4. Change the following sentences into Direct Speech.
1) The farmer said that he hadn’t grown any wheat since 1975.
2) The teacher told his students that he was going to give them a test.
3) I told him that I hadn’t seen his brother for a long time.
4) The professor told the students that he hoped they understood the rules.
5) She told the grocer that she didn’t want any sugar.
6) I told the taxi-driver that he was driving too fast.
7) My sister said that she hadn’t got a watch.
8) He explained that he had never smoked.
9) Jim was sure that he had seen her somewhere before.
10) She said that there was no evidence that watching TV strained the eyes.
11) She noticed with regret that she had never been to Italy.
12) He said that he hardly knew the people he was going to meet.
13) She said that she couldn’t excuse me unless I told her what the problem was.
14) The judge added that everyone had to answer for his actions.
15) Jim said that he had been unemployed since he had left college.
16) He said that he couldn’t make up his mind what to do next.
17) Marry said that she was really interested in studying economics.
18) Jane said that her mother was worried because she hadn’t heard from her sister for a month.
19) After a minute he added that Edna was a very interesting person to talk with.
20) He saved his skin by telling the police he had spent the evening with her.
5. Choose the most suitable word in cursive.
1) Laura accepted/expected that she had made a mistake and apologized.
2) Frank and Susan reported/announced that they were going to get married.
3) Mario answered/replied them with a detailed description of the district.
4) Jane explained/warned me not to leave the air-conditioner on all night.
5) The manager mentioned/reminded us that we were short of time.
6) The professor advised/suggested me to spend more time in the library.
7) Peter insisted/persuaded me to sell my car.
8) The government spokesperson denied/refused that there was an economic crisis.
9) The travel agent confirmed/reassured that our room had been reserved.
10) Jane said/told me she would never speak to him again.
11) Tim refused/denied to take part in the conference.
6. Report what these people are saying with the reporting verbs provided.
1) “She is going to England for six months”. They say …… .
2) “They went to Rhodes last month.” Peter told me …… .
3) “I’ll look at your work in a minute.” She said …… .
4) “I’ve already typed those letters.” She noticed …… .
5) “We’ll analyze this case once again.” The inspector said …… .
6) “The last meeting did no one any good.” The writer of the article said …… .
7) “I’m good at singing.” She always told people …… .
8) “I’ve lost my bank card. I don’t know where it is.” She said …….
9) “I don’t have any information.” He admitted …….
10) “This train doesn’t stop at our station.” She told them …….
11) “I haven’t seen the new Disney film.” She complained to me …… .
12) “We will bake the bread soon.” She said to him …… .
13) “A policeman has been murdered by terrorists.” The press said …….
14) “The dog has bitten several people.” He told me …….
15) “Using the computer is very simple.” He said …….
7. Turn each direct-speech statement into Reported Speech with tense changes.
1) “I have something to tell you,” he said to her.
2) “I’m going away this week, mother,” he said.
3) “It’s a pity you didn’t bring your camera with you,” she said.
4) “I’ll try to remember everyone’s name,” she said.
5) “We have brought some food with us,” they said.
6) “I can’t remember the accident very clearly,” he told the policeman.
7) “Natasha is a good violinist,” he admitted.
8) “I’ve got hardly any money left,” he told us.
9) “I’m getting quite hungry,” he complained to us.
10) “ I think Egypt is a fascinating country,” she said.
11) “Trevor gave up playing football years ago,” she said.
12) “The United Nations was established to settle conflicts peacefully,” he said.
13) “I’m trying to calculate how much money I’ve spent,” he said to me.
14) “Our lawyers will draw up a new contract,” he told me.
15) “What I really need is a long holiday,” she said.
8. Yesterday you met a friend of yours, Martha. Here are some of the things Martha said to you:
1) I’m living in London now.
2) My father isn’t very well.
3) Sharon and Paul are getting married next month.
4) Margaret has had a baby.
5) I don’t know what Fred is doing.
6) I saw Helen at the party in June and she seemed fine.
7) I haven’t seen Diana recently.
8) I’m not enjoying my job very much.
9) You can come and stay at my flat if you are ever in London.
10) My car was stolen a few weeks ago.
11) I want to go on holidays but I can’t afford it.
12) I’ll tell Ann I saw you.
