
Методические указания по грамматике английского языка ( тесты для студентов 1 курса технических специальностей ) (стр. 2 из 4)


7.Thank you for helping me in time.


б). помощь

в). помог

8. We are ready for hiking.




9. I hope to see you before my leaving the town.

a). покидая


в). покину

10. Did you agree to Bob`s going on the excursion?

a). пойдёт

б). пошёл

в). идёт

  1. Выберите форму, соответствующую данному предложению.
    1. ………… to music is my favourite occupation.

a). having been listened

b). being listened

c). listening

2. In ………… the dictation the student made some blunders.

a). writing

b). having written

c). being written

3. I burst out ………… .

a). having laughed

b). being laughed

c). laughing

4.We avoided ………… her questions.

a). asking

b). having asked

c). being asked

5. Everybody knew of his ………… of ………… a crime.

a). having been suspected a). being commiting

b). suspecting b). commiting

c). being suspected c). having commited

6. I postponed ………… this letter.

a). answering

b). having answered

c). being answered

7. Magnets possess the property of …………… iron.

a). being attracted

b). having been attracted

c). attracting

8. Atom finds a wide application due to its ability of ………… heat and energy.

a). producing

b). being produced

c). having produced

9. After ……………the article about forging I began to show interest to this technological process.

a). being read

b). reading

c). having read

10. Would you mind my …………… this seat?

a). being taken

b). taking

c). having been taken

  1. Определите функцию выделенного слова, предложения переведите.
    1. Obtaining good results in this experiment required using special equipment.
    2. We think the reasons for changing the conditions of the last experiment were essential.
    3. His hobby is computerizing the process of English training.
    4. The punished child left the room without saying the word.
    5. He knows about Mary`s having submitted to us the results of the previous experiment.
    6. We were told of her having been invited by Mr.Smith to take part in the international scientific conference.
    7. New possibilities for applying atomic energy open up.
  1. Расположите слова в правильном порядке.
    1. good, achieving, results, experimenting, requires.
    2. methods, producing, have, developed, for, metal, numerous, been.
    3. alloys, some, of, high, there, obtaining, quality,are,ways.
    4. objects, casting, process, metall, a, is, forming, of.
    5. Newton`s, we, having, principles, mechanics, know, of, developed, of.




Variant 1

  1. Выберите правильную форму инфинитива в следующих предложениях.
    1. He liked …………… his holidays by the riverside.

a). to be spent

b). to spend

c). to have spent

2. She wants …………… a doctor.

a). to have been become

b). to have become

c). to become

3. The teacher ordered the windows …………… .

a). to be shutting

b). to be shut

c). to have shut

4. The children waited for the performance …………… .

a). to begin

b). to have begun

c). to have been begun

5. It`s difficult for me …………… English technical texts.

a). to have read

b). to be reading

c). to read

6. I want you …………… me.

a). to have helped

b). to help

c). to be helping

7. I saw him …………… the street.

a). cross

b). to cross

c). to be crossing

8. She watched the students …………… this experiment in the lab.

a). to make

b). to have made

c). make

9. The task proved …………… the most complicated in the test.

a). be

b). to be

c). to have been

10. The scientific delegation from Germany is believed …………… at the end of

the year.

a). to be coming

b). to have come

c). to come

  1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на инфинитив в различных функциях. Определите функции инфинитива.

1 .To study well is our duty.

2. Our scientists prefer to read English journals in original.

3. I want you to tell me about it.

4. To talk too much is to waste time.

5. I don`t like your idea to walk in the rain.

6. We study to become good specialists.

7. I`d like you to wait for me here.

8. He is said to have passed all his examinations well.

9. She saw him run along the street.

10. Alice seems to be ill.

  1. Выберите правильную форму инфинитива, обращая внимание на объектный

инфинитивный оборот. Предложения переведите.

