
Методические указания Красноярск сфу 2011 (стр. 6 из 7)

10. The Nile is a very long river. It is … in the world.

6. Переведите части предложения в скобках, используя as….as… .

1. I’m (такой же высокий как) my father.

2. My house is (такой же просторный как) your house.

3. This computer is (такой же дорогой как) that one.

4. Mary is (такого же возраста как) John.

5. I don’t know anyone who speaks (также быстро как) he.

6. This perfume is (такие же хорошие как) the one I had before.

7. I can cook (также вкусно как) my mother.

8. The Stonehenge is not (такой древний как) the Pyramids.

9. Humans can’t live (столько же сколько) tortoises.

10. Horses can’t run (также быстро как) cheetahs.

7. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в форму Present Continuous Active. Используйте краткие формы (‘m, ‘s, ‘re).

Example: Please be quite. I … (to write) an essay. - Please be quite. I‘m writing an essay.

1. Don’t disturb her, she … (to work) at her essay.

2. Where are the children? They … (to play) computer games.

3. I … (to make) an apple pie at the moment.

4. They … (to build) a new road round the city

5. Jim is in the bathroom. He … (to have) a shave now.

6. I … (to translate) the article at the moment.

7. They … (to announce) the winners of the competition at the moment.

8. Let’s go out. It is very warm and the sun … (to shine) brightly.

9. People … (to poison) millions of fish in the sea.

10. It … (to get) dark. Let’s turn on the lights.

8. Постройте вопросы в Present Continuous Active.

Example: What … (you/to wait) for? – What are you waiting for?

1. What’s the matter? Why … (the child /to cry)?

2. What … (you /to look for)?

3. … (Susan/ to have classes) this week?

4. … (your English/ to get) better?

5. What book … (he/ to read)?

6. What subjects … (Kate/ to study) at university?

7. Can you hear these people? What language … (they/ to speak)?

8. … (you/ to work) at the moment?

9. What … (they/ to talk) about?

10. What … (to go) on here?

9. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в форму Present Continuous Passive.

Example: Look, trees are being planted (to plant) by the children in our yard.

1. Don’t enter the room! A student … (to examine) there.

2. The question which … (to discuss) now at the conference is very important.

3. Ann can’t use her office at the moment. It … (to redecorate).

4. Have you visited the new exhibition of this artist? It … (to visit) actively.

5. You can’t enter the Internet. The computer … (to use) now.

6. There is somebody behind us. I think we … (to follow).

7. A new highway … (to build) between Germany and France now.

8. The manager hasn’t signed the documents. They … (to check) now.

9. She … (to tell) a wonderful story by her Granny.

10. This poem … (to learn) by heart by Mary.

10. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в форму Present Continuous Active или Passive.

1. A mainframe (to set) by system administrators at present.

2. Intel Corporation (to develop) a new processor architecture code-named “Ivy Bridge” now.

3. An application (to run) on the computer now.

4. Nowadays scientists (to try) develop the most powerful computer, based on mainframe technology.

5. My PDA (to repair) in the service centre at present.

6. The disk drive (to read) scientific information from the disk.

7. Memory capacity of the laptop (to use) right now.

8. Our University supercomputer (to solve) a complicated calculation task at the moment.

9. We are busy. We (to look) for necessary information for our report.

10. Research in the field of supercomputer capabilities (to do) these days.

8. Вопросы для подготовки устного сообщения

Детально опишите ваш домашний компьютер. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What type of computer do you have (desktop, laptop, etc.)?

2. Who fast is your processor?

3. What kind of memory do you have?

4. How big is your monitor?

5. What peripheral devices are connected to your computer?

6. What peripherals would you like to have? Why?

7. Is your hard drive big enough?

8. Do you have good video and sound cards?

9. Would you like to have better video and sound cards? Why? Why not?

Ваш рассказ должен состоять из 15-20 предложений.

Ключи к упражнениям


Задания на чтение.

Упражнение 2.


