
Методические указания по развитию навыков устной и письменной речи для студентов младших курсов всех специальностей Мурманск (стр. 2 из 7)

2. Give the adequate Russian variants for the following word combinations:

to provide vocational training; to comprise various institutions of higher education; to cater for local people; to have close links with local industry; to focus on; to operate like a correspondence course; a strict selective process based on interview; on the basis of the results of General Certificate of Education (GCE) A-level exams; employment; to offer a wide range of courses; periods of private study; to cover expenses; government loans; continuous assessment.

3. Find the English equivalents for the following word combinations:

получить высшее образование; профессиональное обучение; располагаться; присуждать степень; предоставлять жилье; быть основанным; посещать занятия; заочное отделение; вступительные экзамены; собеседование; студенты очного отделения; студенты вечернего отделения; получать стипендию; покрывать плату за обучение; зависеть от чего-либо; наставник; естественные и технические предметы; иностранные языки; получить степень бакалавра/магистра; аспирантура.

4. Match the words with the definitions and give their Russian equivalents:

continuous assessment – a) a teacher who gives private instructions to one student or to a very small class and gives advice about personal matters
sandwich course – b) the system of judging the quality of a student's work at every stage of a course, rather than only in exams at the end of the course
a tutor – c) a course of study in an industrial or professional subject at a college or university which includes periods of usually three or six months spent working for a company
General Certificate of Education Advanced level (GCE A-level) exam – d) a university in which all the buildings are located in the same area, often outside a town
campus university – e) an examination in a particular subject which students in GB take when they are 18 in order to go to the university

5. Explain the meaning of the following words and word combinations. Try to do it in your own words using the information from the text.

– Undergraduate/ graduate/ post-graduate students.

– Full-time/ part-time students.

– Degree/ non-degree courses.

– Tutorial/ a tutor.

– Applicant.

6. Choose the correct translation and explain your choice:

заканчивать a) graduate b) graduation c) to graduate
различие a) different b) difference c) to differ
образованный a) educated b) education c) to educate

7. Open the brackets and complete the sentences.

Mind that all verbs are used in the Passive Voice!

1. British higher education … (to associate with) universities.

2. Oxford and Cambridge … (to compose of) semi-independent colleges.

3. The universities with a technical bias … (to know) as 'redbrick' universities.

4. Polytechnical universities … (to design) to give practical and vocational education.

5. After the interview an applicant … (to offer) a place on the basis of GCE A-level exams.

6. The Open University … (to establish) in 1969.

8. Say if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Use the following phrases:

to express agreement: I agree that... It's true... It goes without saying that...
to express disagreement: I disagree because... I can't agree with this statement because... It's false... On the contrary...

1.Higher education in Britain is given at universities only.

2.All British universities are state universities.

3.'Redbrick' universities are institutions with a technical bias.

4.Every British student with A-level qualifications can study at a university.

5.If parents earn a lot of money, their child will get a full grant.

6.The British university year is divided into two terms.

7.Students who study for their first degree are called graduates.

9. Match the question and the answer:

1. What do the British universities differ in? a) Yes, they are.
2. When does the academic year start? b) Yes, they do.
3. Are the final examinations important? c) In the date of foundation, size, history, traditions, ways of student life and methods of teaching.
4. 'Redbrick' universities have close links with local industry, don't they? d) In the countryside.
5. Are 'campus' universities located in the countryside or in the cities? e) In October.

And now give the full answers to these questions.

10. Work in pairs. Answer the following questions. Use such expressions as:

I think/ suppose/ consider/ believe/ guess…

To my mind…

In my opinion…

As far as I remember/ know/ understand…

The matter/ trouble/ problem is…

Frankly speaking…

To tell the truth…

I'm inclined to think…

1. What educational institutions provide higher education in Britain?

2. What educational institutions provide degree courses? How long do they last?

3. What vocational training do Colleges of higher education provide?

4. Which group of universities has a technical bias?

5. What do 'campus' universities focus on?

6. Who studies at the Open University? How does this university operate?

7. Is higher education in Britain selective? Prove your point of view.

8. What does the grant depend on? What does it cover?

9. How many terms are there in the academic year? How long are they?

10. What subjects do students study?

11. What degree do the students get after the graduation?

12. What degrees can they obtain if they decide to continue studying?

11. Here are the answers. Your task is to put questions.

1. Yes, they combine studies with work.

2. No, at first they catered for local people.

3. At Christmas, at Easter, and three or four months in summer.

4. Medical and veterinary courses last five or six years.

5. They get the Bachelor of Science.

12. Make up the plan and retell the text.

13. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

1. Высшее образование в Британии основано на процессе отбора по результатам собеседования.

2. Студенты получают степень бакалавра после трех лет обучения.

3. Открытый Университет – это самое большое образовательное учреждение, которое предлагает заочное обучение.

4. Несмотря на различия в методах преподавания, обучение во всех британских университетах состоит из лекций и семинарских занятий.

