
Методические указания и контрольные задания для студентов 1-2 курсов (стр. 4 из 13)

5. Speak about your typical day off.

Тема 4. My Hobbies (Мои увлечения)

В результате изучения данной темы студент должен

1. знать лексический минимум, позволяющий рассказать о своих увлечениях, о том, какие бывают хобби, как увлечение влияет на внутренний мир человека, на его кругозор;

2. уметь пользоваться лексическим минимумом, обладать навыками свободного владения лексическим минимумом по теме, вести беседу на английском языке, уметь задавать вопросы по теме, отвечать на них и воспринимать соответствующую информацию.

Литература: 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 19, 24.

1. Answer the questions.

1. What is a hobby?

2. What do you usually do in your free time?

3. What leisure time activities are popular nowadays?

4. Do you think a hobby makes people's life more interesting?

5. What's good about having a hobby?

2. Complete each sentence in a logical way.

1. If you take up swimming you will need such gear as…

2. I learned to ride a horse without using…

3. Emma hit the golf-ball with a…

4. We play badminton with a racquet and a…

5. Diana's bike crashed into a tree because…

6. A mountain-climber's life may depend on their…

7. To practice figure skating a person should be…

8. Rugby players wear…

9. I want to knit a scarf but I haven't got…

10. Skiing can be dangerous if you don't wear…

11. Terry went fishing with the new … his parents gave him.

12. People can collect different things:…

13. Creative people may have such hobbies as…

14. If you have a hobby you…

3. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence.

1. Mary stopped swimming and just … on the surface.

a) sank; b) floated; c) dived; d) poured.

2. Jack turned the last corner and … the finishing line.

a) approached; b) arrived; c) waited; d) head.

3. David was trying to … another cyclist when he crashed.

a) overpass; b) overcome; c) overtake; d) overcharge.

4. You have to … the person with the ball until you catch them.

a) chase; b) rush; c) jump; d) drop.

5. The fans climbed over the fence to … paying.

a) avoid; b) prevent; c) abandon; d) refuse.

6. I fell over while skiing and my sister had to … a doctor.

a) bring; b) take; c) fetch; d) carry.

7. It's very easy to … over when the snow is hard.

a) slide; b) skid; c) skate; d) slip.

8. Don't … the road until all the runners have gone by.

a) pass; b) cross; c) across; d) pass by.

9. The swimmers … forward as they waited to begin the race.

a) fell; b) crawled; c) rolled; d) leaned.

10. When I was hiking in the mountains I … on a snake.

a) tripped; b) stepped; c) surprised; d) carried.

4. Choose the most suitable word underlined in each sentence.

1. Sue came first in the 5000 metre competition/game/race.

2. Jack and Eddie arranged to meet outside the football ground/field/pitch.

3. Brenda goes jogging every morning to keep exercised/fit/trained.

4. Our team beat/defeated/won the match by two goals to nil.

5. The local stadium isn't large enough for so many audience/viewers/

6. I'm afraid I don't find basketball very interested/interesting.

7. Collecting matchbox labels is Rebecca's favourite leisure/occupation.

8. Norman won first medal/prize/reward in the cookery competition.

9. The final result was a/an draw/equal/score.

5. Tell about your hobby. What role does it play in your life?

Тема 5. My flat / house (Моя квартира / дом)

В результате изучения данной темы студент должен

1. знать лексический минимум, позволяющий описать свою квартиру (дом), рассказать о её планировке, обстановке, удобствах, бытовых приборах и устройствах, в ней имеющихся;

2. уметь пользоваться лексическим минимумом, обладать навыками свободного владения лексическим минимумом по теме, вести беседу на английском языке, уметь задавать вопросы по теме, отвечать на них и воспринимать соответствующую информацию.

Литература: 15, 17, 24.

