
Методические указания и контрольные работы (стр. 11 из 14)



We are going to give you some details of college and university law enforcement professional education in the United States of America. Ninety-five institutions of this type are about to solve the problem of police training in America. Each of these ninety-five institutions is a collection of scholars and experts who are organizing instruction of the police workers.

Without question, the F.B.I. National Academy in Washington is "alma mater" for all law enforcement colleges in different states of America.

The following data are to shed light on the system of police training at the Sacramento State College. The number of its students is about 210. At first almost all of the students were from local law enforcement agencies. At present 60 per cent of the students are pre-service, and 40 per cent are working in a law enforcement agency.

The Sacramento State College is proud of great practical law enforcement experience [iks'piqriqns] (опыт, практика) per each instructor. The instructor is professing knowledge in a special field. Each is making available [q'veilqbl] (доступный) to the students his own training and experience. His attitudes ['xtitju:d] (отношение), methods and techniques are in fact very important for students' education, because the students are carrying the philosophies of their former ['fO:mq] (прежний, бывший) teachers for many years in their future work.

Since law enforcement is by nature a human-relations (человеческие вза­имоотношения) job, college life is offering ['Ofq] (предлагать) very good laboratories wherein a student is able to work with, learn from and learn about people. Laboratory work is requiring cooperative effort ['efqt] (усилия) of several students, developing leadership, making contacts with others who are working in the field. Participation [pa:"tisi'peiSqn] (участие) in student government is to develop the ability to work with and for fellow-students. Debating, drama and music are valuable as recreation ["rekri'eiSqn] (отдых) during college days and later in professional life. Participation in athletics is to develop physical strength, skill, stamina ['staeminq] (выносливость), and teamwork ['ti:mwq:k] (взаимодействие) is to help to develop two charac­teristic qualities ['kwOliti] (качество) that are of great interest to progressive police administrations - the ability to work with others and the ability to solve different problems by themselves.

College training for a student is the first time he is making his own decisions.

The great benefit ['benifit] (польза) from a college education of police officers is training future police workers to think. College study is presenting a storehouse ['stO:haus] (сокровищница) of ideas, principles and facts; and it is helping to develop the ability to put them together (вместе) to meet new situations. Upon completion [kqm'pli:Sqn] (завершение) of the four-year programme, the student is going to receive the Bachelor of Arts ['bxtSqlqrqv'a:ts] (бакалавр искусств) degree in Public Administration with specialization in Police Science and Administration. The special subjects within the Police Science and Administration programme are: General Police Administration, Scientific Crime Detection, Traffic Law Enforcement, Police Training and Police Records Administration. The college is offering a certificate [sq'tifikit] (удостоверение) programme in basic law enforcement for part-time students who are not candidates for an academic degree. The college is also offering a graduate programme for those who are about to take the Master ['ma:stq] (кандидат) of Science Degree in Public Administration with specialization in Law Enforcement.

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Prevention of juvenile delinquency is a very important task of the American Police. Law enforcement agencies of the U.S.A. were not solving this great problem in pre-war time. In 1946 a special Delin­quency Control Institute of the University of Southern California was opened in Los Angeles.

This Institute is paying great attention to the problem of crime prevention. It is dealing with different aspects of crime prevention which are the main present-day social questions in the world. It is the leading programme which is training in-service police personnel to work effectively with juveniles.

A large teaching staff of instructors is to work out the program­me for a twelve-week period, one in the autumn (September — No­vember) and the other in the spring (March —May).

Twenty students are attending a twelve-week term. A special com­mittee of law enforcement officers and members of the Institute staff are to select sixteen of these students among officers in police of sheriff's departments and four students — probation [prq'beiSan] (условное освобождение) departments, district attorney's (амер. прокурор) [q'tq:ni] staffs or from the ranks of social workers. All of them are to receive the approval [q'pru:vql] (одобрение) of their chief administrator. The students are paying living expenses [iks'pensiz] (расходы). Each person at the same time is getting a scholarship. Students are to follow a rigid schedule (строгий график) ['riGid 'skedjJul] attending nine separate (отдельный) ['seprit] courses daily, from Monday to Thursday.

They are also patrolling streets at nights combatting petty offen­ces once a week. They are performing patrol service with the In­spection Division. Then they are discussing the patrol problems. It is bringing good results. Being on practice the students are doing their best to reform (перевоспитывать) [rI'fO:m] the offenders helping them to return to an honest life of labour. The students are learning to establish contacts with the public to obtain information. They are supervising difficult juveniles. On Fridays the students are to go to Held trips (выезд на место происшествия) to important agencies and institutions in the Southern California area (район) where they are to observe how agencies are operating in the control of delinquency.

Every student is to attend all sessions of the basic Course. Upon successful (успешный) completion of the course the director is to give a certificate (свидетельство, аттестат) to each person.

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The purpose of this article is to detail some factors about militia officers’ training at one of the colleges of law enforcement professional education in our country - my Higher (Militia) School. Like in all other colleges of the Interior there are two kinds of training militia personnel there: in-service and preservice training. There are two departments at school: day department and correspondence department. There are also refresher courses for veterans of militia service; mostly men in command who are going to move up the promotion ladder.

