
Методические указания для студентов заочного отделения (иностранный язык) (стр. 2 из 13)

I семестр

Вариант A.

EX.1. Вставьте глагол TO BE в пропуски, используя Present Simple:

1. He _a travel agent.

2. She _at the office.

3. Like most service industries, tourism _labor -intensive.

4. What _the advantages of this season ?

5. Her friend_ a very busy person.

6. You_ a candidate for one of the post in our tour firm, aren’t you?

7. Travel agency business_ attractive to very many people.

8. A CV_ more acceptable if it is not hand-written.

9. The job of our tour operator_ well-paid.

10.The director_ busy now call later, please.

11.What_ your plans for this summer?

12.The tourist market_ competitive.

13.A CV_ not a list of facts.

14.What_ her main job task?

15.One of the most important aspects of her job_ keeping informed of the complex pricing policies of airlines.

EX.2. Составьте вопросительные предложения к выделенным словам:

1. Many people among those traveling on business often combine pleasure with their work.

2. Visitors are people who cross the borders for various reasons.

3. A tour operator needs staff who can be flexible.

4. Many Europeans kiss each other on the cheeks.

5. Some of the hotel corporations operate on a franchise basis.

6. This resort contains a mixture of several different kinds of accommodation.

7. Camping reflects another trend in modern tourism.

8. Every year the auditors check out profit and loss accounts.

9. It takes us three months to negotiate all the conditions.

10. Today tourist hotels offer a combination of self-service and plate service for breakfast.

11. I hope you have a pleasant week.

12. The hotel is the traditional form of tourist accommodation.

13. Every year he spends much time in Spain.

14. We also often attend exhibitions.

15. He also feels conditions for business people traveling in Western Europe are very poor.

Ex.3. Раскройте скобки, употребив времена Present Simple

или Present Progressive:

1. Hotel and catering industry ( to consist) of hundred of thousands of hotels, restaurants.

2. The geographical structure of hotel industry ( to show) a great variation.

3. A hotel business ( to be) labor intensive.

4. The plane ( to land) in a few minutes.

5. We ( to open) a new chain of hotels for business travelers all over Europe.

6. They ( to work) with a new branch in West Street.

7. I ( to want) to see Walt Disney World.

8. Hotel industry ( to hold) a good future.

9. When the train usually ( to arrive)?

10.What packaged tours ( to offer)?

11. Don’t enter the room. The director ( to discuss) the ticket prices .

12.She ( to prefer) a 5 stars hotels.

13.They ( not to like) fast food restaurants.

14.He ( to write) the bill for you.

15.The barman ( to calculate) the dinner.

EX. 4 . Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. Вы уже посетили все исторические памятники Рима?

2. Мы только что узнали хорошую новость о работе волонтеров по защите окружающей среды.

3. Я еще не пробовал обратиться в авиа компанию Дельта по бронированию билетов на вторник.

4. Форсаж + - хорошая компания. Я ей доверяю, т.к. знаю ее уже давно.

5. Лина, я тебя давно не видел, с моей эмиграции в Канаду. Ты стала настоящей красавицей!

6. Мы еще не посетили Петергоф, а вы?

7. Я уже упаковал все вещи к походу в горы.

8. Ты взял все необходимое для похода: карту, компас, котелок, спальники, металлическую посуду и термос?

9. Она когда-нибудь пробовала Дунганскую кухню?

10.Самолет только что приземлился. Давай поторопимся в зал ожидания.

11.Вы внесли в декларацию все ценные вещи?

12.Дина, ты видела нашего гида? Я не могу ее найти.

13.К сожалению, директора нет на месте. Он сегодня улетел в командировку в Таиланд .

14.Алекс был когда-нибудь в Московском зоопарке?

15.Горничная только что прибрала мой номер, он такой чистый!

Ex.5. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Past Simple:

Death by tourism.

Does tourism ruin everything that it touches?

by Arnold Baker

At the entrance to one of the ruined temples of Petra in Jordan, there is an inscription chiseled into the soft red rock. It (look) as if it had been there for centuries. It( can )have been carved by one of King Herod’s soldiers, when they (be) imprisoned in the town in 40 BC. But closer inspection reveals that it (be) not so ancient after all. It (read): Shane and Wendy from Sydney (be) here. April 16th 1996.

The ruins of Petra were (discover) in 1810 by a Swiss explorer, and a recent report has just concluded that ‘they are in grave danger of being destroyed by the unstoppable march of tourism.’ More that 4,000 tourists a day tramp through Petra’s rocky tombs. They (wear) away the soft red sandstone to powder and (occasionally!) (scratch )their names into the rock.

Ex.6. Переведите текст на русский язык:

Tourist attractions.

Tourist attractions are places that tourists want to visit because they are interesting, beautiful or kiting. There are natural tourist attractions, like

wonderful mountains, lakes and rivers.

