
Методические указания по грамматике английского языка ( тесты для студентов 1 курса технических специальностей ) (стр. 1 из 4)





( тесты для студентов 1 курса технических специальностей )


на заседании кафедры

иностранных языков и

перевода .

Протокол № 9 от 22.01.2003.

г. Мариуполь, 2003 г.

Методические указания по грамматике английского языка ( тесты для студентов 1 курса

технических специальностей ). / Сост. : Кобяцкая И.А. - Мариуполь : ПГТУ, 2003.-

Методические указания предназначены для тестирования знаний, умений и навыков студентов 1 курса технических специальностей по основным грамматическим темам, изучаемым во втором семестре, и являются составной частью учебно-методического комплекса для изучения английского языка студентами 1 курса ПГТУ этих специаль-


Пособие состоит из 5 разделов, каждый из которых снабжён ключами, что позволяет студентам самостоятельно контролировать уровень усвоения грамматического материала.

Все грамматические тесты представлены в двух вариантах.

Составитель: И.А. Кобяцкая, преп.

Рецензент: М.П. Мулкиджанова, ст. преп.

Отв. за выпуск: Л.Н. Лазаренко, к.п.н., доцент.




Variant 1.

1. Выберите правильный перевод выделенной формы причастия.

1). Reading the article we found out several essential facts.

a) чтение

б) читая

в) читающий.

2). The students reading this article should consult a dictionary.

а) читая

б) читающие

в) чтение.

3). When writing a test we must use proper words.

а) пишущий


в) во время написания.

4). Being built in a new way modern buildings have much better facilities.

а) будучи построенными

б) строящиеся

в) после того, как их построили.

5). The results received were of great importance for their research.

а) получив

б) получающий

в) полученные.

6). Having changed conditions of the experiment workers achieved better results.

а) изменяя

б) изменённые

в) изменив.

7). His home assignment having been done, Bob went for a work.

а) выполняя

б) когда домашнее задание было выполнено

в) будучи сделанным.

8). The bridge linking two banks of the river is being built now.

а) соединяющий

б) соединяемый

в) соединяя

9). This article is still being translated because it is too long and difficult.

а) переведена

б) переводится

в) переводимая

10). The film having been seen, she could discuss it with her friends.

а) после того, как фильм просмотрели

б) будучи просмотренным

в) просматривая фильм.

2. Выберите форму, соответствующую данному предложению.

1). The book ………….. by my brother was very interesting.

a) reading

b) read

c) having read

2). The students …………. this questions will take part in the meeting

a). discussing

b). discussed

c). have discussed

3). The problem ………….. , the conference was over.

a). having discussed

b).having been discussed

c). have discussed

4). The translation of the text …………… , he showed it to the teacher.


b).being finished

c).having been finished

5). …………….. this experiment the engineers had to use reference books.

a). made

b). making

c). having been made

6). The students …………… in the hostel formed a football team.

a). being lived

b). lived

c). living

7). ………….. her work, she left the university.

a). finishing

b). having finished


8).The students are writing their revision test-papers now, each …………… his variant.

a). being done

b). did

c). doing

9). When all the properties of the element …………… , it was much easier to use it.

a). had been discovered

b). discovered

c). being discovered

10). While ……………. a problem students must take into consideration all the existing methods …………… to the problem in question.

a). being solved a). related

b). having solved b).having related

c). solving c). relating

3. Определите функцию выделенного слова. Предложения переведите.

1). The translation of the scientific articles required definite skills.

2). The scientific articles required were translated by our students .

3). When required these articles will be inserted in the diploma.

4). Melted ice becomes liquid.

5). When melted, ice can be easily poured into any vessel.

6). The pyrometer used in industry is a device measuring temperature.

7). The workers used the electric pyrometer for measuring the temperature of hot flowing metalls.

4. Расположите слова в правильном порядке.

  1. the elements, the way, substances, the synthesis, of, pointed out, of, new, obtaining;
  1. atoms, physicists, complicated, to manufacture, with, learned, elements;
  1. synthesized, had been named, scientists, after, several, elements, outstanding;
  1. is developed, the splitting, in, owing to, the reactor, heat, of, atoms;
  1. burning, nuclear, a, the, furnace, coal, is, replaced,reactor, by.

Variant 2

1. Выберите правильный перевод выделенной формы причастия.

1. While crossing the streets, we saw our old friend.

a). перейдя

б). переходя


2. When asked about this fact he didn`t say a word.

a). когда его спросили

б). спрошенный

в). спрашивая

3. Our students are applying different methods of original text translation.

a). применяющие

б). применили

в). применяют

4. The facts mentioned in passing were of great importance.

a). упомянутые

б). упоминавшиеся

в). упоминающиеся

5. Not knowing all the information, I couldn`t give you correct answer.

a). незнающий

б). не зная

в). не узнав

6. Travelling about the USA my parents visited a lot of remarkable places.

a). путешествовав

б). путешествующие

в). путешествуя

7. Having devised methods for processing metals scientists achieved great success in


a). изобретая

б). когда изобрели

в). изобретающие

8. Some huge iron and steel works having been built in our region, all the requirements

for metal were completely met.

a). так как…………… были построены

б). построено

в). строятся

9. Having been given all the necessary equipment engineers started their experiment.



в). когда инженер получил

10. Computers being used in all branches of industry, scientists go on exending their possibilities.

a). использованные компьютеры

б). так как компьютеры используются

в). используя компьютеры

2. Выберите форму, соответствующую данному предложению.