Now we are going to give you some details of pre-service training at my Higher School. There are many young men in our country who are willing to take up law enforcement to devote themselves to the solution of such-big questions of life as crime prevention and crime decrease and who are choosing crime detection as their profession. This problem being very complex,- there are some requirements for the applicant to the *Higher School. To ensure the proper standards of future militia cadets and later on militia officers there is a thorough selection system. In order to enter the ... *Higher (Militia) School an applicant is to deal with entrance examinations. If there is a passing score, proper moral and physical standards, he is a freshman of the... Higher School.

There are routine regulations at the ... *Higher School which all the students are to keep up with: while on duty they are to wear a militia uniform, - a dark grey coat and trousers, a white holiday or a grey every day shirt and, a tie, an overcoat and a cap. Black shoes are a must, and gaudy socks are taboo. The student is to wear his hair cut in a (military) short fashion.

To achieve the objectives of modern detective training the trainee is to have actual knowledge of the following:

1. The prevention of crime.

2. The detection of crime.

3. Investigational techniques.

4. Sources of evidence.

5. The administration of justice.

6. The criminal law.

Professional competence in a specialized course of militia science and in militia/public relations problems will equip the militia cadets for duty as detectives and help them to perform satisfactorily under operational conditions.

There are some important factors which are absolutely necessary to pro­vide favourable working conditions for proper instruction and such facilities as good classrooms, libraries, laboratories, a gymnasium, a shooting-range, a camp for field training.

Is there anything of that kind at the... *Higher (Militia) School?

First. Law enforcement experts of great practical experience, Master of Law, assistant-professors are giving lectures and providing instruction and practice. They are doing their best to give the militia cadets professional specialization and general and cultural education, introduction of realism and visual aids into the course of studies raising effectiveness of the instruction.

Second. There are many specially equipped classrooms, lecture-halls, laboratories, two* libraries, two* good gyms, two*shooting-ranges and a camp for field training at the disposal of the ...*Higher (Militia) School, which are conducive to study. There the trainees are getting formal and real education in a specialized and a general college course including lectures, seminars, case studies, group discussions, demonstrations, student's scientific societies, practical exercises and field trips.

The duration of pre-service training is four years, the student gradually going through freshman, sophomore, junior and senior years of intensive law enforcement professional training and getting a diploma of a lawyer with specialization in crime detection and criminal investigation.

Of course there is always an opportunity for further development at post­graduate courses for a Master’s or Doctor’s degree in Militia Science at the Academy or some other college.

So there is every opportunity for the trainee of the...* Higher (Militia) School to improve himself and be a law enforcement expert of high professional stand­ards.

2. Some new words for the text.

purpose ['pq:pqs] цель
article ['a:tikl] статья
detail n, v ['di:teil] подроб­ность, деталь; подробно рассказы­вать, входить в подробности
like adv подобно, как
kind n род, сорт, разновид­ность
in-service training обучение в процессе службы (без отрыва от производства)
pre-service training обучение до службы в органах (с отрывом от производства)
correspondence ["kOris'pOndqns ] корреспонденция, переписка зд. заочное обучение
refresher [ri'freSq] что-либо освежающее; повторительный курс, зд. переподготовка
promotion [prO'mouSqn] продвижение, повышение в звании, производство в чин
ladder ['lxdq] лестница
will v, n хотеть, желать; воля, желание
take up браться за что-либо
devote [di'vout] посвящать
choose [Cu:z ] выбирать
applicant ['xplikqnt] абитури­ент
passing score [skO:] проходной балл
mental ['mentl ] умственный
ensure [in'Suq] обеспечивать
thorough ['TArq] тщательный
routine [ru:'ti:n] определен­ный, установленный, обычный
to keep up (with) держаться на­равне с кем-либо, не отставать
coat [kout] китель
trousers ['trauzqz] брюки
shirt [Sq:t] рубашка
tie [tai] галстук
overcoat ['ouvqkout] шинель
gaudy ['gO:di] яркий, цвета­стый
sock [sOk] носок
hair [hFq] волосы
fashion ['fxSqn] образец, фасон, стиль, мода
achieve [q'Ci:v] достигать
objective [Ob'Gektiv] цель
source [sO:s] ключ, источник
justice ['GAstis ] правосудие
equip [i'kwip] снаряжать, оборудовать
satisfactorily ["sxtis'fxktqrili] удовлетворительно
camp [kxmp] лагерь
visual ['vizjuql] зрительный, наглядный
aids [eidz ] пособия
raise [reiz ] поднимать, по­вышать
conducive [kqn'dju:siv ] бла­гоприятный, способствующий, ведущий к чему-либо
include [in'klu:d] включать
trip [trip] поездка, рейс
gradually ['grxdjuqli] постепенно
junior ['Gu:njq] младший; амер. студент предпоследнего курса
senior ['si:njq] старший; амер. выпускной, последний (о курсе, семестре)
further ['fq:Dq] дальнейший
development [di'velqpmqnt] развитие
post-graduate courses аспи­рантура, адъюнктура
improve [im'pru:v] улуч­шать(ся), совершенствовать(ся)

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The professional standards of our Militia are high but the task for the next' few years is to ensure for every militiaman a complete [kqm'pli:t] (полный) 10 year secondary education and all of the leading staff - a higher education.