
Организация объединенных наций (стр. 25 из 32)

284. Respecto al caso de Freddy Secundino Sanchez, el Gobierno informo de que de acuerdo con la Procuraduria de Justicia del Distrito Federal, una averiguacion previa fue iniciada el 22 de enero de 2001 con motivo de la denuncia presentada por la victima ante la Unidad de Investigation № 19 de la Fiscalia de Supervision y Coordination de Averiguaciones Previas de la Zona Oriente. Dicha averiguacion previa continua en tramite para determinar los nombres de los responsables de los hechos denunciados.

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285. Respecto al caso de Placido Camargo Ruiz, el Gobierno respondio que a raiz de los hechos denunciados por la familia del nombrado, se inicio una investigation previa ante la Agencia 15a del Ministerio Publico. Esta investigation se encuentra en procedimiento de integration a cargo de la Fiscalia de la Seguridad de las Personas e Instituciones. Dicha fiscalia determino que no habia elementos suficientes ni ningun otro medio de prueba para considerar que la desaparicion del nombrado se tratara de una privacion ilegal de la libertad, por lo cual turno el presente asunto al Centro de Apoyo a Personas Extraviadas o Ausentes para continuar con la busqueda de la persona referida. Por otro lado, el Gobierno manifesto que no surge de las declaraciones de la denunciante, ni de los testigos, que Placido Camargo Ruiz haya desaparecido forzosamente el dia 16 de junio de 2000, ni tampoco han senalado como responsables de la desaparicion a ningun grupo paramilitar o agentes de la Policia Judicial Federal, у que no existe indicio alguno de que su desaparicion se deba a las actividades que el nombrado tuvo durante el paro laboral efectuado por los educadores entre mayo у junio de 2000. El Gobierno senalo que tanto la denunciante como otras personas han recibido llamadas via telefonica en las cuales les manifestaron que Placido Camargo Ruiz se encontraba bien у que aparentemente se encontraba viviendo con otra mujer distinta a su esposa, hecho que hasta el momento no se ha podido asegurar.

286. Respecto al caso de Duro Bags Manufacturing, la Procuraduria General de la Republica del Estado de Tamaulipas informo de que el 19 de junio de 2000 se practico una inspection ocular у se procedio a la detention de las personas que se encontraban bloqueando la entrada de dicha empresa por existir flagrancia de delito, quienes fueron consignadas ante el juez penal

del 13° distrito judicial en la ciudad de Tamaulipas, quien les otorgo la libertad mediante fianza el dia 23 de junio de 2000. Con fecha 28 de diciembre de 2000, se dicto sobreseimiento del proceso penal. Asimismo, el Gobierno indico que la actuation de la fuerza publica ha sido apegada a derecho.

287. Respecto al caso de Gerardo Cabrera Gonzalez, la Procuraduria General de la Republica informo de que con fecha 14 de julio de 2001 el nombrado fue puesto a disposition de la Agencia Unica del Ministerio Publico de la Federation, con sede en Zihuatanejo (Guerrero), por el delito de violacion de la Ley federal de armas de fuego de uso exclusivo del ejercito, armada y fuerza aerea, lo que motivo el inicio de la averiguacion previa, misma que fue consignada al Juzgado Tercero de Distrito en el Estado, dictandose auto de formal prision el 16 de julio

de 2001.

288. Respecto al caso de Angelica Ayala Ortiz, el Gobierno respondio que a raiz de la denuncia presentada por la nombrada con fecha 4 de agosto de 2000, se inicio la averiguacion previa en contra de quien o quienes resultaran probables responsables de la comision del delito de robo calificado en su perjuicio, ante la Procuraduria General de Justicia del Estado de Oaxaca, la cual

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fue reservada con fecha 22 de enero de 2001. El Gobierno manifesto que de dicha investigation no se desprende que alguna autoridad o servidor publico haya tenido responsabilidad en los hechos referidos, ni tampoco se tiene la certeza de quien o quienes hayan sido los probables responsables.

289. Respecto a los casos de Andres Rubio Sandivary у Rey Miguel Hernandez, la Procuraduria General de Justicia del Estado de Guerrero informo de que no existe denuncia interpuesta con motivo de los hechos expuestos en el presente caso.

