10) Я видел, как она вышла из комнаты.
11) Он слышал, как она поет.
12) Я разрешил ему пойти туда.
13) Он умеет говорить по-немецки.
14) Он сказал, что он предпочел бы остаться дома.
15) Он заставил меня прочесть эту книгу.
16) У меня ужасно болит голова. – Почему ты не примешь лекарство?
17) Барбара очень сильно поправилась. Ей бы надо сесть на диету.
18) Давай не будем никому рассказывать о том, что произошло.
19) Что заставляет тебя так себя вести?
20) Когда она услышала это, она не могла не рассмеяться.
21) Она надеялась заработать немного денег.
22) Они предлагают получить всю необходимую информацию о компании до начала переговоров.
23) Ему посоветовали взять кредит в банке.
24) Они решили выпустить дополнительное количество акций.
§ 3 Forms of the Infinitive
There are several forms of the Infinitive in English: Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect and Perfect Continuous which are used to show both the simultaneousness or the priority of the action of the Infinitive to the main verb and the form's aspect. Some of them have Passive forms:
Active | Passive | |
Indefinite | to speak | to be spoken |
Continuous | to be speaking | – |
Perfect | to have spoken | to have been spoken |
Perfect Continuous | to have been speaking | – |
The Indefinite Infinitive expresses an action simultaneous with that of the finite verb, so it may refer to the present, past or future:
I'm glad to meet you.
I was glad to see her.
I'll be glad to come.
It's glorious to love and to be loved.
There is no time to lose. = There is no time to be lost.
They happened to be standing near a small restaurant.
The Perfect Infinitive expresses an action
1) prior to that of the finite verb:
I'm glad to have seen you.
2) a prior action that was not carried out:
I meant to have gone there. (But I didn't go there).
The Perfect Continuous Infinitive expresses the action which lasted a certain time before the action of the finite verb
She seemed to have been eating nothing for ten days.
The Infinitive can be used as:
1) a Subject:
To discuss the question is useless.
To be recognized gave her a great joy.
2) a Predicative:
His intention is to get into Parliament.
The manager's task is to keep track of the finance.
3) an Attribute:
She had a little boy to look after.
There was someone to meet him at the airport.
NOTE: As an Attribute the Infinitive often has a modal or a future meaning:
The goods to be produced (that will be produced) by this company will be a real sensation.
The task to be understood (that must be understood) as urgent is to be given special attention.
4) an Object:
The girl learned to dance at school.
I was angry to read the letter from Mrs Williams.
NOTE: With the expressions: to be sorry, to be glad, to be pleased etc. the Perfect Infinitive is used only when the subject of the finite verb and the subject of the Infinitive coincide:
I'm glad to have got the ticket for the concert.
In other cases the subordinate clause is used:
I'm glad that Mary got a ticket for the concert.
I'm sorry that you have done him wrong.
5) Adverbial modifiers:
a) of purpose:
Sometimes you retreat to/in order to/ advance.
I did my best to stop her.
b) of result:
He was tall enough to get the book from the shelf.
They are too tired to talk.
6) Parantheses. They are used in fixed phrases: to be honest, to begin with, to cut the long story short, to get to the point, not to make too much of it, to put it another way, to tell you the truth, etc.
To tell you the truth, I've never heard of this story.
Strange to say, he has never been to Minsk.
1. Make one sentence out of two using the Infinitive as a Subject. The first sentence has been done for you.
1) People elect and are elected. It is the right of every citizen.
To elect and to be elected is the right of every citizen.
2) A postman delivers letters and newspapers. They are his duties.
3) He liked to walk in the garden. It was pleasant.
4) He was to answer the teacher's questions. It was difficult.
5) We must prove it. It's our task.
6) They were to include all the information available. It was their aim.
7) She was to drive to London during the night. It was her plan.
8) The scientists were to prove that hypothesis. It was their intention.
2. Paraphrase these proverbs by using the Infinitive as a Subject.
1) It's never too late to learn.
2) It's easy to be wise after the event.
3) It's better to give than to take.
4) It takes two to make a quarrel.
5) It's easy to bear the misfortunes of others.
6) It is easier to pull down than to build.
7) It's a lady's privilege to change her mind.
8) It's too late to lock the stable when the horse has been stolen.
3. Complete the sentences with the suitable Infinitives from the box as a Subject or a Predicative.
maintain, make, keep, increase, be, read, collect, brand
1) ..... a brilliant speaker is a big problem.
2) The role of advertising is ..... the customer's loyalty.
3) ..... efficiently requires the reader's attention.
4) One of the easiest ways of increasing sales is ..... credit.
5) In writing, the primary rule is ..... everything short and simple.
6) One function of a manager is ..... the clues about persons' experiences.
7) ..... the product is the most effective way to protect the businessman's position.
8) The recommended anti-sleep precaution during the lecture is ..... notes.
4. Translate into English using the Infinitive as a Subject or a Predicative.
1) Принимать его серьезно было бы абсурдом.
2) Его главной целью сегодня утром было добраться до станции.
3) Самое малое, что мы можем сделать – это постараться понять его.
4) Работа репортера состоит в том, чтобы освещать и записывать.
5) Все, что мы можем сделать – это придерживаться нашей позиции.
