18) “Have you been here long?” the other students asked him.
19) “What are you going to do with your old car?” I asked him.
20) “Did any of you actually see the accident happen?” said the policeman.
3. This is a part of a conversation between a policeman and a young woman. Turn their dialogue into Reported Speech. You can start like this: A policeman asked a young lady what time she …….
Policeman: What time did you stop work yesterday?
Woman: I don’t know. Probably, at half past five.
P: And where did you go after that?
W: I went straight home.
P: I see. How did you travel home? By bus?
W: Yes.
P: What bus did you take?
W: I don’t remember.
P: All right. What time did you arrive home?
W: Oh, around six, I suppose.
P: Did you see anybody you knew on the way?
W: I don’t think so. I don’t remember.
P: What did you do when you got home?
W: Made a cup of tea and put the TV on.
P: Oh, yes. What program did you watch?
W: ‘Front page’.
P: ‘Front page’ wasn’t on last night.
W: I’ve got it recorded on video.
P: I see. Did you make any phone calls?
W: Pardon?
P: Did you telephone anybody?
W: I might have done. I don’t remember.
4. Put the following into Reported Speech.
1) “What happened to their friendship?” said one of the men.
2) “Which of his children inherited the property?” asked Ann.
3) “Who is going to negotiate?” asked the manager.
4) “Where is the nearest pub here?” asked a stranger.
5) “What shall I do with my heavy luggage?” she said to him.
6) “How much does a day return to Plymouth cost?” Mrs Smith asked.
7) “Would you like me to go there with you?” she asked.
8) “Have you done this sort of work before?” asked the personnel manager.
9) “Did they understand what you were trying to tell them?” he asked me.
10) “Will you go on strike when the others do?” the shopkeeper asked him.
11) “Who left the banana skin at the doorway?” said my mother.
12) “What else did you see?” the policeman asked the witness.
13) “Are you sorry for your betrayal?” Alex asked me.
14) “Have you spent all the money on betting?” he asked me.
15) “Are you in San Francisco for business or pleasure?” he asked her.
16) “What’s the matter with your hand?” he inquired.
17) “Did you ask to see his membership card?” the manager asked.
18) “ Do you want me to hold the keys just in case?” he asked.
19) “How much cash do you have?” asked the banker.
20) “Why do you think it may be dangerous?” he asked her.
5. Read the following text carefully. Some of the lines are correct but in the others there is a word which should not be there. If the sentence is correct, tick (\/) it. If there is an incorrect word in the sentence, write it at the end in the space provided. The first two are given as examples.
A job interview
I think the interview went well. He wanted to know whether a ...whether...
number of things about me and what I had been doing ...\/ ………
1) in the last few years. First he asked me if I have had had ………….
2) a nice trip down from Manchester and how long it ………….
3) had been taken me to get there. He also wanted to know ………….
4) whether or it had been snowing in Manchester. The chitchat ………….
5) over, he asked from me how old I was and where I was born ………….
6) although I had sent him my CV by post. He then asked ………….
7) how long I had lived in Manchester and I told him. His ………….
8) next question was the whether I was married and whether I had ………
9) a family or not. I explained him that I was separated and that ………….
10) I had one daughter. He me asked how long did I had worked as an .…..
11) editor and how much I was had been paid in my
present job. He asked ………….
12) what was I liked most about my job and who had told me ………….
13) about their company. The main questions he asked me
were about the ....……….
14) qualities of a good manager. Finally, he asked how much have………….
15) I expected to be paid. I think the interview went very well. ………….
6. You were looking for a job and went for an interview to some company last Friday. In conversation with a friend you talk about the interview and report the various questions that you were asked. The questions were the following:
1) What is your full name?
2) How old are you?
3) Where were you born?
4) What kind of education do you have?
5) Did you have any professional experience?
6) What is the reason for your applying for this post?
7) Why have you quitted your previous job?
8) Are you married or single?
9) Do you have any children?
10) Do you have any hobbies or leisure interests?
11) What kind of person are you?
12) Where do you live?
13) Do you have any references?
14) What languages do you speak, read or write?
15) Have you ever been abroad?
16) Have you ever been in charge of people?
17) What are your good points?
18) What do you not like doing and why?
19) Why do you like this job?
20) Have you attended any training courses?
7. Put the following into Direct Speech.
1) He inquired who I could turn to in time of crisis.
2) Bob asked if it was lunch-time yet.