Millions of tourists travel to other countries each year to enjoy places like these. Then there are man-made attractions-theme parks, castles, and building of all kinds. Tourists visit Athens and Rome to see buildings from thousands of years ago. They also visit New York to look at more modern buildings, like the Empire State Building.

People visit theme parks to enjoy the roller-coasters and other exciting rides. The most popular theme park in the world is in Japan; it is Tokyo Disneyland, and it gets about 17 million visitors every year. In Fact, the six most popular theme parks in the world are all part of the Disney company.

Four of them are in the USA, one is in Japan, and one is in France.

In many countries there are national parks. These are natural tourist

attractions that the government controls. One of the most famous is Yosemite National Park in the USA. The national park that gets the most visitors in the world is Mount Fuji National Park in Japan.

Some kinds of tourist attraction bring tourists to a town or country for only a few days or weeks. The Olympic Games and the Football World

Cur are two examples.

Thousands of people travel to a country to watch these, so they are very important for the economy.

Ayers Rock is a natural tourist attraction in Australia, and visitors often climb it. But to the Aboriginal people in Australia, Ayers Rock is not a

tourist attraction; it has been an important part of their culture for a very long time. They call the rock ‘Uluru’ and they ask tourists not to climb it.

Вариант B

EX.1. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в Present Simple:

1. They always(go) to the Crimea on vacation.

2. Consulting firms also (play) a part in the tourism industry.

3. Many people (want) to work in tourism.

4. This job ( be) attractive to me.

5. A tour operator( employ ) all phases of tourism.

6. I ( work ) for a large tour firm.

7. They ( prefer ) mountains to the sea.

8. Our sister (be ) a stewardess she always (go ) on long flights.

9. The best thing about his job is that he ( get ) the chance to travel abroad.

10.It’s a pity. I ( not/ speak ) Turkish.

11.Today’s business people ( stay ) in expensive hotels.

12.What jobs he ( hope 0 to get in his firm?

13.Salou (have ) all the ingredients for a perfect seaside holiday.

14.They don’t really look forward to going on cruises because they ( get ) so seasick.

15.Where you ( prefer ) to spend summer?

EX.2. Поставьте слова в правильном порядке:

1. going/where/you/are?

2. taking off/the plane/is/in a few minutes?

3. am/for/I/ you/buying/a present.

4. following/they/are/the guide.

5. going/everybody in our family/to Scotland/ for Christmas/is?

6. Patrick/ for the nearest holiday/ trying/are/to save/ money?

7. calling/ to the clients/ the secretary/ is / in our office.

8. the president/ down/is /of/the plane/ the steps/is/ now/ coming.

9. his wife/ is/in the sun/lazing.

10. smoking/not/they/are/in the restaurant.

EX.3. Составьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. There are many conservation organizations around the world that are trying to help animals danger.

2. In Ecuador people are working to help bats and in many other countries animals, birds and plants need special help.

3. We are going to the museums in Washington where you can see all kinds of things: famous paintings and sculptures, the dresses of

4. Presidents 's wives, the original of the Declaration of Independence, the largest blue diamond in the world, etc.

5. It is becoming one of the largest cities in the world and the largest city in Europe.

6. Its population is increasing till 8 million.

7. London is getting one of the oldest and most interesting cities in the world.

8. The group is visiting The heart of London, the City, its financial and business centre.

9. People from all parts of the United States are coming to see their capital.

10. The stewardess is collecting boarding passes.

EX.4. Составьте предложения, используя данные слова. Не забудьте употребить Present Perfect :

1. travel/ alone/ Spain/ you?

2. visit/ he/ already/ places of interests.

3. show/the city/our guide/yet.

4. ship/port/arrive/already.

5. fill up /declaration/you/never/before.

6. ski/in the mountains/her daughter/this year.

7. raft/this summer/ team.

8. rockclimb /Nick/never in his life.

9. younger sister/ swim/ in the river/this year.

10.I/see/before/such/never/beautiful alpine Nature.

11.return/from a long trip/ we/just.

12.already/take part/Tourist Forum/our firm?

13.eco tourism/ popular/ become/ among /in our region.

14.organize/work/pollution/against/their ecological movement/already.

15.air/dirty/become/in big cities/bad breath/because of.

EX.5. Переведите следующие предложения с русского на английский


1. Когда я хочу устроиться на работу, я всегда заполняю специальные анкеты, присылаю своё резюме и рекомендательные письма.

2. Мы хотим поблагодарить вас за тёплый приём (гостеприимство).

3. Какую работу выполняет программный аналитик (программист)?

4. Каждый год школьники с нетерпением ждут летних каникул.

5. Политика государства в области туризма играет существенную роль в развитии необходимой инфраструктуры.

6. Стюардесса всегда приветствует пассажиров и помогает найти места в самолёте.

7. Крупные старинные города предлагают туристам окунуться в уникальную атмосферу.