
Методические указания по практике устной и письменной речи английского языка (специальность романо-германская филология) (стр. 4 из 5)

8 Practise the following dialogues.


1 - I would like to have these shoes repaired. As you see my heels are worn down.

- Yes, new heels are to be put on.

- Will you repair the shoes while I wait?

- I'm very busy now. You can pick up your shoes tomorrow.

- At what time?

- Any time.

- How much will it cost?

- $6. What's your name, please?


- All right. Here's your sales slip. You'll pay tomorrow when getting the shoes.

- Thank you.

2 - Do you do alternations?

- Yes, we do.

- I'd like to have these pants shortened.

- All right. How many inches?

- Not more than two.

- Would you try the pants on? I'd like to see them on you. Our fitting room is to the left.

- Okay. Just a minute.

- When can I pick up my pants?

- They will be ready on Monday.

3 - Good morning. May I help you?

- Yes. I'd like to have this film developed and printed.

- Okay. Anything else?

- Please, give rne two films for this camera.

- Here you are. 4 dollars and 35 cents.

- When will my pictures be ready?

- It will take us five days. Here's your receipt.

9 Learn the following dialogue.


Jane: We ought to go to the cleaner's first.

Sheila: No, we ought to go to the launderette first, oughtn't we? It's nearer. We don't want to waste time.

J.: Yes, you are right but it's usually very crowded, isn't it?

S.: Yes, but there must be at least 2 empty machines. Here's the launderette.

J.: The machines that are next to the dryer are empty, aren't they?

S.: No, those are full. These two are empty. Now remember. You mustn't use too much soap and you mustn't put bleach in with the coloured clothes.

J.: Yes, I know. You sound the same as Mum.

S.: Sorry. I think I ought to go to the cleaner's now. We haven't got much time.

J.: Yes, you are right. We oughtn't to waste time.

S.: Is it possible to have this dress cleaned by this afternoon?

Lady: Yes, madam.

S.: Is it possible to have my suit done, too? There are a few spots on the jacket.

L.: No, we can't do the suit by this afternoon. Can you collect it tomorrow morning?

S.: Yes, I can.

10 Explain in English the meaning of the following words.

Express shoe-repairer's, a camera, the barber, shaving lotion, permanent wave, a self-service laundry, to take one's measurements, a floor polisher, a spray, a rental office, a good offices bureau.

11 What will you do if:

1 you need some photoes to renew your passport;

2 your hair looks untidy;

3 your dress fits you badly but still you want to wear it;

4 Your soles are coming off;

5 Ypur watch glass has got cracked;

6 Your watch is fast;

7 YourI have some butter stains on my new jacket;

8 you've taken some snapshots but I have no timeprint them;

9 you coat is creased;

10 you hair seems too straight for me;

11 your soles are worn through;

12 the sleeves of your jacket are frayed;

13 your coat button has come off.

12 Read the following text and choose the correct alternatives.


George Eastman, a Rochester bank clerk, became (1) interested/ interesting in photography in the late 1870s. He spent three years developing a dry-plate process for photography, an enormous (2) enlargement/ improvement over the messy, unwieldy wet-plate method used (3) in/ at the time. After obtaining patents for the process and for a machine to (4) produce/ use large numbers of the plates, he formed the Eastman Dry Plate Company in 1881. Three years later, Eastman (5) introducted/ introduced a new film system using paper coated with gelatin and wound on a roll. With roll holders (6) adopted/ adaptable to most existing plate cameras, the system was an immediate success. In 1884 the company (7) changed/ exchanged its name to Eastman Dry Plate and Film Company.

In 1888 the company (8) discharged/ launched the first easily portable camera, priced at $25 and holding enough rolled film for 100 exposures. To (9) develop/ design the film; owners sent the entire camera to Rochester, where the film was processed and new film inserted in the camera. Eastman called it the Kodak camera, (10) inventing/ discovering the name by trying combinations of letters starting and ending with K, which he considered "a strong, incisive sort of letter". The company advertised the camera with the slogan "You (11) push/ pull the button, we do the rest." With its small size and (12) ease/ easy of use, the Kodak camera introduced a revolution in photography, helping to open the hobby to masses of (13) amateur/ professional photographers.

13 Read the following anecdote and reproduce it in the form of a dialogue.

I took my coat to the cleaner's. A pretty shop assistant with a charming smile said:

- We don't do light-coloured clothes express service.

- Do it ordinary then.

- You haven't taken the buttons off.

- Do you happen to have a pair of scissors or a razor?

- No.

The smile did not leave her face. When I returned her smile was even more radiant.

- There's a red wine stain. We can't take it with this.

I removed the stain at home with the help of my neighbour and some boiling water.

At the cleaner's the smile beamed as before.

- Is this a grease stain? Sun-flower oil? Butter? Name the type of fat that has be removed.

I returned home once again, but I was unable to establish what kind of fat it was. I simply removed the stain with petrol.

This time it seemed to me that she was smiling even more pleasantly.

- Please, step out of my light. That seemed to be a blood stain. Did you bring a blood test certificate?

- What certificate?

- From the police, from the laboratory; a certificate saying that your blood is the same.

- The same as what blood?

- The same as the blood on your coat.

