
Методические указания по выполнению самостоятельной работы по английскому языку для студентов Iкурса всех специальностей дневной формы обучения (стр. 5 из 8)

a) remembers b) will remember c) is being remembered

d) would remember

6. There ______ any wars in the world.

a) won’t be b) isn’t been c) wasn’t been d) wouldn’t be

7. He ____ fourteen next year.

a) is going to be b) is c) will be d) would be

8. Dad_______ Mary a personal computer, won’t he?

a) will present b)is presenting c) presents d) would present

9. Everybody thinks they ____ married.

a) won’t get b) will get c) didn’t get d) wouldn’t get

10. I’m not sure I _______ Jim at the hotel.

a) find b) will find c) would find d) is finding

Test 4.

Прямая и косвенная речь. Direct and Indirect speech.

1. John said I’m sorry to disturb you, Eliza?

a) John told that he was sorry to disturb Eliza.

b) John told Eliza he was sorry to disturb her.

c) John said to Eliza he had been sorry to disturb her.

d) John told to Eliza that he is sorry to disturb her.

2. He said, where is Jill going?

a) He asked where was Jill going.

b) He asked where Jill is going.

c) He asked where Jill was goes.

d) He asked where Jill goes.

3. Sally said, ‘I would like to buy it?

a) Sally said that she would buy it

b) Sally said she would have liked to buy it.

c) Sally said that she liked to buy it.

d) Sally told that she will buy it.

4. ‘If I had auy instructions, I would know what to do? said Mag.

a) Mag said that if she had had auy instructions she would have known what to do.

b) Mag said if she, had auy instructions she knew what to do.

c) Mag said that if she had auy instructions she would know what to do.

d) Mag told that if she has had auy instructions she would know what to do.

5. Robby asked Bobby do you know ’old Barn’?

a) Robby asked Bobby if he knew ‘Old Barn’ that was on the shrews bury Road.

b)Robby asked Bobby did he know’ Old Barn’, it was on the shrews bury Road.

c) Robby asked Bobby where ‘Old Barn’ was.

d) Robby said to Bobby did he know where ‘Old Barn’ was.

6. The doctor asked, “How do you feel?”

a) The doctor asked how did I feel.

b) The doctor asked how I felt.

c) The doctor asked how I had felt.

d) The doctor asked how I was feeling myself.

7. If I were you , I’d stop smoking’, Jeff said.

a) Jeff said that if he were him he would have stopped smoking.

b) Jeff said that he had been him he would stop smoking.

c) Jeff advised him to stop smoking.

d) Jeff said that he advised me to stop smoking.

8. ‘Could you show me these jeans, please said the boy.

a) The boy said to show him those jeans.

b) The boy asked to show him those jeans.

c) The boy asked if the salesgirl could show him these jeans.

d) The boy said that he would like to look at those jeans.

9. The teacher said to us, ‘Be quiet, please?

a) The teacher asked us be quiet.

b) The teacher told us to be quiet.

c) The teacher said to us to be quiet.

d) The teacher told us to be quiet.

10. “Don’t swim too far, dear’, asked Dad.

a) Dad asked him not to swim too far.

b) Dad asked him don’t swim too far.

c) Dad asked him wouldn’t swim too far.

d) Dad told him not to swim too far.

Test 5. Sequence of tenses.

1. Mike hoped that his friend____ him with his car.

a) would help b) will help c) helped d) will have helped

2. We didn’t know the score, but we were sure their team ________ the game.

a) has lost b) had lost c) lost d) lose

3. Yesterday Tom heard that his aunt ____ for five days.

a) was ill b) has been ill c) had been ill d) is ill

4. The children were afraid of making auy noise___ Mom ___ .

a) was sleeping b) had slept c) slept d) had been sleeping

5. He gave all his money to me because he ____ me.

a) would trust b) trusted c) had trusted d) is trusted

6. We were told that Andrew ___ to enter that college.

a) is going b) went c) was going d) would go

7. My parents decided that we ___ my birthday on Sunday.

a) would celebrate b) celebrated c) shall celebrate d) was celebrating

8. Ann hasn’t been in formatted that the lecture ___ on Friday.

a) hasn’t taken place b) wouldn’t take place d) will be taking place

9. The police found out that Bob Slant ____ in London’s suburbs at that time.

a) had been living b) lives c) lived d) were living

10. I knew that Mercury ____ the closest planet to the sun, but I didn’t feel like answering the question.

a) was b) is c) had been d) is being

Test 6.

