9) They were distressed to learn that the last chance had gone.
10) I'm glad to have met such a promising financial analyst.
11. Say that somebody is glad, happy, surprised, sorry, delighted to do or to have done something.
Model: Carol declined Bill's proposal to become his wife.
Carol is sorry to have declined Bill's proposal to become his wife.
1) Bob relaxed after submitting his essay.
2) He has been elected to be the captain of the team.
3) He won a tender for small reconstruction contracts.
4) They have rejected the offer of their rivals.
5) The manager informed us about the delay.
12. Complete the following letter using the appropriate Infinitive as an Object from the box.
be, employ, give, have, learn, let, read, say, work
Dear Sir,
I was not at all surprised (1) ..... in the paper that there are now more unemployed young people than ever before. If I were a boss, I'd be very reluctant (2) ..... anyone under twenty-five. What can school-leavers offer an employer? They are too young (3) ..... any experience, and, I'm sorry (4) ...… most of them are too lazy (5) ...... hard. They are quite happy (6) ..... the State look after them, because the State is foolish enough (7) ..... them money for doing nothing!
Yours faithfully,
A.J. Williams
13. Make one sentence with the Infinitive as an Object out of two. The first one has been done for you.
1) I read the letter from A.J.Williams. I was extremely angry.
I was extremely angry to read the letter from A.J.Williams.
2) He says that young people are lazy. This is stupid.
3) They don't have any experience. They aren't old enough.
4) Employers don't offer them jobs. Employers are unwilling.
5) Young people learn. They are quick.
6) They work hard. They are keen.
7) You see young people out of work. This is sad
8) The situation must change. It would be wise.
14. Complete with the correct form of the Infinitives in brackets as an Object.
1) It's unusual ..... a shy girl nowadays. (meet)
2) It was pleasant ..... a car again. (drive)
3) It was charming ..... with so much eagerness. (welcome)
4) It was funny ..... Mrs Henneker. (startle)
5) It was odd ..... by men in sun-glasses at dawn. (surround)
6) I had known him as a doctor, but was not old enough ..... him as a friend. (know)
7) He was glad ..... to like to an Olympian god. (talk)
15. Make one sentence with the Infinitive as a Result out of two. The first one has been done for you.
1) They are very tired. They can't talk.
They are too tired to talk.
2) He is very old. He can't work.
3) We were very surprised. We couldn't say anything.
4) She is very ill. She shouldn't go out.
5) The exam is rather difficult for him. He will not pass it.
6) The way is rather long. He can't walk.
7) It's rather cold. You should wear a coat.
8) You can obtain such pictures. It's not difficult.
9) He is sensible. He can cut his losses.
10) He was old enough. He couldn't be his father.
16. Paraphrase as in the model.
Model: It's hard to please him.> He is hard to please.
1) It's difficult to deal with him.
2) It's pleasant to look at her.
3) It would be nice to spend the rest of one's days in this village.
4) It's profitable to expand economic contracts with foreign partners.
5) It's easy to please him.
6) It's easy to discuss this problem.
7) It's plain and simple to operate this machine.
8) It's difficult to translate this sentence.
17. Change the compound or complex sentences into the one with the Infinitive as in the model.
Model: I was glad that I have seen him > I was glad to see him.
1) The letter set her free, she started to hate him more.
2) I shall consider that I'll be obliged to accept your offer.
3) He didn't want to betray his own fear again, he was determined.
4) She stood up because she wanted to sustain her anger.
5) It was rare that he went out for dinner.
6) It's very good for them to have an older man with plenty of experience who could come to for advice.
7) Could they be so cold-blooded that they could prepare a murder like that?
8) He came. It was very kind.
18. Use the correct form of the Infinitive in brackets.
1) Dinner was ready ..... . (serve)
2) He was easy ..... (understand)
3) I'm sorry ..... you harm. (do)
4) I was angry because he was hard ..... (persuade)
5) He was never likely ..... to their place. (invite)
6) They started to part. 'I'm glad ..... you', - he said. (meet)
7) It's disadvantageous ..... back by middle-class morality. (hold)
8) It must be terrible ..... the benefits of a classical education. (receive)
9) 'It would be dreadful ..... ', he exclaimed. (marry)
10) He was happy ..... to Alice. (talk)
19. Translate into English using the Infinitive where possible in the functions of an Object, Attribute or Result.
1) Стихи трудно переводить.
