Задание 4. Test. Выберите правильный ответ.
1. By the end of the century the telephone … .
a) was invented b) had been invented c) has been invented.
2. Девочек учат домашнему хозяйству.
a) The girls teach to do the housework.
b) The girls are taught to do the housework.
e) The girls are taught by doing the housework.
3. Several wonderful museums ... to us.
a) have been shown b) showed c) were showing.
4. I … since childhood.
a) am playing the piano
b) have played on the piano
c) have been playing the piano
5. Пассажирам подадут кофе.
a) The passengers will be served by coffee.
b) The passengers will serve coffee.
c) The passengers will be served coffee.
6. Их адрес нам еще не дали.
a) Their address hasn't been given us yet.
b) Their address hasn't been given to us yet.
c) They haven't given us their address.
7. John Kennedy ... in I960.
a) was elected b) had been elected c) elected
8. The students ... the teacher.
a) are being listened to by
b) are being listened to
c) are listened
9. Прежде чем я переехал, квартиру выкрасили.
a) painted
b) had been painted
c) was painted
Причастие I, II
Функции в предложении | Местоположение в предложении | V + ing = reading | Способы перевода | ||
ПРИЧАСТИЕ I | Определение (левое) | the + PI + существительное | The reading student is my friend. Читающий студент мой друг. | Причастием | |
определение (правое) | the + PI + существительное | The student reading a book is my friend. Студент, читающий книгу, мой друг. | Причастным оборотом; определитель ным придаточным предложением | ||
обстоятельство | when (while) + PI | When (while) reading the story he came across new words. Читая этот рассказ, я встретил новые слова. | Деепричастием придаточным предложением; существительным с предлогом "при" | ||
От правильных глаголов: V + ed = неправильный глагол | |||||
ПРИЧАСТИЕ II | определение (левое) | the + PII + существительное | The used method was very important. Применяемый метод был очень важен. | Страдательным причастием | |
определение (правое) | существительное + PII (by) | The text translated by the students is easy. Текст, переводимый студентами, легкий. | Определитель ным причастным оборотом; причастным предложением | ||
обстоятельство | when if +PII as if | Water becomes ice when cooled. Охлаждаясь, вода превращается в лед. | Деепричастием; "при"+ существитель-ным; обстоятельстенным придаточным предложением |
Задание 1. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, определите функцию причастий в предложении.
1. The boy running there is my sister’s son.
2. He stopped before a closed door.
3. The example given by you is not quite good.
4. When asked he brought the papers.
5. While leaving school he worked a great deal at his English.
6. The man called Peter came up to us.
7. A car driving by a woman came along the road.
8. We watched the teacher writing a sentence on the blackboard.
Задание 2. Измените следующий глагол, используя обороты с причастием вместо придаточных предложений.
The people who live in this old block of flats will soon get new flats. The question which is being discussed now is very important for the organization of our future work. As we had a lot of time, we did not hurry. The woman who is being painted just now is a famous actress. After I had read the book I returned it to the library. While she was looking at his picture she was thinking of the progress he had made. Young artists who are taking part in this exhibition have graduated from the Institute quite recently.
Задание 3. Измените структуру предложений в соответствии с образцами.
a) Model: While they were travelling in Europe they visited France and Italy.
While travelling in Europe, they visited France and Italy. While they were riding they passed by villages and birch groves. While they were discussing the problem they had to look through a lot of papers. While he was having breakfast he listened to the latest news. When he was driving to the airport he got into a traffic jam.
d) Model: The story which was told by the teacher was long. The story told by the teacher was long. The reports, which were made at the conference, were rather interesting. Here is the dictionary which was left by somebody in this room. The books which are borrowed from the library, may be kept for ten days. Cities and towns, which were destroyed during the war, were built now.
Задание 4. Test. Выберите правильный ответ.
1. ... from the Institute my brother decided to go to work in the Far East.
a) having graduated b) graduating c) graduated
3. The man ... a report is a good speaker.
a) made b) making c) is making
3. When … about the exhibition held in the Picture Gallery, the young man said that he had admired it greatly.
a) asked b) being asked c) having asked
4. The performance … at 6 ended at 11.
a) begun b) began c) is beginning
5. ...the device was put into production
a) is testing b) tested c)having been tested
6. The building of the new cinema … in our street just now is of modern design.
a) built b) being built c) having been built
7. The ... method is very effective.
a) described b) is describing c) describing
8. They saw a ... plane
a) flew b) is flying c).flying
9. When ... this article was sent to the editor.
a) translated
b) have translated
c) translates
Герундий (the Gerund) - неличная форма глагола, выражающая процесс действия и совмещающая в себе свойства глагола и существительного.
Формы Герундия.
Indefinite | Perfect | |
Active | asking | Having asked |
Passive | being asked | Having been asked |
Функции Герундия и перевод.