1.The lecture ……………. by Professor N. was very interesting.

a). delivering

b). having been delivered

c). delivered

2. …………… the engine the engineer gave some instructions.

a). inspecting

b). having inspected

c). having been inspected

3. …………… in an examination, he had to pass it once more.

a). having been failed

b). failing

c).having failed

4. The woman …………… the report is our English teacher.

a). having made

b). making

c). made

5. …………… a personal computer at home, John didn`t have to go to the lab

every day.

a). having had


c). having been had

6. …………… different kinds of complex machinery, the workers achieve

considerable results.

a). produced

b). having produced

c). producing

7. While …………… out research the scientist suggested a new way of metal


a). having carried

b). carrying

c). carried

8. …………… the telegram, my friend left for home immediately.

a). having been given

b). having given

c). giving

9. …………… my key, I couldn`t get in my flat.

a). losing

b). lost

c). having lost

10. …………… in this country, foreign students got interested in its history.

a). having been

b). being


3. Определите функцию выделенного слова. Предложения переведитe.

1. Good command of English assumed free access to the Internet.

2. All the data assumed were received with the help of computer.

3. Forged iron becomes much stronger.

4. When forged, iron can be easily shaped.

5. The results analyzed by the students will be useful for me.

6. The engineer analyzed all the experimental data.

7. When analyzed these data will be shown to the professor.

4. Расположите слова в правильном порядке.

1. made, the, a, year, flight, spaceship, last

2. heated, can, be, worked, when, glass, easily.

3. the, having, they, been, the, solved, stopped, discussion, problems, all.

4. radioactivity, science, progress, great, in, physics,having, made, been.,

discovered, atomic .

5.laboratory, having, the, left, the, finished, experiment, students.




Variant 1

1. Выберите правильный перевод выделенной формы герундия.

1). Speaking aloud is not allowed here.

a). говорение

б). говорящий

в). говорить

2). Her hobby is horse-breeding.

a). разводя

б). разведение

в). разводящий

3). This internal combustion engine needs reparing.

a). ремонт

б). ремонтирующий

в). ремонтирование

4). He spoke adout his travelling to the Far North.

а). путешествующий

б). путешествуя

в). поездка

5). There are numerous ways of mastering foreing languages.

а). овладевая

б). овладевающий

в). овладевание

6). After receiving good news she stopped crying.

а). получая а). плакать

б). получив б). плачущий

в). получивший в). плача

7). I know of his having been given all the necessary information.

а). что он получит

б). что он получает

в). что он получил

8).The best way to solve this problem is experimenting.

а). экспериментировать

б). экспериментирующий

в). экспериментируя

9). After being subjected to all tests the applicant was entered.

а). протестированный

б). тестируя

в).после того, как протестировали

10). The principle of operating this equipment is rather complicated.

а). работающий

б). работа

в). работая

2. Выберите форму, соответствующую данному предложению.

1. I know of his …………… to work to the Far North.

a). having sent

b). sending

c). having been sent

2. After …………… a number of economic problems they started their conference.

a). discussing

b). having discussed

c). having been discussed

3. The teacher insisted on our …………… the test independently.

a). having done

b). being done

c). doing

4. I knew nothing of your …………… a lot of mistakes in your last test.

a). making

b). having made

c). having been made

5. They are not sure of her …………… in time.

a). being come

b). having come

c). coming

6. I like …………… by my little daughter.

a). being helped

b). having helped

c). having been helped

7. They were surprised at us not …………… the tickets to the concert.

a). getting

b). having been got

c). having got

8. Ann remembers …………… back this book by her friend during the session.

a). being given

b). having been given

c). having given

9. The students didn`t start the conference without the speakers …………… .

a). having been registered

b). being registered

c). having registered

10. The professor knew of her …………… the experiment.

a). conducting

b). having been conducted

c). having conducted

3. Определите функцию выделенного слова, предложения переведите.

1. Heating the gas increases the speed of the molecules.

2. The failure was due to the operator`s having been careless in using the instrument.

3. The converter is used in steel making.

4. The way of translating of this text was wrong.

5. Melting is performed in melting furnaces.

6. After discussing for three hours the scientists left the research laboratory.

7. One of the ways of mastering any foreign language is reading books in original.

4. Расположите слова в правильном порядке.

1. my, occupation, is, favourite, swimming.

2. job, the, my, was, conducting, experiments, lab, our, in.

3. know, of, atomic, the, being, reactor, fed, uranium, with, they.

4. radio-active, possibilities, opens, in, and, using, medicine, agriculture, up, isotopes,


5. don`t, there, going, the, of, idea, I, like, alone.

Variant 2

  1. Выберите правильный перевод выделенной формы герундия.

1. The teacher suggested using this way of translation.

a). использующийся

б). используя

в). использовать

2.We are interested in reading English journals.

a). читающие

б). чтение

с). читая

3.Travelling is a very pleasant and useful thing.



в). путешествие

4. I know of his having written a good article.

a).что он написал

б).что им пишется

в).что он напишет

5.You can`t learn English well without practising every day.

a).не практикующий

б). не практиковав

в). не практикуясь

6.We were informed about John`s being interested in Ukranian literature.

a). интересуется

б). интересовался