
Методические указания Красноярск сфу 2011 (стр. 1 из 7)

Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

Сибирский федеральный университет


для студентов заочников вузов с направлениями подготовки по информатике и информационным технологиям

Методические указания





Методические указания предназначены для студентов - заочников 1 курса направлений подготовки 090900.62 – «Информационная безопасность», 230100.62 – «Информатика и вычислительная техника», 231000.62 – «Программная инженерия», 261700.62 – «Технология полиграфического и упаковочного производства».

Представленные в методических указаниях тексты относятся как к тематике бытового общения, так и профессионального общения в области информатики и информационных технологий.

Представленные учебные задания направлены на развитие навыков чтения, повторения грамматического материала школьного курса английского языка и помощь в подготовке устных высказываний.

Методические указания могут использоваться как на практических аудиторных занятиях, так и для самостоятельной работы студентов.

Раздел 1. about myself

1. Задания на чтение

а) Прочитать и перевести текст «A letter from an English Friend» и выполнить задания с 1по 6.

2. Грамматические правила

b) Изучить грамматические правила.

3. Грамматические упражнения

с) Выполнить задания 1-10.

4. Вопросы для подготовки устного сообщения

d) Подготовить устное сообщение по теме My best friend (15-20 предложений).

e) Выполнить контрольную работу № 1.

1. Задания на чтение

1. Вы бы хотели стать подружиться с Дженни Блейк? У вас есть схожие интересы и планы? Прочитайте текст.

A letter from an English Friend

Good day,

How are you? I am writing to you hoping that we can become friends.

My name is Jenny Blake. I am 20 years old. I am from Great Britain.

I am looking for pen pals with similar interests and from any country. I live in a small village near Birmingham in England. There are 9 of us in my family: my parents, my grandma, my two brothers, my sister-in-law, my nephew, my sister and me.

My parents Jim and Kate are 49 and 48 years old. They have a small business. They sell milk and meat products to some shops and supermarkets in our area. There are also 5 people who work for money at our farm.

My granny Emma was a nurse at the local hospital but now she is retired. She is 75. She takes care of the family and cooks meals.

My elder brother Thomas is 30. His wife is 28 years old. Her name is Betty. They have a little son Ronald. My parents and Granny adore him. My brother is a driver and Betty is a housewife.

My brother Andy is 27 years old and he doesn’t live at the farm with us. He is a designer and works for a big company in London. He comes home every year for Christmas.

My sister Mary is younger than me, she is 16. She goes to our local school. She is fun and very clever. She is good at biology and chemistry. Her dream is to become a pharmacist.

As for me I help my parents with their work at the farm. But I am also a first year student at the University of Birmingham. My major is Computer Engineering. I participate in an online distance learning program. That means I take classes online and communicate with my professors and other students through the Internet. My teachers and fellow students live in different places. But twice a year I come to Birmingham and take my exams.

I hope after graduating from the university I’ll work as a Software Designer.

In my free time I go in for sports. I enjoy swimming and tennis. My sister and I also like riding our bikes. I don’t read a lot. I prefer going to the cinema. I often listen to the music from my iPod. It is mostly rock but sometimes classical music.

Now I’m very interested in various cultures and would like to meet people from other countries.

What is your name? Where are you from? How many people are there in your family? How old are they? What do they do? What are they like? What do they look like? What do you like doing in your free time? What are your plans for the future?

Hope to hear from you soon,


2. Заполните таблицу информацией из текста.


Family status




3. В каких родственных отношениях находятся эти люди? Закончите предложения существительными в притяжательном падеже. Следуйте примеру.

Example: John is… (Mary). – John is Mary’s friend.

1. Ronald is … (Andy)

2. Betty is … (Tomas)

3. Mary is … (Jenny)

4. Jim and Kate are … (Mary)

5. Betty is … (Andy)

6. Andy is … (Jim and Kate)

7. Emma is … (Jenny)

8. Ronald is … (Andy, Jenny and Mary)

9. Kate is … (Tomas)

10. Tomas and Betty are … (Ronald).

4. Закончите предложения глаголами в Present Simple в соответствии с информацией в тексте.

Example: Andy … in London. - Andy lives in London.

live in (x2) be interested in take care of help with
go in for communicate with ride bikes be good at
listen to participate in go to

1. Jenny’s Granny … the family and cooks meals.

2. Jenny’s sister … biology and chemistry.

3. Jenny … her professors and other students through the Internet.

4. Jenny … the music from her iPod.

5. Jenny … various cultures and people from other countries.

6. Jenny … an online distance learning program.

7. Jenny and her sister often … .

8. Mary … some local school.

9. Jenny … work at the farm.

10. Jenny and her family … a small village near Birmingham in England.

5. Исправьте предложения в соответствии с информацией в тексте. Используйте глаголы в Present Simple.

