
выделены образцы подсолнечника коллекции вир, мало поражаемые фомопсисом. Особую селекционную ценность имеют образцы, не поразившиеся фомопсисом, как по данным многолетних полевых наблюдений, (стр. 3 из 4)


Ранее было показано, что растениям, устойчивым к фомопсису, свойственны значительно большая толщина колленхимы, наличие живого слоя клеток в сердцевине и позднее одревеснение перицикла, поэтому скороспелые формы подсолнечника поражаются сильнее позднеспелых (Dоzеt, 1996; Антонова, 1999). Приведенные выше данные также свидетельствуют о связи между устойчивостью образцов и продолжительностью их вегетационного периода. Возможно, это обусловлено различными погодными условиями в течении периода вегетации, в частности соотношением влажности и температуры воздуха (гидротермическим коэффициентом), которые влияют на распространение инфекции. Аналогичный вывод был сделан в работе Е.Г. Долженко (2000). Фенотипы сортов и линий коллекции ВИР, выделившихся по устойчивости, не соответствуют мутации «stay green», для которой установлена тесная корреляция с отсутствием поражения этим патогеном (Miller & Fick, 1997). Исходя из наших наблюдений, следует отметить, что нельзя говорить об устойчивости или поражаемости вида в целом. Скорее всего, устойчивость присуща тем или иным популяциям или даже отдельным растениям данного вида, которые и должны быть использованы в качестве источников устойчивости.


Часть исследований выполнена при финансовой поддержке Международного научно-технического центра (МНТЦ), грант 3034.


1. Антонова Т.С. Особенности оценки и отбора селекционного материала на устойчивость к основным патогенам в зависимости от защитных реакций подсолнечника: Автореф. дисс. доктора биол. наук.– Краснодар.–1999.–51с.

2. Антонова Т.С. Арасланова Н.М., Исмаилова С.Н. Анализ устойчивости подсолнечника к фомопсису с применением двух методов заражения // Сборник докладов 2-ой международной конференции молодых учёных и специалистов. «Актуальные вопросы селекции, технологии и переработки масличных культур» -1-2 марта -2003 г. - С. 139-143.

3. Гаврилова В.А., Анисимова И.Н. Генетика культурных растений. Подсолнечник. – Санкт-Петербург. -2003. – 202 С.

4. Долженко Е.Г. Биология гриба Phomopsis heliahthi и меры борьбы с ним в условиях Краснодарского края. Автореф. канд. дисс. – Краснодар. – 2000.- 18с.

5. Dozet B.,Lacok N., Jeromela M. Use of wild Helianthus species in sunflower breeding to resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary and Diaporthe/Phomopsis helianthi Munt.– Cvet. et al.: Proc.of the EUCARPIA Symp.–Ukraine.–1996.–P.65–69.

6. Fick G.N., Miller J.F. Sunflower Breeding / Sunflower technology and production.–1997.–P.395–440.


Sources of sunflower resistance to Phomopsis in the VIR collection

V.T. Rozhkova1, V.A. Gavrilova2, T.S. Antonova3, N.M. Araslanova3

1Kuban experimental station of VIR

2All-Russia Research Institute of Plant Industry by N.I. Vavilov (VIR)

42–44 , B. Morskaya str., 190000, St. Petersburg, Russia

3All-Russia Research Institute of Oil Crops by V.S. Pustovoit (VNIIMK)

17, Filatova str., 350038, Krasnodar, Russia


Sunflower samples of the VIR collection tolerant to affection by Phomopsis are determined. Of great breeding value are the samples which are not affected by Phomopsis at all according to the results of long-term field observations and under conditions of natural affection and artificial inoculation against the severe infectious background: old variety Zelenka (catalogue number 552) and lines VIR 249, VIR 365, VIR 448 and VIR 449 developed at the Kuban experimental station of VIR. Lines VIR 249, VIR 365 and VIR 448 are lines-restorers of the pollen fertility of CMS PET 1 for breeding on heterosis. Line VIR 449 is ornamental, recorded in the State register of selection achievements as variety Solnyshko. Moreover, according to the results of observations in 2006–2008 lines from 11th–13th generations of inbreeding, five lines developed on basis of interspecific hybrids of INRA development (France): RIL 273, RIL 440, LR1, RIL 270 и RIL 342 (derived from the hybrid HA 89 x LRI) and one VIR line from the 14th generation of inbreeding derived from a hybrid (line VIR 114 × H.gigantheus) were determined as resistant to Phomopsis. As a result of the research a collection of sources of resistance to Phomopsis including 12 samples has been created.

Key words: Phomopsis – resistance – tolerance – collection – sunflower – samples – interspecific hybrids


Phomopsis of sunflower caused by fungus Phomopsis (Diaporthe) helianthi Munt.-Cvetk., Michal, Petr. refers to its most harmful diseases. Pathogen is under the inner quarantine in Russia. In years favorable for the pathogen development yield losses can be 50 %. In that case development of resistant hybrids and varieties of sunflower is the most radical way of solving the problem. During a few decades the world collection of VIR has been being the source of the initial material for breeding.


Sunflower samples of the VIR collection which have been being collected in the world’s main sunflower crop areas in 115 years served as the material for the research. Collection was sown for maintenance and study at the Kuban experimental station of VIR in Krasnodar region. Triple-row plots, each with seven hills, in area of 10.5 m2. Placement of plants was 70x70, two plants for a hill, total quantity of plants in a plot was 42. Evaluation on resistance is made visually by examination of each plant of a plot three times in every ten days during August and September. Line VK-571 of the VNIIMK development (catalogue number 3511) was sown as a control heavily affected by Phomopsis. Released mid-ripening Master variety (No. 3553) was used as a standard variety for the examination of economic traits of samples.

Affection of samples was determined by the percentage correlation between the quantity of affected plants and total quantity of plants on a plot. Sunflower samples characterized with the resistance to Phomopsis under field conditions were evaluated in VNIIMK by using two methods of inoculation: 1. with ascospores by the severe infectious background and 2. with mycelium into the base of petiole. Such double affection allows to differentiate the resistance of leaves and stems. Resistant hybrid Kubansky 930 and susceptible line VK 571 were used as a control (Antonova et al., 2003).

Infectious background was created by placing fragments of 30 cm long sunflower stems of the previous field season affected by Phomopsis and having wintered outdoors between rows of plants being tested. Plants of the evaluated samples were grown on double-row plots (26 plants per row) and inoculated with mycelium into the base of petiole at the stage of budding. Dynamics of stem affection was being observed throughout three calculations in a month a half, starting in two weeks after the moment of affection. The resistance classification was based on the analysis of the affection dynamics data in accordance with the scale of the affection degrees and resistance classifier developed in VNIIMK (Antonova et al., 2003).


The sunflower collection of VIR exists from the moment of foundation of the institute in 1922. At the moment the collection contains 2300 samples of cultivated sunflower and 495 samples of wild species, 126 of which are perennials. About 900 samples are sown annually for maintenance of the germinating ability, among them there are about 600–700 samples of cultivated sunflower and about 100 samples of annual species. The collection of cultivated sunflower is presented with old and modern samples, breeding lines from all countries where sunflower crop is developed, local populations collected in the course of expeditions in the territory of Russia, former Soviet Union and foreign countries. Wild species of sunflower came from the North America, but some of them were received from gene banks and research institutes of European countries. All samples are estimated every year on the resistance to all diseases occurring during each field season.