3) She asked if he had been sent to jail for his political views.
4) Mrs White asked Olaf how his neighbour was getting on.
5) Frieda inquired how much Lucille’s new skirt had cost.
6) Andrew wanted to know if Loran was going out shopping.
7) She wanted to know if divorce was on the increase in Great Britain.
8) The customer asked the butcher what the price of the beef was.
9) An old man asked the station-master if he could catch the train from Victoria to get to Brighton.
10) Michael requested if I liked the colour.
11) He asked where we had stayed in London.
12) He asked me were she had gone.
13) The boy asked the tour guide where the main tourist office was.
14) I wanted to know what he was doing there.
15) She inquired what his address was.
16) The director asked the managers whether or not they agreed with the business plan.
17) She wanted to know if the boy was telling the truth.
18) I asked the old woman if she was feeling tired.
19) She asked me who I was writing a letter to.
20) She wanted to know if we were more influenced by environment or heredity.
8. Convert into Reported Speech.
1) “Davis, Davis,” she called, “what’s the time? My watch has stopped.”
2) “Jebb,” he said, “have you been in many caves?”
3) “When will Mr Dodson be back, sir?” inquired Mr Pickwick.
4) “And have you anything else you want to explain to me, Denry?” said Mr Maybold.
5) The first question on Marianne’s side was, “How long has this been known to you, Elinor? Has he written to you?”
6) “Who’s that fellow?” said Lord Saxended.
7) “What are you doing humped that way on the ground? Do you think that is ladylike?” Mrs Bingham said to her daughter.
8) “Is there anything else on your mind, Erik?” Haviland asked.
9) “Tom,” she said timidly when they were out of doors, “how much money did you give for your rabbits?”
10) Arrived at Shropshire house Sir Lawrence said: “can we see the Marquess Pommett?”
9. Rita is moving to a new flat. Bill has come to see the flat and help her move in. Convert their dialogue into Reported Speech.
Bill: What number is that building?
Rita: Forty-for.
B: I didn’t realize there were only three floors. Which floor is your flat on?
R: The first floor.
B: It's a very nice flat. Which room will be your living-room?
R: This one here, I thought.
B: What colour are you going to paint it?
R: Oh, I don’t know yet.
B: What time is your furniture arriving?
R: Three o’clock, they said.
B: I’ll need some petrol. Where is the nearest petrol station?
R: Turn left at the end of the street.
10. Translate from Russian into English.
1) Он поинтересовался, работала ли я когда-нибудь с компьютером.
2) Нел спрашивает, понимаешь ли ты ее сейчас.
3) Они спросили меня, когда начинается мой рабочий день.
4) Она хотела узнать, когда я был на выставке последний раз.
5) Мы его спросили, где он купил словарь.
6) Он поинтересовался, читала ли я Теккерея в оригинале или в переводе.
7) Она меня спросила, где я живу.
8) Я спросила сестру, почему она не хочет идти со мной в театр.
9) Он спросил меня, видел ли я когда-нибудь его брата.
10) Она хотела узнать, где я работаю.
11) Он спросил, почему я отклонила это предложение.
12) Она спросила, когда приходила Кэт.
13) Он спросил, люблю ли я драму.
14) Он хотел узнать, как часто я навещаю родителей.
15) Он хотел узнать, как долго я занимаюсь волейболом.
1. To report commands, requests, suggestions a reporting verb (advise, ask, suggest, beg, offer, order, tell, etc) followed by a to-Infinitive or a Gerund is used (see Unit 2).
Direct Speech Reported Speech
He said to me, “Come with me.” He told me to go with him.
He said, “Let’s go out.” He suggested going out.
The negative is tell/ask someone not to do something.
“Don’t wear those boots in the house!” I asked you not to wear those
boots in the house.
2.To report exclamations which begin with “What a/an…” or “How…” the verbs exclaim/say that are used.
“What an unusual design!” he said. He exclaimed/said that it
was an unusual design.
But with exclamations such as “Splendid!”, “Great!”, “Good!”, “Excellent!”, “Oh!”, “Oh dear!” etc. the expression give an exclamation of delight/disgust/relief/surprise, etc. is used:
“Wow!” he said as he saw her. He gave an exclamation of
delight as he saw her.
They said, “Thank you.” They thanked us.
“Happy Birthday!” we said We wished him a happy
to him. birthday.
“Congratulations!” they said They congratulated us.
to us.
