
Оглавление социология 15 Предисловие 15 Предисловие автора 17 Основные темы 18 Структура книги 19 Краткое (стр. 222 из 224)

8) Widom Cafhy Spatz and Jowph P. Newman. Characteristics of non-

institutionalized psychopaths. In: David P. Farrington and John Gunn.

Aggression and Dangerousness. Chichester, 1985.

9) Box Steven. Power. Crime and Mystification. London, 1983.

10) Sutherland Edwin H. Principles of Criminology. Chicago, 1949.

11) Gibbons Don. The Criminological Enterprise: Theories and

Perspectives. Englewood Cliffs, 1979.

12) Merton Robert K. Social Theory and Social Structure. Glencoe, 1957.

13) anomie (англ.) — моральное разложение, падение нравов.

14) Cloward R. and L. Ohlin. Delinquency and Opportunity. New York,


15) Fine В. Labelling theory. In: Economy and Society, 4. 1977.

16) Farrington David, Lloyd E. Ohlin and James Q. Wilson. Umderstanding

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19) Feeney F. Robbers as decision-makers. In: Derek B. Cornish and

Ronald V. Clarke (eds). The Reasoning Criminal: Rational Choice

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20) Clinard Marshall. Cities with Little Crime: The Case of Swit7erland.

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21) Wolfgang Marvin. Patterns of Homicide. Philadelphia, 1958; Bohanman

Paul (ed.). African Homicide and Suicide. Princeton, New Jersey, 1960.

22) Morris A. Women, Crime and Justice. Oxford, 1987.

23) Рассматривая поведение мужчин и женщин, социологи часто предпочитают

использовать термин “гендер”, а не “пол”. “Пол” обозначает

биологические/анатомические различия между мужчиной и женщиной; “гендер”

— психологические/социальные/культурные различия между ними — различия

между мужественностью и женственностью (см. главу 6, “Гендер и


24) Flowers R. В. Women and Criminality: The Woman as Victim, Offender

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26) Farrington David and Kidd Д. Stealing from a “lost” letter: effects

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27) Suckle A., Farrington D. P. An Observational Study of Shoplifting //

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30) Carlen Pat et al. Criminal Women: Autobiographical Accounts.

Cambridge, 1985.

31) Sutherland Edwin H. Principles of Criminology. Chicago, 1949.

32) Napes G. Unequal justice: a growing disparity in criminal sentences

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33) Hagen John. Structural Criminology. Cambridge, 1988.

34) Bequai A. Organized Crime: The Fifth Estate. Lexington, Mass., 1980.

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40) Smith Dorothy E. К is mentally ill: the anatomy of factual account

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41) Szasz Thomas. The Manufacture of Madness. London, 1971.

42) Cohen S. Visions of Social Control: Crime, Punishment and

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44) Т. е. Войной за независимость США.

1) Если пол индивида биологически детерминирован, то род (гендер)

является культурно и социально заданным. Таким образом, существует два

пола (мужской и женский) и два рода (мужественный и женственный). Слово

“род” в русском языке имеет несколько значений. Во избежание разночтений

при определении социальных и культурных характеристик рода при переводе

используется понятие “гендер”.

2) Putter M. and H. Giller. Juvenile delinquency: trends and

perspectives. Hannondsworth, 1983.

3) Money J. and Ehrhardt A. Man and woman / boy and girl. Baltimore,


4) Lewontin R. Human diversity. London, 1982. P. 142.

5) Will J., Self P., Datan N. Maternal behaviour and perceived sex of

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6) Zammuner V. L. Children's sex-role stereotypes: a crosscultural

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7) Weitzman L. Divorce revolution: the unexpected social and economic

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8) Statham J. Daughters and sons: experiences of non-sexist

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9) Chodorow N, The reproduction of mothering. Berkeley, 1978;

Psychoanalytic theory and feminism. Cambridge, 1988.

