
Методические указания по практике устной и письменной речи английского языка (специальность романо-германская филология) (стр. 5 из 5)

Steam Generator Ironing.2kW, 1000ml capacity white steam generator iron with stainless steel plate. Anti-scale system. 70g shot of steam. Variable & vertical steam.

Home Phone. Redial list up to 10 numbers. Access contact list from the handset. Up to 8hrs talk time & 100hrs standby. Includes CD to register your Tesco internet phone account & £5 of call time. Requires broadband internet connection & PC with Windows 98 2nd edition or above.

Hairdryier. A 2000w diffuser dryer with 2 heat/speed settings. The concentrator helps guide the airflow for smooth finishes and the diffuser creates volume and gives body to flyaway hair. Manufacturer’s 10 year warranty.

The LG steam washing machine is the first of its kind with ‘steam direct drive’ technology that saves up to 35% water and uses 21% less energy than most other machines of its class. For those of you that hate ironing, the innovative steam programme continuously sprays steam and gently rotates the drum to effectively remove creases and odours from the fabric between washes.

LG has eliminated the belt, pulley and carbon brushes and attached the motor directly to the drum, making the motor system more reliable and reducing both noise and vibrations. This machine has a large 8kg capacity drum to allow you to wash bigger loads and bulkier items at one go.

The LG steam washing machine has 9 different washing programmes, variable temperature control, variable spin and hot and cold fill. It also includes options for quick wash, hand wash and wool wash. Some other useful features include LCD display, delay start timer and time remaining indicator. Manufacturer’s 10 year warranty.

Canon calls all of its desktop ink jet printers photo printers, but most them are

good choices as all-purpose printers for text and graphics as well, even if you rarely print a photo. The Canon Pixma iP6600D Photo Printer is a photo printer in a more classic sence. It can function fir text and graphics. When it comes to photos, the printer shines with excellent speed, high-quality output, and an assortment for features specifically designed to make photos easy to print.

Canera. It is unnecessary thing for traveling. Images which can be viewed at a larger size have a small magnifying glass icon in the bottom right corner of the image, clicking on the image will display a larger (typically VGA) image in a new window.

Laptop. It has excellent graphics, wireless is fabulous, DVD/CD burner, the processor is great. It is extremely easy to set up and use. Manufacturer’s 10 year warranty.

18 Read and discuss the text.

Should Men Be Able to Cook and Women to Use Тооls?

My uncle James was a good cook, and he married a woman who was another. The result, I am told,, was that the early days of their marriage were not always harmonious: my uncle was always wanting to interfere in the kitchen, while my aunt was always driving him away. Certainly it is generally assumed that cooking is the housewife's job; look at the television advertisements for evidence of this. One sees a man sitting hungrily and expectantly at table, while his wife, dressed in a frilly apron and unpractical shoes, bustles to and from the cooking stove, and finally sets before her husband a dish which ensures his adoration for ever. Ought he to have had a hand in that cooking? Many people will reply, "Certainly not!"

Yet a little thought will tell us how wrong it is that a man should be quite helpless in the kitchen. A married friend of mine often says jocularly that he can make a cup of tea, and can boil an egg, but that he gets muddled if he has to do them both at the same time. Probably exaggerates a little, but he certainly expresses the plight of thousands of men who are quite at at a loss as soon as the woman of the house absent, or confined to bed? Such men must immediately seek the services of a neighbour or a female relative. Is it not rather unmanly to be so miserably dependent? Surely a man should have enough .cooking ability to supply, at the very least, his own needs — preferably those of his wife also, when she is ill. If he has not learned to cook in his boyhood, he should take up cooking as soon as he gets married, asking his wife to give him some lessons.

Now for a woman’s learning to use tools. There are times when her being unable to handle a screwdriver can cause as much trouble as'a man's being unable to boil an egg. The lonely woman, or the woman living in a manless household, is often at a great disadvantage when a fuse burns out, a door handle comes off, a tap leaks, or a wash basin refuses to empty freely. Sometimes she does not even know what must be done; often, when she does know, she finds that the screwdriver or the wrench fails to obey her hands, or that she has bought the wrong washer or the wrong fuse wire. She is forced to call in a plumber or an electrician, who is delighted to come to her aid, to have a long chat afterwards over a cup of tea, and to send in a bill which transforms a sixpenny job into a two-pound one. 'At such a time a woman may well reflect that a short course of training in the use of tools would have saved her time, her money, and her temper.

18.1 Two questions are asked in the title. Neither of them is answered fully in the article but it is clear what the writer has in mind. Give a discussion held by three people of different ages and occupations on the subject.

