
Методические указания и контрольные задания для студентов 1-2 курсов (стр. 7 из 13)

4. Read the text and discuss the questions that follow.

Domestic Violence

Twenty years ago, little empirical knowledge about intimate partner violence existed, conceptual explanations for relationship violence were not well thought out, and social workers were ill trained for dealing with the problem. Domestic violence, at that time, was private and seen as a family problem and personal issue. Today, students and social workers can benefit from research findings and years of practice experience that were not available two decades ago.

The implications of domestic violence for social workers are significant; many of the individuals we work with will be or have been affected as primary and secondary victims. Many of our male clients have battered their partners. Many of us have felt the impact of violence in our own families.

Social workers must have insight into the problem of domestic violence to effectively work toward ending relationship violence. Interventions that might alleviate domestic maltreatment should be applied at all levels: micro, mezzo, and macro.

1. How has the attitude to the domestic violence changed recently?

2. Why is the issue of domestic violence vital?

3. What should be done to ease domestic violence? What can social workers do?

4. What particular measures can be taken by law enforcement agencies, the courts, social service agencies and corrections/probation agencies to solve the problem of domestic abuse?

5. Speak about modern family challenges, their causes, consequences and possible ways out.

Тема 13. The Job of a Social Worker (Обязанности и специфика трудовой деятельности социальных работников)

В результате изучения данной темы студент должен

1. знать лексический минимум, позволяющий практически применять знания в сфере деловой (профессиональной) коммуникации, говорить о специфике трудовой деятельности социальных работников, их функциональных обязанностях;

2. уметь пользоваться лексическим минимумом, обладать навыками свободного владения лексическим минимумом по теме, вести беседу на английском языке, уметь задавать вопросы по теме, отвечать на них и воспринимать соответствующую информацию.

Литература: 11, 12, 13.

1. Answer the questions.

1. Why is there a considerable distance between social work and the majority of the population?

2. Why are social work and social care as a professional activity hard to define?

3. How is the power of social work and care circumscribed by law?

4. Why have social workers been heavily criticized?

5. What is required from social workers operating on behalf of the state?

2. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that best fits each place.

Each of the social work specialties calls for different qualities. Although they all require an (interesting) in social problems and concerns, you must match your abilities and interests with the work. Direct clinical service is (emotional) demanding and requires constantly dealing with (personality) problems. Community organization work requires practical, political insight and leadership (able), while a grasp of the large social and political picture and the ability to devise large scale (solve) are essential to social policy and planning. Some social workers begin their careers in one specialty and later decide to change to another.

The majority of social work jobs are (fund) directly or indirectly by governments – municipal, provincial or federal. Some social workers work for agencies funded by voluntary (donate). Job settings include family and child welfare agencies, hospitals and other health care facilities, group homes and hostels, (addict) treatment facilities, social assistance offices where social workers (provision) help to individuals, families and small groups. Community organizers work out of settlement houses, community centres and grassroots social action organizations. Social workers (specialize) in social policy and planning are usually employed in government ministries or departments or in voluntary associations such as planning councils. Research is carried out from universities, government departments and in some of the large social agencies and institutions. A growing number of social workers are (self-employment), offering services directly to the public for fees, or contracting their services to large organizations.

3. Choose the correct answer.

1. Social work, social care, residential care deliver services in the following settings:

a) social services offices;

b) kindergartens;

c) universities.

2. Medical and public health social workers…

a) focus on food, shelter and clothing;

b) provide psychosocial support needed to cope with chronic, acute, or terminal illnesses, such as Alzheimer's disease, cancer, or AIDS;

c) develop programs to address such issues as child abuse, homelessness, substance abuse, poverty, and violence.

3. Day centres are attended on a daily basis by people…

a) on holiday;

b) on work trips;

c) with different social needs.

4. Social services offices deliver services to…

a) people having high-powered jobs;

b) suffering life crisis;

c) longing for cooperation.

4. Answer the questions.

1. What area of social work would you like to specialize in? Why?

a) work with community organizations;

b) work with community agencies in program planning and implementation;

с) work with the elderly;

d) work with the unemployed and underemployed;

e) work with people encountering difficult life transitions;

f) social research in the community;

g) work with the developmentally and physically challenged;

h) work with juvenile delinquents;

i) work with at risk school children.

2. Are you interested in working with abused children or with couples who are having trouble in their relationships?

3. Would you like to help people with drug or alcohol problems or assist disabled people to realize their potential?

4. Would you like to assist people to influence the quality of life of their communities and neighbourhoods? Could you see yourself helping groups organize to get better housing, improved health care or safer neighbourhoods?

5. Would you like to use your knowledge and skill to help shape better social policies?

6. Are you keen to delve into the causes of specific social ills, or to grapple with questions about which social programs really work and why?

7. Do you think that employment of social workers is expected to grow for all occupations? What social trends will create greater demand for social services?

8. Would you rather work full-time or part-time, or go into private practice?

9. Are you prepared to work evenings and weekends to meet with clients, attend community meetings, handle emergencies?

10. Would you mind travelling locally to visit clients?

11. How do you think you would cope with understaffing and large caseloads, which add to the pressure in this job?

12. Do you consider yourself a person who is emotionally mature, objective, and sensitive to people and their problems?

13. Would you be able to handle responsibility, work independently, and maintain good working relationships with clients and coworkers?

5. Read the text and suggest a social workers classification.

Social work is a profession for those who have a strong desire to help improve people's lives. Social workers help people function the best way they can in their environment, deal with their relationships, and solve personal and family problems. Social workers often see clients who face a life-threatening disease or a social problem. These problems may include inadequate housing, unemployment, serious illness, disability, or substance abuse. Social workers also assist families that have serious domestic conflicts, including those involving child or spousal abuse.

Social workers often provide social services in health-related settings that now are governed by managed care organizations.

Most social workers specialize. Although some conduct research or are involved in planning or policy development, most social workers prefer an area of practice in which they interact with clients.

There are child, family, and school social workers, medical and public health social workers, mental health and substance abuse social workers. Other types of social workers include social work planners and policymakers, who develop programs to address such issues as child abuse, homelessness, substance abuse, poverty, and violence. These workers research and analyze policies, programs, and regulations. They identify social problems and suggest legislative and other solutions. They may help raise funds or write grants to support these programs.

6. Speak about the job of a social worker.


Для того чтобы правильно выполнить работу № 1, необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса английского языка, используя рекомендованную литературу.

1. Имя существительное. Множественное число. Артикли и предлоги как показатели имени существительного. Степени сравнения имён прилагательных.

2. Числительные.

3. Местоимения: личные, притяжательные, вопросительные, указательные, неопределённые и отрицательные.

4. Форма настоящего (Present), прошедшего (Past) и будущего (Future) времен групп Indefinite (Simple), Continuous (Progressive) действительного и страдательного залогов (Active Voice, Passive Voice). Спряжение глаголов to be, to have в Present, Past и Future Indefinite (Simple). Повелительное наклонение и его отрицательная форма.

5. Простое распространённое предложение: прямой порядок слов повелительного и побудительного предложений в утвердительной форме; обратный порядок слов вопросительного предложения. Оборот there is (are).

6. Модальные глаголы (can, may, must) и их эквиваленты.

Вариант 1

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст, дайте письменные ответы на вопросы к нему.


I was one of six children. I have two younger brothers and three elder sisters. My father was not a wealthy man and we lived in a three-bedroom house, so conditions at home were always quite cramped and there was little privacy. Yet I consider that I was extremely fortunate. The house was on the outskirts of a small town. Meadows, woods and even a friendly stream lay within walking distance of our home. My mother and father were far too busy to occupy themselves with my affairs, so the greater part of my upbringing was left to my sisters. If I am now a comparatively calm and placid person, able to cope tolerably well with those problems that life presents us with, it is, I firmly believe, due to the fact that I was allowed to grow up without too much fuss being made of me.