10) Sayers J. Sexual contradiction. Psychology, psychoanalysis and

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11) Gilligan C. In a different voice: psychological theory and women's

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12) Homans H. Man-made myth: the reality of being a woman scientist in

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13) Allman/manad statistik. Sveriges Officiella Statistik. Stockholm,


14) Wistrand B. Swedish women on the move. Stockholm, 1981.

15) Attwood L. and M. McAndrew. Women at work in the USSR. In: M.

Davidson, C. Cooper. Working women: an international survey. Chichester,

1984. P. 269.

16) Hardyment С. Wow saved. Cambridge, 1987, Р. 6.

17) Kamarovsky M- Dilemmas of masculinity. New York, 1976.

18) Wollstonecraft M. A Vindication of the Rights of Women.

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19) Rossi A. and A. Calderwood. Academic women on the move. New York,


20) Имеется в виду первый съезд женщин в г. Сенека-фолз, штат Нью-Йорк.

21) Banner L. and M, Hartman, Clio's consciousness raised: new

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22) Hooks B. Ain't a woman: black women and feminism. London, 1986.

23) suffrage (англ.) — право голоса.

24) Pahl J. A refuge for battered women. London, 1978. P. 32.

25) McKinnon С. Sexual harassment of working women: a case of sex

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26) Hall R., James S., KertesT. J. The rapist who pays the rent.

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27) Fin Kelhor D., Yllo K. Forced sex in marriage: a preliminary report

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33) Ford С, Beach F. Patterns of sexual behaviour. New York, 1951.

34) Feldman P., McCulloch М. Human sexual behaviour. Chichester, 1980.

35) Kinsey A. Sexual behaviour in the human male. Philadelphia, 1948;

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36) Hyde H. М. The other love: an historical and contemporary survey of

homosexuality in Britain. 1970; Katz G. Gay American history: Lesbians

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37) Money J., Ehrardt A. Man and woman / boy and girl. Baltimore, 1972.

38) Davenport W. Sexual patterns and their regulation in a society of

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39) Plummer K. Sexual stigma: an interactive account. London, 1975.

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43) Cruickshank М. Lesbian studies, present and future. New York, 1982.

44) Altman D. AIDS and new puritanism. London, 1986. P. 17.

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46) Goldstein P. Prostitution and drugs. Lexington, 1979.

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49) Hyde J. Understanding human sexuality. New York, 1986.

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5) Zola I. К. and Kosa J. (eds). Poverty and Health: A Sociological

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7) Scott J. Who Rules Britain. Cambridge, 1992.

8) Mackenzie G. The Aristocracy of Labour: The Position of Skilled

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9) Warner W. L. and Lunt P. The Status System of a Modem Community. New

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11) Lockwood D. The Blackcoated Worker: A Study in Class Consciousness.

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12) Braverman H. Labour and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in

the Twentieth Century. New York, 1974.

13) Crompton Rosemary and Gareth Jones. White Collar Proletariat.

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14) Marshall Gordon et al. Social Class in Modern Britain. London, 1988.

15) Goldthorpe I. Affluent Worker. 3 Vols. Cambridge, 1968-69.

16) Pahl R. E. Divisions of Labour. Oxford, 1984.

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18) Parkin F. Class Inequality and Political Order. London, 1971.

19) Elshtain J. B. Public Man, Private Woman. Princeton, 1981.

20) Goldthorpe Jonh H. Women and class analysis: in defence of the

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21) Leiuffsrud H. and Woodward A. Women at class crossroads: repudiating

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22) Feldberg R. and Glenn E. N. Male and Female: Job versus gender

models in the sociology of work. In: J. Siltannan and M. Slanworth.

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3) Warren Robert Репп. Who Speaks for the Negro? New York, 1965. P. 52.

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6) Clark К. and M. Clark. Prejudice and Your Child. Boston, 1963.

7) Renninger C. and J. Williams. Black-White colour-connotations and

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8) Merton Robert К. Discrimination and the American creed. In: R. M.

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9) Barth Frederick. Ethnic Groups and Boundaries. London, 1969.

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15) Skidmorv Th, E. Black and White: Race and Nationality in Brazilian

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