1. Teddy`s words made me (feel) uncomfortable.

a). to feel

b). feeling

c). feel

2. Mrs. Pottson allowed her guests (smoke) in the living-room.

a). to smoke

b). smoking

c). smoke

3. Has the secretary come yet? I want to have my papers (type).

a). to type

b). type

c). typed

4. I watched my cat (play) with the kittens.

a). played

b). playing

c). to play

5. Granny didn`t want my Mom (marry) my Dad.

a). marry

b). to marry

c). married

6. Our English teacher told us (not / feel) shy and speak English as much as


a). not to feel

b). not feel

c). felt

  1. Выберите правильную форму инфинитива, обращая внимание на субъектный

инфинитивный оборот. Предложения переведите.

1. The film was said (be) rather interesting.

a). being

b). to be

c). be

2. The members of the Scientific Council are reported (come) to an agreement.

a). to come

b). come

c). came

3. He seems (know) many different languages.

a). knows

b). knew

c). to know

4. She proved (be) a good teacher.

a). to be

b). be

c). being

5. Those students happened (work) on the same problem.

a). working

b). to work


6 . The weather appears (be / improve).

a). is improving

b).to be improved

c). to be improving

5. Выберите правильную неличную форму глагола (- ing / to + Infinitive).

1. Is there anything in that new magazine worth …………… ?

a). to read

b). reading

2. Although I was in a hurry, I stopped …………… to him.

a). to talk

b). talking

3.I really must stop …………… .

a). to smoke

b). smoking

4. Would you mind …………… the front door?

a). to close

b). closing

5. You should remember …………… him. He`ll be at home.

a). to phone

b). phoning

6. All parts of London seem …………… to different towns and epochs.

a). to belong

b). beloning

7. Do you enjoy…………… ?

a).to teach

b). teaching

8. Why have you stopped? Go on …………… .

a). to read

b). reading

Variant 2

1. Выберите правильную форму инфинитива в следующих предложениях.

1. She asked the young man …………… the heavy suitcase to the bus stop.

a). to be carried

b). to have carried

c). to carry

2. What makes you …………… so?

a). think

b). to think

c). to be thinking

3. I noticed him …………… a note to his friend.

a). pass

b). to be passing

c). to pass

4. He ordered the test-papers …………… immediately.

a). to have been handed in

b). to hand in

c). to be handed in

5. I`m pleased …………… him there.

a). to meet

b). to have met

c). to be meeting

6. I ask you not …………… late this time.

a). to be

b). be

c). to have been

7. It`s necessary for me …………… her new address,

a). to be known

b). to have known

c). to know

8. The text is easy enough for you …………… .

a). to have understood

b). to understand

c). to have been understood

9. She is said …………… a very talented ballet-dancer.

a). be

b). to have been

c). to be

10. They were asked …………… earlier.

a). to come

b). to have come

c). to have been come

2. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на инфинитив в различных

функциях. Определите функции инфинитива.

1. To travel by sea is a pleasant thing.

2. Your task is to put up the tent.

3. I want to show you the house where I was born.

4. He brought me a book to read.

5. John was too old to travel any more.

6. I have come here to talk to you.

7. This is for you to decide.

8. The students waited for the exam to begin.

9. He is suppose to work at this plant.

10.We suppose him to work at this plant.

3. Выберите правильную форму инфинитива, обращая внимание на объектный

инфинитивный оборот. Предложения переведите.

1. I have to get my photograph (take) for a new passport.

a). took

b). take

c). taken

2. There wasn`t much traffic in the street. I saw a little girl (cross) the road.

a). crossed

b). cross

c). to cross

3. I have never heard Helen (sing).

a). sang

b). sings

c). singing

4. Mary would like her brother (avoid) Tom`s company.

a). to avoid

b). avoid

c). avoided

5. We expected the Harrisons (arrive) later than usual.

a). to arrive

b). arrive

c). arrived

6. What makes you do such rash actions?

a). do

b). to do

c). doing

4. Выберите правильную форму инфинитива, обращая внимание на субъектный

инфинитивный оборот. Предложения переведите.