The most dreadful fate that I can imagine would be that of growing up as an only child. All mothers and fathers experiment on their unfortunate firstborn. They read the latest baby books, they attend clinics and courses of lectures. They listen to the advice of maiden aunts.

They debate the exact moment to present him or her with solid food. What they find extremely difficult to do is to allow their children to grow up at his own pace, to make his own mistakes and quietly learn from them.

As soon as the second baby is on the way, the first escapes from this period of close attention. He begins to get away with things. He discovers that even if he does eat sandwiches with dirty hands, or unripe apples that have fallen from the tree, he may not be sick in the night. He acquires a sense of proportion regarding his own importance.

But what happens to the only child? Never, or at least not until it is far too late to do anything about it, does he or she escape from the minute examination of his every action. It is a miracle if he does not grow up a nervous person constantly worrying about his health, a wholly self-centered being, who shivers at the sight of his own reflection in the mirror.

1. Can you describe the place where the author lived when he was a child?

2. Was he an only child in the family?

3. Who was occupied with the upbringing of the author?

4. What character does the author have?

5. Is it easy to be an only child in the family in his opinion? Why? Why not?

6. Do you agree with the author that being an only child in the family is a real problem?

2. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:

1. условия в доме всегда были довольно стесненными;

2. не хватало уединения;

3. быть чрезвычайно счастливым;

4. на окраинах маленького городка;

5. способный справляться с проблемами;

6. вздрагивать при виде своего отражения в зеркале.

3. Употребите оборот there is/there are в правильной форме в нужном времени.

1. She lives in a very small flat, so conditions at home are cramped and … little privacy.

2. … meadows, woods and even a friendly stream near the place he lived.

3. … five children in the family: four boys and a girl.

4. Soon … a new shop in the center of the town.

5. … any pictures in this book?

6. … no accommodation available.

4. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где необходимо.

1. In Britain an average family consists of … mother, … father and two or three children.

2. For … weekend we sometimes go to … village where my mother has … house.

3. He works at … big automobile plant as … engineer.

4. She is … teacher of … music and plays … piano well.

5. She is … pupil of … 9th form. She does well at … school and gets only … good and … excellent marks.

6. In … evenings we watch … TV, read … books and … newspapers, listen to … music or just talk about … events of … day.

5. Заполните пропуски предлогами.

1. If you eat an unripe apple that has fallen … the tree, you may be sick … night.

2. My grand-grandmother is … poor health and she lives … my grandmother's family.

3. My sister is married and has children … her own.

4. My friend's family lives … a private house.

5. It is quite rare … Britain … grandparents, aunts and uncles to share the house … the family.

6. They usually go … bed … about midnight.

6. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильном времени и залоге.

1. His father (to like) his work and (to spend) most of his time there.

2. Last year I (to leave) school and (to enter) the University. Now I (to be)
a first-year student.

3. He also encouraged me in my desire to become a teacher of Literature, saying that it (to be) one of the most interesting professions he ever (to know).

4. I (to have) many friends at school. Look at this picture, we all (to take) photo in it.

5. She (to finish) school in two years.

6. He (to be) a good sportsman now but he (not to like) to speak about his sport achievements.

7. Заполните пропуски активными словами: final, shoulders, question, important, heavens, life, family, child, clothes, dream.

Nick: Mum, I want to tell you something … .
Mother: What is it, dear?
Nick: I'm going to get married.
Mother: Get married?! You must be joking.
Nick: Nothing of the kind. It's my … decision. I'm not a … any more.
Mother: Good …! But you are only 18. I hope you are not serious.
Nick: Absolutely serious.
Mother: But who is that poor thing?
Nick: It's Helen, you know her. Helen is a … of a girl, the sweetest girl I've ever met! I can't see my … without her.
Mother: Oh, no! Helen is out of the … . She is too young. She can't even cook, likes good … and doesn't work yet. Your marriage is sure to fall on my … .
Nick: Don't worry. It is not as bad as that. We are going to live with her … .

8. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами can, must, may, should, need в утвердительной, отрицательной или вопросительной форме.

1. … I try on this blue raincoat? – Certainly. Here is the fitting room.