5. На семинарах студенты обсуждают различные вопросы в маленьких группах.

6. У студентов-заочников очень мало свободного времени, так как они сочетают работу с учебой.

7. Студенты очного отделения получают стипендию, которая покрывает затраты на обучение и некоторые затраты на проживание.


What are the most famous universities of Great Britain? When were they founded? How do students study there? You will find the answer to these questions if you read the next text.

Before reading study the words and phrases given in the table. Mind the pronunciation of the following words! Look them up in the dictionary and write down the transcriptions. And now practise reading them.

coat of arms герб
self-governing самоуправляющийся, автономный
purpose цель
chapel капелла, часовня
chancellor ректор
hostel общежитие
the cost of education стоимость образования
speciality специальность
individual tuition индивидуальное обучение
to guide through вести, быть руководителем
a wide range of subjects широкий спектр предметов
to be awarded присуждаться
public ceremony общественная церемония
gown мантия
society общество
to debate обсуждать, дискутировать
up-to-day issues современные, насущные проблемы
politician политик

Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest and the most traditional universities in Great Britain. They are often called Oxbridge to denote elitist education. Oxford was established in 1249, the first college at Cambridge, Peterhouse, was founded in 1284. The universities were only for men until 1871, when the first women's college was founded. Almost all colleges are mixed now and people from different parts of the world come to Oxbridge to study and to get degrees.

Oxford and Cambridge universities consist of a number of colleges. Each college has its name, its coat of arms. Each college is self-governing. The large colleges have more than 400 members; the smallest ones have less than 30. Within a college there is a chapel, a dining-hall, a library, and rooms for students and for teaching purposes. All the students must pay for their education, examinations, books and libraries, laboratories, university hostel. Very few students get grants. The cost of education depends on the college and speciality.

The head of the university is a chancellor who is elected for life. The teachers are usually called 'dons' and 'tutors'. Teaching is carried out by tutorial system for which Oxford and Cambridge universities are known all over the world. This is a system of individual tuition organized by the colleges. Every student has a tutor who practically guides him through the whole course of studies. The tutor plans the student's work and once or twice a week a student goes to his tutor to discuss his work with him. Each college offers teaching in a wide range of subjects. Students usually study only one or two subjects, such as politics and philosophy, or German and linguistics, for the whole of their course.

After three years of study students take the Bachelor's degree, and later the Master's and the Doctor's degrees. The degrees are awarded at public degree ceremonies. Oxford and Cambridge universities respect their traditions, such as the use of Latin at degree ceremonies. And students must wear gowns at lectures and exams.

The universities have over hundred societies and clubs. There are religious societies and societies for those who don't believe, sport and drama clubs. The Debating society is very popular among the students. There they debate political and other important up-to-date issues with the famous politicians and writers. Their debates are shown on TV.

A number of great men, well-known scientists and writers studied at Oxbridge, among them Erasmus, the great Dutch scholar, Roger Bacon, the philosopher, Oliver Cromwell, the soldier, John Milton and George Gordon Byron, the poets, Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin, the scientists.

1. Give the translation of the underlined words in the text. Learn them by heart.

2. Explain the meaning of the following words and word combinations in English:

– mixed college;

– chancellor;

– tutorial system.

3. Find in the text the synonyms to the following words and phrases:

– to be established;

– to take the degree;

– to receive grant;

– a great number of;

– to be given.

4. Fill in the prepositions:

1. Oxford and Cambridge universities consist … a number of colleges.

2. All the students must pay … their education.

3. The cost … education depends … the college and speciality.

4. Teaching is carried out … tutorial system.

5. These universities are known all … the world.

6. Tutor practically guides a student … the whole course of studies.

7. Once or twice a week a student goes … his tutor to discuss his work … him.

8. The degrees are awarded … public degree ceremonies.

9. Their debates are shown … TV.

5. Complete the following sentences and use them as a plan to retell the text:

1. These universities are often called Oxbridge…

2. The first college at Cambridge…

3. The universities were only for men until 1871…

4. People from different parts of the world…

5. Oxford and Cambridge universities consist of…

6. Within a college there is…

7. The cost of education depends on…

8. Teaching is carried out by…

9. Every student has a tutor…

10. After three years of study…

11. Oxford and Cambridge universities respect…

12. There are religious societies…

6. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Самые известные университеты Великобритании находятся в Оксфорде и Кембридже.

2. Образование в этих элитных университетах очень дорогое, стоимость обучения зависит от колледжа и специальности.

3. Очень мало студентов получают стипендию, она не покрывает плату за обучение и всех расходов на жилье.

4. После окончания университета студенты получают степень бакалавра, которая присуждается на торжественной церемонии.

5. Студенты, которые интересуются политикой, могут вступить в Дискуссионный клуб (to join the Debating society) и обсуждать актуальные проблемы с ведущими политиками и писателями.