Passive Voice

1. The letter and the parcel ____ tomorrow.

a) will be post b) will have been pasted c) will be posted

d) would be posted

2. Nick ____ to be a very industrious person.

a) has been know b) is known c) is been known d) was known

3. Look! The bridge ____.

a) is being repaired is been repaired c) has been repaired

d) has being repaired

4. In Greece the Olympic Games ____ once in four years.

a) were held b) are being held c) were helding

5. The problem ____ for three years, but they haven’t got auy results.

a) has been studied b) has being studied c) was studied

d) is being studied

6. This book ____ by the end of September.

a) would been republished b) will have been republished

c) will been republished d) is being republished

7. A police car came when the injured man ____ man the road.

a) was being carried off b) was been carrying c) has been carried off

d) is being carried of

8. I _______ to the new director yesterday.

a) am introduced b) was introducing c) have been introduced

d) was introduced

9. Many different languages _____ in India.

a) speak b) spoke c) are speaking d) are spoken

10. The theory _______ in the past.

a) has been well received

b) has well received

c) was well received

d) was well receiving

Test 7.

Non - finite forms of the verb

1. As it is late I suggest ____ by taxi.

a) them to go b) to go c) going d) go

2. I can’t watch TV with you ____ in front of it!

a) stand b) to stand c) stood d) standing

3. He enjoys ____ tennis.

a) play b) playing c) to play d) to be playing

4. Is there anything in that new magazine worth ____?

a) to read reading c) read d) to be reading

5. I really must stop ______.

a) to smoke b) smoking c) being smoking d) smoke

6. Do you enjoy ____?

a) to teach b) teaching c) being taught d) teach

7. Would you mind ___the front door?

a) to close b) closing c) to be closing d) close

8. Although I was in a hurry, I stopped _____ to him.

a) to talk b) talking c) is being talking d) talk

9. Avoid ____ and you’ll feel soon.

a) to overeat b) being overeated c) being overeated d) overeat

10. I’ll always remember _____ you for the first time.

a) to meet b) meeting c) meet d) met

Test 8.

Simple Tenses. Direct and indirect Speech. Sequence of Tenses. Passive Voice. Non - finite forms.

1. The weather forecast said that _______.

a) it will rain in the afternoon b) it would rain in the afternoon

c) it rains in the afternoon d) it will be raining in the afternoon

2. St. Basil’s Cathedral _______ in the mid - 18th century in memory of the vixtory over Kazan.

a) built b) was built c) was builted d) had had been built

3. Sames said that he ___________ a horse before.

a) never rode b) has never ridden c) had never ridden

d) would never ride

4. I know Nora Parker. I ________ her at a party a couple of weeks ago.

a) met b) have met c) had met d) was met

5. Alise said that her parents ______ in a week.

a) will come back b) comes back c) would come back

d) had come back

6. You’d better ______.

a) not to worry b) to stop to worry c) stop worrying d) stop worry

7. I can’t understand why ______ this mistake again.

a) make you b) you make c) you do d) you have made

8. By this time next month I _____.

a) will retire b) retire c) will have retired d) retired

9. You _____ to report it to the police as soon as possible.

a) supposed b) are supposed c) suppose d) will suppose

10. She tried to be serious but she couldn’t help _____.

a) to laugh b) laughing c) herself to laugh d) herself laughing

4. Методические рекомендации для организации самостоятельной работы с текстом

Для того, чтобы текст стал реальной и продуктивной основой обучения всем видам речевой деятельности, важно научиться разнообразным манипуляциям с текстом на пред текстовом, текстовом и после текстовом этапах. Знание таких приемов позволяет овладеть навыками и умениями самостоятельной работы с текстом и подготовки речевых высказываний различного типа.

Приемы оперирования с материалом текста и соответствующие упражнения не пред текстовом этапе предназначаются для дифференциации языковых единиц и речевых, образцов их узнавания в тексте и овладение догадкой для формирования навыков вероятностного прогнозирования.

На текстовом этапе предполагается использование различных приемов извлечения информации и трансформации структуры и языкового материала текста. На после текстовом этапе приемы оперирования направлены на выявление основных элементов содержания текста.

4.1. МУ для организации самостоятельной работы с текстом

1. Прочтите заголовок текста.

2. Выпишите незнакомые слова.

3. Определите по формальным признакам синтаксическую функцию как известных, так и неизвестных вам слов.

4. Сделайте предварительный перевод заглавия, заменяя незнакомые слова неопределенно - личными местоимениями.

5. прочтите текст, определите его тему двумя - тремя словами.

6. Прочтите еще раз первый абзац.

7. Подумайте, встречаются ли в первом абзаце слова заглавия. Помните, что известные слова могут быть представлены синонимами или описательно.

8. Посмотрите, есть ли в абзаце слова, близкие по форме неизвестному слову.

9. Определите, одинаковы ли подлежащее абзаца и подлежащее заголовка.

10. Определите, одинаковы ли сказуемые (дополнения) в абзаце и заголовке.

11. Читайте следующие абзацы, выписывая из них законченные в смысловом плане отрезки, содержащие слова заглавия.

12. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, полученные отрезки в двух- или трехсоставные предложения так, чтобы известные слова выполняли одну и ту же синтаксическую функцию.

13. Сравните главные члены и дополнения в полученных предложениях. Убедитесь в том, что в заглавии было выражено незнакомым вам словом, а в полученных предложениях в роли сказуемого появились слова, известные вам. То же относится к подлежащему и дополнению

4.2 Пример работы с текстом:


The last bus to Donington - on - Bain

John Tryer reports on the local problems of a national crisis - how people without cars can move about in the country.

Last Monday the little village of Donington - on - Bain, deep in the Lincolnshire woods, lost its last contact through public transport with the outside world. Once Donington (pop. 236) boasted its own railway station. That closed a generation ago, and on April I the two bus services, to Lincoln in one direction and Louth in the other, were withdrawn. Now the villagers of Donington, a third of whom do not own a car, face a three-mile treck for the nearest bus route.

Lincolnshire is not a good bus country, with the population scattered around in little pockets over the flat, rich farmland.

The buses have to cover long distances from place carrying don’t make enough money on these journeys, and that even using the money they make on the busy routes to pay for the less busy ones they can’t make ends meet. So they back the services. There are fewer buses. Fewer people find the service they need.

What are they going to do when the services stop? It game as a shattering blow to Donington - on - Bain. “They’ve got no right to leave us here without a bus” said Eva Traves, a 56 year - old housewife who has lived in the village for 36 years. “We’ve ever such a lot of elderly people here. How are they going to get out?”

“My husband Ron was in hospital at Louth recently and I visited him every day. I couldn’t do that now, unless somebody took me in their car. The nearest bus is at South Willingham, three miles away.”

Donington’s local councilor, Charles Turner, was one of the first to be hit by lost service. Unlike Ron Traves, who rides on a scooter to the meetings in the Louth this week.” Turner says that some 35 per cent of the Donington people, especially in the old people’s bungalows and the council houses, do not have a car.

All hope, however, is not lost. Louth Rural District Council is trying to persuade a local firm to run a bus service to and from Donington two days a week. The trouble is that it will not do so unless the council underwrites the costs at the rate of € 7 a day. The Council has refused, but its clerk, Bryan Spence, is trying to talk the firm into haying a few experimental runs to see what happens.

Unless something is done, the drain of people from villages to the towns will continue, which cannot be healthy. If there are more people in the villages it will be easier to justify buses to them. Many councilors seem to cling to the mistaken belief that all villagers are two - car families when in fact many do not even have one.

Предтекстовый этап

1. Would you improve your reading skills?

a) Read and underline the word which is the same as the first one given^

last lost told bold

list told

lots hold

last cold

b) Here is a series of two expressions. They are sometimes different. Go through the list and when the expressions are different, underline the word that differs in the second expression:

bus services bus services

well paid well said

old looking cold looking

one-way one day

few passengers a few passengers

the drain of people the train of people

he’s hit by the lost service he’s hit by the lost servant

who lives in the village? who leaves for the village?

they can’t make meet they can’t make ends meet

c) Find the word which means the same things as the word mentioned:

carry run little large wood oak

take big tree

drive small forest

ride nice land

2. a) Will you read the following passage and find 4 words with the suffix “tion” in it? What effect does the suffix have on the meaning of the words?

Once, Donington (population 236) had its railway station. That closed a generation ago, and on April I the two bus services, to Lincoln in one direction and Louth in the other, were withdrawn.

b) In the first sentence you can see the word “villager”. Can you find another word formed in the same way?

Now villagers of Donington face a three - mile treck for the nearest bus route. Donington’s is local councilor was one the first to be hit by the lost service.

c) Will you read the sentences and find the equivalents of the following words: