
Методические указания, тексты для чтения и упражнения для учащихся заочного отделения иф фгоу спо «катт» Иркутск 2005 (стр. 12 из 12)

3. Partnerships have many ... . One is that they receive tax benefits from the government. d. real estate

4. ... are the partners with unlimited liability. e. general partner

5. ... has the authority in management but he is not known to public. f. advantages

6. A secret partner takes part in... g. profit

7. General partners have... h. capital

8. One advantage of a partnership is that it offers a multiple source of... j. management

9. A partnership can bring much.... to the partners. k. tax benefits

Active vocabulary.

To be busy with Заниматься чем-либо

To go into business Заниматься бизнесом

To get along well Ладить друг с другом

То attract customers Привлекать покупателей

То make a right choice Сделать правильный выбор

Background Зд. Рабочий опыт

Accounting Бухгалтерский учет

То run a risk Рисковать

То be liable Нести юридич. Ответственность

Amount of money Сумма ( количество) денег

То put an amount of money into business Вложить сумму в бизнес

То combine resources Комбинировать ресурсы

Advantage Преимущество

То contribute services skills Делать вклад, содействовать

То distribute profits and losses Распределять доходы и убытки

То share Делить

The subject becomes quite Это становится делом

deal сделка

Exercise 3. Translate into English.

1. Члены правлении имеют полную юридическую ответственность.

2. Партнер с ограниченной юридической ответственностью не имеет реальной власти.

3. Секретный партнер принимает участие в управлении, но он не известен общественности.

4. Я хочу вложить деньги в недвижимость.

5. Партнерство имеет много преимуществ.

6. Партнерство часто получает налоговые льготы от правительства.

7. Мы хорошо ладим с партнером.

8. Наше кафе привлекает все больше и больше клиентов.

9. Я сделал правильный выбор. Это дело приносит много прибыли.

10. Мой рабочий опыт связан с менеджментом.
11. Она хорошо разбирается в бухгалтерском деле.
12. Мы вкладываем в дело одинаковый капитал

Grammar Exercise 1.

Make the sentences negative. Model: I am going into business.-I am not going into business.

1. Your business is receiving the tax benefits.

2. Your partnership is running the great risk.

3. We are getting along quite well with my partner.

4. They are going to be general partners.

5. The partners are sharing profits and losses with each other.

6. Their partnership is losing their profit every month.


A business corporation is an institution established for the purpose of making profit. It is operated by individuals. Their shares of ownership are represented by stock certificates. A person who owns a stock certificate is called a stock-holder.

There are several advantages of the corporate form of ownership The first is the ability to attract the financial resources. The next advantage is the corporation attract a large amount of capital it can invest in plants, equipment and research. And the third advantage is that, a corporation can offer higher salaries and thus attract talented managers and specialists.

The privately owned business corporation is one type of corporation There are some other types too. Educational, religious, charitable institutions can also incorporate. Usually such corporation does not issue stock and is nonprofit. If there is a profit ii is reinvested in the institution rather than distributed to private stockholders.

In some western countries, cities, stains, federal government and special agencies can establish governmental corporations. A few examples of these governmental corporations are slate universities, state hospitals and city owned utilities. Governmental corporations are non-profit as a rule and usually they do not issue stock certificates.

Active vocabulary.

Corporation Корпорация

To establish Учреждать

Stock certificate Акция

Stockholder(shareholder) Акционер, держатель акций

To attract financial resources Привлекать финансовые ресурсы

To offer high salaries Предлагать высокие зарплаты

To attract a large amount of capital Привлекать большой капитал

Educations, religious, charitable Образовательные, религиозные,

institutions благотворительные учреждения

To issue stock Выпускать акции

Nonprofit Неприбыльный

To reinvest Вкладывать еще раз

Comprehension Questions

1. Who can own a corporation?

2. Is a corporation necessarily larger than a sole proprietorship?

3. What are the advantages of the corporate form of ownership?

4. What can you say about the disadvantages of the corporate form of

5. bo the corporations issue stock to stockholder?

6. What kind of corporations usually don't issue the stock?

7. What world-known corporations do you know?

8. What types oi business usually lake the corporate form of ownership?

Vocabulary Practice

Exercise I. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence

1. What kind of ... is better: buying stock or buying real estate? 1 charitable

2. To attract greater financial ...the company issues the stock. 2 stock

3. A university can be...corporation. 3 resources

4. The partners didn't put the same .... into business. 4 institution

5. The group of people from different countries are going...a corporation 5 investment

6. The Red Cross is an international... organization 6 nonprofit

7.1 want to buy some ... IBM and General Motors. 7 amount of capital

8. An educational... usually reinvests all its money. 8 to establish

Active Vocabulary

bylaws юридические положения для предприятий

I need some legal advice мне нужен юридический совет

to incorporate соединяться, объединяться

to invest вкладывать деньги

to expand расширяться (о производстве)

to follow a legal procedure следовать юридической процедуре

to apply for a corporate charter подавать заявление на корпоративный патент

to issue and sell stock выпускать и продавать акции

in exchange for investment - взамен на вложенный

capital капитал

stockholder, shareholder акционер, держатель акций

to hold a meeting проводить собрание

to elect a board of directors провопить собрание директоров

to choose the company's выбирать административных

officers исполнителей компании

to have a final authority иметь решающее слово

to supervise daily осуществлять ежедневное

management руководство

to vote голосовать

annual meeting ежегодное собрание

to have limited liability иметь неограниченную юридическую ответственность

to own property владеть собственностью

to sue возбуждать судебное дело

to be sued подвергаться судебному разбирательству

Vocabulary Exercises 1

Exercise I. Transform the sentences according to the model.

