
Методические указания по развитию навыков чтения и устной речи на английском языке по страноведческой тематике для студентов 1 4 курсов отделения «Туризм» (стр. 5 из 8)

Finally, less visited than the major sites are the mysterious ruins of La Quemada, located south of Zacatecas, Zacatecas. In the northern half of Mexico.

4 Comprehension check. Answer the questions:

1) Do you think that tourism in Mexico is a highly developed industry? Why?

2) What are the peak seasons for tourists in the country?

3) What countries do the most tourists come from?

4) Why is Mexico City popular with tourists?

5) Where can guests sunbathe in the country?

6) What cities can tourists do sports in?

7) What are the biggest draws in Mexico for people who are interested in history and


8) Where exactly can tourists see the pyramids?

5 Match the following words:

1 notable a) торговец
2 fusion b) туземный
3 surge c) плавание под водой с маской
4 conurbation d) выдающийся
5 vendor e) изрезанный
6 snorkeling f) слияние
7 rugged g) большая волна
8 indigenous h) большой город и его пригород

6 Say whether the sentences are true or false:

a) Mexico ranks the last place among the famous tourist destinations in the world.

b) The most notable tourists’ attractions in the country are natural parks and


c) The peak tourists’ seasons are autumn and the early spring.

d) There are only few popular beaches in Mexico.

e) The city of Mazatlan is noted for its sports fishing.

f) The ruins of Mayan civilization can be seen in the state of Veracruz.

g) There are no archeological sites in the country.

7 Discuss the tourism in Mexico in groups of 3-4 and expand on the statements: 1) Mexico is a fusion of the European and Meso-American cultures.

2) Mexico is popular with tourists from different countries of the world.

3) There are many resort towns with popular beaches in the country.

4) Tourists can see many archeological sites in Mexico.


Scan the text about tourism industry in Mexico and render it due to the plan:

- I’ve read the text under the title “…”

- The text reads that…

- It should be pointed out that…

- In conclusion I’d like to mention that…

- I think that….

The Tourism Industry in Mexico

In 1994, 7.2 million foreign tourists visited Mexico. This number increases to 17.1 million if one counts the foreign visitors that crossed the border zone. Approximately 20 million tourists visited Mexico in 1995. Of these, 80 percent come from the United States. In March, 2004, international travel to Mexico generated more than US 1 billion dollars in revenues in the one month, according to statistics released by Mexico’s Tourism Secretariat. This US 1.05 billion dollars figure pushed the country's first-quarter international tourism revenues to US 2.94 billion dollars, representing a 14 percent increase over first-quarter 2003 figures, Mexico’s Tourism Secretariat reported. In January 2004 the figure was US 914 million dollars, and in February 2004 US 972 million dollars.

Mexico’s Tourism Secretariat figures revealed that more than 5.2 million international tourists visited Mexico during the first quarter of 2004, 14.6 percent more than during the same period last year. According to Mexico’s Tourism Secretariat, an additional 2.1 million tourists arrived on cruise ships during the first quarter of 2004, up 0.2 percent from the same period in 2003; they spent 127 million dollars during the period, up 5.3 percent from the first three months of 2003. Also breaking records was the average spending of international tourists while in Mexico, which Mexico’s Tourism Secretariat reported at an all-time high of US 724 dollars in the first quarter of 2004, up from US 690 dollars during the same period in 2003.

According to Banco de Mexico, the tourism industry’s trade balance during the first three months of 2004 posted a US 1.373 billion dollars surplus, up 18 percent from the same period in 2003.

Tourism is the third most important economic activity in Mexico, representing 8.3 percent of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The country currently ranks 8th in the number of international visitors and 10th in international tourism revenues, according to the World Tourism Organization (WTO).

Spanish colonial history

· Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes Famous for its world renowned festival San Marcos Fair during which it attracts 7 million tourists. This colonial City has gained prestige and status as a national destination for its colonial beauty, and absolute cleanliness. There are many amazing squares and gardens, surrounded by numerous buildings, from baroque churches to porfirian mansions.

· Campeche, Campeche The only walled city in Mexico is a World Heritage Site.

· Cuernavaca, Morelos Historic marvelous architecture, many times hidden behind tall walls, fortresses and monasteries, some UNESCO sites

· Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato Historical City for the Mexican Independence War originated here.

· Guanajuato, Guanajuato – also the Museo de las Momias a wonderful colonial treasure. The whole city is a World Heritage Site.

