e) Economic policymakers are interested in monopolies on markets.
3. Find equivalents in Russian
a) market structure;
b) segment of market;
c) public monopolies;
d) labor unions;
e) entry into the industry;
f) profit maximization;
g) substitute products;
h) antitrust policy.
4. Translate into Russian
a) Monopoly is a market structure with only a single seller of a commodity or service dealing with a large number of buyers.
b) The key element in this segment of market organization is the degree of seller
c) Complete control of all output is not necessary to exercise monopoly power.
d) Pure monopoly is a theoretical market structure where there is only one seller of a commodity or service.
e) Monopoly is the exact antithesis of competition.
f) The use of monopoly power may lead to the development of substitute products.
g) The trend during the last 40 years or so in the United States has been away from monopolies in many industries and toward oligopolies.
5. Give definitions in English to the following
a) monopoly;
b) bilateral monopoly;
c) duopoly;
d)atomistic competition;
e) «natural» monopoly;
f) public monopoly.
6. Discuss the following questions
1) Are there any examples of bilateral monopolies on the: a) world market b) domestic market c) local market.
2) Think of an example of a public monopoly. Is postal service in Russia also a public monopoly as it is in the USA?
3) What are the criteria for defining a monopoly «natural»? Give an example.
Лексический материал (part 3)
1. Запомните следующие слова и выражения
to exist – существовать
to deal with – иметь дело с чем-либо (кем-либо)
bilateral – двусторонний
portion – часть, доля, порция
to be composed of – состоять из
appreciable – значительный
consistent – последовательный
repercussions – последствия
roughly the same – практический такой же
reluctant – неохотный
stable – стабильный
Текст С
1. Прочтите и переведите текст
An oligopoly exists when a few sellers of a commodity or service deal with a large number of buyers. When a few sellers face a few buyers, that situation is known as bilateral oligopoly. In the case of oligopoly a small number of companies supply the major portion of an industry's output. In effect the industry is composed of a few large firms which account for a significant share of the total production. Thus, the actions of the individual firms have an appreciable effect on their competitors.
However, it does not follow as a consequence of the presence of relatively few firms in an industry that competition is absent. Although there are few firms in an industry, they may still act independently, and the outcome of their actions is consistent with competition. With few firms in an industry, each takes into account the likely repercussions of its actions. For example, each seller knows that if he or she lowers prices, the few competitors will immediately follow suit and lower their prices, leaving the seller with roughly the same share of the total market but lower profits. However, the seller may be reluctant to raise prices because competitors might not follow this lead.
One feature of markets with few sellers is that prices are often stable, except during periods of very rapid inflation. Also, prices of oligopolistic industries generally fluctuate less widely than in more competitive industries.
Материал для обсуждения
1. Answer the following questions for general understanding
l) When does oligopoly exist?
2) What is bilateral oligopoly?
3) Is absent of competition a common phenomenon?
4) What is known to happen if one competitor lowers the price?
5) What is the feature of the market with few sellers?
2. Translate into Russian
a) When a few sellers face a few buyers, this situation is known as bilateral oligopoly.
b) The actions of the individual firms have an appreciable effect on their competitors.
c) Although there are few firms in an industry, they may still act independently.
d) One feature of markets with few sellers is that prices are often stable.
e) Prices of oligopolistic industries generally fluctuate less widely.
3. Compose sentences using the following expressions
a) to deal with smth.;
b) to face smth.;
с) to be composed of smth.;
d) to be reluctant to smth.;
e) in case of smth.
4. Find equivalents in Russian
a) to act indepependently;
b) to take into account;
c) not to follow this lead;
d) to fluctuate less widely.
5. Discuss the following questions
l) How can policymakers influence the economics via oligopolies?
2) Is price stability a good trend in economy? What about the 60s-70s in the history of the USSR?
3) Why, in your, opinion there are no such institutions as natural and public oligopolies?
6. Write an abstract of text C.
7. Speak about competition, monopolies and oligopolies.
Библиографический список
1. Английский язык для студентов заочной формы обучения (гуманитарные специальности): Учеб. пособие / Л.В. Хведченя, О.И. Васючкова, Т.В. Елисеева и др.- 2-е изд., перераб. и доп.- Мн.: Высш. шк., 1998- 416 с.
2. Английский язык для инженеров: Учеб". / Полякова Т.Ю., Е.В. Синявская, О.И. Тынкова и др.- М.: Высш. шк., 1997- 463 с.
3. Коваленко П.И., Агабекян И.А. Английский для экономистов.- Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2001-352 с.
4. Португалов В.Д. Учебник по английскому языку. Economics.- М: ООО «Изд-во ACT», 2002.- 303 с.
Редактор Т.А. Жирнова
ИД 06039 от 12.10.2001
Свод, темплан 2005 г.
Подписано в печать 21.02.2005. Формат 60х84'Лб. Бумага офсетная.
Отпечатано на дупликаторе. Усл. печ. л. 2,0. Уч.-изд.л. 2,0.
Тираж 100. Заказ 207.