For the first time Phomopsis was detected on the test sowings of the Kuban experimental station of VIR in 1997. Later on this disease has been appearing regularly in every 1-2 years depending on weather conditions. According to our observations, severe lesion of the samples from the collection was observed in 1997, 2000, 2004, 2006, 2009. In these years practically all samples of cultivated sunflower of different geographical and genealogical origin sown for keeping and research were affected to a greater or lesser degree. In many cases it was not possible to get seed yield, or a very low rate of germinating ability was shown. Against this background there were identified eight samples from the collection of cultivated sunflower which are resistant to Phomopsis. There were some resistant samples from the wild species nursery which refer to the following species: H. divaricatus L., H. hirsutus Raf., H. grosseserratus Martens, H. mollis Lam., H .salicifolius A. Dietr., H. rigidus (Cass.) Desf., H. tuberosus L.(Gavrilova, Anisimova, 2003).

Necessary condition for the Phomopsis development is a warm and sufficiently damp vegetation period. For example, such was the summer in 2006. Temperature conditions in July were close to standard ones, average monthly temperature was 23.6°С, what is by 0.5°С higher than the average one of many years. Rainfall amount was 61 mm (+5 mm to standard). Warm weather was holding on in August too, average monthly temperature was higher than the average multiannual one by 1.3°С. Rainfall amount was significant: 89 mm at the standard rate of 49 mm. Two first decades of September were warm, but dry. A rapid fall in temperature was in the third decade (13.5°С). Rainfall amount of that decade was 26 mm. In year 2008 428 sunflower collection samples of different geographical origin were sown for the maintenance of germinating ability and examination of the affection by Phomopsis in field conditions. The beginning of Phomopsis lesion of plants was being observed in the first decade of August, and a peak of disease – at the end of this month and at the beginning of September. The overwhelming majority of the examined samples showed high degree of the affection by Phomopsis (table 1). More than a half of them (57%) were affected by 100% and a significant quantity (19.6%) – by 61-80%. The minimum quantity of samples (5) showed the distribution of disease within the limits 11–20%.

The susceptibility of different samples didn’t depend on their geographical origin. The majority of them (174) were received from the European countries, just a bit lesser quantity (138) was collected in the territory of the Russian Federation. Distribution of the rest of samples is the following: 46 – from the states of the American continent, 26 – from the Transcaucasia, 12 – from the African countries, seven from China, five from Australia and four from the Iraq (tables 2, 3). All groups which had been received from nine different geographical points had approximately equal percentage of heavily affected samples (for 100%): about 50% or a bit more (Russia, America), in other words, close to the average rate (57%). Exception is demonstrated by samples from Australia (20%) and Iraq (75%). Apparently, this can be explained by the fact that not very much samples from these countries were being used in the course of the research.

Table 1. Degree of affection of the world sunflower collection samples by Phomopsis

(Kuban experimental station of VIR, 2008)

Affection, %

Quantity of samples


% of total quantity

0-10 7 1,6
11-20 5 1,2
21-40 17 4,0
41-60 33 7,7
61-80 84 19,6
81-99 38 8,9
100 244 57
Total 428 100

Table 2. Total affection of samples of different geographical origin(Kuban experimental station of VIR, 2008)

Geographical origin

Quantity of samples


100% affected

Percent of total quantity

















Central Asia
























According to the results of estimation held in 2008 samples which had not been affected by Phomopsis in year 1997 – catalogue numbers 552, 3326, 3469, 3487, 3527 – showed the absence of the lesion, but samples 2336 (from Poland), 2539 (Argentina), 2629 (the USA) and 3135 (Altai region) which had been identified as resistant in 1997 showed susceptibility in 2008. Tolerance of twelve more samples was identified in 2008 (table 3). Of great interest are samples which showed no symptoms of the Phomopsis affection at all: three samples from the European countries, two from the Transcaucaia, and one from Canada – self-pollinated line CM-198. Other samples are populations. Concerning the length of the vegetation period two samples (1883 и 2865) are late ripening, others are mid ripening. Six samples which were slightly affected (from 10 to 20%) in our opinion also deserve attention. They are: variety Smena (2052) developed in Russia, line L-337 from Poland and three populations from France (2346), Belarus (1693) and Moldavia (1971).