Although the precise definition of monopoly – a market structure with only a single seller of a commodity or service – cannot be applied directly to a labor union because a union is not a seller of services, labor unions have monopolistic characteristics. For example, when a union concludes a wage settlement which sets wage rates at a level higher than that acceptable to unorganized workers, the union clearly contributes to monopolistic wage results. In effect, the price of labor (wages) is set without regard to the available supply of labor.
Пояснения к тексту
bilateral – двусторонний
labor union – профсоюз
Задание 8. Перепишите вопросы и ответьте на них по-английски:
1. What is a monopoly, duopoly, oligopoly, atomistic competition?
2. What is a bilateral monopoly?
3. Is full control necessary for the monopoly?
4. What is an example of a public monopoly?
5. What is a “natural” monopoly?
Задание 9. Напишите краткий реферат по данному тексту, используя клише данные в приложении.
Задание 10. Задайте письменно пять вопросов разного типа к тексту (Задание 7).
Задание 11. Напишите свою автобиографию в табличной и свободной форме (см. задания к зачету и экзамену № 3 и 4).
Задание 1. Перепишите предложения, выпишите сказуемые, определите их видовременную форму и залог, в скобках укажите инфинитив глагола. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
The article was being translated the whole day long.
was being translated - Past Continuous Passive (to translate)
Статью переводили целый день.
1. We have been discussing the delivery terms for two days already, but we still need to clarify some details.
2. Marketing concept includes various elements such as planning, research, new product development, sales, communications, advertising, etc.
3. When are you going to have talks with the customers? (2)
4. I had already drawn up the contract by Tuesday.
5. We shall continue our growth in the Asia Pacific region.
1. Our activity is based on high level of technology and on close contact with our clients.
2. The engineers will be asked to make an experimental model of the device.
3. The construction of the road was being completed when the commission arrived.
4. These models have never been manufactured at this factory.
Задание 2. Перепишите предложения. Определите, признаком какой части речи является неличная форма глагола с суффиксом -ing: (причастия I, герундия или глагола в форме Continuous). Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на различные функции причастия и герундия в предложении.
Management is the process of achieving desirable results with the
resources available. (achieving – Gerund)
помощи имеющихся средств.
1. Resources allocation decisions are being made every day in every city, mostly through the mechanisms of markets and prices.
2. The consumer will always prefer buying the good that gives him more marginal utility (предельная полезность) per dollar spent.
3. An association is an organization formed by people having the same interests and held together by a system of management.
4. Nowadays managers must be more skilled in handling people.
5. Are you importing many goods from the United Kingdom?
Задание 3. Перепишите предложения, переведите, обращая внимание на правила перевода сложных форм причастия и независимого причастного оборота.
1. Ceiling prices being controlled by the government, goods may find their way to the black market.
2. The two principal economic systems were considered to be capitalism and socialism, mixed economies lying in between those.
3. Having been introduced as a standard of value, money helped to solve the problem of exchange rates of different kinds of goods.
Задание 4. Перепишите предложения, переведите, обращая внимание на различные функции глаголов to be, to have, to do, укажите функцию глагола.
1. Why does the company pay great attention to customers relations?
2. The limited supply of energy in some sectors of the US economy is to lead to changes in the economic situation as a whole.
3. She has to inspect the work of the local branch.
4. We have a few problem to discuss today.
5. We are going to increase our exports.
Задание 5. Перепишите предложения и переведите их. Определите, что выражают видовременные формы Past Simple, Past Perfect, а также формы, включающие should/ would.
If I took a taxi I would catch the last train. –
Если бы я взял такси, то успел бы на последний поезд (took,
would catch – условное предложение II типа, относится к
настоящему или будущему времени).
1. Provided the managers had considered all aspects of business activity thoroughly, the company would have earned more revenue.
2. We didn’t know whether our plan would bring us success.
3. All printed materials should be made in Russia.
4. If immigration barriers were eliminated in advanced countries, wages of resident workers in them would fall.
5. He asked if the car-manufacturing plant had expended its international operations.
Задание 6. Перепишите предложения, содержащие инфинитив или инфинитивные обороты. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различные функции инфинитива в предложении.
1. We expect our profits to increase next year.
2. Competing suppliers may maintain their prices at a low level to attract customers from a higher-price firm.
3. The economic course to be offered to students is to bring together microeconomics and macroeconomics.
4. Demand for imports is expected to rise when domestic income and output rise.
5. All this documents are to be presented to the bank.
Задание 7. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.
Pure monopoly is a theoretical market structure where there is only one seller of a commodity or service, where entry into the industry is closed to potential competitors, and where the seller has complete control over the quantity of goods offered for sale and the price at which goods are sold. Pure monopoly is one of two limiting cases used in the analysis of market structure. The other is pure competition, a situation in which there are many sellers who can influence neither the total quantity of a commodity or service offered for sale nor its selling price. Hence, monopoly is the exact antithesis of competition. It is generally agreed that neither of these two limiting cases is to be found among existing market structures.