Family status



Jenny Daughter / Sister twenty student
Jim Father Twenty-nine /twenty nine Businessman/ farmer
Kate Mother Twenty-eight (twenty eight) Businesswoman/ farmer
Emma Grandmother / Granny Seventy-five / seventy five retired
Thomas Brother / Son thirty driver
Betty Sister-in-law Twenty-eight / twenty eight housewife
Andy Brother / Son Twenty-seven / twenty seven designer
Mary Daughter / Sister sixteen schoolgirl

Упражнение 5.

1. Andy’s cousin

2. Tomas’s wife

3. Jenny’s sister / Jenny’s younger sister)

4. Mary’s parents

5. Andy’s sister-in-law

6. Jim and Kate’s son

7. Jenny’s grandma / Jenny’s grandmother

8. Andy, Jenny and Mary’s nephew

9. Tomas’s mother

10. Ronald’s parents

Упражнение 6.

1. takes care of

2. is good at

3. communicates with

4. listens to

5. is interested in

6. participates in

7. ride bikes

8. goes to

9. helps with

10. live in

Упражнение 7.

1. Jenny and her family don’t live in London. / Jenny and her family do not live in London.

2. Andy comes home for Christmas.

3. Jim and Kate don’t work for money at some farm. / Jim and Kate do not work for money at some farm.

4. Emma doesn’t work as a nurse at the local hospital. / Emma does not work as a nurse at the local hospital.

5. Mary dreams to become a pharmacist.

6. Jenny’s parents don’t cook meals.

7. Jenny participates in an online distance learning program.

8. Jenny doesn’t read a lot of books. / Jenny does not read a lot of books.

9. Jenny studies at the University of Birmingham.

10. Jenny doesn’t go to the University every day. / Jenny does not go to the University every day.

Упражнение 8.

1. Where does Jenny study?

2. Where does Andy live?

3. How many people work for money at the farm?

4. Who is Betty? / What does Betty do?

5. How old is Emma? / How old is Jenny’s grandma?

6. What is Mary like?

7. What is Mary’s dream? / What does Mary dream about?

8. How does Jenny communicate with her professors and other students?

9. How often does Jenny come to Birmingham to pass her exams?

10. When does Jenny go in for sports?

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1.

1. am

2. were

3. is

4. are

5. is

6. is, is

7. is, isn’t/ is not

8. are, are

9. are, am not

10. will be

Упражнение 2.

1. have

2. has

3. has

4. have

5. has

6. have

7. has

8. has

9. have

10. has

Упражнение 3.

1. She

2. We

3. He

4. They

5. You

6. We

7. she

8. It

9. We

10. They

Упражнение 4.

1. her

2. your

3. our

4. their

5. its

6. her

7. His/his

8. its

9. theirs

10. yours

Упражнение 5.

1. me

2. us

3. you

4. them

5. you

6. him

7. us

8. me

9. her

10. them

Упражнение 6.

1. work

2. participates

3. ride

4. likes, wins

5. play

6. has

7. communicate

8. come

9. spends

10. hates

Упражнение 7.

1. takes

2. watches, prefers

3. studies

4. listen

5. goes, washes

6. teaches

7. do

8. give

Упражнение 8.

1. My brother doesn’t travel a lot.

2. My friends and I don’t often go on a picnic.

3. I don’t spend hours listening to classical music.

4. We don’t live in a big house about twenty minutes from the city center.

5. My little sister doesn’t have long curly hair.

6. They don’t eat chocolate every day.

7. You don’t come home for Christmas every year.

8. His sister doesn’t go to a restaurant every Sunday.

9. Her friend doesn’t study every night.

10. Their mother doesn’t drink coffee very often.

Упражнение 9.

1. Where does he study?

2. Who wants to take part in the competition?

3. What subjects do they study?

4. When does she have English? / When has she got English?

5. What do we like playing in our free time?

6. How long does it usually take them to do their homework?

7. Who is your brother? / Who is my brother?

8. What does he look like? / What does my brother look like?

9. Why do you get a scholarship? / Why do I get a scholarship?

10. How often does he visit his friends?

Упражнение 10.

