
Методические указания и контрольные задания для студентов 1-2 курсов (стр. 12 из 13)

The Paralympic Games take place in the same year as the Olympic Games. However, it is only since 1988 that the Games have been held in the same city, using the same venues. In 2001 the IOC and IPC signed an agreement which guaranteed that Host Cities would be contracted to manage both Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. Today, the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) is the global governing body of the Paralympic Movement; it organises the Summer and Winter Paralympic Games; and also serves as the International Federation for 12 sports, for which it supervises and coordinates the World Championships and other competitions.

Summer Paralympic Games programme includes archery, athletics (track and field), cycling, horse-riding, football, judo, powerlifting, rowing, sailing, shooting, swimming, table tennis, volleyball (sitting), wheelchair basketball, wheelchair fencing, wheelchair rugby, wheelchair tennis. The following sports are on the current Winter Paralympic Games programme: ice hockey, biathlon, cross-country skiing, wheelchair curling.

2. Answer the questions to the text in exercise 1.

1. What kinds of people participate in the Paralympic Games?

2. How often do the Paralympic Games take place?

3. What is the origin of the term "paralympic"?

4. Where are the Paralympic Games usually held?

5. What specific sports are included into the current Paralympic Games programme?

3. Fill in the gaps with the given words and translate the sentences into Russian: participants; supervises; fencing; ice hockey; track and field; athletes.

1. … is the sport of fighting with a long thin sword.

2. … refers to such sports as running and jumping.

3. Discussions between … may be analysed to reveal the nature of their failure.

4. The Paralympic Games are a multi-sport event for disabled … .

5. The International Federation … the World Championships and other competitions.

6. … is a sport played on ice, in which players try to hit a hard flat round object into the other team's goal with special sticks.

4. Use the correct verb form (Past Simple, Present Perfect).

1. They (to build) the nursing home years ago.

2. She (to be) a medical social worker since 1990.

3. We (to finish) the project yet.

4. The state pension age (to change) last year.

5. My car (to break down). I won't be able to meet you at the airport.

6. He (to buy) a new car two weeks ago.

7. Last month we (to launch) this campaign.

8. He and Mr. Jones (to work) already together for 15 years.

9. I (not to see) them since December.

10. We (to receive) a large order yesterday.

5. Change the sentences into Passive.

1. My partner told me the news yesterday.

2. Our company makes good profits every year.

3. The secretary will bring him the mail.

4. The tourists are filling in the forms.

5. They were building a new supermarket last August.

6. We have invited our counterpart to the restaurant.

6. Meet a real social care worker Victoria Clottey, Young Person's Advisor and read what she says.

I'm responsible for young people who are leaving care, helping them set up home and do things like budgeting properly. I can think back to when I was
a teenager, struggling with exams, being on benefits. I've had that experience so I can relate to what they're going through. When young people realise this, it makes them more willing to listen. You definitely bring your life experiences with you into this job. If we have a dilemma, we can talk about it as a team. There are 8 of us and we get input from each other on how best to deal with
a situation. You can be involved with a young person for 3 years or more. You build up relationships and see the return in terms of them staying on track. Some keep in touch, but the real job satisfaction comes when you can let go, when they don't need my support any more.

7. Retell the text (ex. 6) within 4–5 sentences using reported speech.

8. Make all types of questions to the text (ex. 6).

9. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Ему нужно проконсультироваться с психологом.

2. Он нанял новую медсестру.

3. Я хочу отдать эту сумму детскому дому.

4. Эта проблема привлекает все больше и больше внимания.

5. В Паралимпийских играх принимают участие спортсмены с самыми разнообразными нарушениями здоровья.

6. Социальная работа – это профессиональная деятельность специально подготовленных кадров, обеспечивающая социальную защиту, социальное обслуживание и социальную помощь нуждающимся категориям населения.

7. Конные соревнования открыты для инвалидов-паралитиков, слепых, граждан с нарушениями зрения, умственной отсталостью.

8. Социальная работа распространяется на различные области.

9. Этому человеку необходим социальный уход.

10. На Паралимпийских Играх спортсмены группируются согласно отдельной классификации.

Вариант 2

1. Translate the text, find and write down the equivalents to the words:

центр ухода за больными; "дом успокоения"; жители; нарушения; услуги; помощник; постоянный; бенефициант; обеспечивать уход; лечение ран; квалифицированный.


A nursing home, skilled nursing facility (SNF), or skilled nursing unit (SNU), also known as a rest home, is a type of care of residents: it is a place of residence for people who require constant nursing care and have significant deficiencies with activities of daily living. Nursing homes are subject to federal regulations and also strict state regulations. Nursing home residents have physical or cognitive impairments and require 24-hour care. Residents include the elderly and younger adults with physical disabilities. Adults 18 or older can stay in a skilled nursing facility to receive physical, occupational, and other rehabilitative therapies following an accident or illness.

Services provided in nursing homes include services of nurses, nursing aids and assistants; physical, occupational and speech therapists; social workers and recreational assistants; and room and board. Most care in nursing facilities is provided by certified nursing assistants, not by skilled personnel. Medicare covers nursing home services for beneficiaries who require skilled nursing care or rehabilitation services following a hospitalization of at least three consecutive days. The program does not cover nursing care if only custodial care is needed – for example, when a person needs assistance with bathing, walking, or transferring from a bed to a chair. To be eligible for Medicare-covered skilled nursing facility (SNF) care, a physician must certify that the beneficiary needs, daily skilled nursing care or other skilled rehabilitation services that are related to the hospitalization, and that these services, as a practical matter, can be provided only on an inpatient basis. For example, a beneficiary released from the hospital after a stroke and in need of physical therapy, or a beneficiary in need of skilled nursing care for wound treatment following a surgical procedure, might be eligible for Medicare-covered SNF care.

Nursing homes are beginning to change the way they are managed and organized to create a more resident-centered environment, so they are more "home-like" and less "hospital-like". In these homes, nursing home units are replaced with a small set of rooms surrounding a common kitchen and living room. The staff giving care is assigned to one of these "households". Residents have far more choices about when they awake, when they eat and what they want to do during the day. They also have access to more companionship such as pets.

2. Answer the questions to the text in exercise 1.

1. What is a nursing home?

2. What kind of people are typical residents of nursing homes?

3. What services are provided by a nursing home?

4. When does Medicare cover SNF care?

5. What is changing in modern nursing homes?

3. Put the necessary word in the sentence and translate it into Russian: deficiency; assistants; hospice; brunt; common; discharge.

1. Bad dreams are fairly … among children.

2. Most care in nursing facilities is provided by certified nursing … .

3. The car took the full … of the explosion.

4. Some elderly people suffer from iron … in their diet.

5. … is a special hospital for people who are dying.

6. Nurses visit the mother and baby for two weeks after their … from the hospital.

4. Use the correct verb form (Past Simple, Present Perfect).

1. Since then I (to change) my job several times.

2. "Oh, no! You (to fail) to sign the contract!" he cried.

3. Mr. Black suddenly (to find) that there was a note attached to the letter.

4. I (not to consider) that point yet.

5. Mary isn't at home. She (to go) to work.

6. Last year they (to increase) their production greatly.

7. They (to be) in social work for 5 years already.

8. We (to sign) a few contracts last month.

9. He can't find a job. He (to be) unemployed for half a year.

10. …you (to see) Mr. White since he returned from his business trip?

5. Change the sentences into Passive.

1. We sent the inquiry to government authorities two weeks ago.

2. Our specialists always carry out laboratory tests.

3. I will prepare all the documents tomorrow afternoon.

4. The surgeons are operating on the patient.

5. At that moment their representatives were examining the new tool.

6. They have already paid him for that work.

6. Meet a real social care worker Debbie Pollard, Day Care Services Manager and read what she says.

I used to be in the fashion trade but became interested in working in social care when I spent time supporting classes for people with learning at a local college. My first actual job in social care was as a day centre officer, from which I moved on to become a manager after acquiring specific qualifications. There's been a shift in thinking in day care services from "This is what we can provide" to "What does each user need". That has changed the way we do things, as has new technology.

New forms of communication are important for many of our users who are non-verbal. What hasn't changed is that this is a job where you believe in people and are rarely disappointed.

7. Retell the text (ex. 6) within 4–5 sentences using reported speech.

8. Make all types of questions to the text (ex. 6).

9. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Суть социальной работы в том, чтобы интегрировать усилия различных специалистов из разных областей для решения возникающих перед человеком проблем.

2. Социальная работа – это деятельность по изменению общества в сторону его самосовершенствования, в сторону поддержки самых слабых членов общества.

3. Социальный работник должен быть посредником между человеком, нуждающимся в помощи, и организациями, которые могут эту помощь оказать.

4. Патронатному воспитателю выплачивается определенное вознаграждение.

5. Социальный работник должен помочь человеку встать на ноги, указать направление, научить его жить и самостоятельно решать свои проблемы.

6. Нам нужно нанять нового служащего.

7. Специалист по социальной работе проводит исследовательско-аналитическую работу по проблемам социального положения населения в курируемом районе.

8. Этот проект имеет много преимуществ.

9. В нашей стране очень мало вузов, имеющих собственную медицинскую базу.

10. Этот больной нуждается в скорейшей госпитализации.

Вариант 3

1. Translate the text, find and write down the equivalents to the words:

патронат; компенсирование; льготы; облегчить; воссоединение; округ; клеймо; центры временной опеки; подвергать сомнению.


Foster care is a system by which a certified, stand-in parent (or parents) cares for minor children or young peoples who have been removed from their birth parents or other custodial adults by state authority. Responsibility for the young person is assumed by the relevant governmental authority. Requirements to be a foster parent vary by jurisdiction, as foster families may receive monetary reimbursement and other benefits. Foster care is intended to be
a temporary living situation for children and young people. The goal of foster care is to provide support and care for the young person in order that either reunification with parent(s) or other family members or another suitable living arrangement can be facilitated. This may include an adoptive home, guardianship, or placement with a relative. At times, the bond that develops during foster care will lead to the foster parents adopting the child. In some instances, children may be placed in a long-term foster placement. For older adolescents, a foster care program may offer education and resources to prepare for a transition to independent living. That is not to say that older adolescents would not benefit from family placement, however, it is more difficult to recruit foster and adoptive parents for teens due to the stigma that is often attached to adolescents in foster care.

In the United States, foster home licensing requirements vary from state to state but are generally overseen by each state's Department of Social Services or Human Services. In some states, counties have this responsibility. Each state's services are monitored by the federal Department of Health and Human Services. Children found to be unable to function in a foster home may be placed in Residential Treatment Centres (RTCs) or other such group homes. In theory, the focus of treatment in such facilities is to prepare the child for a return to a foster home, to an adoptive home, or to the birth parents when applicable. But two major reviews of the scholarly literature have questioned these facilities' effectiveness.

2. Answer the questions to the text in exercise 1.

1. What does foster care imply?

2. Who defines the requirements to be a foster parent?

3. What are the aims of foster care?

4. What organisation controls foster home licensing requirements in the USA?

5. Where can children found to be unable to function in a foster home be placed?

3. Put the necessary word in the sentence and translate it into Russian: adoptive parents; to oversee; requirements; adolescent; adopted; guardianship.

1. The refugees' main … are food and shelter.

2. The position of being legally responsible for someone else's child is called … .

3. Sam was very grateful to his … .

4. Sally was … when she was four.

5. A team leader was appointed … the project.