290. Respecto a los casos de Adrian Ramirez Lopez у Sara Rico Ramirez, el Gobierno respondio que se inicio la averiguacion previa que fue determinada con propuesta de archivo definitivo el 11 de octubre de 2001, en virtud de no haberse acreditado la infraction a la disciplina militar, у actualmente se encuentra en estudio у opinion con el segundo agente adscrito de la Procuraduria General de Justicia Militar. Asimismo, la Procuraduria General de Justicia Militar informo que los citados acudieron a la diligencia de forma voluntaria у ratificaron su denuncia. Sin embargo, declararon que no les constaban los hechos, toda vez que ellos unicamente eran transmisores de la informacion proporcionada por el Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolome de las Casas y Enlace Civil, A.C.

291. Por carta fechada el 3 de diciembre de 2001, el Gobierno de Mexico informo respecto a los casos de Margil Guerra, Ciro Rodriguez у Mauro Cruz, enviados por la Representante Especial junto con el Relator Especial sobre el derecho a la libertad de opinion y de expresion el 26 de septiembre de 2001. El Gobierno respondio que la Procuraduria General de Justicia Militar no tiene registro de ninguna denuncia interpuesta con motivo de los hechos del presente caso, у senalo que esta dispuesto a investigar у dar seguimiento al caso una vez que se presenten las denuncias correspondientes.

292. Por carta de fecha 18 de diciembre de 2001, el Gobierno de Mexico informo respecto a los casos de Melina Hernandez у de Aldo Gonzalez. El gobierno establecio que la Procuraduria General de Justicia del Estado de Oaxaca se encuentra investigando los hechos. Por otra parte, el Gobierno indico que estan siendo acordadas con las autoridades competentes las medidas cautelares con el fin de proteger la vida e integridad fisica de los nombrados.

293. Por carta de fecha 10 de enero de 2002, el Gobierno de Mexico remitio informacion en torno a la situacion de Manuel у Juan Gomez Hernandez, asi como de la comunidad indigena de la colonia Los Angeles en Chiapas. El Gobierno establecio que la Comision Estatal de Derechos Humanos de Chiapas decreto medidas cautelares a favor de las personas mencionadas у dirigio estas medidas a la Procuraduria General de Justicia del Estado. En el informe rendido por la

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Policia Judicial del Estado con relation al cumplimiento de las medidas cautelares, se senala que se han efectuado patrullajes de vigilancia en los alrededores de la colonia de Los Angeles, asi como de permanencia discreta para vigilar la zona.


294. The Special Representative is grateful to the Government of Mexico for its detailed replies to her communications. She further welcomes the commitment made by the authorities to the protection of human rights defenders. In this connection, the Special Representative urges the Government to comply with its obligations investigate fully the murder of Ms. Digna Ochoa and to bring those responsible to justice. She further calls upon the authorities to order the immediate release of General Jose Francisco Gallardo as recommended by the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights. In a letter dated 14 November 2001, the Special Representative thanked the Government for the invitation extended to her on 31 October 2001. She hopes to undertake this visit in the near future.


Communications envoyees

295. Le 3 avril 2001, la Representante special e a adresse au Gouvernement un appel urgent concernant M. Abderrahmane Benameur, President de Г Association marocaine des droits de l'homme (AMDH), Mme Amine Abdelhamid, Vice-Presidente de Г AMDH, M. Lahcen Khattar, membre du bureau central de Г AMDH, de meme que 33 autres personnes, qui auraient ete inculpes suite a une manifestation pacifique, organisee a l'occasion du cinquante-deuxieme anniversaire de la Declaration universelle des droits de l'homme, devant le Parlement du Maroc a Rabat le 9 decembre 2000. La manifestation aurait ete organisee afin d'exiger que ceux qui avaient commis des violations des droits de l'homme soient juges. Les 36 personnes auraient comparu devant la Cour de premiere instance le 28 fevrier 2001 pour repondre aux accusations de manifester sans autorisation. D'apres les informations recues, les individus susmentionnes seraient passibles de peines allant jusqu'a trois ans d'emprisonnement. Cet appel urgent concernait egalement M. Noumri Brahim, ex-disparu sahraoui, et M. Elhamed Mahmoud, deux militants du Forum verite et justice - section Sahara, qui auraient ete interpelles par la police marocaine le 24 mars 2001 dans la zone internationale de l'aeroport de Casablanca. Selon les informations recues, ils se seraient appretes a prendre l'avion pour Geneve pour assister a la cinquante-septieme session de la Commission des droits de l'homme. Au cours de cette interpellation, la police marocaine aurait saisi leurs passeports, ainsi que les documents, videocassettes et disquettes qu'ils souhaitaient presenter a la Commission des droits de l'homme. Ils auraient ete relaches quelques heures plus tard et auraient passe la nuit dans Г enceinte de

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l'aeroport. En depit du fait que leurs passeports leur auraient ete restitues le lendemain,

MM. Noumri et Elhamed se seraient vu interdire de quitter le territoire marocain, sur instruction

de la Direction generate de la Surete nationale.

296. Le 2 novembre 2001, la Representante special e a envoye une allegation au Gouvernement marocain concernant le capitaine Mustapha Adib qui aurait ete condamne, en fevrier 2000, a cinq ans d'emprisonnement et a la radiation de 1'armee par le Tribunal permanent des Forces armees royales. Il aurait denonce des faits de corruption s'etant produits a l'interieur de l'armee et en aurait fait part au journaliste du Monde, Jean-Pierre Tuquoi, en 1999. Le 24 juin 2000, cette decision aurait ete cassee par la Cour supreme, qui aurait renvoye Г affaire pour un nouveau jugement au fond. Le 6 octobre 2000, le deuxieme jugement du Tribunal permanent des Forces armees royales aurait ete rendu a l'encontre de M. Adib, le condamnant a deux ans et demi d'emprisonnement et a sa radiation de l'armee pour «violation de consigne» et «outrage a l'armee». Le 21 fevrier 2001, la Chambre criminelle de la Cour supreme du Maroc aurait rejete le recours en cassation introduit par le capitaine Mustapha Adib et il purgerait donc actuellement sa peine.

Communications received

297. By letter dated 9 April 2001, the Government responded to the urgent appeal sent

on 3 April 2001. Concerning Mr. Adbderrahmane Benameur and Ms. Amine Abdelhamid, the Government informed the Special Representative that the Central Bureau of the Moroccan Human Rights Association (AMDH) had submitted a request to hold a demonstration to mark Human Rights Day. In spite of being notified by the Rabat prefecture that permission had been refused, some people gathered illegally on the public highway, disrupting the traffic. The Government added that in spite of many police warnings to the demonstrators, they persistently refused to disperse, which inevitably resulted in their being arrested and brought before the Rabat court of first instance. The Government informed the Special Representative that they were prosecuted under articles 11 and 14, paragraphs 2, 17 and 21 of the Dahir of 15 November 1958 for holding an unauthorized demonstration and for gathering on the public highway in such a way as to threaten public security. The persons concerned were at liberty when summoned and received all the legal guarantees of a fair trial. As for the cases of Mr. Noumri Brahim and Mr. Elhamed Mahmoud, the Government stated that the information has been transmitted to the competent authorities and that a reply would be sent as soon as possible.

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298. The Special Representative thanks the Government for its reply. She also welcomes the acquittal on 21 November 2001 by the Court of Appeal in Rabat of the 36 human rights defenders who were sentenced on 17 May 2001 to three years' imprisonment and fined 3,000 dirhams for having organized and participated in a demonstration. The Special Representative regrets, however, that the Government was unable to respond positively to the request of the Morocco Human Rights Association for permission to hold a demonstration on Human Rights Day, which would have been in accordance with the responsibility of the State under article 2 of the Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

