
Методические указания по выполнению контрольных работ для студентов 1 курса факультета права и социальных коммуникаций заочной формы обучения (контрольная работа №2) (стр. 1 из 2)






Кафедра___________________Иностранные языки_______________


Проректор по учебной работе,

д.э.н., профессор

________________________Новикова Н.Г.




для студентов 1 курса факультета права и социальных коммуникаций заочной формы обучения

(контрольная работа №2)

Дисциплина ____________Иностранный язык (английский)___________________

Москва 2009г.

Методические указания по выполнению контрольных работ составлены на основе рабочей программы дисциплины

______________________ _Иностранный язык_(английский)_____ ______________

(название дисциплины)

Методические указания по выполнению контрольных работ рассмотрены и утверждены на заседании кафедры

_________________________ Иностранные языки______________________

(название кафедры)

Протокол № 2 «15»__ сентября_2008г.

Зав кафедрой к.и.н.,доц. Юрчикова Е.В.

Методические указания по выполнению контрольных работ одобрены Научно - методическим советом ФГОУВПО «РГУТиС»

Протокол № ________ «____»_______________200_г.

Ученый секретарь

Научно-методического совета

К.и.н., доцент Юрчикова Е.В.

Методические указания разработал:

Преподаватель кафедры

«Иностранные языки» к.и.н.,доцент Юрчикова Е.В.



Цель данных методических указаний и контрольных работ – помочь студенту в самостоятельной работе над развитием практических навыков чтения и перевода общенаучной литературы и литературы по специальности широкого профиля.

В сборнике имеется серия грамматических и лексических упражнений, направленных на развитие устной и письменной речи. Студент выполняет один вариант контрольной работы в соответствии с последним шифром студенческого билета: студенты, шифр которых оканчивается на нечетное число, выполняют вариант №1, на четное – вариант №2.

Выполнять письменные контрольные работы следует в формате Word (шрифт № 14 Times New Roman, через 1,5 интервала). На титульном листе укажите факультет, курс, номер группы, фамилию, имя и отчество, номер контрольной работы и варианта.

Контрольные задания следует выполнять c соблюдением полей, оставленных для замечаний, комментария и методических указаний преподавателя (слева 3 см. от начала страницы).

Строго соблюдайте последовательность выполнения задания.

Фрагменты текста, предназначенные для письменного перевода перепишите на левой стороне страницы, а на правой представьте его перевод на русском языке.

В конце работы поставьте свою личную подпись.

Контрольная работа №2

Variant 1

1. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Then translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. She (do) no homework this month.
  2. Will that gramophone never stop? It (play) the same tune for two hours.
  3. He (live) in this country for many years but he still can’t speak our language.

The old man (be) a great traveller in his youth and could tell a tale about many strange places.

  1. You (do) this work by next Sunday?
  2. Our salaries (rise) twice since Christmas.
  3. Mary is learning the piano. She (practise) since breakfast time.
  4. I (be married) for ten years.
  5. I (do) all my homework by the time he comes, and we will go for a walk together.
  6. He (do) all his work by six o’ clock yesterday.
  7. I never (be) in the Netherlands.

2. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Then translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. When morning came, the storm already (stop), but the snow still (fall).
  2. Yesterday by eight o’clock he (finish) all his work.
  3. We (drink) tea when the telephone (ring).
  4. He (be) here five minutes ago, but you (be) out.
  5. You (read) “The Murder of Roger Ackroyd” by Agatha Christie?
  6. When we (come) to the station, the train already (arrive).
  7. We could not go out, because it (rain) hard since early morning.
  8. What you (do) when I come in?
  9. Our train starts late in the evening, so if you (come) at seven, we still (pack) our luggage.
  10. When I (leave) home, it (rain).

3. Complete the sentences using the correct passive forms of the verbs in brackets. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Two reports on Hemingway’s stories (make) in our group last month.

2. He said that Grandmother’s letter (receive) the day before.

3. Two new engineers just (introduce) to the head of the department.

4. I am sure I (ask) at the lesson tomorrow.

5. They told me that the new student (speak) much about.

6. This new dictionary (sell) everywhere now.

7. All the texts (look) through yesterday.

8. The answer to the question can (find) in the dictionary.

9. Moscow University (found) by Lomonosov.

10. The composition must (hand) on Monday.

4. Find modal verbs or modal equivalents. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. Her grandmother can knit very well.
  2. May I invite Nick to our house?
  3. I haven’t written the composition. I will have to write it on Sunday.
  4. We were to get there before the others.
  5. You should know how to raise your children not to be losers.
  6. He must have sold his piano.
  7. He was to sell his piano.
  8. He can’t have sold his piano.
  9. It might have been worse.
  10. I’m sorry I couldn’t come yesterday. I had to work late.

5. Fill in each space with a suitable modal verb or its equivalent. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. You…not come to help them tomorrow: the work is done.
  2. You…not change the whole text as the beginning is all right.
  3. …you help me now? –I am afraid not I am in a hurry.
  4. She…decorate the room nicely.
  5. We … not afford to pay the bill.
  6. You … take medicine three times a day before meals.
  7. How do you feel when you …a test?
  8. …I return the book on Friday? I am afraid I…not finish it before.
  9. John …not tell us the rules of the game; we know them.
  10. ...we bring these textbooks every day.

6. Read the text. Translate Passage 2 in writing. Decide if the sentences below are true or false. Put “T” is it is true, put “F” if it is false.

Going up.

In 1953, Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norway climbed to the top of Mount Everest. The next challenge was to climb it without bottled oxygen. This was the goal of Austrian climbers Peter Hambeler and Rainhold Messner. The doctors said they were crazy. They tried it anyway. On 8 May 1978, they were about 800 metres from the top of Everest. They woke at 3 a.m. and began preparing. It took them two hours to get dressed. Every breath was precious and they used their hands to communicate. Climbing was slow. At 8, 800 metres, they stopped and lay down every few steps because of the lack of oxygen. But between one and two in the afternoon they reached the top of Mount Everest without oxygen.

Going down.

Most people can hold their breath long enough to dive to the bottom of a swimming pool, but on 17 August 2002, Tanya Streeter went a lot, lot deeper. The 29-year-old held her breath for 3 minutes 26 seconds and became the world free-diving champion. She dived 160 metres below the surface of the sea (that’s further than three football pitches). During the dive her lungs shrank to the size of oranges. Her heart slowed to fifteen beats a minute and she sang her national anthem in her head to control her fear. Tanya says that her mental strength is more important than her physical. “I am a very determined person. When I decide to do something, I do it.”-says Tanya.

1. In 1953, Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norway climbed to the top of Mount Everest.

2. Habeler and Messner didn’t listen to their doctors.

3. It took them two hours to go 800 metres.

4. The main problem was breathing.

5. They were given an award for their achievement.

6. Tanya Streeter holds the world record for holding her breath.

7. She was a good trainer.

8. She was afraid during her dive.

9. She didn’t know how to control her fear.

10. She feels that being physically strong isn’t the most important thing.

7. Read the text, translate passages 1, 3 in writing. Answer the questions below in writing.

Jamie’s kitchen.

Food lovers everywhere love the hottest young celebrity, Jamie Oliver. One big reason is his simple, easy and, above all, tasty recipes, which he has put together in some excellent recipe books. Good food was always very important in Jamie’s family. His parents had a pub in the south-east of England and, from the age of eight, he started cooking and helping the chefs.

Recently, he started a new project. He opened a restraint called ‘15’ in east London. He gave himself nine months to take a team of unemployed 16-24-year-olds, with almost no previous experience of cooking, and turn them into top-class chefs. Jamie says his biggest lesson is that each individual needs a different approach. Some people learn quickly and others need a bit more time.

The project also became a TV series called Jamies’s Kitchen which millions of people watched. One of the real success stories is Kerry Ann Dunlop. Originally she failed her college exams but after Jamie took her on, everything changed. Now she runs her own section of the kitchen. ‘Everyone is still having a really good time. We get tired sometimes but we have fun in the kitchen, and seeing everyone enjoying the meals we’ve prepared makes us all feel good.’ And about Jamie, she says, ‘He’s fantastic. He’s like a big brother or best friend to me now.’ And what is she going to do next? ‘I think I’d go abroad. I’m going to apply for a job in a top New York restaurant.’

1. When did Jamie start cooking?

2. What did his parents own when Jamie was a child?

3. What did Jamie do with the recipes he collected?

4. Were his chefs experienced when he employed them?

5. What was the age of his future chefs?

6. What is surprising about Kerry Ann’s story?

7. How does she feel about Jamie?

8. Where would she like to work next?

9. Can you cook well?

10. Would you like to open your own restaurant?

Контрольная работа №2

Variant 2

1. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. When Mary came home, her brother was reading the book which she (bring) him two days before.
  2. She is happy, her son (finish) school.
  3. By the time we (come) to see him, he (return) home.
  4. They said they (translate) the text for three hours yesterday.
  5. By the next year we (live) in this city for four years.
  6. We (live) in the USA for nearly ten years now.
  7. I hope that (not forget) about by the end of the month.
  8. His hair is very short. He (have) a haircut.
  9. You ever (be) to St. Petersburg?
  10. Professor Benton (finish) the operation by three o’clock.

2. Complete these sentences using the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. Autumn (come). It (be) November now. It (get) colder, the days (get) shorter. It often (rain).
  2. When I (do) my homework yesterday, I quickly (run) to the yard, because my friends (wait) for me yesterday.
  3. What you (learn) for today?-I (to be sorry), I (not prepare) my lesson. I (be) ill yesterday.
  4. What you (do) at five o’clock yesterday?
  5. Mike always (do) his homework in the evening, but today he (begin) doing it as soon as he comes from school.
  6. Hello! Where you (go)? – Nowhere in particular.
  7. Our students (do) all kinds of exercises and now them (be) sure that they (know) this rule well.
  8. I just (take) a walk.
  9. As a rule, she (go) to the library every Wednesday.
  10. He (come) home by six o’clock yesterday.

3. Complete these sentences using the correct passive forms of the verbs in brackets. Then translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. Many towns (destroy) by the earthquake in Japan last year.
  2. The dinner (cook) at the moment.
  3. A lot of apples (grow) in Sweden.
  4. The forests of Northern Europe (destroy) slowly by acid rain.
  5. Do you know the news? Sam (invite) to Helen’s party.
  6. America (discover) by Christopher Columbus.
  7. You (meet) by Harry at the airport tomorrow.
  8. Don’t worry. The children (take) to the theatre by the teacher and (bring) back to school in the evening.
  9. All the texts (look) through yesterday.
  10. The newspaper said that an interesting exhibition (open) in the Hermitage the next week.

4. Find modal verbs or modal equivalents. Then translate the sentences into Russian.