
Методические указания и контрольные задания для студентов 1 курса железнодорожных специальностей заочной формы обучения (стр. 8 из 14)

II. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную форму. Предложения прочитайте и переведите.

1. The USA (to rank - Present Indefinite Active) first in the world in the volume of freight traffic. 2. It (to take – Present Indefinite Active) passengers 7 hours to get from Moscow to St. Petersburg if they (to goPresent Indefinite Active) by overnight “Red Arrow” passenger train. 3. A large number of cars (to parkPast Indefinite Passive) near the terminal. 4. Hundreds of jobs (to create – Future Indefinite Passive) after the building of this plant. 5. The speed of Metro trains (to reachPresent Indefinite Active) 90 km/h. 6. I (to preferPresent Indefinite Active) to buy tickets in advance. 7. Special equipment (to usePresent Indefinite Passive) for repairing locomotives. 8. Yartsev (to suggestPast Indefinite Active) using cast iron rails instead of wooden ones in 1788. 9. This railway company (to transportFuture Indefinite Active) freight only. 10. The distance between rails (to callPresent Indefinite Passive) the gauge. 11 The track repair work (to delay – Past Indefinite Active) the arrival of the trains. 12. The first steam locomotive in Russia (to testPast Indefinite Passive) in Nizhni Tagil. 13 This (to bePresent Indefinite Active) an excellent computer which (to giveFuture Indefinite Active) many years of service. 14. The train (to comePast Indefinite Active) to the station on schedule. 15. In the compartment passengers (to putPresent Indefinite Active) their suitcases into a special box under the lower berth. 16. Wood (to replacePast Indefinite Passive) by steel as a material for constructing passenger cars. 17. In the past messages from Europe to America (to sendPast Indefinite Passive) by ship. 18. Sleepers (to holdPresent Indefinite Active) the 2 rails at the exact distance. 19 The bridge (to joinPresent Indefinite Active) the island to the mainland. 20. All passenger coaches (to equipPresent Indefinite Passive) with electric heating system. 21. I (to workPresent Indefinite Active) for a construction company which (to have Present Indefinite Active) a lot of contracts in other countries.

III. Прочитайте и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на оборот there + to be.

1. There are many accidents on this section of the road when it is icy. 2. There was not enough room in the car for the whole family. 3. There is nothing better than a sea trip if you need a good rest. 4. In Britain there are three types of trains: fast intercity trains, local stopping trains and commuter trains. 5. There were so many interesting excursions that he didn’t know which to choose. 6. There will be an extra commuter train tomorrow. 7. In some countries there are special paths for bicycles which make cycling a safe form of transport. 8. There was a jam on the road because of the accident. 9. There are 2 lower berths, 2 dropping upper berths and a collapsible table in each compartment of the sleeping car. 10. There will be no trains today because the railroad workers are on strike. 11. There are 5 minutes left before the train leaves. 12. The company closed down because there wasn’t much demand for its product. 13. There were many cars in the parking lot near the theatre. 14. There are two types of electric trains: those hauled by electric locomotives and multiple-unit trains. 15. There is a large garage on Seventh Street that provides work for eleven men. There is one man who meets the customers. There are two other men who take care of batteries. There is another man who washes cars. There are 3 other men who sell gas and oil. There is another man who repairs wheels. There are two men who work with engines and there is one man who sells tires. There is no better place for automobile service. 15. There was no room in the car for all our luggage.

IV. Прочитайте и переведите следующие словосочетания, обращая внимание на притяжательный падеж существительных.

1) our manager’s report; 2) the workers’ meeting; 3) these passengers’ baggage; 4) our chief’s office; 5) her cousin’s garage; 6) David’s new car; 7) Polsunov’s invention; 8) the company’s staff; 9) the commission’s decision; 10) an hour’s break; 11) tomorrow’s conference; 12) this student’s report; 13) the conductors’ compartment; 14) the Minister of Railway’s speech; 15) three week’s cruise; 16) computer’s error; 17) four hour’s flight; 18) three minutes’ telephone conversation; 19) a driver’s cab; 20) this train’s schedule. 21) the Cherepanovs’ first steam locomotive; 22) India’s export; 23) my friend’s birthday.

