
Методические указания по выполнению контрольных работ для студентов 1 курса факультета права и социальных коммуникаций заочной формы обучения (контрольная работа №2) (стр. 2 из 2)

  1. If we are to fly to other planets we will have to design a gigantic spacecraft.
  2. Planets like the Earth must be quite common.
  3. It is possible that simple forms of life may exist on the Mars.
  4. Friends may meet, but mountains never.
  5. What’s done cannot be undone.
  6. Bad seed must produce bad corn.
  7. A fool may ask more questions than a wise can answer.
  8. They ought to be present at the meeting.
  9. Mike should stop smoking.
  10. I must have left my wallet in the restaurant.

5. Fill in each space with a suitable modal verb or its equivalent. Translate the sentences into Russian

1. He’s got a lung problem and he…go to hospital every two weeks.

2. I…not believe. I am already out of money. You…learn not to spend so much.

3. …I take this book? – Certainly, but you…not give it to anybody.

4. …we bring these books every day? No, you…not.

5. My neighbours…grow their own vegetables.

6. You…not (go) out in this rain; as it is you have a cold in your head.

7. I (take) a taxi, otherwise I should have missed the train.

8. …you (ask) my sister to help you? I am very busy today.

9. Kate…to meet her lawyer at twelve o’clock today.

10. My boss gets on my nerves. I …stand him.

6. Read the text. Translate passages 2, 3 in writing. Decide if the statements are true or false. Put “T” if it is true, put “F” if the statement is false.

Were school dinners really so bad?

Don’t spend lots of money on quality cooking; just make sure you like the place where you have it. A new report says that the enjoyment of a meal doesn’t depend on what you eat, but where you eat it.

Researches prepared the same meal in ten different locations and asked the people eating it to give it marks out of ten for the taste, texture and appearance of the food. When they served ‘chicken a la king’ in a residential home for the elderly, it got low marks. However, when they served in to customers in a four-star restaurant, the reaction was very different. The customers said it tasted delicious.

‘The results show that in many cases the location is actually much more important than the food’ said Professor John Edwards of Bournemouth University. Edwards and his team took great care to make sure that all meals would be as similar as possible. They used exactly the same kinds of chicken, they stored the dishes in the same kind of plastic bags and served them all with the same type of rice. The meal got the highest marks in every category-taste, texture, appearance-at the restaurant. Interestingly, bottom marks went to the dish when they served it in an army training camp. As one of the soldiers said, ‘It tastes awful and smells disgusting.’

1. A new report says that the enjoyment of a meal depend of what you eat.

2. Researches prepared the same meal in ten different locations.

3. The people were given the place marks out of ten.

4. People in the residential home for the elderly liked the food.

5. Customers in the restaurant liked the food.

6. The place is always more important than the food.

7. Edwards and his team took great care to make sure that all the meals are different.

8. Edwards’ team used exactly the same ingredients in their dishes.

9. The food got the highest mark in every restaurant.

10. Soldiers especially liked the meal.

7. Read the text, translate passages 2, 5 in writing. Answer the questions below in writing.


Giving Gifts.


Unlike the UK, gift-giving is very important in Japan and it usually happens at the end of a visit. Pens are a good idea or something not available in Japan. If you give flowers, avoid giving four or nine flowers as these are unlucky numbers.


Chinese people will probably refuse your gift several times, but it is polite to continue offering it to them. Do not give clocks to Chinese people as the Chinese word for ‘clock’ is similar to the word for ‘death’.

Middle East:

Give gifts of highest quality leather, silver, or crystal. Remember to avoid alcohol and leather from pigs.

South America:

Gift-giving is less formal in South America but still an important part of the culture. Avoid leather, as many of the world’s best leather products come from South America.

Australia, Canada, the USA, and Europe:

Gift-giving in these countries is informal and not always expected. However, it is polite to bring someone flowers, chocolate of wine when visiting their house. In some European countries, you should avoid red flowers (associated with romance).

1. When do people usually give gifts in Japan?

2. Pens aren’t a good idea as a gift in Japan, are they?

3. What does the word ‘clock’ mean in China?

4. What can you choose as a gift if you visit Middle East?

5. Is gift-giving less formal in South or in North America?

6. Giving leather products for a gift in South America is a good idea, isn’t it?

7. Do people in European countries expect gifts?

8. What is polite to give for a gift when you visit houses in Australia, Canada, the USA and Europe?

9. What gift would you give to your host family if you went to England?

10. Do you like the idea of gift-giving?


Федеральное государственное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования

«Российский государственный университет туризма и сервиса»


Факультет Общеуниверситетских кафедр

Кафедра Иностранных языков


по иностранному языку

___ -й семестр

Студента(ки) заочной формы обучения ____________________


№ зачетной книжки ____________группа_____________________


№ варианта _______________ Выполнил(а)________________

Работа предъявлена на проверку «___»_____20__г.____________

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Вторично предъявлена на проверку «____»_________2010 года

РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ ПРОВЕРКИ___________________________________________



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