“You fool!” she said. She called him a fool.
4. Yes/No short answers are expressed in Reported Speech with subject + appropriate auxiliary verb/introductory verb:
“Will you help me?” she asked him. “Yes,” he said.
She asked him to help her and he said he would agree/he agreed.
5. Question tags are omitted in Reported Speech. An appropriate introductory verb is used to convey the same meaning:
“You won’t tell anyone, will you?” she asked him.
She asked him not to tell anyone.
1. Mrs Smith is giving her cleaner instructions about what to do for the day. Report them.
1) “Clean the bathroom.”
2) “Make the beds.”
3) “Don’t forget to tidy the bedroom.”
4) “Feed the dogs.”
5) “Sweep the kitchen floor.”
6) “Don’t leave the rubbish in the kitchen.”
7) “Remember to water the plants.”
8) “Do the washing up.”
9) “Hoover the sitting room.”
10) “Don’t let anyone into the house.”
2. Report the following using an appropriate introductory verb from the box below.
advise, suggest, order, tell, beg, remind, offer, insist, ask,
command, invite
1) “You should take more exercise,” the doctor said.
2) “Now go to sleep and stop worrying,” mother said softly.
3) “Shall I carry your shopping for you?” he said to her.
4) “Put on your clothes!” she said gruffly.
5) “Don’t rush into marriage,” Jack said.
6) “You should get a job and settle down,” she said to him.
7) “Don’t get dirty in the garden,” she said to Jane.
8) “You really must get your hair cut,” she said to him.
9) “Let’s go to Jamaica for our holiday,” he said to her.
10) “I think you should go on a diet,” she said to him.
11) “You are probably run down. You need a holiday,” Clarissa said.
12) “Please, stop making that noise! I can’t concentrate,” she told her children.
13) “Don’t take my ring. It was a present,” she said to him.
14) “You should relax more,” the doctor said to him.
15) “Leave now or I’ll phone the police,” she said to the salesman.
16) “Why don’t we have chicken for dinner?” he said.
17) “You should consult a lawyer,” he said.
18) “Please, please let me go out to play, Mum,” she said.
19) “Will you have dinner with me?” he asked.
20) “Don’t forget to phone me back later,” she told him.
21) “Don’t be shy of telling them what you think,” she said.
3. First read, then report what the teacher told the students before the exam.
1) Please, leave your bags at the front of the door.
2) Don’t talk during the exam.
3) Raise your hand if you need anything.
4) Write all your answers in pen.
5) Answer all the questions.
6) Don’t forget to write your name at the top of the page.
7) Check your answers again before you hand the paper in.
8) Tie the sheets together.
9) Don’t take any paper out of the room.
10) Please, leave quietly when you finish.
4. Change the following direct commands into reported commands using the verbs: tell, order, ask, beg, advise, remind, warn, etc.
1) “Switch off the radio,” he said to her.
2) “Come closer to me,” she said.
3) “ Fill in the application form, please,” the secretary said.
4) “Obey my orders,” the commander said.
5) “Do it as I say, Mary,” he said.
6) “Don’t be late for dinner,” she said.
7) “It’s time to buy a new house,” he said.
8) “Don’t drive too fast. It’s dangerous,” she said.
9) “Come to the theatre with me,” he asked her.
10) “Don’t argue with me,” the teacher said to the boy.
11) “Don’t lend him money,” he advised her.
12) “Pay at the cash desk,” the salesman told the customer.
13) “Remember to phone me as soon as you get there,” she said.
14) “Think well before you do it,” the doctor warned her.
15) “Do whatever you like,” she said to us.
16) “Don’t leave me now,” she asked him.
17) “Don’t believe everything he says,” he warned me.
18) “Get out of my way,” he said furiously.
19) “Don’t look at me like that,” she said.
20) “Do it right now,” he said to me.
5. Put the following into Reported Speech using ask, advise, invite, offer, remind, tell, warn.
1) “Would you like to join our club?” he said to me.
2) “Would you like a cappuccino?” said a friend of mine.
3) “Would you mind not smoking at my presence?” said their hostess.
4) “Take these letters to the post, will you?” said the manager.
5) “Will you help me, please?” she said. “I can’t find the documents.”
6) “This is a horrible house. Why don’t you find something better?” he said.
7) “If I were you I’d try this dress on,” she said.
8) “I’ll wait for you if you like,” he said.