Example: Andy lives in a small village near Birmingham. - Andy doesn’t live a small village near Birmingham.

Jenny and her sister don’t like riding their bikes. - Jenny and her sister like riding their bikes.

1. Jenny and her family live in London. - …

2. Andy doesn’t come home for Christmas. - …

3. Jim and Kate work for money at some farm. - …

4. Emma works as a nurse at the local hospital. - …

5. Mary doesn’t dream to become a pharmacist. - …

6. Jenny’s parents cook meals. - …

7. Jenny doesn’t participate in an online distance learning program. - …

8. Jenny reads a lot of books. - …

9. Jenny doesn’t study at the University of Birmingham. - …

10. Jenny goes to the University every day. - …

6. Задайте вопросы таким образом, чтобы данные слова были ответами в соответствии с информацией в тексте. .

Example: Betty - What is Thomas’s wife’s name?

1. at the University of Birmingham

2. in London

3. 5 people

4. housewife

5. 75

6. funny and very clever

7. a pharmacist

8. through the Internet

9. twice a year

10. in her free time

2. Грамматические правила


В Present Simple глагол to be имеет отдельные формы как для 1-го и 3-го лица единственного числа, так и для множественного числа:

Спряжение глагола to be (быть)

в Present Simple Tense

I am He is She is It is We are You are They are I am not He is not She is not It is not We are not You are not They are not
Am I? Is he? Is she? Is it? Are we? Are you? Are they? Yes, I am. Yes, he is. Yes, she is. Yes, it is. Yes, we are. Yes, you are. Yes, they are. No, I am not. No, he is not. No, she is not. No, it is not. No, we are not. No, you are not. No, they are not.

Спряжение глагола to be (быть)

в Past Simple Tense

I was He was She was It was We were You were They were I was not He was not She was not It was not We were not You were not They were not
Was I? Was he? Was she? Was it? Were we? Were you? Were they? Yes, I was. Yes, he was. Yes, she was. Yes, it was. Yes, we were. Yes, you were. Yes, they were. No, I was not. No, he was not. No, she was not. No, it was not. No, we were not. No, you were not. No, they were not.

Спряжение глагола to be (быть)

в Future Simple Tense

I will be He will be She will be It will be We will be You will be They will be I will not be He will not be She will not be It will not be We will not be You will not be They will not be
Will I be? Will he be? Will she be? Will it be? Will we be? Will you be? Will they be? Yes, I will be. Yes, he will be. Yes, she will be. Yes, it will be. Yes, we will be. Yes, you will be. Yes, they will be. No, I will not be. No, he will not be. No, she will not be. No, it will not be. No, we will not be. No, you will not be. No, they will not be.


to have

настоящее время

Present Simple

прошедшее время

Past Simple

будущее время

Future Simple

I have
You have
Hе (she, it) has

We have
You have
They have


will have

Значение глагола - "иметь, владеть, обладать".

Вопросительная и отрицательная формы образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола do/does.

Do you have a lot of free time?

I don’t have a lot of free time.

Часто в разговорной речи вместо have, has употребляется сочетание have got, has got (краткие формы 've got и 's got) с тем же значением, особенно когда речь идёт о временном владении или только что приобретённом предмете или предметах:

We've got a nice flat.

Have you got any pets?

Отрицание выражается формой глагола have с отрицательной частицей not или с отрицательным местоимением no.

I haven't got a pen.

I have got no pen here.

has not = hasn't

have not = haven't

Глагол to have употребляется в сочетании с большим количеством существительных, утрачивая свое основное значение:

· to have dinner/breakfast - обедать, завтракать;

· to have tea/coffee - пить чай, кофе;

· to have a bath/a wash - принять ванну помыться;

· to have a shave/a shower/a rest - побриться, принять душ, отдохнуть;

· to have a sleep/a dream - поспать, помечтать;

· to have a holiday/a good time - отдохнуть, хорошо провести время.

· to have a quarrel - поссориться

· to have a walk - погулять

· to have a smoke - покурить

· to have a talk - поговорить

В этих случаях вопросительная и отрицательная формы глагола to have образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to do:

· Where do you have dinner? - Где ты обедаешь?


Личные местоимения всегда являются местоимениями-существительными. Они имеют формы двух падежей: именительного падежа (the Nominative Case) и объектного падежа (the Objective Case).

Лицо Именительный падеж Объектный падеж
Единственное число
1-е 2-е 3-е I — he she it я — он она он, она, оно me — him her it меня, мне — его, ему ее, ей его, ее, ему, ей
Множественное число
1-е 2-е 3-е we you they мы вы они us you them нас, нам вас, вам их, им