Model: We are the company officers. We supervise daily management. We, as the company officers, supervise daily management.

1. My friends are the stockholders of IBM corporation. They hold annual meetings.

2. These businessmen are the organizers of this corporation. To issue and sell stock in exchange for investment capita!.

3. A corporation is the owner of the property. It has limited liability.

4. Dick is a manager. He wants to form a corporation.

5. A corporate charter is a certificate of incorporation, A charier is granted by a state officer.

6. The stockholders arc the owner of the corporation. They have final authority in management of the company.

7. The owners of the corporation arc the stockholders. The owners of the corporation must vole.

Exercise 2. Transform the sentences according to the model.

Model: We organized our corporation a year ago (to invest much money). We have been investing much money since we organized our company.

1. They became company officers (to supervise doily management).

2. My friend bought the stock of the company five years ago (to make money).

3. They received the corporate charier a month ago (to plan a meeting).

4. We advertised the application last week (wait for reply).

Дополнительный грамматический справочник


Наречия места и направления:

here — здесь, тут

there — там

somewhere — где-то, где-нибудь

anywhere — везде, повсюду, где-нибудь

nowhere — нигде

inside — внутри

outside — снаружи

down — внизу

back — сзади, назад

away — вдали, вон, прочь

downward — вниз

upward — вверх

Наречия времени:

now — сейчас, теперь before — до, перед, прежде ever — когда-либо never — никогда always — всегда often — часто usually — обычно seldom — редко still — все-еще alreadyуже, just — только-что, только yet — еще, уже sometimes — иногда today — сегодня tomorrow — завтра yesterday — вчера recently — недавно lately — в последнее время commonly — обычно

Наречия образа действия:

slowly — медленно quickly — быстро easily — легко calmly — спокойно brightly — ярко hardly — с трудом, едва

Наречия меры и степени

much — много, сильно little — немного, мало, enough — достаточно, too — слишком, almost — уже, почти very — очень


1 форма

2 форма

3 форма

4 форма


to be was/were been being быть, находиться
to bear bore born bearing нести
to beat beat beaten beating бить
to begin began begun beginning начинать(ся)
to bend bent bent bending гнуть
to bind bound bound binding переплетать
to bite bit bitten/bit biting кусать
to blow blew blown blowing дуть
to break broke broken breaking ломать
to bring brought brought bringing приносить
to build built built building строить
to buy bought bought buying покупать
to catch caught caught catching ловить
to choose chose chosen choosing выбирать
to cut cut cut cutting резать, рубить
to dive dived/dove dived diving нырять
to do did done doing делать
to draw drew drawn drawing рисовать, тащить
to drink drank drunk drinking пить
to drive drove driven driving вести
to eat ate eaten eating есть, кушать
to fall fell fallen falling падать
to feel felt felt feeling чувствовать
to feed fed fed feeding кормить
to fight fought fought fighting бороться, драться
to fly flew flown flying летать
to forbid forbade forbidden forbidding запрещать
to forget forgot forgotten forgetting забывать
to forgive forgave forgiven forgiving прощать
to freeze froze frozen freezing замораживать
to get got got getting получать, становиться
to give gave given giving давать
to go went gone going идти, ехать
to grow grew grown growing расти, выращивать
to hang hung hung hanging висеть, вешать
to have had had having иметь
to hear heard heard hearing слышать
to hit hit hit hitting ударять
to hold held held holding держать
to hurt hurt hurt hurting повредить
to know knew known knowing знать
to lay laid laid laying накрывать
to lead lead lead leading вести
to leap leapt/leaped leapt/leaped leaping прыгать, скакать
to leave left left leaving покидать, оставлять
to lend lent lent lending давать взаймы
to let let let letting позволять
to he lay lain lying лежать
to light lit lit lighting зажигать
to lose lost lost losing терять
to make made made making делать
to meet met met meeting встречать (ся)
to pay paid paid paying платить
to put put put putting класть, ставить
to read read read reading читать
to ride rode ridden riding ехать (верхом)
to ring rang rung ringing звонить, звенеть
to rise rose risen rising поднимать
to run ran run running бежать
to say said said saying говорить, сказать
to see saw seen seeing видеть
to sell sold sold selling продавать
to send sent sent sending посылать, отправлять
to shake shook shaken shaking трясти
to shine shone shojie shining светить, сиять
to shoot shot shot shooting стрелять, снимать
to show showed shown showing показывать
to sing sang sung singing петь
to sink sank sunk sinking тонуть
to sit sat sat sitting сидеть
to sleep slept slept sleeping спать
to speak spoke spoken speaking говорить, разговаривать
to spend spent spent spending тратить, проводить время
to stand stood stood standing стоять
to steal stole stolen stealing воровать, украсть
to stick stuck stuck sticking прилипать
to strike struck struck striking бить, ударять
to swear swore sworn swearing клясться
to sweep swept swept sweeping мести, подметать
to swim swam swum swimming плавать
to take took taken taking взять, брать
to teach taught taught teaching учить, обучать
to tear tore torn tearing рвать
to tell told told telling сказать, сообщать
to think thought thought thinking думать
to throw threw thrown throwing бросать, кидать
to wake woke woken waking будить, просыпаться
to wear wore wakened wearing носить
to weep wept wept weeping плакать
to win won won winning побеждать, выигрывать
to write wrote written writing писать


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