· Mérida, Yucatán Dubbed the white city, with mayan tradition has many colonial Mansions of impressive beauty

· Morelia, Michoacán Excellent Colonial architecture can be admired in this City

· Oaxaca, Oaxaca Colonial Architecture and Indigenous tradition are mixed here

· Puebla, Puebla The city of colorful tiles and Grand architecture, its historic center is a World Heritage Site

· Querétaro The state capital has a beautiful baroque downtown, declared a World Heritage Site. Other popular destinations include the third tallest monolith in the world (Peña de Bernal), a city famous for its thermal springs in the middle of a wine and cheese making area (Tequisquiapan), and astonishing natural and cultural beauties in the biosphere reserve of Sierra Gorda.

· San Luis Potosi, San Luis Potosi Rich in ancient times from its mines, this colonial city was the capital of Mexico twice.

· San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato – one of Mexico’s older towns. Many historic churches and the open-air Plaza Allende. An exceptional beauty Gothic Cathedral is located here.

· Taxco, Guerrero – Silver jewelry, A very famous baroque church is located here, its interior is the most admired since the baroque ornamentations are all covered in gold.

· Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala Four centuries without change are present in this city, famous for its Arabic mudejar open air chapel, next to the cathedral

· Valle de Bravo, Mexico

· Veracruz, Veracruz Paradise

· Zacatecas, Zacatecas – city center is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is famous for the astonishing facade of its cathedral; it is baroque in style, and exuberant in its ornamentation. The city is a delight for the national tourism.



1 Answer the questions before reading the text:

1) Have you ever been to Turkey? What do you know about this country?

2) What is Turkey famous for?

3) Where is it situated?

2 Say what these geographical names mean:


Aegean Euphrates

Aphrodite Taurus

Bosporus Mediterranean

Byzantine Macedonian

3 Read the text about Turkey to learn more facts about its history, population and tourist attractions

Turkey’s land mass is 814,578 sq. km. The European and Asian sides are divided by the Istanbul Bogazi (Bosporus), the Sea of Marmara, and the Canakkale Bogazi (Dardanelles). Anatolia is a high plateau region rising progressively towards the east, broken by the valleys of about 15 rivers, including the Dicle (Tigris) and the Firat (Euphrates). There are numerous lakes and some, such as Lake Van, are as large as inland seas. In the north, the Eastern Black Sea Mountain chain runs parallel to the Black Sea; in the south, the Taurus Mountains sweep down almost to the narrow, fertile coastal plain along the coast. Turkey enjoys a variety of climates, changing from the temperate climate of the Back Sea region, to the continental climate of the interior, then, to the Mediterranean climate of the Aegean and Mediterranean costal regions. The coastline of Turkey’s four seas is more then 8,333 km long.

According to a 2005 census, Turkey has about 69 million inhabitants, 41 percent of whom live in the countryside. The major cities are: Istanbul (7.4 mln); Ankara, the capital (3.2mln); Izmir (2.7 mln); Adana (1.9 mln); Antalya (1.1 mln) and Bursa (1.6mln). Turks originated from northeastern Asia, specifically the Altai Mountains and Mongolia. Continued migrations enduring for centuries account for the mixing of Turkish and local populations in the former Soviet Republics of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan. Evidence of Turkish presence can be felt in the Middle East, in central and Mediterranean Europe, and in North Africa.

Turkey has been called "the cradle of civilizations" and by traveling through this historic land, tourists will discover exactly what is meant by this phrase. The world's first town, a Neolithic city Catalhoyuk, dates back to 6,500 B.C. From the days of Catalhoyuk up to the present, Turkey boasts a rich culture that through the centuries has made a lasting impression on modern civilization and it makes Turkey a paradise of information and cultural wealth. Hattis, Hittitess, Phrygians, Urartians, Lycians, Lydians, Ionians, Persians, Macedonians, Romans, Byzantines, Seljuks, and Ottomans have all made important contributions to Turkish history, and ancient sites and ruins scattered throughout the country give proof of each civilization’s unique distinction.
Turkey also has a very fascinating recent history. Upon the decline of the Ottoman Empire, a young man named Mustafa Kemal, who was a soldier by occupation but in character, a great visionary, took the defeat of World War I and turned it into a shining victory by liberating Turkey of all foreign invaders. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk founded the Republic of Turkey on October 29, 1923. He led his country into peace and stability, with tremendous economic growth and complete modernization. Through decades of change and growth, Turkey till boasts this success, living by its adopted motto of “Peace at Home, Peace in the World”. You are discovering what we already know: Turkey is a treasure chest of ancient history. Open it and discover the events and people who have shaped this varied land. Turkey was home to an astounding number of ancient cultures and the cradle of 10 of the world’s greatest civilizations. From Assyrian to Byzantine cultures, each group has left relics that can be found in many corners of the country. Where else can you find so many scientists, philosophers, gods, authors, religious and political leaders?

Here are some of them: the god of the art, Apollo; the goddess of fertility and abundance, Artemis; the goddess of love, Aphrodite; Mevlana, the philosopher who said “Come again, whatever you are”; Cleopatra, who chose the Mediterranean coast for her honeymoon; Virgin Mary, St. Mary Magdalane and St. John, saints who found peace in this land; Yunus Emre, the poet of the love still alive in our hearts; Father Christmas, who still visits childrens’ dreams; Alexander the Great, who could not resist the temptation of Anatolia; Thales, the mathematician who predicted the eclipse of the Sun; Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, famous for his laws; King Midas, who wanted to turn everything into gold; Fatih Sultan Mehmet, who conquered Istanbul, one of the most beautiful cities in the world; and those who created the poetry of this city, Orhan Veli, Piyer Loti, Yahya Kemal and Lamartina; the famous admiral Pirie Reis, who prepared the first correct maps of America and Atlantic Ocean; Nasreddin Hoca, famous for his witticisms; Barbarous, hero of the seas; and the charismatic leader who founded the contemporary Turkish Republic, Atatürk...

Adding to this historic panorama are elegant mosques and Ottoman palaces, intriguing bazaars, outstanding cuisine and scenic coastlines dotted with resorts and yachting marinas.

Travelling around Turkey means passing from one scene, legend or world to another. Crossing the endless sunflower fields of Thrace, you will find yourself in the magical vistas of Istanbul. While travelling along the Aegean or the Mediterranean coasts, you will see how the blue sea embraces the fresh green of the forests. Stop by Ephesus, the most fabled city in Asia Minor, you can see one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the remains of the Temple of Artemis. On the Black Sea coast, you will discover many different tones of color and will be fascinated by the intensity of emerald-like greenery. In Central Anatolia, visit the Goreme Valley, an eerie corner of the Earth resembling the lunar landscape.

The varied geographical characteristics of Turkey facilitate many sports and holiday activities. Our country offers you many ideal bays for wind surfing and endless beaches for sand surfing. You can discover a lot by diving into mysterious deep waters. Are you interested in hunting, ornithology in flora or carves? In Turkey, you will find ideal chances for investigating all of these. Do you like hiking; camping at plateaus, parachute diving or balloon excursion? Come to Turkey! Are your hobbies tennis, skiing, climbing or grass skating? Fishing? Having your fun in local festivals is a particular pleasure. And a special pleasure if you win a prize in the contests. But what you really win is coming to Turkey.

Shopping is the indispensable pleasure of any vacation. Its appeal increases because of special handicrafts which vary from one region to another in Turkey. The bazaars, carpet and kilim workshops, and copper working shops are very colourful shopping places where Turkish handicrafts are produced. World famous Turkish carpets and kilims are matchless with respect to quality and beauty. World famous Turkish leather and textile products decorate the shop windows with latest fashion in the larger cities and tourist centers.

Turkey is an element of stability in an otherwise turbulent part of the world. As a modern, secular democracy with free market economy, Turkey will continue to expand its role as a commercial, political and cultural link between the Middle East, the Caucasus, the Balkans and the West. You will learn more when you come to Turkey...

4 Comprehension check. Answer the questions:

1) What are the geographical features of Turkey like?

2) Can you say that it’s a big country in population? What are the biggest cities?

3) Why has Turkey been called “a cradle of civilizations”?

4) How can you describe the history of Turkey?

5) What outstanding figures is the country associated with?

6) What sights will you admire traveling along the Black, Aegean and Mediterranean seacoasts?

7) Why are tourists attracted to Turkey for a holiday?

8) Why is shopping so special in the country?

9) What is Turkey like?

10) Would you like to go to Turkey? Why? Why not?

5 Give English equivalents to the following:

Умеренный климат, перепись населения, объяснять что-либо, колыбель цивилизаций, древняя культура, провидец, огромный экономический рост, отпечатки, изобилие и плодородие, затмение солнца, остроумные шутки, искушение, кухня, мечеть, останки храма, загадочный уголок, способствовать чему-либо, таинственное глубоководье, возможности для исследования, походы, неотъемлемое удовольствие, предметы ручной работы, вечная демократия.

6 Match the adjectives from the text with the following nouns:

1 ancient a) climate
2 elegant b) beaches
3 varied c) pleasure
4 temperate d) city
5 indispensable e) bazaars
6 endless f) cuisine
7 fabled g) corner
8 intriguing h) mosques
9 outstanding i) land
10 eerie j) history, cultures, sites.

7 Discussion. Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions: