
Бизнес-курс английского языка методические указания для студентов заочной формы обучения по специальности (стр. 14 из 18)

1. Переведите текст.

Transport and delivery terms

Multimodal (Door to Door) transport is wide-spread in shipping now. It involves a transfer of the goods from one mode of transport to another.

Traditionally, the ship’s rail was considered the critical point of responsibility, that is when all risks of loss or damage are transferred from one party to the other. Now it is no longer the ship’s rail but the port terminal which may be such a point. In sea port areas the goods are put into containers, on pallets or aboard the ship.

The main carrier often prefers to assume through responsibility for the cargo he carries. In a through movement of the goods a combined transport document is issued instead of a traditional Bill of Lading.

Like a traditional Bill of Lading it is a receipt for the consignment.

But instead of ports of shipment and discharge it shows the place of delivery and receipt. The new system of multimodal shipment in international trade is reflected in the International Commercial Terms (Incoterms 1980).

2. Выпишите из текста термины.

3. Переведите на русский язык сочетания слов:

mode of transport, ship’s rail, critical point of reponsibility, assume responsibility, port of shipment, port of dischrge, risk of loss, risk of damage, fullil obligations, meet the requirements, marine insurance, insurance premium.

4. Найдите в словах префиксы и суффиксы.

importsnce, impotant, growth, selfless, assistance, achievement, cooperation, insurance, shipment, carrier, insured, discharge, responsibility, terminal, carriage.

5. Переведите предложения, повторив предварительно неличные формы глагола.

a) Я старалась много работать, чтобы не думать о том что случилось.

b) Я сказала вам всю правду. Мне нечего от вас скрывать.

c) Мы обогащаем свои знания, читая книги.

d) Мы обсуждаем статью, написанную вами.

e) Отправленная телеграмма была подписана директором.

f) Они не заметили, как он вошел в кабинет.

6. Поставьте глагол главного предложения в Past Simple и внесите соответствующие изменения в придаточное предложение (правило согласования времен).

a) I now that he will take part in the discussion.

b) Ann knows that the lecture will take place on Monday.

c) Mike hopes that his friend will help him.

d) The children know that the Earth goes round the sun.

7. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на страдательный залог.

a) Traditionally, the ship’s rail was considered the critical point of responsibility, that is when all risks of loss or damage are transferred from one party to the other.

b) Packing goods for export is a highly specialized job.

c) FOB Aiport is based on the same main principle as the ordinary FOB term.

d) FOB means “Free on Board”. The goods are placed on board a ship by the seller at a port of shipment named in the sales contract.

Вариант 2

1. Переведите текст.

How to manage the managers

The Low on Enterprise resently enacted by the Government must help create a relationship when a factory manager and his work collective b ecome parters. Management and employees must be equally interested in the fruite of their labour.

In a result-oriented management the key thing is not to issue instructions but to get results. That is why a manager’s pay should increase. If the productions plan is not met, then a manager must be penalized along with the workers he supervises. About 40 or 50 per cent of a manager’s monthly pay should depend on the end result of the enterptise. If the result is poor and a manager doesn’t get the full pay for a few months running he must leave his office. New people schould come instead. It’ll be a naturel selection of a managerial staff when people with better knowledge, more expertise and truly original thinking will come to management.

2. Выпишите из текста термины.

3. Переведите на русский язык сочетания слов:

delegate responsibilities, decision-making, cross-communication, long-range planning, midde management, managerial staff, result-oriented management, manager’s pay, the end result of the enterprise, top management, a comparative basis, equal partners.

4. Найдите в словах префиксы и суффиксы

recently, government, relationship, partner, manager, managemant, performance, instruction, collective, interested, production, produced, running, monthly.

5. Переведите предложения, повторив предварительно неличные формы глагола.

a) Дорога, которая должна соединить эти два города, строится.

b) Мы должны много работать, чтобы овладеть английским.

c) Я имел удовольствие знать его лично.

d) Он не любил, когда на него смотрели.

e) Посмотрев журналы, он отдал их Майклу.

f) Эта новость обрадовала меня.

6. Поставьте глагол главного предложения в Past Simple и внесите соответствующие изменения в придаточное предложение (правило согласования времен).

a) The director says to him that he must charter a steamer of 8000tons.

b) I know that he will work at his new book new book next year.

c) I think that we shall do this work next week.

d) I nottice that he makes progress in his Englich.

e) I know that he is going to the cinema now.

7. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на страдательный залог.

a) The insured is better protected if his goods are insured against all risks.

b) The goods are placed on board a ship by the seller at a port of shi[ment named in the sales contract.

c) The risk of loos of or damage to the goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer when the goods pass the ship’s rail.

d) They said this book had been published by the end of the month.

Вариант 3

1. Переведите текст.

Force majeure

Force majeure is a force against which you cannot act or fight.

Every contract has a force mejeure clause. It usually includes natural disasters such as an earthquake, floods, fire, ect. It can also list such contingencies as war, embargo, sanctions. Along with this there are some other circumstances beyond the Seller’s control. The Seller may find himself in a situation when he can’t fulfil his obligation under the Contract. It may happen if there is a general strike in the country, a strike of coal-miners, transport workers ect. Production may be suspended if there is a shortage of the energy supply. When negotiating a contract a list of contingencies must be agreed on and put into the Contract.

When a manager makes up a contract he must not think only of his on-sided interest. He must think in terms of common interest with his counterpart. Only then will he prove loyal to his partner.

