
Методические указания для студентов заочного отделения (иностранный язык) (стр. 6 из 13)

Choosing a meal can be a problem sometimes because many dishes may have unknown foreign names. Don't guess - ask the waiter to specify them for you and to advise on the menu.

Don't let the number of knives, forks and spoons confuse you. It is simple enough - use them in the order in which they are laid.

Вариант C.

Ex.1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в скобках в необходимом времени:

This is your captain speaking…

On this afternoon’s flight, we will be flying at 35,000 feet.

I think we’ll fly at 25,000 feet today. No, I’ve changed my mind, we did that yesterday.

What about 50,000 feet? Maybe that’s a bit high.

I know, we’ll fly at 35,000 feet.

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome on board this British Airways flight to Rome. In a very short time, just as soon as we

(a)_________ (receive) permission, we (b)_________ (take off). When we (c)_________ (reach)

our cruising speed of 550 miles an hour, we (d)_________ (fly) at 35,000 feet. Our flight time

today is two and a half hours, so we (e)________ (be) in Rome in time for lunch!

The cabin crew (f)_________ (serve) refreshments during the flight so just sit back and relax.

We hope you (g)_________ (enjoy) the flight. If you (h)________ (need) any assistance, just

press the button and a flight attendant (i)________ (come) to help you.

(Later on during the flight)

If you (j)________ (look) out of the right- hand side of the plane, you (k)________ (see)

Mont Blanc.

In a few moments’time the crew (l)__________ (come) round with duty – free goods. We (m)________ also _________ (give out) immigration forms. When you (n)_______ (fill) them in,

please place them in your passport. They (o)________ (collect) as you (p)________ (go) through passport control.

In twenty minutes’ time we (q)________ (land). Please put your seats into the upright position.

You are requested to remain seated until the plane (r)________ (come) to a complete standstill.

Before you (s)________ (leave) the plane, look around to make sure you (t)_______ (not leave) any of your possessions behind you.

We hope you (u)_______ (fly) again soon with British Airways.

Ex.2. Составьте вопросительные предложения к выделенным словам:

1. When we call they had been reading a magazine about travelling for 2 hours.

2. She had been taking a longer boat trip to Hampton Court since 11 o’clock yesterday.

3. A friendly and helpful driver had been driving our bus for the whole our trip to Kislovodsk last year..

4. After the waiter had brought a glass of mineral water I paid money.

5. When we came the excursion had already begun.

6. By the end of the month the hotel had been full of tourists because of the Tomatina.

7. The bus had come by 4 o’clock.

8. Jane had had dinner when her husband returned.

9. Lolly had already prepared for the trip when the guide called her.

10. The business trip had already been organized by September.

11. My friend asked the manager why the flight had been delayed.

12. It was interesting for me when he had bought all those gifts.

13. She knew that the steamer had broken.

14. I wondered why the guide had arrived late.

15. Kelly told us that she had already visited that palace before.

EX.3. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в Past Perfect:

· I (have) a problem with booking tickets.

· They (buy) 2 tickets to London.

· To live in a tent (be) very interesting for me.

· What way of traveling you (choose) when you (be) in Asia?

· You (have) anything to declare?

· I (give) him my passport and the declaration.

· They (stay) at a five-star hotel in a suit.

· The stewardess (show) me my seats.

· How you (get) there? – By bus.

· She (phone) to the office to take the information about the free lancers.

· I (like) travelling by plane.

1. The guide (not to know) all the sights in our destination. She (be) a local guide.

2. You (cooperate) with major tour operators a couple of years ago? – No, we didn’t.

3. Where you (find) your customers?

4. A month ago air company (put) a new tour together.

Ex.4. Составьте предложения, используя косвенную речь:

1. My sister has been traveling with this firm for a long time( he says..)

2. The train has been stopping here for 20 minutes.( they want to know…)

3. He’s been learning German since he was 12.( I know…)

4. I’ve been waiting for my flight for 50 minutes.( She says…)

5. We’ve been lazing in the sun since 12 o’clock. It’s time to return to the hotel.( Kelly announces…)

6. The waiter has been serving the clients since 4 o’ clock.( Gimmy agrees…)

7. The secretary ‘s been typing the necessary documents for 4 hours( the Boss forgets…)

8. We’ve been staying here for a week.( They cry…)

9. The director has been organizing this meeting for 2 days.( the secretary tells…)

10. George has been watching TV in the hall of the hotel since he lost his keys of the room.( Nelly says…)

11. Jane has been swimming in the pool of the hotel since you went shopping.( We note…)

12. They’ve been clubbing since they came to Ibiza.( Bob tells…)

13. Rulf has been smoking for 10 minutes since his girl friend left the room.( We tell…)

14. The stewardess has been offering drinks and snacks for a long time.( I explain…)

EX.5.Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. Покупательская способность в Англии возрастет в 2 раза к следующему году.

2. Когда вы подъедите в агентство, все документы будут уже готовы.

3. К 2006 году значительно увеличится протяженность пешеходных маршрутов.

4. Пассажирские перевозки на направлении Екатеринбург-Москва к следующему году подорожают.

5. К концу месяца мы организуем Форум по проблемам экологического туризма.

6. Наш регион к концу десятилетия станет самым посещаемым среди туристов.

7. Наши коллеги реализуют свой проект по въездному туризму уже в декабре.

8. Испанское консульство откроет свое представительство в нашем городе к концу года.

9. Когда мы получим ваш счет, сразу же дадим вам знать дату отправления.

10. Объем инвестиции, выделяемых государством на развитие туризма составит 500 млрд. долларов в следующем году.

11. Специалисты утверждают, что характер иммиграции изменится к 2005 году.

12. К началу следующего года средний доход жителя нашего города составит 570 долларов в месяц.

13. Я закончу работу по написанию и разработке тура , как только получу необходимые дополнительные сведения.

14. К середине недели к нам уже прибудет половина приглашенных гостей на открытие Нового развлекательного центра для иностранцев.

15. Я уже подготовлю анкету на оформление загран паспорта, когда ты подъедешь.

Ex.6. Переведите текст на русский язык, составьте вопросительные предложения к выделенным словам:


There are three foreign food centers in London: the Norwegian, the Icelandic and the German Food Centre. It was interesting to hear that all of these three countries had independently chosen London as the best place to start a new campaign to sell their food. Why should they have chosen London particularly? It is because here in Britain there is no standard of traditional excellence in cooking. Compared with food on the Continent, English food is already standardized, and, in general, rather dull and unimaginative. In a book of recipes I recently found the unkind description of the English way of cooking vegetables: "simply to boil them in salt water with little or no attempt to season them". But now many British housewives do not even find time to boil fresh vegetables. They are deserting their homes and kitchens to go out and become money-earners. Unlike the French housewife who has a special, French tradition to uphold, the English housewife is not ashamed to use frozen, canned or pre-cooked food " simply because it saves time.

So there is an enormous potential market here for we'll flavored prepared food, and foreign countries are beginning to exploit it. From their food centers, they are launching planned invasions of the British kitchen.

These food centers all seem to follow the same pattern. They each have a shop, where producers' goods are displayed and sold and a restaurant, where you can eat their special delicacies (you are served by natives who make you feel 31 that you are being given "the real thing").

It seems a pity that, in order to have well flavored food, Britain must spend money on imports. However, anything that helps to convince the English that their food is tasteless deserves every encouragement.

IV Семестр.

Вариант A.

Ex.1 . Составьте вопросительные предложения к выделенным словам:

One of the most famous buildings in the world must be the Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt. When you look at it, you realize that it must have been extremely difficult to build. Thousands of people must have worked on it. It’s enormous! Until the twentieth century it was the tallest building in the world. Building things now is quite easy. But it can’t have been easy for the Ancient Egyptians- they didn’t have electricity, or tractors, or lorries. So it must have taken a very long time to build, you’d think. But it didn’t- it only took thirty years!

Ex .2. Используя PRESENT PERFECT дополните текст следующими глаголами:

travel meet hunt have

ride see life be (x 4)

My grandfather is 96 years old, and he (1)__________ a long and interesting life.

He (2)_________ a lot, especially in the Far East.

He (3)_________ the Taj Mahal in India, and the Pyramids in Egypt.

He (4)_________ lions in Africa, and (5)_________ a camel across the Sahara Desert.

He says that the most beautiful place he (6)________ to is Kathmandu in Nepal.

He (7)_________ the Queen on several occasions. In 1959 he was a soldier in New Zealand

when she came to visit, and in 1972 he went to a garden party at Buckingham Palace.

He (8)_________ married twice. His first wife died when she was 32. He met his second wife

while he was traveling round France by bike. He and his wife, Eleanor, (9)________

married for 50 years, and they (10)_________ in the same cottage in the country since they

got married.

He says that he (11)_________ never_________ ill in his life. The secret of good health,

according to my grandfather, is exercise. He goes swimming every day.

He (12)________ this since he was a boy. He also has a glass of whisky every night! Perhaps that is his secret!

Ex.3. Замените выделенные слова синонимами или синонимическими выражениями , делая соответствующие изменения (соблюдая форму глагола и т.п.).

Перепишите текст:

The day everything went wrong.

· It was a warm winter so icebergs floated into the Atlantic.

· There was a fire in the boiler room. The heat from the fire made the shop weak.

· The lifeboat practice was cancelled so many sailors didn’t know how lifeboats worked.

· The sailors didn’t fill the lifeboats. Some left half empty. A lot of people drowned.

· There weren’t enough lifeboats for all the passengers.

· The captain received lots of warnings about the iceberg but he didn’t receive the most important warning. His ship hit the iceberg.

· The Titanic didn’t slow down when it got to the ice field. It crashed into the iceberg.

· A ship called Californian didn’t hear the Titanic ’s calls for help because its radio was switched off.

· Another ship called Carpathia heard the calls for help. Unfortunately it was a slow ship so it arrived an hour and twenty minutes after the Titanic had sink.

Ex. 4. Используя модальный глагол CAN или CANNOT составьте предложения со следующими выражениями:

Why not go on holiday?

· Cycling in Holland

· Snorkeling in the Red Sea

· Rock-climbing in the Swiss Alps

· Bungee-jumping in Australia

· Riding in the South of France

· Wind- surfing in Greece

· Skiing in Austria

· Fishing in Ireland

· Sight-seeing in Italy

· Sailing in Spain

· Water- skiing in Turkey

Ex.5. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

  1. Я - гид переводчик. Я работаю в туристской компании. Я занимаюсь туристскими группами. Я вожу экскурсии. Я часто отвечаю на вопросы туристов. Я много перевожу с одного языка на другой.
  2. Чем занимается туроператор? Где он работает? - он работает с поставщиками и разрабатывает пакеты туров. Он реализует пакеты туров оптом. Иногда туроператор продает туры в розницу.
  3. А кто такие аниматоры? Чем они занимаются? - аниматоры организуют и проводят развлекательные программы. Они вовлекают гостей в действие. Аниматоры очень артистичны. Обычно они очень общительные люди. Они хорошо говорят на родном и иностранных языках.
  4. В вашем городе есть какие-либо туристические достопримечательности? - у нас в городе имеется выставка и несколько музеев. — какие музеи у вас в городе? — в городе есть два художественных музея.
  5. Что находится на стеллажах у них в офисе? Там есть расписание на летний сезон? -на стеллажах находятся много бесплатных брошюр. Но там нет новейшего расписания.
  6. Сколько служащих в этой туристской компании? - в этой компании имеется менеджер, несколько тур агентов и бухгалтер. - сколько у них сопровождающих гидов? - там нет гидов и сопровождающих. Менеджер нанимает их на работу только а высокий Сезон.
  7. Лина отлично справилась с работой гида.
  8. Поезд уже ушел. Мы опоздали.
  9. Студенты нашего института уехали на стажировку на этой неделе.
  10. Лейла произносила тост, когда в зал вошел менеджер по работе с клиентами.
  11. Водитель распевал какую-то песенку, пока мы ехали в направлении аэропорта.
  12. Они опоздали на поезд, так как они застряли в дорожной пробке.
  13. Я заполнил анкету на выезд за границу ,до того как оформил визу.
  14. Когда подошла стюардесса, я уже как час спал в своем кресле.
  15. Мы ждали поезд уже час , когда объявили о том, что поезд опаздывает еще на два часа.

Ex.6. Переведите текст на русский язык, составьте вопросительные альтернативные предложения к выделенным словам: