1) Он сказал, что президент Соединенных Штатов избирается в ходе всеобщих выборов на четыре года и может быть переизбран на второй срок.
2) Преступник сознался в преднамеренном убийстве.
3) Он сказал, что этого человека арестовали, потому что он несколько раз пытался ограбить банк.
4) Судья объявила, что подсудимый приговаривается к высшей мере уголовного наказания.
5) Он сказал, что преступник был пойман на месте преступления.
6) Он сказал, что это понятно каждому политику.
7) Он сказал, что особенно страдают от сегодняшней безработицы молодые люди.
8) Он сказал, что проведение переговоров по этому кругу вопросов не только желательно, но и необходимо.
9) Он сказал, что преступник совершил преступление в состоянии аффекта.
10) Он сказал, что сам будет вести данное судебное дело.
11) Следователь спросил, где я была вчера вечером.
12) Он хотел узнать, были ли обнаружены отпечатки пальцев на месте преступления.
13) Она спросила, какой размер штрафа он должен выплатить.
14) Судья спросила, хочет ли обвиняемый сказать что-либо в свою защиту.
15) Он спросил свидетелей, запомнили ли они номер машины.
16) Он поинтересовался, сколько преступлений было раскрыто за прошедший год.
17) Он спросил меня, за кого я собираюсь голосовать на выборах.
18) Она хотела узнать, как я отношусь к смертной казни.
19) Он спросил, не могу ли я порекомендовать ему хорошего адвоката.
20) Я спросил, кто ведет данное дело.
21) Она спросила, кому принадлежит законодательная власть в Великобритании.
22) Обвиняемый спросил, какой срок он может получить за данное преступление.
23) Судья попросила свидетеля говорить только правду.
24) Он умолял ее не звонить в полицию.
25) Он посоветовал мне нанять хорошего адвоката.
26) Полицейский приказал всем оставаться на своих местах.
27) Он порекомендовал мне нанять частного детектива.
28) Он посоветовал мне обратиться в суд.
29) Он попросил меня выступить в качестве свидетеля по данному делу.
30) Следователь попросил ничего не трогать на месте преступления.
31) Заключенный умолял надсмотрщика перевести его в другую камеру.
32) Адвокат порекомендовал подзащитному придерживаться данной версии.
33) Избиратели попросили депутата принять меры по улучшению их жилищных условий.
34) Он рекомендовал мне голосовать именно за этого кандидата.
Progress test
1. Convert the following into Reported Speech. Use an appropriate introductory verb.
1) David said to Eric, “Get out of my house!”
2) The man next to me smiled and said, “I wonder if you’d mind watching my dog for a minute?”
3) Jane’s daughter said, “Could I borrow your blue sweater?”
4) “You should ask for more information,” I told Joanne.
5) “Just breath in and out through your mouth now,” the doctor told Ann.
6) “I really think you’d better see a specialist,” the doctor said to Anne.
7) My mother rang up and said, “Could you possibly come a little bit earlier?”
8) “Can you lend me five pounds till Monday?” Gerry asked Claire.
9) “Don’t tell anyone else,” the big man said to his friend.
10) “You should ask for a second opinion,” the lawyer told Tom.
11) “Do have a drink,” Fiona told us.
12) “My boss wants me to go to London tomorrow,” said Sam.
13) The man asked him, “ What will happen if the police find out?”
14) Peter told me two days ago, “I’m going to Austria in May.”
15) “Do you know that no woman has ever been elected President of the United States?” he asked curiously.
16) “Most of the businesses in our town are owned by local people now,” he says.
17) A boy asked his father in a zoo, “Does the giraffe get a sore throat if it gets wet feet?”
18) “I have finished my work,” she said.
19) “Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked him angrily.
20) “Don’t ever play with the matches,” his mother says.
21) “I’ve forgotten to bring my lunch with me,” he said with regret.
22) “Will you be home soon?” she asked her husband.
23) “Go to bed immediately! ” father said to the children.
24) “I’ll clean the car tomorrow,” Tim said to his father.
25) “Where have you been?” Gary asked his wife.
26) “I’ve been working for the same company since 1960,” he said to me.
27) “Do you know Garfield?” she asked me.
28) “Could you tell me the exchange rate for dollars and pounds?” she asked.
29) “O.K., I’ll talk to her,” she said.
30) “Jack never seems low or depressed,” said Jane.
31) “No, I didn’t use your computer,” he said.
32) “I don’t want to do it,” he said.
33) “Let’s stroll along the sea-front for an hour or two,” he said.
34) “Please, give me some money,” she asked.
35) “Thank you for cleaning my car,” he said to the boy.
36) “I’ll carry your bag,” he said to her.
37) “Do not ignore traffic lights while crossing the street,” mother told us.
38) “Make sure you are back before eleven,” she said to her son.
39) “I’ve just been in a race, and I’m very thirsty,” he said.
40) “I want an ice-cream, but I have no money,” he said to his friend.
41) “I’m very hungry, I haven’t eaten all day,” she said.
42) “Aren’t you going to measure my feet,” he asked me.
43) “You can try those shoes on while I serve someone else, can’t you?” she said.
44) “Wow!” he said as he unwrapped his present.
45) “So, what are you going to do next?” he inquired.
46) “If I hadn’t parked my car on a double yellow line, I wouldn’t have got a ticket,” she said.
47) “Do you expect that the missing people have survived?” he asked me.
48) “Andrew had better not drive in his condition,” he said.
49) “You can wear anything you want as long as it’s clean and comfortable,” Joan said to her children.
50) “You are always lying to me,” she said to him.
51) “Of course, I’ll meet you at the station,” he said.
52) “I’m the cleverest in our group,” he boasted.
53) “Don’t forget to call at your parents,” he said.
54) “I spent 20 minutes looking for a parking place,” she said.
55) “When can I hand in my resignation?” she said.
56) “I’ll telephone you this evening,” she said.
57) “What will you do if you can’t find your keys?” she asked.
58) “I’ll tell you as soon as I know,” he said.
59) “I want to change my job,” he said.
60) “When I’m with you I can’t stop laughing,” she said to him.
61) “Should I come to work early tomorrow?” she asked the boss.
62) “I’m not very interested in discussing your problems,” she said.
63) “Don’t take more than two pills at once,” the doctor told me.
64) “You look exhausted. You must take a holiday,” she said.
65) “I’d like to live alone,” she said to her parents.
66) “What about me? Perhaps I took it,” Jim said.
67) “No, I certainly didn’t do it, I can assure you,” she said.
68) “Ask the bus-driver to tell you where to get off,” he said.
69) “We are going to get married,” Frank and Susan announced.
70) “Yes, that was me who told her the secret,” she said.
71) “I can’t give you an answer, until I hear from my bank,” he said to them.
72) “Don’t forget to put the lights out when you go to bed,” she said.
73) “Don’t try to get off the train when it is moving,” he said.
74) “You haven’t eaten for hours. You must be hungry,” she said.
75) “I’ve passed my exam!” he said.
76) “I’ll help you with that if you want,” he said.
77) “Jack had a terrible car accident last week,” she said.
78) “You have a very sweet tooth,” Beatrice said to her daughter.
79) “How long have you lived at your present address?” she asked.
80) “I’d rather stay at home,” he said.
81) “You behaved in a cowardly manner,” she said.
82) “I don’t remember I’ve promised to lend you any money,” she said.
83) “I shall gladly go to the cinema with you because I haven’t seen the film and I want to see it very much,” Helen said.
84) “Wait for me here!” the officer said to the soldiers.
85) “How do you travel to work?” he asked me.
86) “They mustn’t give up,” she remarked.
87) “I ought to have helped her,” he said.
88) “I’ll punish you if you behave badly,” Dad told the boy.
89) “It was very late when I came home last night,” he said to her.
90) “Have you ever seen an iceberg?” she asked him.
91) “Don’t run until two hours after eating,” she said.
92) “Don’t get out of a car before it stops,” he said.
93) “They are always talking about politics,” she said to me.
94) “Go and put the kettle on,” she said.
95) “I’m going to hitchhike to Scotland,” he said.
96) “Did you have to walk all the way home?” he asked her.
97) “Did you skate last winter?” she wondered.