NEPAL Communication sent

299. On 22 November 2001, the Special Representative, together with the Chairman-Rapporteur of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, sent an urgent appeal regarding Mr. S. K. Pradhan, Secretary-General of the Peoples Forum for Human Rights and Democracy (PFHRD), an organization based in Nepal. According to the information received, policemen in plainclothes reportedly arrested Mr. Pradhan without a warrant on 19 September 2001 at his home in Kathmandu. It was reported that he was charged with involvement in the murder of Mr. R.K. Budhathoki, Chairman of the Bhutan Peoples' Party (BPP), on 9 September 2001. According to the information received, Mr. S.K. Pradhan was arrested on the basis of written complaints made by Mr. Balaram, BPP Secretary-General, in the absence of any evidence of his involvement in the crime. In addition, at the time of the murder, Mr. S.K. Pradhan was allegedly in Kathmandu as he had just returned from South Africa where he attended the World Conference against Racism. Mr. S.K. Pradhan has been actively associated with the movement for human rights and democracy in Bhutan and has denounced the situation of Bhutanese people and refugees in almost all United Nations forums and world conferences.


300. No reply from the Government has been received so far.

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NICARAGUA Urgent appeal

301. On 23 May 2001, the Special Representative, together with the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, sent an urgent appeal regarding the case of Ms. Vilma Nunez de Escorcia, President of the Centro Nicaragiiense de Derechos Humanos (CENIDH), and other members of the same organization. According to the information received, Mr. Jose Marenco Cardenal, a member of the Government has reportedly claimed that Ms. Vilma Nunez de Escorcia and CENIDH have links with the illegal armed group Frente Unido Andres Castro (FUAC). It was further reported that, on 8 May 2001, when the Government handed over evidence in court, the Fiscal General officially dismissed the Government's claims as unfounded. Despite this, the Government has not retracted its claims and is continuing its smear campaign against CENIDH. Ms. Vilma Nunez de Escorcia has also reportedly been threatened and harassed by anonymous phone calls and letters, and repeated rumours of plots to kill her. It was also reported that newspapers and radio stations have said "her death might be the answer to the unrest in northern Nicaragua". In December 2000, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights reportedly asked the Nicaraguan authorities to provide protection for Ms. Vilma Nunez de Escorcia and CENIDH. According to the information received, they have been given police protection, but the police investigation into the campaign of death threats has apparently been inadequate.


302. The Special Representative awaits a reply from the Government.

PALESTINE Communication sent

303. On 3 September 2001 the Special Representative, together with the Special Rapporteur on torture, transmitted an allegation regarding information according to which the Ramallah Police Commander justified the beating of detainees during a discussion on 7 August 2000 with the Director-General of the Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and Environment (LAW), Khader Shkirat. When the Director of LAW responded by saying that this violated Palestinian law, the Police Commander allegedly threatened him and told him that he would detain him. He then reportedly asked his guards to take Khader Shkirat out of the police headquarters by force. Later on in August, the Chief of the Palestinian Police Service reportedly issued an order to heads of police districts and detention centres, prohibiting members of LAW

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from visiting prisons, detention centres, police command centres, and police locations on grounds of Khader Shkirat's "continuous attacks on the Authority". A High Court petition is said to have been lodged challenging the order.


304. No reply has been received so far.

PERU Communication sent

305. On 6 June 2001, the Special Representative, together with the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, the Special Rapporteur on torture and the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, sent an urgent appeal regarding the case of Jenard Lee Rivera San Roque's relatives and neighbours in San Bartolome, Lima department. According to the information received, Jenard Lee Rivera San Roque died on 9 May 2001 while in detention in Cruz Blanca. It was reported that his body showed evidence of torture. The following day, Jenard Lee Rivera San Roque's relatives organized, jointly with neighbours in San Roque, a demonstration in front of the Cruz Blanca police station to protest the killing. During the protest, the police reportedly took photographs of the demonstrators and afterwards asked questions about them. It was reported that, on 19 May 2001, Ms. Gina Requejo, the lawyer of the victim's relatives, reportedly received a phone call from an anonymous caller, who said "do not search anymore, investigate anymore". It was further reported that such intimidation was aimed at dissuading the relatives and their lawyer, as well as the other demonstrators, from bringing to justice those responsible for the torture and killing of Jenard Lee Rivera San Roque. Fears have been expressed for their safety.