Функции | Способы перевода | |
Подлежащее | Reading is useful. Чтение полезно | Инфинитив, существительное |
Часть составного сказуемого | Our aim is reading English well. Наша цель - читать хорошо по-английски | Инфинитив |
Прямое дополнение | He likes reading books. Он любит чтение книг. | Инфинитив, существительное |
Предложное дополнение | I thought of reading this book. Я думал о том, чтобы прочесть эту книгу. | Дополнительное придаточное предложение |
Определение | This is the way of translating Gerund. Вот способ перевода Герундия. | Существительное |
Обстоятельство | After reading this book he returned it to me. Прочитав эту книгу, он вернул ее мне. | Деепричастие (предлог+существительное придаточного предложения) |
Герундий в функции обстоятельства всегда употребляется с предлогами. Герундий употребляется после некоторых глаголов, словосочетаний и составных предлогов, например:
Would you mind ... - Будьте любезны
I do not mind ... - Я не возражаю
It is worth … - Стоит (что-либо делать)
I cannot help ... - Я не могу не
to succeed in ... - удаваться
to fail ... - потерпеть неудачу
to insist on ... - настаивать
to prevent from ... - мешать
to be afraid of ... -бояться
to be sure of … - быть уверенным
to be surprised at ... - удивлять (ся) . .
due to …- по причине, благодаря
in spite of ...- Несмотря на
instead of ... - вместо того чтобы
Например: Do you mind my smoking?
This book is worth reading?
Отглагольное существительное.
Отглагольное существительное отличается от глагольных форм на -ing наличием артикля, предлога of, стоящего после него, и формой множественного числа на -s. Оно переводится на русский язык существительным: the building оf a new society - построение нового общества.
Отличие PI от Герундия.
1. Причастие I, в функции определений обозначает, что существительное выполняет действие, например: a dancing girl - a girl who dances.
Герундий показывает место или предмет для выполнения действия.
A dancing hall - a hall for dancing.
2. Если форма глагола на -ing употребляется как подлежащее, дополнение или предикатив - это Герундий, Например: Our aim is speaking English well (герундий).
3. Герундий в функции обстоятельства употребляется с предлогом; если предлога нет, то это - причастие, которое употребляется с союзами «when» или «while». После глаголов to keep, to begin, to start, to continue, to go on употребляется Герундий, например: On seeing me she smiled - герундий; Seeing me she smiled - причастие.
Задание 1. Переведите следующие предложения и определите, каким членом предложения является герундий.
1. I think of spending my next summer holidays in the Caucasus.
2. Everybody was surprised at seeing him there.
3. We didn’t succeed in getting tickets for the football match.
4. She is always afraid of catching cold.
5. Swimming in warm weather is always pleasant.
6. Before leaving for London I shall let you know.
7. This film is not worth seeing.
8. The risk of taking part in the contest was great.
Задание 2. Составьте предложения по образцам, используя данные в скобках глаголы.
You can learn to shoot (to shoot).
You can learn to shoot by shooting.
You can improve your English (to read a lot, to learn grammar, to work with a tape-recorder).
You will help us (to take part in this work, to give us your advice)
He can improve his health (to go in for sports, to do morning exercises).
Задание 3. Используйте сложные герундиальные обороты в придаточных предложениях по образцу:
Образец: Не wrote that he would arrive soon. He wrote of his arriving soon.
1. Speak to me before you go home. 2. He insists that we should accept the invitation (to insist on). 3. Do you mind if I take the book? 4.I was afraid that you would be late. 5. We were sure that the exhibition was a success.
Задание 4. Переведите следующие предложения. Определите, какой частью речи являются выделенные слова: а) герундием, 6) причастием, в) отглагольным существительным.
I remember having met him in the south. He thanked her for her coming. When coming into the hall I saw a group of people standing in the middle. The writing of letters usually takes a lot of time. The experiment being demonstrated, all the students watched it attentively. The street leading to our house is very wide. While travelling one sees a lot of interesting things. He prefers painting in oil. The making of his artistic style was a long process.
Задание 5. Test. Выберите правильный ответ.
1. I cannot help... wondering what she sees in him.
a) - b) from c) by.
2. I don't ... wearing old things,
a) care b) complain c) mind.
3. I am afraid ... taking his colleagues too much for granted.
a) at b)of c)in.
4. Вы боитесь летать?
a) Are you afraid of flying?
b) Do you afraid to fly?
c) Are you afraid flying?
5. She succeeded … mastering her speciality.
a) in b)of c)at.
6. They are fond of....
7.He isn't interested in ... money, his family is rich.
a) to earn b) earning c) earn.
8.He was arrested ... a car
a) for stealing b) so as to steal c) for steal.
9) I enjoy ... alone.
a) to live b) living c) live.
Сложноподчиненным называется сложное предложение, состоящее из двух или более предложений, которые связаны между собой способом подчинения, т.е. одно предложение выполняет функцию главного, а другое подчинено ему. Подчиненное предложение называется придаточным.