98) “Our house was burgled last night,” she told them.
99) “Katy has just bought herself a red leather jacket,” she said.
100) “Let me tell you how to get to our place,” she said.
Chapter 8 VERBALS
1. Complete the sentences with the correct Nonfinite form of the verbs in brackets. Put in the particle to or the appropriate preposition where required.
Unit 2
1) The Council offered …… the residents with new flats in this area. (provide)
2) The burglars made Julian …… of the car and searched him. (get out)
3) It’s funny they let him …… his camera. (keep)
4) Would you rather …… tea or coffee? (have)
5) Why not …… with the company that has been loyal to you for years? (deal)
6) He was made …… into the car and later it was reported that he had been kidnapped. (get)
7) I felt somebody …… me by the shoulder. (touch)
8) The story was so funny. He couldn’t but …… (laugh)
9) I’m not the person …… of what doesn’t concern me. (talk)
10) I suppose he is a dangerous man. He is a man …… . (watch)
11) They are one of the three teams …… more than ten goals a season. (score)
12) You must be proud …… the benefits of a classical education. (receive)
13) The book is difficult …… . (translate)
14) Hearing the bell …… he went to see who was at the door. (ring)
15) They seemed …… a good time at the seaside last summer. (have)
16) He left a book here …… me …… .(read)
17) It is almost unheard …… a play …… in this way. (perform)
Unit 3
18) She is bored …… the same job. (do)
19) He was angry …… me …… the news. (bring)
20) The child did not want to leave without …… .(congratulate)
21) She denies …… to him. (speak)
22) Excuse me …… without knocking. (come)
23) He kept on …… though nobody was listening. (talk)
24) You can avoid many mistakes …… these rules. (observe)
25) There is no fear…… my …… about your birthday. (forget)
26) The author has succeeded …… his study on sound principles. (base)
27) There was no point …… away. (run)
28) It was a lesson he had learned from …… so many accidents. (see)
29) We regret …… you that we can’t offer you the job. (inform)
30) I now regret …… what I said. (say)
31) They spoke about her …… in the list. (include)
32) We were warned …… the car. (buy)
33) He made a few mistakes …… the text. (copy)
Unit 4
34) The police never found the jewelry …… in the robbery. (steal)
35) All the workers …… part in the strike are sure to be at the meeting. (take)
36) I was reminded of a painting …… in the gallery. (see)
37) The window…… now, was broken by some naughty boy last night. (repair)
38) The enterprise …… 1000 workers has been closed. (employ)
39) Her mood, though …… was enough to answer the questions. (spoil)
40) If ……, the diamond could make him the richest man in the town. (possess)
41) While …… by her maid, she tried to sort out what she would say to the people downstairs. (dress)
42) …… to put out the fire the boys were overcome by smoke. (try)
43) The choice ……, she didn’t want to discuss it again. (make)
44) They wanted the Committee …… on Thursday. (convene)
45) She was sitting and listening to his brilliant speech. She heard her heart …… . (beat)
46) The conclusions …… now are based on recent scientific discoveries. (draw)
47) The shops were empty, all residents …… in the streets. (be)
48) The sun ……, the climbers decided to have a rest. (set)
49) They were walking …… each other. ( negative- touch)
50) The shares of the company …… down, it suffered severe losses. (fall)
2. Translate the sentences into English using the Verbals.
Unit 2
51) Думаю, что мне лучше спросить, как пройти на площадь, а то можно и заблудиться.
52) Повстанцы разрешили репортеру ходить по их лагерю и фотографировать.
53) Предполагается, что рекламное объявление появится завтра. Так что мы будем знать все подробности.
54) Дороги мокрые. Должно быть, ночью шел дождь.
55) Я предпочла бы остаться дома, а не идти в ресторан. У меня болит голова.
56) Что заставляет его подписывать этот контракт ?
57) Почему нам не говорить на английском языке? Здесь все его понимают.
58) Ей ничего другого не оставалось, как только признаться.
59) Когда директору принесли финансовый отчет и он просмотрел его, он не мог не рассердиться.
60) Единственным интересом крупных компаний является получение больших прибылей.
61) В мире существует много вещей, которые могут сделать вас несчастным.