- Do you imagine I've killed somebody?

The shop-assistant continued to smile. It was necessary to make another journey. At home I washed the coat with the help of the same neighbour.

- Not everything is all right, - the shop-assistant smiled at me for the last time. - But why are you giving me a perfectly clean coat?

My neighbour sewed on the buttons for me.

14 Use the words from the list to complete the following text.

Armed with

cater for



embark on

gets rickety







laying out








Do It Yourself

So great is our 1) ... for doing things for ourselves, that we ar becoming increasingly less dependent on 2) ... labour. No one can plead ignorance of a subject any longer, for there are 3) ... do-it-yourself publications. 4) ... the right tools and materials, newly-weds gaily 5) ... the task of decorating their own homes. Men of all ages spend hours of their leisure time 6) ... their own fireplaces, 7) ... their own gardens; building garages and 8) ... furniture. Some really 9) ... enthusiasts go so far as to build their own record players and radio transmitters. Shops 10) ... the do-it-yourself craze not only by running special advisory services for 11) ..., but by offering consumers bits and pieces which they can 12) ... at home.

Wives tend to believe that their husbands are infinitely resourceful and 13) .... Even husbands who can hardly 14) ... a nail in straight are supposed to be born electricians, carpenters, plumbers and mechanics. When lights 15) ..., furniture 16) ..., pipes get 17) ..., or vacuum cleaners fail to operate, wives automatically assume that their husbands will somehow put things 18) .... The worst thing about the do-it-yourself 19) ... is that sometimes husbands live under the 20) ... that they can do anything even when they have been repeatedly proved wrong. It is a question of pride as much as anything else.

14.1 Answer the questions.

1 Why are we less dependent on specialized labour nowadays? 2 Why can no one plead ignorance of a subject any longer? 3 What things can people do for themselves armed with the right tools and materials? 4 How do shops cater for the do-it-yourself craze? 5 What do wives tend to believe about their husbands? 6 What is the worst thing about the do-it-yourself game?

14.2 Prove that do-it-yourself publications are really of great help.

15 Read and discuss the text.


Sometimes when we switch on our automatic washing machine or vacuum cleaner we think of the days when all the household chores took hours and hours to do.

Much preparatory work had been done on the washday, for example, as there was no mains water and no gas heater.

When I think of the washdays of my grandmother’s childhood in the 1920's, I see long lines of white-starched clothes, bright gingham and baby clothes, flapping in the breeze on lines stretched between the apple trees; and rows of towels, tea towels and other small articles lying on the green grass to bleach in the summer sunshine. The rain water was collected from the roof of our farmhouse into a tall barrel and transferred to the washing boiler. This was often a Saturday afternoon task for my father as it needed someone tall and strong to bucket the water from one to the other.

On Mondays at 7.30 a.m. the fire got going under the boiler and in about half an hour the washing began.

The new electric appliances have changed the pattern of our home life completely: the washing, cleaning and cooking take much less time.

Now the daily routine is constantly changing due to the fact that more labour-saving devices have been introduced into our lives.

But the new gadgets have made the household work more sophisticated. One should know how to use all these electric appliances, how to make them work so that they don't break very often and don't give us much trouble. What things must we get first? An electric toaster, a vacuum cleaner, a refrigerator or a washing machine? And how shall we make use of our leisure time now that we have more and more free time on our hands.

15.1 Answer the questions.

1 Did it take much time to do the washing in the country in the 1920's? Why? 2 How much time does it take you to do the washing now? 3 What labour-saving devices have been introduced into our lives? 4 How much time does it take you to do the rooms? 5 Why have the new gadgets made the household work more sophisticated?

16 Read and translate the text. Explain the meaning of the phrasal verbs in italics.


Everything seems to be gaining up these days. Prices are going up and that makes the cost of living go up. The people whose wages and salaries go up are fortunate: they can manage, perhaps, to keep up with rising costs.

Populations are going up too, and if the world becomes overcrowded there may be more wars. Then, if the atomic bombs drop, everything will go up in smoke and dust, and it will be all up with the civilization. We must not give up hope, however. Let us cheer up and not look only on the dark side. Even though troubles pile up, good fortune will turn up occasionally. Servants may leave, so that we have to wash up after our meals, but we may still, when the work is done, be able to put our feet up for a few minutes. We may, when we go out in the car, find the roads up or so bad that our tires go flat and have to be plumped up. Yet, when we get home, we may, perhaps, enjoy, if you sit up late, a wonderful broadcast of Opera from Milan or Rome. Things do look up sometimes. Life is full of ups and downs. We may feel depressed and fed up now but good luck will turn up again soon. So, once again cheer up!

16.1 Rewrite the following sentences substituting the phrasal verbs in italics with the verbs similar in meaning:

1 He rang his wife up.

2 He drew up his will.

3 He put up a garden shed.

4 He turned up his radio.

5 He got his papers mixed up.

6 She brought up her children.

7 She cleared up her bedroom.

8 She liked to make up children’s stories.

9 He looked the word up in the dictionary.

17 In pairs, discuss which of the devices and electric appliances in the puctures:

· is the most useful

· saves the most time

· wastes the most time

· is largely a waste of money

· you would choose if you could only have one of them.

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