
Бизнес-курс английского языка методические указания для студентов заочной формы обучения по специальности (стр. 13 из 18)

IV. Определите по суффиксу часть речи:

fourteen, spoken, amendment, biologist, brighten, cooly, brutal, cruelty, fuzzy, gabber.

V. Выпишите из текста и переведите предложения с оборотом there is (are) и предложения, в которых глагол употребляется в настоящем неопределенном времени в действительном и страдательном залогах.

VI. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова:

board a) Don’t polish these boards, I don’t like it;

b) Who is on board that ship?

c) Is it true that your sister is going on boards?

d) When did he board the ship?

compose a) Water (H2O) is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.

b) He is composing a new song now, you’ll hear is soot.

c) The boy was crying bitterly but when he saw a toy he composed himself.

complaint a) He is full of complaints: this is not well and that is wrong.

b) I have no complaints to make.

c) This old man is suffering from a heart complaint.

VII. Закончите предложения.

a) I was asked… c) He doesn’t…

b) My family… d) Have you seen…?

e) I am…

Вариант 2, 9

The universities in Britain

There are more than forty universities in Britain. By 1970 about 10% of men aged eighteen to twenty-one were in universities – and about 4% women.

All British universities are private institutions. Each has its own gevorning council. The state began to give grants to them fifty years ago. Students have to pay fees and living costs. Most students take jobs in the summer for about six weeks.

Each university has its own syllabuses, and there are some quite important differences between one and another. In general the Bachelor’s degree is given to students who pass examinations at the end of three or four years of study, Bachelor of Arts for history, philosophy, languageand literature, or Bachelor of Science or Commerce or Musoc. The classifications are not the same in all same in all universities, and students do naot normally move from one university to the another during their studies. Bachelors’ degrees are at two levels, Honours and Pass. In some cases the Honours degree1 is given for intensive study and examinations in one, two or perhaps three related subjects, while the Pass (or “General”) degree2 may be somewhat broader. In other cases there is no differernce betwenn Honours and Pass courses, and the Honours degree is given to the students who are more successful in their examinations.

England had no other universities, apart from Oxford and Cambridge, until the nineteenth century. During the nineteenth century, institutions of higher education were founded in most of the biggest industrial towns. For a long time they could not give degrees themselves, but prepared students for the London University examinations. All of them have now achieved independent status, some only since 1945.

(From “Life of Modern Britain”)

II. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. How many universities are there in Britain?

2. How many women were in universities by 1970?

3. Why do most students take jobs in the summer?

4. Who is given the Bachelor’s degree?

5. When is the Honours degree given?

III. Выпишите из текста интернациональные слова.

IV. Определите по суффиксу часть речи:

dominate, domination, homage, justify, kindness, kindly, layer, logical, moneyless, hardly.

V. Выпишите из текста и переведите предложения:

а) с глаголом to have в значении «иметь»;

б) с глаголом в 3-м лице ед. числе настоящем неопределенном времени в страдательном залоге;

в) с глаголом в прошедшем неопределенном времени в страдательном залоге.

VI.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова:

tap a) The young man stood near the door tapping his foot on the floor impatiently:

b) Who left the taps running?

c) Where is the tap, please?

secure a) The Soviet people feel secure about their future.

b) “Can you secure me two good seats for the concert?”

c) “Are you sure the ladder is secure?”

page a) What pages have you read in English?

b) Please, take that work and page it…

c) I called him but he didn’t hear, page him, please.

VII. Закончите предложения:

a) He is the best…

b) Was she asked…?

c) They have never been… .

d) Does he study… ?

e) I don’t know… .

Вариант 3, 4

The educational system in Britain

There are more than forty universities in Britain but the names of the most famous institutions are Eton, Oxford and Cambridge; peopledo not always realisewhat place these institutions occupy in the whole educational system. Oxford and Cambridge are universities each having about 10000 students. Eton is a public school, and the best know of the public schools, which, in soite of their name, are not really public at all, but independent and private secondary schools taking boys from the age of thirteen to eighteen years. The public schools in reality form a very small part of the whole system of secondary education; only about one out forty English boys goes to a public school, and one cent of 1500 goes to Eton. Apart from public school there is a complete system of state primary and secondary education. All children must, by law, receive fuul-time education between the ages of five and fifteen. Any child may attend, without paying fees, a school, and the great majority attend such schools. They may continue, still without paying fees, until they are eighteen. Children, who continue at school until they are sixteen can take the examinations for General Certificate of Education at Ordinary Level. This may be taken in any number of subjects. Many, after gaining this certificate, leave school to start training for various careers. Those who stay at school after passing their examinations prepare themselves for an attempt to win a certificate at advance level usually in only three or four subjects. During the last years at school the pupils are almost obliged to specialize in narrow fields.

The academie year begins after summer holidays and is divided into three “terms”.

Day-schools mostly work Mondays to Fridays only, from about 9 a.m. to between 3 and 4 p.m.

(From “Life in Modern Britain”)

II. Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. What are the names of the most famous institutions in Britain?
  2. Who studies in Eton?
  3. Who receives full-time education?
  4. How old are children who take examinations for the “General Certificate of Education”?
  5. How many “term” is the academic year divided into?

III. Выпишите из текста интернациональные слова.

IV. Определите по суффиксу часть речи:

likely, buyer, chamber, characteristic, devotion, active, equipment, fruitfully, gaily.

V. Выпишите из текста и переведите предложения:

а) с оборотом there is (are);

б) с причастием I (Participle I);

в) с модальным глаголом must

VI. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова:

change a) “You’ve change since I last saw you!” I said to my friend.

b) Let us go this way for a change.

c) Can you give me some change?

finger a) There are five fingers on each hand.

b) I forbid you to lay a finger on the boy.

impression a) What were your first impressions of Kiev?

b) It’s my impression that he does not want to read this book.

c) Fifty impressions of this book were sold yesterday.

man a) When I entered the room I saw a man and a woman there.

b) Your friend is a man of character, isn’t he?

c) Does that man of straw help against birds?

VII. Закончите предложение:

a) Can you …?

b) You mustn’t….

c) Has she …?

d) We didn’t…

e) They are….

Вариант 4, 7

The working of the house of commons1

As a hundred years ago government in Britain is called “parlamentary government”. It was true to say that the ministers held office only for so long as they continued to be supported by a majority in the House of Commons.

The two Houses of Parliament, the Lords and the Commons, share the same building, the Palace of Westminster. The present buildings of the Palace were erected between 1840 and 1852 to replace older buildingswhich had destroyed by fire in 1834.

The Commons occupy the north part of the Palace, the Lords the south end. The part of the Palace of Westminster induces some hundreds of rooms, among which are library, restaurants, committee rooms and so on. Ministers have offices for themselves within the Palce of Westmoinster, but ordinary members do not.

The Commons debating chamber is usually called “The House”. It has seats for only about 370 of its total membership of over 600. Members do not have special seats. The shape and arrangement of the House are of great political significance. It is rectangular, with the Speaker’s chair at one end, and with five rows of benches running down one side along its whole length, and fiverows on the side so that the rows of benches face each other across the floor…

Members of the House of Commons have received salaries since 1911.

Each chamber has galleries, parts of which are kept for the use of the public. The beginning of a day’s businnes is at 2.30 p.m. The office of the Speaker has a special importance. The choice of a new Speaker is made by a vote of the House.

The House of Commons meets every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 2.30 in the afternoon, and normally sits until 10.30 p.m. A light at the top clock tower, where the famous Big Ben strikes is kept on for so long as the House is sitting.

1House of Commons – палата общин

II. Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. How is government in Britain called?
  2. What is the building the Lords and the Commons share?
  3. When was the fire in London?
  4. Whenn is the beginning of a day’s business?
  5. What is the sign that the House is sitting?