18.2 Give an account of an occasion when you were obliged to fix the electric iron yourself.

19 Questions on the topic:

1 For what purpose is electricity used in the home?

2 What labour-saving devices have you got at home and why did you buy them?

3 Are labour-saving machines and gadgets really such a blessing as we claim them to be?

4 Have you ever had a bad experience with any household appliance?

5 Does your father (brother) fix electric devices himself or do you have to take them to a repair shop?

6 What Personal Service Establishments are there in your town and what service do they give?

7 Can you imagine your life without everyday services? Why not?

8 What have you observed to be the advantages of the laundry service and what faults do you find with it?

9 What can you say about shoemaker's shops in your area? Do they ever fall behind with orders?

10 How long does it take the dry cleaner's to clean a suit? How long does the Special Service take?

11 Are you good at photography? Is it your hobby?

12 Do you have your hair set regularly? Where do you have it done?

20 Talking points:

1 Everyday services have given us the possibility to be less busy about the house.

2 Women's work is never done. As soon as one job is finished there is another waiting to be done.

3 Housekeeping is much easier than it used to be. Times have changed.

4 Nowadays we don't think what a blessing electricity is. We take it for granted.

5 "Electric appliances don't save labour, they make labour." Do you agree with this statement?

6 "Yesterda у 's luxury is today's necessity." Are you of the same opinion?

7 Ready-to wear clothes are often mass-produced. What may be the drawback of this.

8 The advantaged of tailor-made clothes.

21 Read and translate the text.


Service industries in Britain comprise: 1) national and local government; 2) defense; 3) educational services; 4) health services; 5) transport and communications; 6) distribution services; 7) services provided by financial institutions; 8) business services: advertising, exhibition and conference centers, computer service, auction houses, land and estate companies, type-writing, duplicating, document-copying, translating and employment agencies; 9) miscellaneous services: film and TV, hotels and catering, garages, petrol stations, motor-repairing and distributive trades, hairdressing and manicuring, laundries and laundromats, dry cleaning, window cleaning, shoe-repairing and antique-dealing, funeral service.

There has been a steady rise in the proportion of total output contributed by the service industries in Britain and in the proportion of employers working in the service sector. In 2001 services contributed about 72 per cent of gross domestic product compared with some 60 per cent in 1980 and 50 per cent in 1960. There has also been an increase in service activities carried out within the productive sector. The proportion of administrative, technical and clerical workers employed in manufacturing, for instance, rose from 30 per cent in 1992 to 36 per cent in 2001. It is probable that this represents a growing contribution of management, design, research and development, computing, marketing and distribution skills. The increase in service activity has been accompanied by a rise in the proportion of women in the working population, women tending to find employment more readily in service activities than in production. In June 2001 the number of women in employment was 0,7 mln higher than ten years earlier while the number of males was 1,6 mln lower.

The main growth sector since the 1970-ies has been financial and business services, followed by public health and educational services, public administration and communication. The contribution of the distributive trades to gross domestic product has changed little and that of transport has declined. The rising contribution of the publicly provided health and education services results in part from the recognition that investment in human resources is of increasing importance to an industrialized society in an era of technological advance. Within miscellaneous services growth (measured by employment) has occurred chiefly in hotels and catering, services associated with leisure activities, motorcar services and distribution.

One detectable trend in recent decades is that consumers have changed certain services (such as public transport, laundry and cinema) for rented or purchased goods such as motorcar washing machines and TV-sets with which they can provide services for themselves. In turn, demand for distribution, maintenance and repair of such goods has generated fresh service activities. Increased consumer expenditure on the running costs of motor-vehicles has contributed significantly to the rise in consumer expenditure on services from 40 per cent of total consumer expenditure in 1990 to 38 per cent in 2000.

In general, technological innovation, particularly electronics, is combined with increased consumer spending to make possible the provision of new and improved services, ranging from electronic accounting to the expansion of information systems, such as view-date and the renting of electronic entertainment goods such as video-cassette-recorders.

· How can you characterize in general the system of service industries in Britain?

· How can you explain the steady rise in the development of service industries in Britain during the previous decade?


1. Evans Virginia, Edwards Lynda Upstream Advanced Student’s Book, Express Publishing, 2003.

2. Fried-Booth diana L. First Certificate Practice Tests, Longman: Pearson Education Limited, 2005.

3. Ford Martin, Legon Peter The How To Be British Collection, Lee Gone Publications, 2005.

4. Jones Ceri, Bastow Tania with Jon Hird Inside Out. Student’s Book. Advanced, Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2006.

5. Matuyshkina-Guerke T.I., Kuzmichova T.N., Ivanova L.L. A Book for Aural/Oral Work. – М.: ГИС, 1998.

6. Musman Richard, D’Arcy Adrian-Vallance Britain Today, Longman, 1999.

7. Povey J. English in Leisure. – М.: Высшая школа, 1978.

8. Vince Michael Advanced Language Practice. Macmillan Heinemann, 2004.

9. English Dictionary for Advanced Learners. COLLINS COBUILD, HarperCollinsPublishers, 2001.

10. Oxford Dictionary for Advanced Learners, Oxford University Press, 2004.

11. Oxford Guide to British and American Culture, Oxford University Press, 2001.