The monopolist establishes market position by ability to control absolutely the supply of a product or service offered for sale and the related ability to set price. Theoretically, profit maximization is the primary objective, and it is often possible to achieve this by restricting output and the quantity of goods offered for sale. Levels of output are held below the quantity that would be produced in a competitive situation. Hence, monopoly is of interest to economic policymakers because it may impede the most efficient possible allocation of a nation’s economic resources.
The antitrust policy of the federal government has prevented the domination of an industry by one firm or even a few firms. Moreover, with the growth of international trade and investment, it is no longer possible to determine whether an effective monopoly exists by studying market shares. The recent competitive pressures from Japanese sellers of autos and electronic products have resulted in more competition and less monopoly power on the part of U.S. manufacturers. Thus, the trend during the last 40 years or so in the United States has been away from monopolies in many industries and toward oligopolies.
Пояснения к тексту
economic policymakers – стратеги экономики
Задание 8. Перепишите вопросы и ответьте на вопросы к тексту по-английски:
1. What is a pure monopoly?
2. What are the two ″limiting cases″ used in the analysis of market structures?
3. How can the profit maximization be achieved?
4. Why are economic policymakers interested in monopolies?
5. What influence has the competitive pressure exerted?
Задание 9. Напишите краткий реферат по данному тексту, используя клише данные в приложении.
Задание 10. Задайте письменно пять вопросов разного типа к тексту (Задание 7).
Задание 11. Напишите свою автобиографию в табличной и свободной форме (см. Задания к зачету и экзамену № 3 и 4).
Задание 1. Перепишите предложения, выпишите сказуемые, определите их видовременную форму и залог, в скобках укажите инфинитив глагола. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
The article was being translated the whole day long.
was being translated - Past Continuous Passive (to translate)
Статью переводили целый день.
1. Have the buyers confirmed payment?
2. Our company produced electronic components for washing machines.
3. The company will continue its marketing policy in future.
4. The company’s profits are constantly increasing.
5. They had been producing Model 5 for five years before they developed Model 5A.
1. Now solar energy and its usage are being studied by a lot of research groups.
2. The plant had been built by the time I moved to this town.
3. Money received from selling goods or services is called the turnover.
4. The new model of the device will be worked at in the plant laboratory.
Задание 2. Перепишите предложения. Определите, признаком какой части речи является неличная форма глагола с суффиксом -ing: (причастия I, герундия или глагола в форме Continuous). Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на различные функции причастия и герундия в предложении.
Management is the process of achieving desirable results with the
resources available. (achieving – Gerund)
Управление - это процесс достижения желаемых результатов при
помощи имеющихся средств.
1. The economist is investigating how an increase in the price of one good influences the quantity of another good demanded.
2. Governments intervene in economies controlling the supply of money, limiting monopolies and helping private industries.
3. Did you have any difficulty in solving this problem?
4. The output can be increased by raising labour productivity.
5. Money plays an essential role in the macroeconomy affecting prices, interest rates, and, eventually, all economic activity.
Задание 3. Перепишите предложения, переведите, обращая внимание на правила перевода сложных форм причастия и независимого причастного оборота.
1. With a financial panic everyone wanting his money at the same time, the bank is unable to pay.
2. Free market is a market that is free from government intervention, prices rising and falling according to supply and demand.
3. Only being provided with the required resources, an enterprise can work effectively and increase its output.
Задание 4. Перепишите предложения, переведите, обращая внимание на различные функции глаголов to be, to have, to do, укажите функцию глагола.
1. The prices quoted in your price-list are too high.
2. Managers have to work hard.
3. Would you like to do business with this company?
4. We have sent them our catalogues.
5. All these documents are to be presented to the bank.
Задание 5. Перепишите предложения и переведите их. Определите, что выражают видовременные формы Past Simple, Past Perfect, а также формы, включающие should/ would.
If I took a taxi I would catch the last train. –
Если бы я взял такси, то успел бы на последний поезд (took,
would catch – условное предложение II типа, относится к
настоящему или будущему времени).
1. I think you should contact another firm.
2. If the book on that subject were available in our library, I would be able to make a good report.
3. The manager asked if the container would be ready for dispatch by the 18th of November.
4. The design would have been ready by the end of the year if they had supplied us with all the necessary equipment.
5. He said that he had tried to telephone him several times, but nobody had answered the telephone in his office.
Задание 6. Перепишите предложения, содержащие инфинитив или инфинитивные обороты. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различные функции инфинитива в предложении.
1. Measurements to be taken by the government will not be popular.
2. To produce goods and services firms use the following factors of production: workers’ time, talents and knowledge; equipment; land; buildings.
3. High oil prices make consumers purchase substitute commodities.
4. The private sector is normally considered to use resources more productively than the government.
5. The equipment is to be manufactured in accordance with the conditions of the Contract.
Задание 7. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.
The word macroeconomics means economics in the large. The macroeconomist’s concerns are with such global questions as total production, total employment, the rate of change of overall prices, the rate of economic growth, and so on. The questions asked by the macroeconomist are in terms of broad aggregates – what determines the spending of all consumers as opposed to the microeconomic question of how the spending decisions of individual households are made; what determines the capital spending of all firms combined as opposed to the decision to build a new factory by a single firm; what determines total unemployment in the economy as opposed to why there have been layoffs in a specific industry.