III. Выпишите из текста интернациональные слова.

IV.Определите по суффиксу часть речи и переведите слова на русский язык:

moralist, moralize, morality, mainly, nomination, offensive, offender, quantity, tasteless, ready

V. Выпишите из текста предложения, иллюстрирующие:

а) прошедшее неопределенное время, страдательный залог (3-е лицо ед. числа);

б) причастие I;

в) настоящее совершенное время.

VI. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова:

absence a) Who knows the reason of Pete’s absence from school?

b) The boy often forgot his books at home because of his absence of mind.

c) Cold is the absence of heat.

bed a) I suppose, you have time to make the bed.

b) Go to bed’s it’s high time to do it.

c) There was a wonderful flowerbed before the house.

ask a) May I ask you a question?

b) He always asks after your sister’s health.

c) This task asks for your special attention.

VII. Закончите предложения:

a) I am to …

b) Can you…

c) You may…

d) She has done …

e) Are you…?

Вариант 5, 6

Theatres, concerts, festivals and cinema

The theatre is mainly concentrated in London, where there are at least forty theatres functioning, and a successful play can continue to be shown for many month or even years. Outside London a few large towns have theatres in which are performed, generally for one weeek at a time, plays which take a trial run befor opening in London.

Orchestral concerts are given regularly in London by several first-class orchestraswhich are based there. The largest provincial centers also maintain permanent orchestras, which give regular concerts. Seasons of opera are performed at the Royal Opera House at Covent Garden, in central London, and also of balllet by the Royal Ballet, “Festivals” of the arts take place in several towns, of which the best known is the annual International Festival of Music and Drama in Endinburgh.

From about 1930 until very recent times the cinema became very popular in Britain. More recently the rapid spread of television has brought a great change. In 1946 the average British person went to the cinema forty times in the yaer, but by 1966 the figure had fallen to six, and 1500 cinema were closed. Most films shown are from Hollywood, but some.

Britich films have won great international success. French and other foreign language fiilms are usually showm with English sub-titles.

(From “Life in Modern Britain”)

II. Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. Where is the theatre concentrated?
  2. Where are plays performed except London?
  3. What kind of orchestras gave their concerts in London?
  4. When did the cinema become very popular?
  5. Why were 1500 cinemas closed?

III. Выпишите из текста интернациональные слова.

IV. Определите по суффиксу часть речи:

spiteful, quite, newly, music, native, limitary, kingdom, indifferently

V. Выпишите из текста и переведите предложения, в которы глагол употребляется в настоящем и прошедшем совершенном времени в действительном залоге.

VI. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова:

cap: a) Does he wear a cap or hat?

b) Where is the cap of that box, I wonder?

cloud a) Clouds of dust covered the grass and it became of grey colour.

b) His face clouded when he heard the news.

c) He is not attentive today: he is in the clouds.

knife a) Don’t give the child a knife.

b) Children were playing a good knife and fork after that long waik.

c) The boy disappeared befor he could say knife.

VII.Закончите предложения:

a) You could…

b) I have to …

c) She is to …

d) Has he…?

e) They haven’t…

Контрольная работа №2

Для того, чтобы правильно выполнить контрольную работу №2, вам необходимо проработать по учебнику английского языка следующий грамматический материал:

  1. Конструкция going to + инфинитив;
  2. Конструкция used to + инфинитив;
  3. Употребление модальных глаголов со сложными формами инфинитива;
  4. Конструкция дополнение + инфинитив или причастие I;
  5. Конструкция глаголов в пассиве + инфинитив;
  6. Причастие I и II. Причастные обороты;
  7. Страдательный залог;
  8. Словообразование;
  9. Технические сокращения;
  10. Термин и способы его выражения;
  11. Особенности перевода свободных словосочетаний, фразеологических единиц;
  12. Неологизмы. Профессионализмы. Абревиатуры;
  13. Денежные единицы. Меры веса и длины.

Вариант 1