Vysteria Ltd
P.O.Box 82
Kiev 253206
28th March, 1997
Ref: Order #142 of 2 lth March, 1997
Dear Sirs.
Thank you for your letter of 21th March, 1997. We are pleased to acknowledge your order for 400 men's silk shirts and enclose the copy of it, duly signed, as requested.
Delivery will be made immediately on opening a letter of credit with our bank for the amount of $4212.
We hope our shirts will be in great demand in Ukraine and you will be able to place large orders with us in the future.
Yours faithfully,
Alfred Smithers
Alfred Smithers
Sales Manager
Ответ на письмо-рекламацию
(Letter of Complaint. Answering a Complaint)
В деловой практике основными причинами отправки писем-рекламаций {letters of complaint, claim letters) являются следующие:
— недопоставка товара {short-delivery, short-shipment);
— поставка недоброкачественных товаров либо не тех товаров, которые были заказаны {substandard or wrong goods);
— задержки в поставке {delays in delivery);
— отправка по неправильному адресу {misdirection and errors in addressing);
— повреждения товара {damages of goods);
—производственные дефекты {manufacturing defects), обнаруженные при эксплуатации оборудования {equipment operating).
Несмотря на раздражение, которое может возникнуть у покупателя (заказчика) в связи с возникшими проблемами, в письме-рекламации ему следует как можно яснее изложить суть этих проблем и предложить свои пути их решения.
Особый такт следует соблюдать в ответе на письмо-рекламацию и в решении изложенных в нем проблем {in handling complaints). Если жалоба или претензия была обоснованной, то кроме извинений необходимо подробно написать, какие меры будут приняты для того, чтобы исправить оплошность. Если жалоба или претензия была необоснованной, то необходимо подробно изложить свои доводы и предложить пути решения возникших проблем.
Образец письма-рекламации
(Sample of Letter of Complaint)
Men's Clothes Dealers Ltd. 142 South Road Sheffield S20 4HL England
18th April, 1997
Ref: Our Order #142 of 21st March, 1997
Dear Sirs,
Thank you for your delivery of men's silk shirts, which we ordered on 21th March, 1997. At the same time we would like to?draw your attention to the following.
After examination of the shirts we discovered some manufacturing defects:
— there are oil stains on 12 shirts;
— the colour of buttons of 5 shirts does not match the colour of these shirts;
— one shirt is in a different style.
We are returning defective shirts by separate mail, carriage forward, and would ask you to replace them by shirts in the colours and sizes specified below:
Size Colour Quantity
15 white 9
17 white 1
14 blue 6
16 blue 2
We would appreciate a prompt reply.
Yours faithfully,
Vladimyr Smurov
Образец ответа
(Sample of Answer)
Vysteria Ltd.
P.O.Box 82
Kiev 253206
21st April, 1997
Ref: Order si42 of 2lst March, 1997 Dear Sirs,
Your letter of 18th April, 1997, was duly noted. The shirts you returned us are indeed defective. We have to admit that these defects were overlooked by our controller and offer apologies for the oversight.
We are sending you new shirts as a replacement this week by air. carriage paid, and would ask you to confirm their receipt by fax.
If any other problems arise, please do not hesitate to contact us in the shortest possible time.
Yours faithfully,
Jack Brown
Jack Brown
Claims Department
Указания по выполнению контрольной работы
Для того чтобы правильно выполнить контрольную работу №1, вам необходимо проработать по учебнику английского языка следующий грамматический материал:
Грамматические задания для всех вариантов
Задание 1. Измените следующие предложения с образцом.
Образец: English is not easy to learn but (есть несколько) students in our group who know it well.
English is not easy to learn but there are a few students in our group who know it well.
Контрольная работа №1
Вариант 1, 10.
Вариант 2, 9.
Вариант 3, 8.
Вариант 4, 7.
Вариант 5, 6.
Задание 2. Заполните пропуски соответствующими формами глаголов «to be» и «to have» переведите предложения на русский язык.
Образец: I ____ a first year student.
I am a first year student.
Вариант 1, 10
Вариант 2, 9
Вариант 3, 8
Вариант 4, 7
Вариант 5, 6
Задание 3. Сделайте следующие предложения вопросительными, а затем отрицательными.
Вариант 1,10
Вариант 2, 9
Вариант 3, 8
Вариант 4, 7
Вариант 5, 6
Задание 4. Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский, используя различные передачи будущего времени.
Вариант 1, 10
Вариант 2, 9
Вариант 3, 8
Вариант 4, 7
Вариант 5, 6
Задание 5. Прочитайте и переведите письменно следующий текст и выполните послетекстовые задания.
Вариант 1, 10
Текст “The Tower of London”
Вариант 2, 9
Текст “The Universities in Britain”
Вариант 3, 8
Текст “The Education system in Britain”
Вариант 4, 7
Текст “The Working of the House of Commons”
Вариант 1, 10
The Tower of London1
The Tower of London has been called “The Cradle of the English race”. It is the oldest palace, fortess and prison in Europe.
The great fortess was created by William the Conqueror2, nearly 900 years ago. The site was well chosen, the fortess commanded the river approaches to the city and it protected the king and government from the citizens of London.
The Tower of London is roughly square in chape with two lines of defensive walls enclosing the tower which for centuries has been known as the White Tower. The outer wall is defenced by six towers on the river face and by semi-circular bastions at the north-east and north-west.
Over the centries the Tower has served many purposes. It has been a citadel a royal, a prison for dangerous offenders against the state.
The Tower is entered at the foot of Tower Hill3. One of the most well-known towers is the Lion Tower. In this semicircular tower the royalmenagerie was housed. In 1834 the menagerie was sent to Regent’s Park4 where it formed the present London Zoo. The tower was then demolished.
1Tower of London – Тауэр (старинная крепость на берегу з. Темзы)
2 William the Conqueror – Вильгельм Завоеватель
3 Tower Hill – Тауэр Хилл (площаль около Тауэра)
4 Regent’s Park – Риджентс-Парк
The most terrible of them was Bloody Tower: Sir Thomas Moore was a prisoner there.
There have always been ravens at the Tower and some are still there. These large birds traditionally associated with ill-omen live on raw meat and offal, but their favorite food is raw eggs. They are unfriendly and it is unwise to touch or feed them.
There are six birds. Their wings are clipped so that they cannot fly away.
Every night at exactly seven minutes to 10 o’clock the oldest and most colourful ceremony takes place for the last 700 years in the same form as it is seen today.
(From “Tower of London” by T. Butler)
II. Ответьте на вопросы:
III. Выпишите из текста интернациональные слова.