1. Answer the questions.

1. Where do you live?

2. Do you live in a private house or a block of flats?

3. What is there next to your house?

4. How large is your flat?

5. What floor is your flat on?

6. What modern conveniences are there in your flat?

7. How many rooms are there in your flat?

8. How is your flat furnished?

9. Where do you usually have meals, sleep, keep your clothes, and receive guests?

10. Are you satisfied with the place where you live?

2. Make your own sentences using words in bald.

1. I live in a five-storey block of flats in Pushkin Street.

2. My flat is on the third floor.

3. There are all modern conveniences in my flat.

4. Our living room is nicely furnished.

5. There is a TV set, a corner sofa, a piano and a bookcase in it.

3. Fill in prepositions where necessary.

My sister got a very comfortable flat ... last year. It is ... the third floor ...
a new block ... flats. … this week I got a letter ... my sister ... several pictures ... her flat. ... one of the pictures you can see her family sitting ... the table ... the living-room. My sister is sitting ... her husband and two sons. They are watching TV. It is ... the corner ... the room. There is a piano ... the left ... the door and
a small table ... a telephone ... it ... the right. My sister is going to speak ... me ... the telephone tonight. You can see a lovely carpet ... the middle ... the room and some pictures ... the wall. My sister's sons learn to play ... the piano. Besides they are fond ... reading books and have plenty ... them ... the bookcase and ... the shelves.

4. Translate into English.

1. Наш дом находится на улице Горького. Мы переехали туда два года тому назад.

2. У него двухкомнатная квартира на втором этаже.

3. На втором этаже все квартиры без бал­конов.

4. Все комнаты: гостиная, спальня и кабинет неболь­шие, но уютные.

5. В гостиной находится сервант, угловой диван, цветной телевизор, два кресла и журнальный столик.

6. На столе стоит ваза с цветами.

7. Наша кухня довольно большая. Там есть плита, холодильник, шкаф для посуды, стол и несколько стульев.

8. В ванной хранятся различные предметы туалета.

9. На стене в коридоре находится вешалка и зеркало.

10. Мы поддерживаем порядок в комнате.

5. Describe your house or flat. What makes it special? What is your favorite room in your flat? Why?

Тема 6. Travelling (Путешествия)

В результате изучения данной темы студент должен

1. знать лексический минимум, позволяющий рассказать о различных видах транспорта, их плюсах и минусах, личных предпочтениях, своём наиболее запомнившемся путешествии, ориентироваться в аэропорту, железнодорожном вокзале, путешествуя за рубежом;

2. уметь пользоваться лексическим минимумом, обладать навыками свободного владения лексическим минимумом по теме, вести беседу на английском языке, уметь задавать вопросы по теме, отвечать на них и воспринимать соответствующую информацию.

Литература: 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 19, 24.

1. Answer the questions.

1. Which is the most convenient way of travelling?

2. Which is the quickest way of travelling?

3. What was your longest trip by train / ship / plane?

4. What must you do first before starting a trip?

5. Where do you buy tickets for a train / ship / plane?

6. Do you take much carry-on luggage with you?

7. How much luggage are you allowed on the plane?

8. Where do you take your meals while travelling by train / ship?

9. What kind of trains is more convenient for long distance travelling?

10. Do you prefer a lower or an upper berth on the ship / train? State your reason.

2. Fill in prepositions where necessary.

– Hello, Alec. I remember somebody told me that you had an interesting trip … Siberia.

– I really made a wonderful journey … the very heart … Siberia. We went to Krasnoyarsk … plane and then sailed … the Yenissei … a cargo-ship.

– And where did you go … ashore?

– Oh, … some spot you are not likely to find … any map. Well, when we found ourselves … the bank we immediately went … the place where our expedition was working.

– Did you go … car?

– Oh, no! No car could have driven … those paths. We travelled partly … foot, and … some places went … small rivers and streams … rowing boats. We were … spots where no man's foot had stepped … us.

– How exciting! So you enjoyed … the journey, didn't you?

