
Методические указания для студентов заочного отделения (иностранный язык) (стр. 9 из 13)


Many people within the tourism industry ( concern) that potential workers do not seriously (consider) it as the work is thought to be hard and poorly(pay). The industry believes this misconception must (correct) and the population (inform). Many prospective employees believe the only tourism jobs are as housekeepers, food servers and cooks. go2 wants to (make) people aware of jobs in tourism specific management, as webmasters, fitness instructors, as experts in massage and many, many other areas.

EX.4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Passive Voice:

Reporter Why ................. the trees ............................................. (cut down)?

Mr Kingman Well, of course, we don't want to cut them down, but the land.............................. (need) for offices and flats.

Reporter What do you think about the demonstration last Saturday?

Mr Kingman Well, you can see that it ........................................ (organize) by a group of young hooligans. Two of them .............................. (arrest) for fighting.

Reporter But their petition .............................. (sign) by nearly a thousand people.

Mr Kingman Yes, but the names ...................................................... (not check) yet. We don't know if they are real.

Reporter The oak trees .............................. (plant) in the time of Napoleon. Nearly two hundred years of history ......................................... (destroy). Does that worry you?

Mr Kingman We care about the environment, but we must look to the future. New trees ..................................................... (plant) after the offices ........................................... (build).

EX.5. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. Номер уберут, когда проживающие его освободят.

2. Вам вручили приглашение на торжественное мероприятие по празднованию Дня Туризма?

3. Сообщают, что группа туристов пострадала в результате террористического акта в Сочи.

4. Известно, что этот район Швейцарии особенно популярен среди приезжающих туристов из других стран.

5. За нашим путешествием с большим интересом следили миллионы телезрителей.

6. О их ребенке будут хорошо присматривать аниматоры отеля.

7. Мне рассказали, что скоро начнется знаменитый маскарад в Бразилии.

8. Мы надеялись уже в следующем году посетить Прагу.

9. Руководство компании знало, что наша группа делает все, чтобы привлекать клиентов.

10. Разве вам не сказали, что вы будете проживать в трехзвездочной гостинице?

11. Стюардесса сообщила пассажирам, что посадка самолета затруднена из-за большего скопления птиц в небе.

12. Вам уже объяснили , как пользоваться спасательными жилетами?

13. Я слышал, вы отдыхали на Кубе. Вам понравилось?

14. Мы заметили, что условия проживания, которые нам были обещаны, не соответствовали необходимому уровню.

15. Слышал, вы нуждаетесь в оформлении визы. Я могу помочь.

Ex.6. Переведите текст на русский язык, составьте вопросительные предложения к выделенным словам:

Resume or Curriculum Vitae

Application form

When a person is eager to get a job he is often to fill in a resume (USA) or a curriculum vitae (UK) or a standard printed application form. The forms can be laid out in different ways but the information required will, in most cases, be the same.

The information given by the candidate in these papers will be helpful in assessing the candidate’s suitability for the post.

From the candidate’s point of view, this paper is the first impression the firm will obtain of him or her and therefore it is important that the candidate completes the paper clearly and carefully.

A curriculum vitae should usually contain the following information:






date of birth

place of birth


marital status


work experience



hobbies and interests

references (UK) or testimonials (US)

Here is an example:

Name: Susanna J. Pattrick
Home address: 1 The Lane Liverpool M 16 2PT
Date of birth: 22 March 1979
Place of birth: Liverpool
Nationality: British
Marital status: Single
Education: Stonebroom Comprehensive School West Park Liverpool September 1990-July 1995
Qualifications: July 1995 GCSE Mathematics (B) English (C) Business Studies (A) French (C) Art and Design (D)
Objective: A traineeship in trading
Work experience: Work on a market stall on Saturday
Interest & activi-ties: Swimming Reading Horse riding
Referees: Mr Mills The Headmaster Stonebroom Comprehensive School West Park Liverpool Rev. G. Brown St. Michael le Belfrey Church Street Urmstow Liverpool

CVs or resumes as well as application forms will require the name and address of at least two individuals who can act as referees, which means those who can provide references. The referees may be contacted and asked whether or not they consider the applicant to be suitable for the post. The candidate may name a vicar, a doctor, or an old family friend as one of referees.

Normally, the firm will ask for the names of present or former employers or supervisors for whom the candidate has worked.

Вариант С.

Ex. 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Passive Voice:

Roulette, the most popular game of chance in Europe (translate) as "small wheel" is. A very primitive version of roulette (introduce) in the 17th century by the French scientist, Blaise Pascal.

It (say) that this was a by-product of his perpetual motion devices. Frenchmen Francois and Louis Blanc invented the single "0" roulette game in 1842. Because gambling was illegal in France during this time, the game (introduce) in Hamburg, Germany where it became very popular and replaced an earlier version that featured higher odds. At a later date, Francois and his son Camille were responsible for bringing the game of roulette back to southern France for the Prince of Monaco, Charles III. As a result, the lavish, world-famous resort of Monte Carlo (develop). When roulette came to the U.S. in the early 1800s, the improvements (delete), and a double "00" returned. The game became popular in the old west of America during the California Gold Rush.

Ex.2. Преобразуйте предложения в Reported speech, сделав необходимые изменения. Каждое предложение начинайте словами:

My friend told ( said, add, explain, noticed) that…

  1. The club is right in the heart of Covent Garden, on the square, just opposite the main market.
  2. It is based underground, arranged over a series of small, linked rooms, each with its own bar.
  3. The place is decorated in a very odd style indeed - the walls and floor are bare concrete.
  4. The ceilings are covered in a mock-Turkish war-tent, Ottoman style, with gathered folds held together by a brass centre piece.
  5. There are also paintings of sunset sea-scapes and night scenes on the walls in some of the bars.
  6. There are some high tables and stools in the far bars, if you want to sit down for a while.
  7. Drinks here are very expensive - £6 for a spirit and mixer, £2.50 for a half-pint of beer.
  8. They also sell a fairly standard range of cocktails.
  9. The music here on most nights is a kind of house style, with lots of re-mixes of recent hits as well.
  10. It is a good place to go with a group, and it's central, however.

Ex.3.Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в скобках в Active Voice или Passive Voice( Present or Past simple).

One of the most beautiful buildings in Ekaterinburg is the Opera House. It (build) in 1912 and many famous artists (play) in this theatre like Sergey Lemeshev, Ivan Kozlovsky, Irina Arkhipova. Operas and ballets (attract) both theatre-lovers and townspeople who (like) the Arts. Luxury interiors of the theater, skills of the actors and producers, traditional Russian spirit of the theatre all this you will be able to experience if you (visit) our Opera.

The theatre season (last) from September to July. On the week days they (give) one play at 6.30 pm and at the weekends there are two plays: one at 11 am and the second is at 6 pm. As the tickets (be) extremely cheap they (sell) off long before the day of the performance especially on the most famous plays like "Swans Lake", "Nutcracker", "Karmen" and "Eugene Onegin".

EX.4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в подходящем времени Passive Voice:

The ordinary acoustic guitar (play) for centuries. It's easy to play. It's light and easy to carry. You can play it and sing at the same time. But the guitar has one problem. It isn't very loud.

This problem (solve) in 1931 when the first electric guitar (produce) in the USA by Adolph Rickenbacker. It was very simple and it didn't look very exciting. In fact, people called it 'the electric frying pan'. But popular music (revolutionize) by this simple instrument.

In an electric guitar small microphones, or pickups, (place) under the strings. These pickups (connect) to an amplifier and a speaker. There are controls for volume and tone on the guitar and on the amplifier. With modern electronics one guitar can be louder than a whole orchestra.

Today millions of electric guitars (sell) around the world. The two most popular types both (develop) in the 1950s and they have changed very little since then. The Les Paul (make) by the Gibson guitar company and it greatly (love) by heavy metal guitarists like Slash of Guns'n'Roses. But the most popular guitar of all is the Stratocaster. It (make) by Fender and (play) by many famous rock guitarists including Jimi Hendrix, Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones and Eric Clapton.

EX.5. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. В будущем гитары будут заменены синтезаторами

2. Сегодня электро гитары продаются во многих музыкальных магазинах, а раньше это было редкостью.

3. Где спасательный трап? Мне сказали, что он в левой части самолета.

4. Разве вам не сказали, что вы будете проживать в трехзвездочной гостинице?

5. Ему дали билет на экскурсию по Эрмитажу?

6. За нашим путешествием с большим интересом следили миллионы телезрителей.

7. О их ребенке будут хорошо присматривать аниматоры отеля.

8. Меню принесут чуть позже. Не беспокойтесь.

9. Много говорят последнее время об экологическом туризме.

10. Мне еще не сказали, что рейс откладывается.

11. Много сувениров из их лавки продаются в этом сезоне.

12. Нам предложили бассейн с минеральной водой.

13. К сожалению, мне не дали визу в Финляндию.

14. Вас уже пригласили на туристическую выставку?

15. Этот замок был построен в 17 веке.

Ex.6. Переведите текст на русский язык, составьте вопросительные предложения к выделенным словам:


In American Roulette, the perfectly balanced roulette wheel consists of 38 identical slots, individually numbered from 0, 00, 1 through 36. In total, 38 numbers are represented on the betting layout. On the standard roulette wheel the numbers are not arranged consecutively. By design, they alternate between red and black and exactly opposite each other number is the corresponding higher and lower number. Look straight across one side of the wheel to the other and you will see that the O is opposite the 00, 1 is opposite the 2, and so on up to the 35 being directly opposite the 36. All red numbers are opposite the black numbers.

The roulette wheel is kept spinning all the time and sped up once a game is about to begin. The croupier rolls a little ivory ball along the inner edge of the wheel in the opposite direction of its spin. As the wheel turns, the ball loses momentum and it bounces among the slots and finally falls into one of the numbered slots. Bettors can place their bets right up until the time the wheel slows down and the ball drops into place. The number that the ball rests on is the declared as the winning number for that game.

One to six players can be seated at the roulette table. Roulette is the only game in the casino where players purchase special non-value roulette chips, each player with their own color so that the dealer can tell the bets apart. These chips must be cashed in at the roulette table before leaving. The chips have a set value depending on the minimum bet set at the table, but a player may request whatever value he wishes for his chips. The dealer will then specify the worth of that particular colored chip by mating a sample chip which is placed upon the rim of the wheel. Players may also bet larger amounts by using $1, $5 and $25 regular casino chips. If you are unsure of the procedures and the minimum bets at any table, the dealer, should be glad to explain the casino's policy for roulette wagers.