Later that day you tell another friend what Martha said. Use Reported Speech.
1) Martha said that she was living in London now.
2) She said that …… .
3) She …… .
4) …… .
9. Somebody says something to you which is opposite of what they said before. Write a suitable answer beginning with I thought you said… .
1) A: That restaurant is expensive.
B: Is it? I thought you said it was cheap.
2) A: Ann is coming to the party tonight.
B: Is she? I thought you said she …… .
3) A: Ann likes Paul.
B: Does she? I thought …… .
4) A: I know lots of people.
B: Do you? I thought you said …… .
5) A: I’ll be here next week.
B: Will you? …… .
6) A: I’m going out this evening.
B: Are you? …… .
7) A: I can speak a little French.
B: Can you? …… .
8) A: I haven’t been to the cinema for ages.
B: Haven’t you? …… .
9) A: John has given up his job.
B: Has he? …… .
10) A: I want to go to New York next year.
B: Do you? …… .
11) A: Peter and Judy are planning to get married.
B: Are they? …… .
12) A: My salary is very low.
B: Is it? …… .
13) A: I go to work by tube.
B: Do you? …… .
14) A: He prefers Mary.
B: Does he? …… .
10. Convert into Reported Speech.
1) The general said: “I want to consult you, Lionel. It’s about my boy, Hubert.”
2) The old man said, “I had to go in the cave, son.”
3) “My father is a preacher,” Isaak said, “so I have read my Bible.”
4) “Hans,” said Miller, “I will give you my wheel-barrow.”
5) “Well,” cried Pinch, “you are the strangest young man, Martin, I ever knew in my life.”
6) “Very well, then,” said my friend’s wife, rising, “all I have to say is, that I shall take the children and go to a hotel, until these cheeses are eaten. I decline to live any longer in the same house with them.”
7) “Maurice,” she said, “I’ve just telephoned to the doctor.”
8) “I will ring when I need you,” she said to the maid.
9) “Boy,” the lieutenant said, “if you aren’t careful you’ll be ordered off this mountain.”
10) “A clever accountant like me, and a man who is honest and industrious, can always get work,” Jean said.
11. Look at the extract from the interview 1 and the following report of it. Then write your own report of the next interviews.
“…It’s not what people think it is. I mean, you would, all you do is, you do all the dirty jobs, you have to clean people’s boots, you have to pick up their kit, wash out the bathrooms, scrub the floors, it’s – things like that. Paint walls. We were doing that sort of thing…”
He said that life for a young professional football player wasn’t what people thought it was. All they did was the dirty jobs: they had to clean people’s boots, pick up their kit, wash out the bathrooms, scrub the floors, paint walls and things like that…
“… Some of the travelling isn’t too-too good. I mean, going up on a Friday night and staying in a hotel. It’s all right, but it’s not – you know, I mean, it takes you away from your family and your kids a little bit. Sometimes travelling can be very monotonous. I mean, that’s a thing you have to put up with, but I think certain things you have to do in travelling are very boring…”
Report…. She said that…
“…Actually imprisonment doesn’t do any good, it doesn’t deter crime, it doesn’t stop crime, doesn’t deter people from committing a crime, and it costs society a lot of money to keep them there, between three and four hundred pounds a week… What deters people from committing crimes is the thought that they are actually going to get caught. Only about 15% of crimes are cleared in Britain. That means 85% of the crimes that are committed are not cleared up. So people think they are not going to get caught…”
“…I think that although some lip-service is paid to prison being rehabilitative, that actually it is a straight punishment. By and large in prison you sit and mark time, you have lost your job, you may well lose your family, you may well lose your accommodation while you are there, and you quite frequently come out knowing a lot more about how to break the law, and with a lot less reason not to do it again, because you’ve lost all the other things in the community that keep you from doing it in the first place, so I actually have a fairly negative view overall of what prison does…”
12. Translate from Russian into English.
1) Она сказала, что вам эти сведения были направлены в прошлом месяце.
2) Он сказал, что уже слышал эти печальные новости.
3) Джейн сказала, что они простояли в очереди за билетами полчаса.
4) Он пообещал, что с ней ничего не случится.
5) Она предупредила нас о том, что скоро будет дождь.
6) Он сказал, что не может решиться сделать ей предложение.
7) Спустя некоторое время он все-таки согласился нам помочь.
