
Методические указания и контрольные задания для студентов 1 курса железнодорожных специальностей заочной формы обучения (стр. 9 из 14)

XII. Прочитайте и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление модальных глаголов must, can, may, need, should.

1. You may wait in the office till it stops raining. 2. The plan must be completely changed. 3. The cursor on the screen can be moved with the help of the mouse. 4. You should maintain your bicycle brakes. 5. You need not write this letter. I’ll phone them. 6. You may take any of these instruments, because I don’t need them now. 7. You mustn’t cross the street when the red light is on. 8. Luckily I could catch a taxi. 9. Drivers should not surpass the speed of 60 km within the city limits. 10. You need not go to the conference; you may send your deputy. 11. Can you show me the way to the station? 12. We needn’t be in a hurry – we have got plenty of time. 13. You must hurry up; we may be late. 14. Never put till tomorrow what you can do today. 15. He can’t drive a car but he should learn. 16. The internal combustion engines can operate on oil, kerosene or benzene. 17. In some trains of high comfort a passenger can order dinner or supper directly to his compartment. 18. These parts of the engine must be replaced. 19. You needn’t copy this text; I’ll give you a Xerox of this page. 20. Something was wrong with the car; he couldn’t start it. 21. If you park in no-parking zone, the traffic police can tow away your car. You can’t pick it up until you pay a fine.

XIII. Прочитайте и переведите следующие словосочетания, обращая внимание на разные формы и функции Participle I.

a) 1. (When) discussing the project…; 2. scientists discussing the project; 3. Having discussed the project …; 4. The scientists were discussing the project for two hours.

b) 1. Having repaired the engine …; 2. a mechanic repairing engines; 3. (While) repairing the engine …; 4. A mechanic is repairing the engine now.

c) 1. workers constructing the railway; 2. Constructing the railway …; 3. Having constructed the railway …; 4. The workers will be constructing the railway for 2 years.

d) 1. Typing the report…; 2. Having typed the report …; 3. A secretary is typing your report now. 4. a secretary typing your report.

e) 1. When testing a new device …; 2. Having tested a new device …; 3. The engineers are testing a new device now. 4. the engineers testing a new device.

XIV. Прочитайте и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление Participle I в разных функциях.

1. When constructing the railway, it is cheaper to use local materials. 2. People living near airports suffer from the noise of powerful jet airliners taking off and landing. 3. We spent an hour or two, talking to our friends. 4. Having seen the green light, we crossed the street. 5. Freight trains consisting of more than 80 cars are hauled by 2 locomotives. 6. Waiting for the train arrival, I looked through the magazines lying on the table. 7. Having received the telegram she immediately left for Glasgow. 8. At the stop we saw a lot of people waiting for the bus. 9. The leading role of the railway transport in Russia is explained by the specific territorial, climatic and geographical conditions. 10. Ships are equipped with radar sets helping them to orient at sea. 11. A new road connecting the plant with the railway station is being built now. 12. They stopped their experiments having obtained the necessary results. 13. The main disadvantages of steel sleepers are their high price and the noise caused by trains passing over them. 14. Having left our suitcases in the Left-Luggage Room we went to have a snack. 15. The workers were moving from car to car, carefully inspecting them. 16. The road joining the two villages is very narrow. 17. The bright flowers growing along the railroad track attracted the attention of all the passengers. 18. In 1840 the USA had 2,800 miles of railroad tracks consisting mainly of short lines. 19. The trains operating on the underground lines are provided with low voltage direct current. 20. While waiting for the ship to leave, I met an old friend of mine.

XV. Прочитайте и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление Participle II в разных функциях.

1.The TV set bought a few days ago has broken down. 2. When translated, the article will be typed. 3. The received information was very interesting. 4. Pieces of broken glass were seen everywhere. 5. The equipment produced by our plant is of high quality. 6. This powerful machine is operated by one person. 7. There are several types of rails used on our railways now, such as R 60, R 75. 8. When upgraded, the track will be used for high-speed traffic. 9. In Japan the communication between some islands is provided through underwater tubes laid on the sea bottom. 10. The first metals used by primitive men were gold, silver and copper. 11. We were informed of the test runs carried on the new line. 12. A lot of scientists invited to the conference refused to take part in it. 13. Before opened, the railway lines are carefully inspected and tested. 14. When thoroughly tested, ballastless track will probably find wide application not only in tunnels. 15. The sign of the London Underground is a red circle crossed with a blue stripe. 16. The first bus developed by Shillibear appeared in London in 1861. 17. The telephone lines broken in the last night’s storm are being repaired now. 18. The motor coaches are supplied with electric motors placed under the floor of the coach. 19. The wagons with insulated walls, roofs and floors are known as the refrigerator cars. 20. A new electronic instrument will calculate how far one can drive on the fuel left in the tank.

XVI. Задайте общие вопросы и специальные вопросы к подчёркнутым словам.

1. They traveled 2,000 miles on a bus. (How many?) 2. Most people go to work by subway in New York. (Who? Where?) 3. The car has just stopped because there isn’t any more gas in the tank. (Why?) 4. Arthur always drives at a high speed. (What?) 5. Discounts are valid for both one-way and return tickets. (What?) 6. The train will be leaving in a few minutes. (How many?) 7. All flights have been canceled because of the fog. (Why?) 8. They are going to travel around the world. (Who? Where?) 9. Stephen went into debt to buy that car. (Why?) 10. The cars may be parked here after 5 p.m. (When?) 11. Metro trains run at 8 minutes headways. (What?) 12. We have much luggage to carry. (Who?) 13. They got stuck in a traffic jam on the way to the airport. (Where?) 14. John and Mary are in the next carriage. (Who? Where?) 15. Each one of your suitcases will be checked when you go through the customs. (When?) 16. This distance can be covered by train in an hour. (How fast?) 17. Damages due to the computer’s error were assessed at $1,000. (How many?) 18. Teenagers can get a driving license at the age of 14. (What age?) 19. Passengers should keep their tickets till the end of the trip. (How long?) 20. Fares are collected by a driver himself. (Whom?)

