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351. Щербина В.С. Господарське право України. – К.: Атіка, 1999. – 336с.

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354. Эриашвили Н.Д. Финансовое право. – М.: ЮНИТИ-ДАНА, Закон и право, 2000. – 605с.

355. Юдин В.Г. Несостоятельность (банкротство): исторический аспект // Вестник ВАС РФ. – 2002. - №1. – С.155-162.

356. Явич Л.С. Общая теория права. – Л.: ЛГУ, 1976. – 287с.

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359. Adamson, John E. Basic law and legal environment of business. – Chicago etc.: IRWIN, 1995. – 606p.

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362. Barry E. Adler and Ian Ayres. A Dilution Mechanism for Valuing Corporations in Bankruptcy. – The Yale Law Journal. – 2001. – October. – vol. 111. – Number 1. – P.83-150.

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368. Corley, Robert Neil. The legal environment of business / Robert N. Corley, O. Lee Reed, Jr., Peter J. Shedd. – 8th ed. – New York etc.: Mc Graw-Hill, 1990. – 903p.

369. Dworkin, Jerry Morehead et al. Essentials of business law and the regulatory environment / Jerry Morehead Dworkin, A. James Barnes, Eric L. Richards. – Chicago etc.: IRWIN, 1995. – 650p.

370. Epstein D.G., Nickles S.H., White J.S. Bankruptcy: PRACTITIONER TREATIES SERIES: 3 vol. – Minn., St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 1992. – Vol.3. – 447p.

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374. James Barnes, Gerry Morehead Dworkin, Eric L. Richards. Law for business. – 3th ed. – Homewood, Illinois 60430: IRWIN, 1987. – 1218p.

375. Kamlah Klaus. The New German Insolvency Act: Insolvenzordnung // American Bankruptcy Law Journal. – 1996. – No. 70. – P.417-435.

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379. Martin J.-F. Redressement et liquidation judiciaires, Faillite personnelle – Banqueroute. Paris, 1996. – Р. 79.

380. Schiessl Maximilian. On the Road to a New German Reorganization Law – A Comparative Analysis of the Draft Propose by the Insolvenzrechtskommission and Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code // American Bankruptcy Law Journal. – 1988. – No.62. – P.233-259.

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382. Survey of East European Law: A Comparative Analysis of Bulgarian and USA Bankruptcy Law // Parker School Journal of East European Law. – 1996. – Vol.3. – P.583-605.

383. Timothy Brown, Polyakov Boris. The Ukraine, Free Enterprise Business and Law // Case in Point: The national judicial college. – Reno, Nevada, USA. – 2002. – Vo.l, no.1. – Winter/spring. – Р.12-14.

384. Transnational Insolvency Project: International Statement of United States Bankruptcy Law. – PA, Philadelphia.: The American Law Institute, 1996. – P.21.

385. White J. Bankruptcy and creditors’ rights. Cases and materials: American casebook series – Minn., St. Paul: West Publishing Co, 1985. – 812p.

386. William Burnham. Introduction to the law and legal system of the united states. – West Publishing Co. St. Paul, Minn, 1997. – 554p.

387. Wood P. Principles of Netting: a Comparative Law Study: the Rose and the Torn. – Amsterdam, 1994. – P.15.

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