6) Если он останется жив, его первое действие будет – уйти от них навсегда.
7) Единственной заинтересованностью больших компаний в фермерах было выжать из них максимальные выгоды.
8) Очень трудно заставить его рисковать.
9) Менеджеру очень важно понимать экономические законы.
10) Одна из экономических функций центрального банка – выпускать деньги.
11) Обязанность руководителя заключается в том, чтобы оценить, насколько хорошо достигаются цели компании.
12) Первый шаг, который нужно сделать – это заключить торговые отношения с другими странами.
5. Make one sentence out of two using the Infinitive as an Attribute. The first one has been done for you.
1) He wanted to express his ideas. His effort was great.
His effort to express his ideas was great.
2) He wanted to try everything he possessed. This was the chance.
3) He wanted to run down the stairs. He had an impulse to do it.
4) The man's desire was to help him. He was touched by this desire.
5) I want to eat. Do you have anything?
6) I must stay anywhere. But I can't find where.
7) We stopped such tests. We were the first who did it.
8) Andrew went in for interview. He was the third.
9) The film star Ann Burn plays this part on the London stage. She is the 34th actress who has played it.
10) He wasn't an easy man. It was difficult to make friends with him.
6. Read and then retell the dialogue in pairs.
Norman is a sales representative. He is going to Spain on business.
His Mum helps him pack his suitcase.
Mum: | - Norman, haven't you finished packing yet? |
Norman: | - No, Mum. But there isn't much to do. |
M. | - Well, I'll help you. Is there anywhere to put your toilet bag? |
N. | - Yes, it'll go in here. Now, I've got three more shirts to pack.And there is another pair of shoes to get in |
M. | - I'll put them down the side. And where is the air-line label to put on the suitcase? Ah, here it is. Have you got the key to lock the case? |
N. | - It's in the lock. Don't fuss, Mum.There is nothing to worry about. |
M. | - And have you got a safe pocket to keep your passport in? |
N. | - Yes. It's in my inside jacket pocket. |
M. | - Have you got a book to read on the plane? |
N. | - Yes, it's in my briefcase. |
7. Use the correct form of the Infinitive as an Attribute.
1) Miss Williams watched him as he bent over the small task, admiring his ability ...... (concentrate)
2) Knowledge is not something ..... about. (boast)
3) He was a man ..... (watch)
4) I'm so proud to be the first ..... you here. (welcome)
5) There is nothing ..... by pretending. (gain)
6) We are different kinds of people, and there is nothing more ..... . (say)
7) I'm not the one ..... of what doesn't concern me. (talk)
8) We've never had a chance ..... together and ..... our plans. (get, outline)
9) For a moment I had a fierce longing ..... wine. (drink)
10) He was an Englishman ..... the unfortunate experience. (have)
11) They are one of the four teams ..... more than 2,000 points in First Division Soccer. (score)
8. Paraphrase the sentences using the Infinitive as an Attribute. The first one has been done for you.
1) There is no slow, gentle way that will effect the necessary change in the economy.
There is no slow, gentle way to effect the necessary change in the economy.
2) Sensitivity analysis involves a subjective assessment of the lowest return that can be expected from a certain asset or investment.
3) This is a good value assessment that must be used.
4) It is another piece of data that must be added to our file.
5) The enquiry had uncovered no other matters that would give cause for concern.
6) This technique becomes a realistic and practical instrument which must be used.
7) It is the first company that has entered the field.
8) The market leader is the company that can lead other firms in the introduction of new products, in price changes and so on.
9. Translate into English using the Infinitive as an Attribute.
1) У меня не было времени осмотреть комнату.
2) Она была не из тех женщин, которые страдают молча.
3) У меня нет никого, кто сказал бы мне доброе слово.
4) Он первый протянул нам руку.
5) Когда его машина поломалась, ее починили последней.
6) У него есть жена и ребенок, о которых он должен заботиться.
7) В этом мире должно быть много такого, что может сделать вас несчастным.
8) Джейн не была таким незначительным существом, с которым можно было поиграть и бросить.
9) Вот книга, которую можно почитать перед сном.
10) У него не хватало мужества взглянуть в лицо опасности.
1) У вас есть право продавать активы по определенной цене.
2) Директор принимает решения, которые должны выполняться его подчиненными.
3) В ближайшем будущем у фирмы не будет стоящей перспективы, которая способствовала бы ее развитию.
4) Это соотношение показывает способность фирмы выполнять взятые на себя финансовые обязательства.
5) Способность оплатить кредиты зависит от ликвидности фирмы.
6) Это практичный метод, который следует использовать.
7) Обычно успех гарантирован той компании, которая первой заняла нишу на рынке.
8) Роль, которую должна сыграть эта компания в объединении и слиянии предприятий отрасли, является глобальной.
10. Put questions to the Infinitives as an Object.
Model: The man pretended not to recognize us.
What did the man pretend to do?
1) Doris learnt to drive a car when she was eighteen.
2) He remembered to put out all the lights before he left.
3) She decided to make a speech.
4) Max means to get at the truth, however long it takes.
5) She was offered to move to another area.
6) They regret to tell him that his application hasn't been successful.
7) He claims to be an expert in stock market.
8) They promised to give a full account of their business trip.