XVII. Переведите тексты на русский язык и ответьте на общие вопросы.

A) The Stourbridge Lion

One day in 1830 people came from miles around the small Pennsylvania town to see the first run of the steam locomotive, the Stourbridge Lion. The engineer refused to let anyone ride with him – perhaps because the engine had not been tested before. As the signal to start was given, there was a moment of suspense. Then, slowly, the wheels began to turn. Cheers went up as engineer Allen opened the throttle wide and began his historic trip. All along the route, men were waving their hats, small boys were shouting, and women were looking in amazement as the Lion thundered past at the fantastic speed of ten miles an hour. Who would have believed that anything so big could move so fast without a horse to pull it!


1. Did many people come to see the first run of the steam locomotive?

2. Was the new steam locomotive called “the Rocket”?

3. Had the steam locomotive been tested before that historic run?

4. Were there any passengers on this train?

5. Did the engineer let his mate ride with him?

6. Was there a moment of suspense as the signal to start was given?

7. Were small boys waving their hats?

8. Did the Lion move at a speed of ten miles an hour?

9. Was the steam locomotive pulled by a horse?

10. Did this event take place in Denver?

B) The Bluebell Railway

The Bluebell Railway is a private railroad. About 500 men and women work on the railway in their free time. They don’t get any money – the railway is their hobby. The have old steam engines and carriages – one of them is 120 years old. Passengers can have lunch or dinner in the lovely old restaurant carriage.

The Bluebell Railway goes from Sheffield Park to Horsted Keynes and back again. That is about 14 kilometers. The journey there and back takes an hour. The tickets cost three pounds for a single and six pounds for a return. The trains move at a speed of about thirty km per hour. Over two hundred and fifty thousand passengers travel on the Bluebell Railway every year.


1. Is the Bluebell Railway a private railway?

2. Do 500 men and women work on the railway?

3. Do the railwaymen work for money?

4. Have they only steam engines and carriages?

5. Is the oldest engine 120 years old?

6. Can passengers have lunch in the new restaurant carriage?

7. Does the Bluebell Railway go from London to the airport?

8. Is the length of the railway 40 km?

9. Does the journey by the steam train take two hours?

10. Do single tickets cost 3 pounds?

11. May passengers buy return tickets?

12. Do two hundred passengers travel on the Bluebell Railway every year?


§ 1. Глагол to be

Глагол to be в Present, Past и Future Indefinite имеет следующие формы:




I am

he, she, it is

we, you, they are

I, he, she, it was

we, you, they were

I, we shall be

he, she, it, you, they will be

I am busy now. Я сейчас занят.

The Institute is far from the metro station. Институт находится далеко от станции метро.

They are first year students. Они студенты первого курса.

He was in London last year. В прошлом году он был в Лондоне.

All the students were present at the lecture. Все студенты присутствовали на лекции.

I shall be at home in the evening. Вечером я буду дома.

В вопросительном предложении глагол to be ставится перед подлежащим.

Is he busy now? Он сейчас занят?

Are they first year students? Они студенты первого курса?

Where were you last year? Где вы были в прошлом году?

When will he be at home? Когда он будет дома?

Отрицательная форма глагола to be образуется с помощью отрицания not:

The Institute is not far from the metro station. Институт находится недалеко от станции метро.

Yesterday he was not present at the lecture. Вчера его не было на лекции.

On Sunday I shall not be in town. В воскресенье меня не будет в городе.


1) I am = I’m; you are = you’re; I shall be = I’ll be; they will be = they’ll be.

2) I am not = I’m not; he is not = he isn’t; you are not = you aren’t; she was not = she wasn’t; they were not = they weren’t; I shall not be = I shan’t be; he will not be = he won’t be.

§ 2. Глагол to have

Глагол to have в Present, Past и Future Indefinite имеет следующие формы:




I, we, you, they have

he, she, it has

I, he, she, it, we, you, they had

I, we shall have

he, she, it, you, they will have

В разговорной речи глагол to have очень часто заменяется формой have got (has got).

I have (got) a lot of work now. У меня сейчас много работы.

He has (got) an extra ticket. . У него есть лишний билет.

They had a lecture on philosophy yesterday. Вчера у них была лекция по философии.

We shall have five exams. У нас будет 5 экзаменов.

Вопросительная форма глагола to have в Present Indefinite образуется двумя способами:

1) путём постановки глагола to have (have, has) перед подлежащим:

Has he got a map of London? У него есть карта Лондона?

What map has he got? Какая карта есть у него?

Have you got any questions to the lecturer? У вас есть вопросы к лектору?

What questions have you got? Какие у вас вопросы?

2) с помощью вспомогательного глагола to do (do; does):

Does he have a telephone? У него есть телефон?

What telephone does he have? Какой у него телефон?

Do you have a railway dictionary? У вас есть железнодорожный словарь?

What dictionary do you have? Какой словарь у вас есть?

Вопросительная форма глагола to have в Past Indefinite образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to do (did):