In case of a contingency the Seller must notify the Buyers of a force majeure. The Article of the Contract to this effect may run: “Should the Seller fail to notify the Buyer of a contingency the Seller is denied a right to refer to these circumstances”. The Seller is to nitify the Buyer of a contingency right away. If it’s done in due time the Buyer may take immediate action to protect his interest. He way sing a contract with another supplier on similar terms or if it’s impossible he will secure the besr possible terms he can have at the moment. If prices are rising he will be quick to act and will do everything possible to negotiate the best ptice obtainable at the moment.

A force majeure must be a proven fact. The Seller is to submit to the Buyer a written confirmation issued by the Chamber of Commerce to this effect. The certificate testifies that a contingency really took place. It describes its nature and confirms its dutayion.

2. Выпишите из текста термины.

3. Переведите на русский язык сочетания слов:

negotiate a contract, claim compensation, force-majeure, partial fulfillment, a proven fact, a written confirmation, a contingency right, the fact of contingency the after-effects, insurance company, a force majeure clause, a general strike, shortage of the energy supply, a list of contingencies, common interest.

4. Найдите в словах префиксы и суффиксы

usually, disaster, contingency, sanction, circumstances, situation, obligation, suspended, production, manager, buyer, action, testify, fulfill ment.

5. Переведите предложения, повторив предварительно неличные формы глагола.

a) Статья, которая будет обсуждаться завтра, написана нашим профессором.

b) Поздно спорить об этом. Уже ничего нельзя изменить.

c) Мне не нравиться его манера чтения.

d) Надеюсь, вы не возражаете, если ей все скажут

e) Доктор, за которым послали, жил в сосоедней дереыне.

f) Никак не ожидали, что холода наступят так рано.

6. Поставьте глагол главного предложения в Past Simple и внесите соответствующие изменения в придаточное предложение (правило согласования времен).

a) I know that he translated the article an hour ago.

b) I think that he will play hockey tomorrow.

c) Peter says that she will bring her coin collection.

7. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на страдательный залог.

a) In a through movement of the goods a combined transport document is issued of a traditional Bill of Lading.

b) The new system of multimodal shipment in international trade had been reflected in the International Commercial Terms last year.

c) Free Carrier…This term has been designed to meet the requirements of modern transport, particularly such “multimodal” transport as container or “roll on roll off” traffic by trailers and ferries.

d) They should only be used when the goods are to be carried by rail.

Вариант 4

1. Переведите текст.

Green management

Companies that to be green make large investments in cleaner tehnology. Big profitable companies find it easier to be green than small ones. Many small companies are not obeying environmental rules.

Companies that take the environment seriously try to change not only their technology, but the way they run themselves, too. Often, such changes go hand in hand with improvements in the quality of management.

Badly managed companies are seldom kind to the environment; companies that try hard to reduce the damage do to the environment are usually well managed.

A clever manager cares about employees and product quality. Yt may spend a lot of time and money working on health safety and the environment. If employees see that their manager cares about environment they come up with green ideas of their own. Many companies find that their shop-floor employees (who may live nearer their plants than do managers) and their younger, graduate managers are the strongest advocates of greenery.

In some industries the pressure to be green is changing links between companies and their customers. Some companies now offer to take back the waste product from their customers and clean it up.

2. Выпишите из текста термины.

3. Переведите на русский язык сочетания слов:

waste product, shop-floor employee, cleaner tehnology, profitable companies, environmental rules, to go hand in hand, the quality of management, well managed, health safety, green idea, the strongest advocates of greenery, to build links with eachother, green regulation.

4. Найдите в словах префиксы и суффиксы

investment, cleaner, profitable, tehnology, environmental, environmental, environment, seriously, manager, management, hazardous, resysle, customer, changing, greenery.

5. Переведите предложения, повторив предварительно неличные формы глагола.

a) Читать книги при плохом освещении вредно.

b) Он слишком устал, чтобы продолжать путь.

c) Они шли быстро, не останавливаясь на отдых.

d) Закончив опыт, они обсуждали результаты.

e) Мы видели, как он шел по противоположной стороне улицы.

f) Они сидели, разговаривая о планах на будущее.

6. Поставьте глагол главного предложения в Past Simple и внесите соответствующие изменения в придаточное предложение (правило согласования времен).

a) I know that he goes to the cinema every day.

b) I think that he will be working at this book all the day round.

c) The teacher says that he is pleased with our work.

d) My uncle writes that he will come to visit us in May.

7. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на страдательный залог.

a) The term “Delivered Duty Paid” may be used irrespective of the mode of ttransport.

b) Time to market can be shortened very significantly.

c) Management control is improved and tightened with betterinformation aiding major decision-making.

d) The Seller in his turn is entitled to make a ckaim on his counterpart if the Buyer fails to meet his contractual obligations.

Вариант 5

1. Переведите текст.

What my be the grounds for complaint coming from the Seller and what are the ways of settlement?

The Seller in his turn is entitled to make a claim on his connterpart if the Buver fails to meet his contractual obligations.

The Seller may inflict penalties on the Buyer if there is a default in payment.

In an f.o.b. transaction the Seller is entitled to compensation for extra storage expenses if the Buyer’s vessel bound to pick up the goods fails to call at the port in time.

In a c.i.f. transaction the Seller may claim the demurrage if his own vessel stays idle at the port awaiting unloading.

The demurrage claims may emerge from the Buyer as well if a Contract is signed on f.o.b. terms of delivery. If it is a c.i.f. contract, the Buyer is liable to extra storage expenses when through the Seller’s fault he cannot clear the goods from the customs within the allowable period.

Financially, legitimate claims are in large part settled by debit or credit notes.