V. Прочитайте и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на окончание -s.

1. My father’s company imports electrical goods. 2. Yesterday’s radio program was very interesting. 3. Transport plays a very important part in the development of any country’s economy. 4. We only had a five minute’s talk. 5. This author’s books are always in great demand. 6. This professor’s lectures are attended by all students. 7. All newspapers reported about President’s arrival to Britain. 8. Have you read the today’s newspaper? 9. The rector answered all the students’ questions at the yesterday’s meeting. 10. There were many passengers at the airport on New Year’s Eve as many flights were delayed because of the snowstorm. 11. Newton’s contribution to physics was immense. 12. The director’s office is at the end of the corridor, the last door. 13. Several Ann’s friends came to the terminal to see her off. 14. There was no mention of Popov’s invention in the book. 15. Because of the Earth’s rotation, there are days and nights on our planet. 16. The company’s president arrived at the airport ten minutes before the flight. 17. Tom’s arrival was quite unexpected. 18. There were a lot of people at our firm’s presentation. 19. The letter arrived on the day of Henry’s departure. 20. I dialed Linda’s telephone number twice but nobody answered. 21. The company’s profit was $ 3 million.

VI. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени от следующих прилагательных и наречий.

reliable (надёжный); fast (быстрый); heavy (тяжёлый, интенсивный); difficult (трудный); convenient (удобный); slow (медленный); considerable (значительный); safe (безопасный); attentive (внимательный); soft (мягкий); modern (современный); important (важный); bad (плохой); high (высокий); loud (громкий); quick (быстрый); useful (полезный); rapid (быстрый); safe (безопасный); little (маленький); expensive (дорогой); cheap (дешёвый); low (низкий); good (хороший); necessary (необходимый); narrow (узкий); easy (лёгкий); advanced (передовой); busy (оживлённый); floppy (гибкий); comfortable (комфортабельный); early (рано); constant (постоянный); close (близкий); backward (отсталый); hard (твёрдый); main (главный); powerful (мощный); wide (широкий).

VII. Прочитайте предложения, употребив прилагательные, данные в скобках, в сравнительной или превосходной степени.

1. I wish I lived (near) my work because it takes me much time to get there. 2. Take this bag; it is (light) than yours. 3. Public transport is (expensive) in Europe. 4. The old engine was replaced by a new and (powerful) one. 5. The diamond is (hard) mineral in the world. 6. This office is equipped with (modern) equipment. 7. The car is (fast) than the bicycle. 8. The problem was (serious) than we expected. 9. The Kuibyshev Railway is 23 years (young) than the Moscow and St. Petersburg railroad. 10. The Moscow-St. Petersburg railway is (old) railroad in this country. 11. I receive his letter (late) than usual. 12. The electric locomotive has (high) efficiency. 13. Traveling by train is (cheap) than by air. 14. This way is not always (short) because of traffic jams. 15. The (quick) and probably (reliable) way of traveling to Great Britain is by air. 16. Can you come (early) next time? 17. Do you know (short) way to the station?

VIII. Прочитайте и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление прилагательных в сравнительной и превосходной степенях.

1. The efficiency of electric locomotives is much higher than that of steam locomotives. 2. Thanks to the invention of the radio it is possible to communicate with the remotest parts of the world. 3. At present some airplanes travel faster than sound. 4. Where is the nearest post office? 5. Thanks to computers we process information million times quicker. 6. The hardest work in mines is now performed by robots. 7. The double-track railways are more convenient, if the traffic on these lines is very heavy. 8. These boxes are too small for this equipment; we need bigger ones. 9. German cars are more expensive but they are better. 10. Computers make men’s labor easier 11. Many ships and aircrafts are piloted automatically for the greater part of the journey. 12. Petrol engines are lighter and smaller than diesel engines; they are cheaper, less noisy and go faster that is why they are used in cars and motorbikes. On the other hand diesel engines use less fuel; last longer than petrol engines, this is why larger vehicles such as trucks and trains use them. They are also safer than petrol engines, because there is less danger of fire.