– Every minute … it, though it was not an easy one.

– Did you return … air?

– No, … train. The fact is, I had hardly enough money … the railway fare, not to say anything … plane.

3. Make up questions.

Ask your friend: 1) if he often travels (makes trips); 2) when he travelled last by train (ship, plane); 3) if he usually books tickets in advance; 4) how much is
a ticket to his home town; 5) if he takes much luggage on his trips; 6) if he has ever missed a train (plane, ship); 7) if his friends come to see him off (to the airport, railway station, etc.); 8) if he has ever made a tour of some town (or port) of our country; 9) what foreign countries he would like to visit.

4. Fill in prepositions where necessary.

Modern life is impossible … travelling. I think that travelling … air is the fastest and the most convenient way. Many people prefer it … all other means.

But some people object … air travel. They say that this way ... travelling makes them nervous.

People … some professions, … example journalists or businessmen just can't do without flying … plane.

However, it is possible … cross the country … air … a few hours. Travelling … air, you kill two birds … one stone: you get speed and comfort combined and you save your time.

5. Complete.

1. There is nothing like travel by…

2. It is more convenient to travel by … because…

3. Modern trains have very…

4. On board large ships and small river boats people can visit…

5. Travelling by sea is popular…

6. Round the world cruise is…

7. But there is one thing that can spoil all the pleasure…

8. It is quite true that driving a car has…

9. And the first thing you should do before going on a holiday by car is…

6. Describe the journey you still remember. Speak about advantages and disadvantages of all kinds of transport. Which one do you personally prefer and why?

Тема 7. Applying for a job (Устройство на работу)

В результате изучения данной темы студент должен

1. знать лексический минимум, позволяющий практически применять знания в сфере деловой (профессиональной) коммуникации, ориентироваться в лексико-грамматическом материале, позволяющем составлять резюме, заполнять анкеты и некоторые другие документы на английском языке, необходимые при устройстве на работу;

2. обладать навыками свободного владения лексическим минимумом по теме, вести беседу на английском языке, уметь задавать вопросы по теме и воспринимать соответствующую информацию.

Литература: 14, 19, 24.

1. Answer the questions.

1. What things do you take into consideration when choosing an occupation?

2. How did you get your present job?

3. How were you informed about the position you have now?

4. Was the selection process very long?

5. What should you do to qualify for particular job?

6. Whom can you turn to for advice when making a decision?

7. What is the most important part of the decision-making process?

2. You are looking for a job. Analyze your interests and abilities. Answer the following questions:

1. What are your abilities?

2. What special talents do you have?

3. What are your special interests?

4. What are your physical abilities and limitations?

5. What are your attitudes and values?

6. How do you see yourself, or what is your self-concept?

7. What is your previous working experience?

8. What are your educational plans for the future?

9. Are you a team player or a person who prefers to work on his own?

10. Are you willing to accept changes?

11. What is a job of your dream?

3. Fill in the Application Form.

NAME ___________________________________________

ADDRESS __________________ PHONE NO. _________________



EDUCATION _________________________________________

Name of School Year Graduated Course Taken or Degree

___________ ____________ _________________


Russian Excellent Good Fair
English Excellent Good Fair

EXPERIENCE (Give present or last position first)

COMPANY ________ ADDRESS _______________


From ________ To _______


_________________ ____________________





COMPANY ______________ ADDRESS _________________


From _________ To _________


_________________ ____________________


Name __________ Address ___________ Phone No. _________


4. Give the Russian for the underlined words or word combinations.

1. She was on the short list for the position of director.

2. If a person is looking for a job they will often look in a newspaper and they find something they are interested in, they send a written application and CV (= curriculum vitae (Br.E) = resume (Am.E)).

3. We will need to have references from your former employers.

4. With all the perks, such as free meals and a car, she's really earning over
$ 65,000 a year.

5. Every June the electronic manufacturers go headhunting among the newly graduated engineers.