
Методические указания и контрольные работы для студентов-заочников агрономического факультета (4 года обучения) Тверь-Сахарово 2005 (стр. 3 из 3)

On the other hand, concentrates, as their name suggests, are more concentrated in terms of nutrients in a given weight of food. Twice the energy is contained in an equivalent weight of this feeding stuff compared with bulky foods.

Both these groups of food are used in the feeding of live­stock. The bulky foods satisfy the appetite, especially where a low nutrient intake is sufficient, while concentrates ensure adequate nutrients when a high nutrient intake is required, for example, a high-yielding cow.

Bulky foods can be subdivided into coarse fodders or rough­ages and succulent foods. The former contain a fair amount of indigestible fibre and very little water. In general they are low in protein and mineral content. The main foods in this group are cereal straws and hay. Succulent foods are roots, green fodders (kale, grass) and silage. These foods have a high moisture content which makes them palatable and in many cases slightly laxative.

Carbohydrate concentrates are foods which although they all contain protein consist mainly of starch with smaller amounts of sugar, oil and fibre. These starchy foods include all cereal grains.


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