IX. Прочитайте и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на видовременные формы сказуемых.

1. 27 British scientists have gained Nobel awards since 1945. 2. “Don’t enter the compartment,” said one of the attendants. “It is being swept now.” 3. Robert said that he had been to England twice but so far he had not had time to visit London. 4. We suddenly discovered that we had lost our way. 5. The Czech Railways is investing heavily to upgrade the Prague-Breslau railway. 6. The ticket has been booked over the telephone, and it will be delivered to the office at two o’clock. 7. We made inquire and found out that you had been dismissed from your previous job. 8. Fares have been increased by 10 per cent. 9. It was snowing heavily and I couldn’t make out the number of the tram. When I had covered several tram stops, I realized that I got on the wrong tram. 10. The air in large cities is being contaminated by traffic and industry. 11. Before starting the car the driver had filled the tank with fuel and examined the engine. 12. The damaged ship was being towed into the harbor when the towline broke. 13. Not all the necessary things have been bought for our trip that is why the departure has been postponed. 14. He has just returned from a business trip to India. He has been all over the country. 15. I hope you will not have forgotten all this by tomorrow.

X. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную форму. Предложения прочитайте и переведите.

1. When I (to comePast Indefinite Active) to Baku in 1962, the first Metro line (to buildPast Continuous Passive) there. 2. Some changes (to make – Present Perfect Passive) in the original design. 3. When the fire brigade (to arrivePast Indefinite Active), the fire (to destroyPast Perfect Active) already the building. 4. The overall control of the system (to doPresent Continuous Passive) by computers. 5. Competition between transport modes (to intensifyPresent Continuous Active) now. 6. He (to drivePast Continuous Active) home when he (to hearPast Indefinite Active) the news on the radio. 7. The consumption of electricity (to doublePresent Perfect Active) every 10 years. 8. I (to tellPast Indefinite Passive) that the documents for my business trip (to signPresent Perfect Passive) already. 9. I (to takePresent Perfect Active) somebody else’s suitcase by mistake. 10. This line (to upgradePresent Continuous Passive) to carry heavier volumes of freight and passenger traffic. 11. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (to makePresent Perfect Active) a loan of $US 120 to the Russian Ministry of Railways for the railway rehabilitation project. 12. Similar results (to achievePresent Perfect Passive) by 2 scientists in the course of their work. 13. The problem of the old marshalling yard reconstruction (to discuss – Present Continuous Passive) now. 14. A lot of people (to waitPast Continuous Active) for the bus arrival at the stop. 15. I (to find – Past Indefinite Active) the information about this invention on the Internet. 16. He (to spendPresent Indefinite Active) all his spare time driving his new car. 17. She (to advisePast Indefinite Passive) to find another job. 18. A totally new ticket-vending system (to installPresent Perfect Passive) at our terminal. 19. The train (to approachPresent Continuous Active) Moscow; let’s start packing. 20. Many people (to bePast Indefinite Active) afraid of the railways when they first (to appearPast Indefinite Active).

XI. Прочитайте и переведите предложения, выбрав правильную форму сказуемого (Active or Passive).

1. Tomas Edison began to work at the railway, when he (was selling; was being sold) newspapers and snack. 2. You can’t take this tape-recorder because it (has not repaired; has not been repaired) yet. 3. Tickets usually (sell; are sold) long before the train departure. 4. I was late because of my watch. It (has stopped; has been stopped). 5. I leased another car, while mine (was repairing; was being repaired). 6. The Channel Tunnel (has used; has been used) since 1994. It (connects; is connected) Great Britain with the Continent. 7. Automatic ticket-selling machines (are developing; are being developed) for the improvement of passenger service at the railway stations. 8. Fuelling stations (situate; are situated) along the highway at frequent intervals. 9. The pipe (is leaking; is being leaked) at the joint. 10. The electrical equipment (will supply; will be supplied) by a Japanese firm. 11. The construction of the first steam locomotive in Russia (connects; is connected) with the name of the Cherepanovs. 12. During peak hours the Metro trains (run; are run) with small intervals. 13. The old engine (has replaced; has been replaced) by a new and more powerful one. 14. The discussion (had not started; had not been started) before the chief engineer came. 15 The old bridge over the river (was reconstructing; was being reconstructed) for 6 months. 16. Radio (uses; is used) for communication and remote control.