
Методические указания по практике устной и письменной речи английского языка (специальность романо-германская филология) (стр. 1 из 5)


Федеральное государственное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования


Т.А. Шкуратова

Методические указания

по практике устной и письменной речи английского языка

(специальность – романо-германская филология)



Методические указания разработаны кандидатом филологических наук, доцентом кафедры английской филологии Т.А. Шкуратовой.

Ответственный редактор проф., доктор филол. наук Николаев С.Г

Рецензент: доц., канд. пед. наук Колесина К.Ю.

Компьютерный набор и верстка доц., канд. филол. наук Шкуратовой Т.А.

Печатается в соответствии с решением кафедры английской филологии факультета филологии и журналистики ЮФУ, протокол № 10 от 31 мая 2007 г.

Данные методические указания к курсу «Практика устной/письменной речи английского языка» по теме «В гостинице. Службы быта» предназначены для студентов 3 курса отделения романо-германской филологии факультета филологии и журналистики.

Методические указания состоят из двух тематических разделов, в каждый из которых включены тексты, диалоги, упражнения и задания разной языковой трудности. Это дает возможность преподавателю использовать материал выборочно в зависимости от индивидуальных особенностей аудитории и степени подготовленности студентов.

Основная цель методических указаний -- расширение словарного запаса студентов, отработка и дальнейшее совершенствование навыков чтения и диалогической речи. Спецификой данной тематики определен характер и содержание текстов для аналитического, изучающего и ознакомительного чтения, а также подбор иллюстративных диалогов. В заданиях акцент делается на умение студентов применить изучаемую лексику в ситуативных высказываниях, а также на стимулирование устной связной, логически упорядоченной речи.

Предлагаемые для работы тексты, диалоги и упражнения являются источником страноведческих знаний, и их изучение нацелено на расширение кругозора студентов.


1 Find Russian equivalents to the following words and phrases.

Make arrangements about a room

to reserve a room





chambermaid/ maid



lift boy

hall porter

head waiter

vacant rooms

double/single room

twin-bedded room

room with private bath

hotel/ bridal/ luxury suite

standard room (Std)


family room

main building

bungalow (BGW)


have something free

fill in an arrival card/form

extend a stay

room service

charge an extra percent

fill in a breakfast order

to sign a bill

an order for laundry

to make a telephone call

to dial a number

to book a call

put somebody through

a garden view (GV)

a mountain view (MV)

with a sea view (SV)

run of the house

additional beds or cots can be provided

DBL+extra bed

to be newly furnished

to be decorated in contemporary style

ample wardrobe space

on-the-spot facilities

check in/ out

roof heliport

a key-coded card

escalator parking lot

room delivery system

I’m afraid we’re full at the moment.

Do you know who is the manager of the Europe Hotel?

I recommend you to stay at the Consul Hotel.

When the young couple started on a trip they took eight suitcases along with them.

They are going to build a 20-storey hotel in that street.

This hotel accommodates two thousand guests.

A laundry and dry-cleaning service is available.

2 Practise the dialogue.


В.: Good morning. I'd like to check in.

Reception Clerk.: Do you have a reservation with us?

В.: Yes, I do. I made a reservation by phone last night.

R.C.: Your name, please?

В.: Brian Mitchell from San Francisco.

R.C.: Would you spell your name, please?

В.: M as in "Marry", I as in "Isaak", Т as in "Tommy", С as in "Charley", H as in "Harry", E as in "Edward", double L as in "Lucy".

R.C.: Okay. Let me see. You have a reservation for single room. Is that correct?

В.: Perfectly correct.

R.C.: Have you already decided how many nights to stay?

В.: At last until Wednesday. But I may stay longer than that. When should I inform you about it?

R.C.: Let us know about your decision Tuesday night. You can give us a call until 11 pm.

В.: All right. What's the room rate?

R.C.: 75 dollars per night. Please, fill out the registration card. Print your name and home address.

В.: Should I sign my name?

R.C.: Put your signature right here. Okay, will you pay cash or by credit card?

В.: By credit card. Do you need it right now?

R.C.: You can give me your credit card before cheking out.

В.: By the way, what's the checking out time?

R.C.: One o'clock in the afternoon.

В.: Thank you. I have some additional questions.

R.C.: I'll be glad to answer them.

В.: What about room service?

R.C.: Room service is available from 6 am to 10 pm. You can dial your order from the telephone in your room.

В.: Where is your restaurant?

R.C.: The restaurant is on the 1st floor. We also have a coffee shop. It's right here in the lobby.

В.: Thank you for the information.

R.C.: You are welcome. A bellboy will help you with your luggage. Your room is number 1215. Enjoy your stay.

В.: Thanks.

3 Read the following text. Remember the following rules and regulations.

When travelling people almost always stay at hotels. It is advisable, therefore, to remember the following:

· The first thing to do is to book a room in advance either by e-mail, telephone or telegram. Otherwise you may arrive at the hotel and be told that there are no vacant rooms.

· On arrival at the hotel go to the reception desk in the lobby and confirm your reservation. The clerk will then give you a registration form to fill in and sign (the form is filled in block letters). In smaller hotels you simply sign the visitor's book and give your permanent address.

· At large hotels you may ask for any service by telephone. You tell the operator if you wish to be called at a certain time, you call room service when you want a meal or drinks sent up to your room, valet or maid service if you need something (a suit or dress) cleaned or pressed.

· Let the hotel management know well in advance the day and time of your departure.

4 Discuss the following rules of staying in the hotel.

The hotel is assigned for the temporary stay of the guests during the period which is arranged with the administration of the hotel.