1. Lightning proved (be) a discharge of electricity.

a). be

b). to have been

c). to be

2. This student is said (translate) a lot of scientific articles about metallurgy.

a). to translate

b). to be translating

c). to have translated

3. The young specialists were known (work) at the same problem for some months.

a). to have been worked

b). to have been working

c). to be working

4. Heat is known (be) a form of energy.

a). be

b). to have been

c). to be

5. The electrolytes appear (change) greatly when the current passed through them.

a). to change

b). to be changing

c). to have been changed

6. The current is known (flow) when the circuit is closed.

a). to be flowed

b). to flow

c). to be flowing

5. Выберите правильную неличную форму глагола (- ing / to + Infinitive)

1. The teacher asked us some questions and went on …………… us about the climate of


a). to tell

b). telling

2. When we had finished …………… , the waiter brought the bill.

a). to eat

b). eating

3. My elder brother went to college, and I hope …………… there too .

a). to go

b). going

4. My car needs a service badly, and Tom offered …………… me with it.

a).to help

b). helping

5. Avoid …………… and you`ll feel better soon .

a). to overeat

b). overheating

6. I can`t help …………… about that awful accident.

a). to think

b). thinking

7. The Brains want …………… Boston this week.

a). to leave for

b). leaving for

8. I`ll always remember…………… you for the first time.

a). to meet

b). meeting



Variant 1

1. Выберите правильную форму сказуемого.

1. Plants die if you ( not / water) them.

a). won`t water

b). don`t water

c). wouldn`t water

2. If I had one million dollars, I ( probably /buy) a yacht.

a). would probably buy

b). will probably buy

c). probably bought

3. - How did it happened that you missed your stop?

- I ( not / miss) it if the conductor ( announced) the stops.

a). wouldn`t miss a). had announced

b). hadn`t missed b). would have announced

c). wouldn`t have missed c). announced

4. What a pity my husband is away!

If he (be) here he (help) us.

a). were d). will help

b). would be here e). would help

c). is f). helps

5. If I (get up) early tomorrow morning, I (go) jogging.

a). will get up d). go

b). get up e). am going to go

c). got up f). will go

6. You look tired. . If I (be) you, I (take) a holiday.

a). be d). will take

b). were e). would take

c). have been f). take

7. If Benjamin Franklin (not /work) so hard, he (not / become) the symbol of America.

a). didn`t work d). wouldn`t have become

b).wouldn`t have worked e). hadn`t become

c). hadn`t worked f). wouldn`t become

8.– Did you say anyhting when he asked you?

- No, I didn`t . You see, if I (say) even a word, he (fly) into a rage.

a). said d). flew

b). would said e). would have flown

c). had said f). had flown

9. Would it be all right if I (come) round at about six?

a). come

b). came

c). will come

10. If you (be) at a loose end last month, you (pass) your exam. But you failed it.

a). hadn`t been d). would have passed

b). wouldn`t have been e). would pass

c). were not f). will pass

2. Определите тип условного предложения в следующих сложных предложениях и

переведите их на русский язык.

1. He will translate the text if he has a dictionary at hand.

2. John asked his friends if they could help him.

3. If I were you, I would buy a house in the country.

4. If he leaves for London by train, he will get there on Wednesday.

5. If I happen to see Judie, I`ll ask her to phone you.

6. Were I a driver, I would drive this car myself.

7. If Tom had worked hard, he would have passed his exams in time.

8. If you had been quicker, you would have received first hand news.

9. If I had had any free time yesterday, I should have done the work myself.

10. I should be glad to come with you, if I were free.

3. Расположите слова в предложениях в правильном порядке. Предложения переведите на

русский язык и определите тип условного предложения.

1. if, solve, article, this, he, translated, problem, the, difficult, he, would.

2. Tom, mark, good, reads, the, he, text, if, a, get, will.

3. there, any, from, his, me, were, would, news, him, relatives, inform.

4. failed, worked, session, had, at, last, properly, John, last, his, term, wouldn`t, he, have.

5. attentive, wouldn`t, so, if, she, make, mistakes, many, were, she.

4. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на условные придаточные предложения.

    1. На вашем месте я не стал бы этого делать.
    2. Если бы Николай не задержался в своём офисе, он бы не пропустил свой поезд
    3. Eсли бы Джон был серьёзнее, Мери вышла бы за него замуж два года назад.
    4. Если бы эта аппаратура была проверена, мы начали бы свой эксперимент вовремя.
    5. Если бы им срочно нужно было это оборудование, его бы прислали самолётом.

Variant 2