
Методические указания для студентов заочного отделения (иностранный язык) (стр. 10 из 13)

VI Семестр.

Вариант A.

Ex.1. Дополните предложения, используя условные предложения, используя информацию из текста:

15 April 1912

Who was one of the luckiest men in the world on that day?

Mr. J.P. Morgan. He was the owner of the great ship Titanic which hit the iceberg and sank that night in the cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean. About 1,5000 people drowned. Mr. Morgan had a ticket for the journey but he didn’t go because he had to be at a meeting. If he had gone, he would have been in one of the biggest disasters of the twentieth century.

1. It was a warm winter in 1912. A lot of icebergs floated onto the Atlantic. If it ___ not a warm winter, the icebergs __ not into the Atlantic.

2. There weren’t enough lifeboats on the ship. A lot of people died. If there __ more lifeboats, fewer people__.

3. The ship sailed into an ice field. It hit an iceberg. If the ship __ into an ice field. It __an iceberg.

4. The water was very cold. Many people froze to death. The water __not so cold,fewer people __to death.

5. Mr. Morgan had a meeting. He didn’t go on the journey. Mr. Morgan__ not a meeting, he __ on the journey.

Ex.2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя условные предложения:

1. Abba's outstanding contribution (lie) with "Dancing Queen", but with "Lay All Your Love On Me".

2. This (be)not a definite move toward a more dance-orientated sound.

3. While this was espected with the "Voulez Vous" album, this (be) not only really limited to the title track.

4. Disco was moving into the 80s and (be) not meeting a lot of mainstream opposition.

5. However, as a track it came at the beginning of Hi-NRG.

6. It (be) a point of reference for a lot of Eurpoean dance music which followed.
The fact this track, along with "The Visitors", (be) not remixed shows how important it was.

Ex.3. Выберите правильный вариант предложения:

1. Health is a great wealth for you if you want/will want to live long life.

2. If you go/will go in for sports, make/will make hard your body, follow/will follow a vegetarian diet or physiotherapy you will be healthy.

3. If people prefer/preferred /have preferred to go to a pool where they can enjoy swimming they would be in good form.

4. If skating rinks became /have become popular among our students they would have spent much time there.

5. If Elton John is/was/hadn’t been not one of those artist that changes with time his musical career would have been stopped many years ago..

6. The Disco culture and the music wouldn’t be/ had been made impossible by the contributions of many talented artists, musicians, Disco DJs and music industry execs.

7. It would be/would have been a fun, cheerful club, decorated to look as if it's on a sea bed, with sand, waves, sea life, etc on the wall next year.

8. It would be/been pretty cheap to get in, and the drinks wouldn’t be/wouldn’t been too bad either.

9. SUN-RAY would be/ been a reliable and responsible organization which offered its customers the opportunity to enjoy playing slot machines and casino games but it was closed last year.

10. In 1980 Black Jack would be/been introduced to three international standard hotels in Helsinki.

Ex.4. Перепишите предложения , используя unless:

If you don’t give me money, I’m not going to the police.

Unless you give me money, I’m not going to the police.

1. You can’t park here if you don’t live in the street.

2. I don’t drive fast except if I’m really late.

3. If you are not over 18 you can’t see this film.

4. Children can’t go out if they are not with an adult.

5. If I’m not going fishing, I get up late on Sundays.

EX.5. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. Если бы вы заказали экскурсии заранее, вы бы увидели замки Луары уже завтра.

2. Если пойдет снег, мы перенесем наш поход в лес на следующие выходные.

3. Если бы я знала раньше, что вы собираетесь в Таиланд, то присоединилась бы к вам.

4. Если ты собралась жить в Англии, тебе обязательно нужно выучить английский.

5. Сними пальто, если тебе жарко.

6. Если Дик работает в казино, он, возможно, знает Алекса.

7. Если бы вы выиграли миллион, на что бы вы его потратили?

8. Если бы у меня было 4 руки, я бы всегда все успевал.

9. Если тур фирма не сдержит обещания по поводу условий проживания в отеле, я напишу жалобу.

10. Если бы я могла читать мысли других людей, я бы с легкостью сдавала экзамены.

Ex.6. Переведите текст на русский язык, составьте вопросительные предложения к выделенным словам:


Roulette, translated as "small wheel" is the most popular game of chance in Europe. A very primitive version of roulette was introduced in the 17th century by the French scientist, Blaise Pascal.

It is said that this was a by-product of his perpetual motion devices. Frenchmen Francois and Louis Blanc invented the single "0" roulette game in 1842. Because gambling was illegal in France during this time, the game was introduced in Hamburg, Germany where it became very popular and replaced an earlier version that featured higher odds. At a later date, Francois and his son Camille were responsible for bringing the game of roulette back to southern France for the Prince of Monaco, Charles III. As a result, the lavish, world-famous resort of Monte Carlo was developed. When roulette came to the U.S. in the early 1800s, the improvements were deleted, and a double "00" returned. The game became popular in the old west of America during the California Gold Rush.

Casino RAY - Finland’s only international style casino. With its sophisticated international atmosphere, Casino RAY offers a wide choice of games, its own restaurant services, and a range of entertainments from tournaments to corporate events. Casino RAY generates around 3% of RAY’s revenues. Each year these revenues are distributed to support the activities of Finnish health and welfare organizations. RAY’s arcades and clubs offer a special selection of slot machines and games. The Täyspotti and Potti arcades and Club RAYs have their own special selection of games and slot machines. There are 45 arcades and Club RAYs around Finland. Club RAYs, which are incorporated into restaurants, and Täyspotti arcades have both slot machines and casino table games. The Potti arcades have a wide selection of slot machines. Professional staff are on hand at the clubs and arcades to give players help and advice. Each year the revenues generated by the clubs and arcades are distributed to support the activities of Finnish health and welfare organizations.