1 The payment for the hotel is made according to the price-list.

2 There is a unique checking-hour at the hotel - 12 o'clock.

3 If you keep money and jewelry in your room it is your own responsibility and not of the hotel.

4 At the request of the guest and with the administration's approval visitors can stay in the guest's room from 8 a.m. till 11 p.m.

5 When leaving the room the quest must:

· not leave taps open;

· close the window;

· put out the light, the radio and the TV-set;

· give the key to the floor-keeper.

6 The guests must keep everything in order. He will have to repay the damage if anything is broken or damaged.

7 The coupons for the hotel should be delivered to the reception-desk.

8 You are not permitted to have some strangers in the room while you are absent; be careful with the fire; don't have big luggage in your room.

The Kingsley Hotel

Bloomsbury Way, London WCIA 2SD Telephone: 071-242 5881 Telex: 21157 Fax: 071-831 0225




(Rooms should be vacated by noon on the day of departure)


VALUABLES May we respectfully advise you that the proprietors cannot hold themselves responsible for any valuables which may be left unattended in the rooms - i.e. money, jewellery or other valuable items. These should be deposited with the Reception for safe-keeping. SECURITY Guests are adviseed not to leave the bedroom door keys in the lock on the outside of the door and to keep the room door closed at all times. BREAKFAST TIMES (Restaurant) Monday to Friday: 7.30 to 10.00 a.m. Saturday, Sunday & Bank Holidays: 8.00 to 10.00 a.m.

5 Make up short stories or dialogues using these statements.

1) You are a guest at a hotel. You want to be awakened at 8 a.m. You ring up the desk-clerk and say...

2) You want some of your shirts to be washed. When the chambermaid comes, you say...

3) Leaving the hotel you ask the desk-clerk to have your bill ready for you. When you see the bill, you are surprised. It is not what you expected. You say....

4) You arrive at the hotel with which you have reserved a room in advance (by telegram). The reception clerk says your name tells him nothing. You say...

5) You are leaving the hotel and you want your luggage to be taken down. You ring for the desk-clerk and say...

6) You are flying to Edinburgh tomorrow where you will be spending a few days. They recommend you to stay at the Castle Hotel. Wishing to make a reservation you phone the manager and say...

6 Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your reasons.

1) The porter is a person who keeps the rooms in order.

2) It isn't good to reserve a room by telegram.

3) The rates for those who stop for a night or two are lower than for those who stay at a hotel longer.

4) If the guest wants his breakfast in his room, the desk-clerk or manager will bring it to him.

5) Suites are usually the cheapest rooms in hotels.

6) When a national or international congress takes place in the town it is usually very easy to get hotel accommodation.

7) The hotels at seaside resorts are usually full in winter.

8) TV sets and tape-recorders are usually found in every room of a hotel.

7 Fill in the missing phrases.


Clerk: Good afternoon. Watermill Inn. May I help you?

Y.: Hi, I'd like some information about the inn.

C. Of course. We're located in the town of Rhinebeck, just a two-hour drive from the city.

Y.: What kind of accommodation do you have?

C.: For a very special vacation we have a large honeymoon ...

Y.: Well, I ...

C.: Or if you prefer, you can reserve a smaller

Y.: That's probably ...

C.: Or a double room with a fireplace and a balcony.

Y.: I really think ...

C.: And ... of the Hudson River from the balcony is absolutely gorgeous!

Y.: I don't really...

C.: Enjoy beautiful views? Well, the town of Rhinebeck is the perfect place to take an afternoon walk.

Y.: I'd like to ...

C.: And of course, after all that walking, you'll want to relax and have a delicious dinner in our romantic dining room.

Y.: Well, I don't know, I may be ...

C.: ... too tired to come to the dining room? Don't worry. Our friendly ... is always ready to bring delicious meals to your room.

Y.: Oh, how nice!

C.: Nice? Our ..., Mrs. Montefiore is the nicest person you'll ever meet. She's been making the Watermill Inn a comfortable place for guests for over 20 years.

Y.: What time is ...

C.: Check in? Well you can ... anytime after 1 pm and ... any time before 12 noon. Now, when would you like your ... and what type of room would you like?

Y.: I'm not quite sure ...

C.: You can be sure that the Watermill Inn is the finest small hotel in all of New York state.

Y.: New York? I thought I called Florida.

8 Work with your partner. Discuss or dramatize the situational dialogues.

1) Late at night you arrive at the hotel with which you have reserved a room. The sleepy reception clerk says he can't find your reservation and a hotel is full. He says you had better wait till tomorrow morning. Some guests are supposed to sign out at 10 am.

2) You have been staying at the hotel for 5 days and found that it isn't a very happy place to stay in. Everything here is getting on your nerves - the chambermaids shout loudly early in the morning, they don't change bedlinen in time, the steward is careless, the desk-clerk never does what you ask him to. You want to sign out but you have paid in advance for 10 days.

9 Retell the text.


We took a cab from Union Station to the Ramada Inn. The hotel was within walking distance from the station but Bruce had a very heavy suitcase. The cab had no meter. The cabbie said that fares were determined by taxi fare zones. Bruce later explained that Washington was the exception, not the rule. In most cities, he said, cabs had meters.

At the hotel we checked in without any problems. The desk clerk confirmed my reservation for a double room. We filled out registration forms and got our key. The bellman took Bruce's suitcase up. I wondered how much I should pay him. Bruce said, a one-dollar tip would be OK.

Our room was not a room but a suite. In fact, it was a whole apartment with a kitchenette, a refrigerator and even a bar. On my bedside table I found a Bible. Bruce said, there was one in every hotel room. Can you imagine that?