kristin: Next month.

David: So, from next month on, her job will be yours?

Kristin: Someone's going to get it. I hope it's me! I think they're going to make the decision today.

David: Did anyone say anything about your chances?

Kristin: Yeah... Somebody from the production team said "Your chances are good." But there are so many rumors...

David: They won't find anybody like you.

Christopher: Will you be on this program, Mom?

Kristin: Maybe... We'll see.What would you like to have for lunch? A peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and an apple? Or a tuna fish sandwich and an orange?

Christopher: Umm... a cupcake and a candy bar.

Kristin: No junk food.

Christopher: The other kids have junk food in their lunches! I like theirs more than mine.

Kristin: Christopher...

Christopher: Oh, OK. Tuna and an orange.

Emma: Good... morning...

David: Good morning!

Katie's Voice: This is Katie Baxter for WMJT news.

использованные источники

Английский - путь к совершенству. Полный интерактивный курс. М., МедиаХауз, 2002.

Английский язык

Мультимедийный курс

Развитие навыков аудирования

Методические указания

для развития навыков аудирования

для студентов начального этапа обучения

всех специальностей

Мельчагова Светлана Евгеньевна

Главный редактор Л.А.Суевалова

Редактор Л.А.Суевалова

Компьютерная верстка Мельчагова С.Е.

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Издательство Тихоокеанского государственного университета

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Тихоокеанского государственного университета.

680035, Хабаровск, ул. Тихоокеанская, 136.