1. waved; 2, was told; 3. to take; 4, am waiting; 5, rang/was ringing; 6. spoke/was speaking: 7, picked; 8. spoke; 9, waited; 10, finished/had finished; 11. waited; 12. felt/was feeling; 13. had been dreading/had dreaded; 14, hadn't begun; 15. finished;
16. was; 17. waiting; 18. had come; 19. won't keep; 20. waiting; 21. picked up; 22. began; 23. have/will have/shell have; 24. to catch; 25. was; 26. would find; 27. passed/was passing;
28. examining; 29. pushing/push; 30. was; 31. arranged/were arranged; 32. stood; 33. covered; 34. were crammed; 35. might; 36. slip; 37. fall; 38. had finished; 39. hadn't noticed;
40. enter/entering; 41. was surprised; 42. see; 43. have come/came; 44. was answering; 45. had begun,
III. 1.A; 2.D; 3.A; 4.D; 5.D; 6.C; 7.A; 8,A; 9.B; 10.C; ll.D; 12.B; 13.A; 14.C; 15.C; 16.A; 17.C: 18.D; 19.B; 20.D.
IV. 1. By the time you reach/get to the river it will have already got/become/grown dark and you will have to return/come back/get back the way/the same way you came/have come.
2. Summer has come. It is very quiet in the yard. All the children have gone to/have left for the country/have gone out of town.
3. let's stay at home till/until it stops raining/has stopped raining/the rain stops/has stopped, shall we?
4. They saw two policemen enter/come the/a house on the other/opposite side of the street and were/got very greatly/very much surprised as no one/nobody had lived/had been living/there had been no one living in the house for a long time.
5. (My) mother said (that) the teacher wouldn't be/get angry/cross with me if I explained to him what had happened and why I was/had been late.
6. Аnn has been ill for a week already, she will be taken/sent to hospital tomorrow.
7. You often have to answer the/your students questions, don't you? - That's true/right. I have to, but some (of the) questions sound strange.
8. There is much/far/rather less news in today/s paper than in the one I read yesterday. Nothing interesting/of interest has happened today.
9. She has never told a lie/lied since I have known her,
- Neither has her elder/eldest/older/oldest sister/her ... sister hasn't either.
10. Everybody/everyone was/all were surprised why there was so little furniture in the room, there was (only) a table and a few/some/several chairs only.
Список используемой литературы
1) Любимцева С.Н., Тарковская Б.М., Памухина Л.Г., «Английский язык для деловых людей» Начальный курс – М: Внешняя школа, 1991 – 300 с;
2) Богацкий И.С., Дюканова Н.М., «Бизнес – курс английского языка» Словарь-справочник. Под общей редакцией Богацеого И.С. 2-е издание – переработано – Киев: «Логос» 1997 – 352 с.;
3) Агабекян И.П., Коваленко П.И. Английский язык для экономистов. Серия «Учебник и учебные пособия». Ростов-на-Дону: «Федоникс», 2002 -416 с.
Список рекомендуемой литературы