8) Он обвинил меня в том, что я взяла его деньги.
9) Она отрицала, что когда-либо встречалась с этим человеком.
10) С восторгом она сказала, что едет на отдых в солнечную Италию.
11) Он сказал, что Виктория самая добрая, самая милая, самая замечательная женщина в мире.
12) Директор сообщил нам, что решение было принято и ничего нельзя было сделать, чтобы помочь ему.
13) Полли сказала, что она поедет в Лондон, чтобы навестить одного из своих друзей.
14) Он заявил, что ждет их уже полтора часа и не будут ждать ни минуты больше.
15) Моя сестра сказала, что купит новую стиральную машину. Она будет лучше, но гораздо дороже.
16) Она заявила, что не хочет идти с нами.
17) Она нас уверяла, что никогда не разговаривала с Михаилом.
18) Она отрицала, что говорила с Ниной.
19) Она признала, что ошиблась.
20) Он нам сообщил, что достал билеты.
1. In Reported questions affirmative word order is used and the question mark is omitted.
2. To report a question one can use:
a) ask + wh-word (who, what, etc.) when the direct question begins with such a word,
b) ask + if / whether when the direct question begins with an auxiliary verb (do, has, can, etc).
3. Pronouns, possessive adjectives, tenses, time expressions etc. change as in statements.
| Reported Speech: | |||
He said, “Where did he stay?” | He asked where he had stayed. | |||
He said, “Did you have a nice time?” | He asked if/whether I had had a nice time. |
NOTE: Tense changes: Present becomes Past and Past becomes Past Perfect”:
“Are you ready?”– He asked (me) if/whether I was ready
But if you are reporting a question that has just been asked, you can say:
“Are you ready?”-“What did John ask you?”– He asked (me) if/whether I’m ready.
E x e r c i s e s
1. Rewrite each of these questions in Reported Speech. Start with the words given, and make any additions you need.
1) “Is this workbook yours?”
She inquired ..... .
2) “Who are the victims of this crime?”
She wanted to know ..... .
3) “Will you go to the meeting if he does?”
He inquired ..... .
4) “Did the company get any profit this year?”
He asked ..... .
5) “For how many years was he sent to prison?”
She questioned ..... .
6) “Why did he never make the smallest effort to reach my father?”
Mary asked her friend ..... .
7) “Can I come and see you sometimes?”
She wanted to know ..... .
8) “Do you ever hear from your sister?”
Jack asked Megan .....
9) “How do they get rid of rats and mice?”
She questioned .....
10) “What’s wrong with Davis?”
He rang for Tracy and asked .....
11) “Do you agree with him about this?”
Tim asked seriously .....
12) “Have you been to New York?”
The boy inquired .....
13) “Can I have some more pocket money?”
The boy asked ..... .
14) “Where were you born?”
She asked him ..... .
15) “How far is the stadium?”
He wanted to know ..... .
16) “Are you still living in London?”
She asked ..... .
17) “Do you work in the central branch or in the provinces?”
She asked him ..... .
18) “Are you going to give me the money or not?”
She wanted to know ..... .
19) “Did he bring the book back?”
He wondered ..... .
20) “Where did you get such a lovely pullover?”
She asked her sister ..... .
2. Turn the questions into Reported Speech.
1) “Are you going to let me tell this?” she questioned.
2) “Do you really mean that, sweet?” she said looking at him curiously.
3) “What happened to you?” he asked when we got home.
4) “Have you got any paper handkerchiefs?” she asked.
5) “Can you open this tin for me?” she asked.
6) “Can you lend me five pounds till Monday?” Gerry asked Marta.
7) “How much does a tube of toothpaste cost?” a customer asked the salesman.
8) “What kind of pictures does she sell?” he questioned.
9) “When did you start working on this project?” she asked.
10) “Would you like anything more to eat or drink?” he asked.
11) “Could I borrow your car this afternoon?” he asked very cautiously.
12) “Have you got anything to eat? I’m getting hungry,” she said.
13) “Italians drink more wine than English people, don’t they?” he questioned.
14) He saw a cloud of smoke and asked, “What is burning?”
15) The policeman asked me, “Where did you lose your wallet?”
16) “Who has been using my typewriter?” said my father.
17) “How much do you think it will cost?” he asked.