1. My niece has short red hair and green eyes.

2. This is Jenny’s grandparents.

3. Their house is big and ours is small.

4. What is your nephew like?

5. These children don’t want to play with us.

6. At school I was good at Maths and Physics.

7. My grandpa seldom watches TV, he prefers to read newspapers.

8. David is Mary and Jack’s son.

9. My brother isn’t married, he lives with us.

10. I don’t know their parents.

11. Your sister is very pretty with this nice smile.

12. My father has his own business.

13. His parents don’t spend much time playing golf.

14. This is my son’s bicycle.

15. Are those boys your cousins? – Yes, they are mine.

16. How long does it take you to get home?

17. What does your best friend look like?

18. Their elder daughter studies at Siberian Federal University.

19. She doesn’t usually participate in any competitions.

20. They come to visit us twice a week.


Задания на чтение.

Упражнение 1.

1. CPU (central processing unit)

2. ALU (arithmetic logic unit)

3. CU (control unit)

4. RAM (random access memory)

5. ROM (read only memory)

6. I/O (input/ output)

7. PC (personal computer)

8. USB (universal serial bus)

9. OS (operating system)

10. Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity)

Упражнение 2.

1. activities

2. instruction

3. pin

4. component/ unit

5. manufacturer

6. erase

7. enter

8. store

9. extract

10. attached

Упражнение 3.

1. back

2. output

3. underside

4. store

5. turn off

6. important

7. external

8. different

9. multiple

10. temporarily

Упражнение 4.

1 e

2 g

3 d

4 i

5 b

6 j

7 f

8 c

9 a

10 h

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1.

Positive Comparative Superlative
important more important the most important
necessary more necessary the most necessary
lazy lazier the laziest
modern more modern the most modern
thin thinner the thinnest

Упражнение 2.

1. longer than

2. more painful than

3. older than

4. more simple than

5. more serious than

6. more important than

7. cheaper than

8. healthier than

9. warmer than

10. more difficult than

Упражнение 3.

1. a little/a bit warmer… than…

2. a bit more slowly

3.far more interesting than

4. much more comfortable than

5. a bit/a little happier

6. much bigger

7. a lot/far/much easier

8. a lot/much cheaper

9. a lot/much older

10. far heavier than

Упражнение 4.











Упражнение 5.

1. one of the cheapest restaurants

2. one of the happiest days

3. one of the most intelligent students

4. one of the most valuable paintings

5. one of the richest men

6. one of the oldest castles

7. one of the best players

8. one of the worst experiences

9. one of the most dangerous criminals

10. one of the longest rivers

Упражнение 6.

1.as tall as

2.as large as

3.as expensive as

4.as old as/the same age as

5.as fast as

6.as nice as

7.as tasty as

8.as ancient as

9. as long as

10.as fast as

Упражнение 7.

1. ‘s working

2. ‘re playing

3. ‘m making

4. ‘re building

5. ‘s having

6. ‘m translating

7. ‘re announcing

8. ‘s shining

9. ‘re poisoning

10. ‘s getting

Упражнение 8.

1. is the child crying

2. are you looking

3. Is Susan having classes

4.is your English getting

5. is he Задания на чтение

6. is Kate studying

7. are they speaking

8. Are you working

9. are they talking

10. is going

Упражнение 9.

1. is being examined

2. is being discussed

3. is being redecorated

4. is being visited

5. is being used

6. are being followed

7. is being built

8. are being checked

9. is being told

10. is being learnt

Упражнение 10.

1. is being set

2. is developing

3. is being run

4. are trying

5. is being repaired

6. is Задания на чтение

7. is being used

8. is solving

9. are looking

10. is being done

Библиографический список

1. Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности [Текст]: учеб. пособие / В.А. Радовель. – 9-е изд.- Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2010.

2. Английский для вас. Новый курс XXI века [Текст]: учеб. пособие / В.С. Шах-Назарова, К.В. Журавченко. – М.: Вече, 2008.

3. Грамматика [Текст]: сборник упражнений / Ю.Б. Голицынский, Н.А. Голицынская. – 6-изд., испр. и доп. – СПб.: КАРО, 2010.