2) Ничего не поделаешь, придется идти пешком.
3) Я уезжаю завтра, а многое еще надо сделать.
4) Доклад начнется ровно в пять, непременно приходите вовремя.
5) Уже поздно посылать письмо. Единственное, что нам остается делать, – это послать телеграмму.
6) Не уходите. Мне надо вам что-то сказать.
7) Я не виноват в том, что случилось.
8) Перестань спорить. Этим ничего не добьешься.
9) Некоторым людям трудно угодить.
10) Он очень умный человек, но с ним трудно иметь дело.
11) На нее приятно смотреть.
12) Я рад, что послушался вашего совета.
13) Я рад, что вы прислушались к моему совету.
14) Мне жаль, что я не видела эту пьесу.
15) Мне жаль, что вы не видели эту пьесу.
16) Он доволен, что поступил в университет.
17) Я доволен, что моя сестра поступила в университет.
18) Мне жаль, что я не застала ее дома.
19) Мне жаль, что вы не застали ее дома.
20) Ребенок настолько устал, что не смог добраться до кроватки.
21) Она вчера была очень занята, чтобы принять твое приглашение.
22) Все знают, что твой брат достаточно опытен, чтобы решить эту проблему самостоятельно.
23) Твои друзья достаточно богаты, чтобы купить собственный дом.
24) Мария была слишком умна, чтобы не понять преимуществ своей новой должности.
20. Express the same idea in one sentence as in the model with the Infinitive as a Purpose.
Model: I came in. I wanted to see if I could help Alison pack.
I came in to see if I could help Alison pack.
1) I dressed and went up to Albion Gate. I wanted to buy the morning paper.
2) I did my best. I wanted to stop her.
3) He put his head out of the window. He wanted to get some fresh air.
4) I wanted to finish the work. I required two weeks.
5) Every morning she was up early. She used to get the fire lit in the kitchen.
6) There was much talk of sending sick boys home. They wanted to escape an epidemic.
7) They slid into the water and had a swim. They wanted to freshen up and cool off.
8) You’d better wait outside. I want you to be at hand.
9) We had gone into the middle of Hyde Park. We didn’t want to be overheard.
10) She hurried. She didn’t want to give him time for reflection.
11) She had to pass a street of houses. She wanted to reach the park.
12) Mrs Small offered her a cup of tea. She wanted to smooth over the little awkwardness.
13) I came here. But I don’t want to be insulted.
14) He sent his shoes to the repairs’. He wanted them to be mended.
21. Fill in the correct form of the Infinitive as a Purpose in brackets.
1) Laws were not made (break), laws were made (stay) within.
2) (Pacify) her, I held the window ajar a few seconds.
3) Sometimes you retreat in order (advance).
4) Soames put on his coat in order (be cold/neg).
5) (Supply) the needs of the new civilization a vast increase of vocabulary became necessary.
6) (Releave) my feelings I wrote a letter to Robert.
7) She turned (face) him, laughing unhappily.
8) Diana, (pass) the time, had left her kitchen (see) whether Mr Faber was all right.
22. Use your own ideas to complete the sentences with the Infinitive as a Purpose.
1) The President has a team of bodyguards ..... him.
2) I didn’t have enough time ..... the newspaper today.
3) I came home by taxi. I didn’t have the energy ..... .
4) We need a bag ..... these things in.
5) I wish we had enough money ..... a new car.
6) They’ve just passed their exams. They are having a party .... .
7) I can’t do all this work alone. I need somebody ..... me.
8) They gave us some money ..... some food.
9) We shouted ..... everybody of the danger.
10) A friend of mine phoned ..... me to the party.
11) I need a few days ..... about your proposal.
23. Read the text about the first world’s largest airship, the Hindenburg, that crashed in 1937. Complete five sentences after reading and reproduce the text.
The Hindenburg was designed to carry passengers and cargo over long distances. It could carry 50 passengers accomodated in 25 luxury cabins like in a first class hotel.
The Hindenburg was built to compete with the great luxury transatlantic liners. It was able to cross the Atlantic in less than half the time of a liner.
It was filled with hydrogen, which is a highly flammable gas, and every safety precaution had been taken to prevent accidents. It had a smoking room which was pressurized in order to prevent gas from ever entering it. Special materials had been chosen to minimize the possibility of accidental sparks which might cause an explosion.
The cause of disaster is believed to be ignition by static electricity. The most surprising thing is that most passengers managed to survive.
1) The airship was designed to ..... .
2) It was built in order to ..... .
3) Every safety precaution had been taken to ..... .
4) The smoking room was pressurized to ..... .
5) Special materials had been chosen to ..... .
24. Translate into English using the Infinitive as a Purpose.
1) Я звонил тебе вчера, чтобы пригласить в театр.
2) Все знали, что он солгал, чтобы спасти себе жизнь.
3) Они вышли из комнаты, чтобы дать ей возможность переодеться.
4) В новом районе открыли универсам, чтобы удовлетворить потребности покупателей.
5) Боб связался с банком, чтобы узнать, сколько у него осталось денег на текущем счете.
6) Чтобы увеличить дивиденды, компании нужно много работать.
7) Компания использует эту методику для принятия решений.
8) Финансовые организации выбирают долговые обязятельства, чтобы использовать их в качестве ценных бумаг.
9) Эти меры предпринимаются для того, чтобы увидеть настоящее положение дел и далее прогнозировать трудности.
25. Translate the sentences with the Infinitive as Parantheses into Russian.
1) To tell the truth, I'm beginning to find her a bore.
2) He is acting, to say the least, rather impertinently.
3) To be quite frank, the speech for me was rather funny.
4) To put it mildly, she is just a bit inquisitive.
5) To begin with, there was not much to listen to.
6) Strange to say, he has never been in the British Museum.
7) When they found out I was not one of them, so to speak, they would politely turn from me and ignore me.
8) To make matters worse, the mist has settled down.
9) To put it at its simplest, he believed that most people in power have misjudged the meaning of nuclear weapons.
26. Translate into English using the Infinitive as Parantheses.
1) Короче говоря, они решили, что дешевле будет жить на вилле.
2) Он был груб, чтобы не сказать больше.
3) Мягко выражаясь, он был не на высоте.
4) По правде говоря, я был несколько встревожен, но теперь это прошло.
5) Он привез с собой коллекцию картин, не говоря уже о значительном состоянии.
6) Говоря откровенно, я против длинных помолвок.
7) Короче говоря, их вина осталась недоказанной.
§ 5 The Infinitive Constructions
5.1. Complex Object with the Infinitive
Complex Object with the Infinitive is the construction in which the object is complex consisting of a noun or a personal pronoun in objective case plus the Infinitive: I'd like the students/them to come at 5.
Complex Object is used:
a) after the verbs of sense perception hear, see watch, feel, observe, notice, etc.
· in the Active Voice without the particle to:
I haven’t heard anyone call me.
I felt the blood rush into my cheeks.
· and in the Passive Voice with the particle to:
She was heard to scream.
I saw that he didn’t realize the danger.
I hear that he left for the South.
b) after the verbs denoting:
mental activity: | know, think, consider, believe, suppose, expect, imagine, find, feel, trust |
declaring: | declare, pronounce, report |
wish and intention: | want, wish, desire, mean, intend, choose |
feeling and emotion: | like, dislike, love, hate, cannot bear |
order and permission: | order, allow, suffer, have |
compulsion: | make, cause, get, have |
e.g.: Everyone knows him to be admirable.
The judge pronounced the suspect to be guilty.
I want you to come and dine with me.
I dislike him to talk like that.
The teacher ordered the room to be aired.
The noise made her wake up.
The crash caused her to wake up.
E x e r c i s e s