Вариант B.

Ex.1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя условные предложения:

1. If I (open) a firm I ( be ) rich last year.

2. If you open a window it ( be) noisy here.

3. If I ( have) time yesterday I ( join) you.

4. If I( get) a visa next week I( fly) to Finland.

5. If the ticket prices ( go) up next year I ( sell) my house.

6. If the government ( give) me a month’s holiday last year I ( go) to my granny to Kiev.

7. If she ( go) shopping next weekend she( buy) a new dress for the trip.

Ex.2. Продолжите предложения, употребляя условные предложения:

1. If people could fly….

2. If my cat could open a fridge…

3. If you boss asked you to work on Sunday…

4. If you read people’s thoughts…

5. If people had 3 legs…

Ex.3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя условные предложения:

1. If it( rain), we will have the party inside.

2. Next year Sue ( study) Chinese if she( live) in China.

3. If we( talk) to Boss very politely, he( listen) to us.

4. Henry says that he ( work) as a taxi-driver if he ( need) money.

5. I( be) happy if I ( pass) the exam.

6. If he ( marry) her, he( not have) a happy life.

7. If you ( leave) the hotel now you ( catch) the train.

8. I( drive) you to the station if I ( find) my car keys.

9. If I(be) free tomorrow evening I would take your invitation to go to the Opera.

10. If there aren’t any shows at the hotel tonight we( go) to bed early.

Ex.4.Составьте предложения, начиная с “IF” , употребляя условные предложения:

I’m afraid the bus will be late.

· get to work late again

If the bus is late I’ll get to work late again.

· lose my work

If I get to work late again I will lose my work.

· not find another job

· lose my flat

· move back to my parents’ house

· get very bored

· go swimming every day

· look very good

· meet interesting people

· go to lots of parties

· have a wonderful time

EX.5. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

  1. Если бы нас предупредили заранее об отмене рейса, мы бы остались дома.
  2. Если бы я не был рассеянным, то не забыл бы в гостиничном номере свои фамильные часы.
  3. Если бы не плохая погода, нам не пришлось провести весь медовый месяц в гостинице.
  4. Мы бы с удовольствием присоединились к вам в ресторане, если бы вы не были против.
  5. Если мне расскажут о всех условиях работы в отеле, я приму ваше приглашение.
  6. Если бы кокос не упал мне на голову, я бы никогда не попробовал его сока.
  7. Если бы она приняла мое предложение выйти замуж, мы бы были самой красивой парой.
  8. Я бы вам посоветовал отдохнуть на пляжах Лазурного побережья во Франции.
  9. Я бы на вашем месте не ел столько восточных сладостей здесь, вы рискуете получить расстройство желудка.
  10. Если бы Джон меньше пил вчера в баре, то не выглядел бы так плохо сегодня на совещании.

Ex.6. Переведите текст на русский язык, составьте вопросительные предложения к выделенным словам:

Los Locos

It is situated in South London and is an old music hall situated on Kennington Lane. To get there take the tube to Vauxhall and take the south-eastern underpass or walk across Vauxhall Bridge from Victoria. It is not in the most picturesque of areas but you know you are in the right place when Terry Farrells ziggurat-like M.I.6. Headquarters looms over everything, as featured in the last Bond film "The World is Not Enough". In fact the area is on the up and The Royal Vauxhall Tavern is under constant threat from demolition leading to lots of final parties. In fact, I have been to three final parties in the last year. It's that living on the edge of oblivion which gives the tavern its kudos.

During the week it holds entertainment (this was the pub which started the career of Lily Savage (probably not known outside the UK, but a dragqueen known as the 'blonde bombsite'). In fact you must have a sense of the ridiculous for the RVT which is a club that doesn't take itself too seriously and expects its patrons to enter in the fun. Upon entry there is a main club area with stage and a bar. You can see its old music hall roots by ascending tiers and wooden pillars. The toilets are fun, usually covered in white paper with pens inviting patrons to scrawl on them with questions like "Margaret Thatcher: woman or android? Discuss."

But its best night is Saturday night for the famous "Duckie" hosted by larger-then-life American lesbian Amy Lame. The music is indie, retro and alternative with the The Smiths, Sex Pistols, Blur and Blondie featuring heavily but it is the cabaret that brings in the punters. And what a weird and wonderful bunch they are? There is Lorraine Bowen who describes herself as a sexy, modern, socialist, bicycle enthusiast, 'Delightful Delores - a lesbian belly-dancer from Cricklewood, 'The Divine David' a scary, mascara covered comedian and 'Helena Goldwater' who is billed as 3 parts Shirley Bassey and 7 parts Auntie Margy. To quote Helena "Auntie Margy had offers from Hollywood but decided to stay with her knicker shop behind Walthamstow market" It's that kind of place and that kind of humor - very strange, very British and very peculiar...

This is the ultimate cheese venue. If you want a combination of Madonna, Abba, Take That, Gloria Gaynor,etc, this is the place for you! This isn't a place for your posh, trendy designer gear, the clothing policy here is definitely cheap 'n' cheerful.

It's a fun, cheerful club, decorated to look as if it's on a sea bed, with sand, waves, sea life, etc on the wall. It's pretty cheap to get in, and the drinks aren't too bad either. The slogan the staff t-shirts proclaim is that "No-one's ugly after 2am", which says it all, really!

Вариант C.

Ex.1. Продолжите предложения, употребляя условные предложения: