Model: He never swore. If he did, it was such a rarity.
For him to swear was such a rarity.
1) He left a book for me here. I was to look it over.
2) Murdock, standing at the station exit, was moving his arms. He wanted us to stop.
3) A policeman came and pinned a notice on the gate. He wanted the people to read it.
4) He meant to ask her where she would like to go. They planned to talk in peace.
5) In the evening she came round. They intended to drink a bottle of wine to her success.
6) She stepped back. She didn’t want Andy to see her.
7) The boy stood aside. He let the man go by.
8) She held out the papers. She wanted me to see them.
9) The boss cordially gave Erik his hand. He expected Erik to shake it.
2. Exchange the subordinate clause for the For-to-Infinitive constructions.
1) There is not a thing that I can eat in my cottage.
2) It was good tactics so that Roger could have a wife.
3) It was a bitter experience when Philip learned that his friend let him down.
4) He was prepared that anyone would accuse him of being cowardly.
5) It’s very good if they have an older man with plenty of experience to come to for advice.
6) It’s unusual that he lets his impatience show through.
7) I felt advisable that he should ascertain the facts first.
8) The main problem is that this material has to be published as soon as possible.
9) The only conclusion that he could draw was the following.
10) It must be almost unheard of if a play is performed each day under completely different titles.
3. Translate the following sentences into English using the For-To-Infinitive constructions.
1) Мы остановились, чтобы Майкл выкурил сигарету.
2) Машина ждала у двери, чтобы отвезти их на вокзал.
3) Чтобы студенты поняли задачу, он начертил на доске диаграмму.
4) Они взяли такси, чтобы не опоздать на поезд.
5) Пожилой человек шел медленно, чтобы не упасть.
6) Я сейчас же запишу номер вашего телефона, чтобы не забыть.
7) Он закрыл окно, чтобы мы не простудились.
8) Сестра отошла назад, чтобы я мог увидеть, что происходило.
9) Она предложила встретиться в спокойном месте, чтобы мы все могли обсудить без спешки.
4. Use your ideas to begin the sentences with the For-To-Infinitive construction.
1) …… for him to be without a coat.
2) …… for him to do.
3) …… for her to carry.
4) …… for the documents to be sent on time.
5) …… for him to translate without a dictionary.
6) …… for the steamer to call at Odessa.
7) …… for her to return immediately.
8) …… for you to go there.
9) …… for us to come soon.
10) …… for your sister to read.
11) …… for young men to be interested in politics.
12) …… for us to take into account.
5. Translate into English using the For-To-Infinitive construction.
1) Выяснить это должен был он.
2) Он попросил принести документы.
3) Здесь нет никого, с кем ребенок мог бы поиграть.
4) Он отошел в сторону, чтобы я смогла пройти.
5) Удовольствие сопровождать ее было так велико, что Сэм не мог ему противиться.
6) Недостаточно времени для того, чтобы материалы были опубликованы в этом году.
7) Вполне возможно, что этот материал будет скоро опубликован.
8) Он просил, чтобы ему переслали документы по почте.
9) Об этом должен судить читатель.
10) Им очень трудно написать такую статью.
11) Сейчас слишком поздно для того, чтобы дети шли гулять.
12) Чем больше времени требовалось официальному мнению, чтобы оно могло определиться, тем лучше было для преступников.
13) Очень важно для компании суметь выполнить свои обязательства.
14) Иностранным рабочим гораздо труднее занять достойное место в компании.
15) Было бы более эффективно, если бы Центральный банк осуществлял валютную политику.
The Gerund is an ing-form made from the verb and thus it has the features of the verb, i.e. voice distinctions (active/passive), Indefinite and Perfect forms, takes direct object (without the preposition 'of') as transitive verbs do:
She does this work with pleasure.
She enjoys doing this work.
At the same time the Gerund has some nominal features (features of the noun) as it has functions associated with the functions of the noun (Subject, Object and part of a compound Predicate):
Subject: | Maintaining a car is costly. |
Object: | She objected to his smoking. |
Part of a Compound Predicate: | I like swimming. |
Like nouns the Gerund can also be preceded by the possesive case of nouns or pronouns: Ann's/her being honest was surprising.
§ 2 The Forms of the Gerund
Form | Active | Passive |
Indefinite | watching | being watched |
Perfect | having watched | having been watched |
He likes watching television.
She dislikes being criticized.
He admitted having told lies.
He denied having been informed about the time of the meeting.
NOTE: After the verbs excuse, forgive, remember, thank etc. and after the prepositions on (upon), after, without the Gerund Indefinite may be used to denote a prior action:
Excuse my interrupting you.
After confessing to her he was very much relieved.
§ 3 The Functions of the Gerund
The Gerund is used as:
1) a Subject: Advertising is very helpful.
2) Part of a Compound Predicate:
All he wanted was leaving the place at once.
The baby started crying.
3) an Object: Would you mind my opening the window?
4) an Attribute: He has no plans of expanding the company.
5) Adverbial modifiers of:
a) manner: He began the lecture by explaining the general look at the problem.
b) time: After merging with another company they became the monopolists.
c) purpose: These devices are used for cleaning.
§ 4 The Use of the Gerund
1. There are verbs after which the Gerund is used (not the Infinitive). They are: enjoy, mind, suggest, fancy, imagine, admit, deny, miss, risk, involve, avoid, keep, etc.:
I don’t fancy going out this evening.
I enjoy dancing.
Ian suggested going to the cinema.
talk about
apologise for, thank for, forgive for
think of, dream of, approve of, accuse of, suspect of
insist on, congratulate on
decide against, warn against
prevent from, stop from
feel like
succeed in
look forward to
E.g. The man was suspected of being a spy.
She apologised to me for not telling the truth.
3. The Gerund is used after following expressions: It’s no use/It’s no good; There is no point in; It’s (not) worth; Have difficulty; Go (go fishing, go swimming); Be/get used to; How about (playing tennis)?
I had difficulty finding a place to live.
There was no point in waiting any longer.
She is English. She is used to driving on the left.
4. The Gerund is used after adjectives/participles with prepositions: be interested in, be good at, be bored with, be fed up with, be tired of, etc.:
E.g. She is not very good at learning languages.
She must be fed up with studying.
5. The Gerund is used after nouns with prepositions:
for: cause, excuse, genius, gift, motive, passion, reason, reputation, talent;
in: advantage, belief, difficulty, experience, harm, hesitation, meaning, object, participation, pleasure, point, purpose, sense, skill, use;
at: amazement, astonishment, attempt, delight, irritation, pleasure, practice, satisfaction, shyness, surprise;
about: fantasy, obsession;
to: objection, preparation.
E.g. I can't make out the reason for rejecting the offer.
Is there any advantage in learning?
1. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the Gerund from the verbs in brackets.
1) Nobody can go on ..... without some belief. (live)
2) ..... is not the best way of behaviour in this situation. (argue)
3) He greeted me noisily, but I cut him short by ..... him the fax. (give)
4) She cannot sleep without ..... you and ..... to you once more. (see, speak)
5) She doesn’t like the thought of ..... you. (leave)
6) Do you mind ..... me your name and telephone number, please? (give)
7) I appreciated ..... to your home. (invite)
8) For many years, the banks denied ..... deposits from criminal sources. (receive)
9) I’m tired of ..... like a silly fat lamb. (treat)
10) Jack laughed, as their ..... amused him. (bother)
11) These unhappy events occurred without his ...... . (inform)
12) Furious with his employees for ..... up late each morning, the manager decided to have a serious talk with them. (turn)
2. Make sentences with the same meaning by using the Gerund as a Subject.
Model: It’s important to have good friends. >
Having good friends is important.
1) It’s fun to travel by boat.
2) It’s not easy to master a foreign language.
3) His favourite pastime is to ride a bicycle.
4) It’s interesting to learn about other cultures.
5) It’s easy to talk about having high moral standards.
6) It’s very difficult to stand by your principles.
7) Our aim is to master some rules in the shortest time possible.
8) It’s hard work to ask him for help.
9) It’s obligatory to confirm the company’s profits at the end of the fiscal year.
10) It’s dangerous to be a witness in a mafia case.
3. Join the two sentences to make one sentence with the Gerund as a Subject following the model.
Model: Mr Truman delivers lectures. It takes a lot of time.>
Delivering lectures takes a lot of time.
1) Linda takes care for a bed-ridden woman. It’s very tiring.
2) Barbara is a nurse. It requires a lot of patience.
3) Rent smaller premises. It’s a way of saving money.
4) Don’t make personal calls from the office phone. It’s forbidden.
5) Ann is often late. It makes the teacher very cross.
6) She tries to get a job at a successful company. But it is difficult.
7) The police try to find evidence at the crime scene. If they do, it’ll be very convenient.
8) Don't pump a dry well. It's no use.
9) If your organisation requires frequent report, standardize the framework for these. It's worth it.
4. Read the sentences about Michael who is going to college soon. And then remember if you had the same or different feelings and problems.
1) Michael is scared and excited because going to college means leaving home.
2) He is going to have an interview with the Dean of Admissions at Michigan University. Having an interview is scaring.
3) He hasn’t made up his mind yet which University to apply to. Michael thinks that making his own decisions is a part of growing up.
4) He doesn’t know yet what he is going to become. He writes articles for the school paper. Becoming a writer or a journalist is his dream.
5) His father is a doctor. He wants Michael to follow in his footsteps. But following in his father’s footsteps is not Michael’s intention.
6) Michael’s friends have applied to Columbia University. Joining them would be great. Sharing a room at the hostel with one of them would be fun.
7) His father advises that he should think everything over carefully. Understanding his father is very important for Michael.
8) Michael’s parents have given up a lot to save money for his going to college. Showing respect for his parents would be very wise of him.
5. Translate the sentences into English using the Gerund as a Subject.
1) Жизнь в плохих условиях влияет на здоровье человека.
2) Создание новых рабочих мест может значительно снизить безработицу.
3) Не стоит плакать о пролитом молоке.
4) Бесполезно качать воду из пустого колодца.
5) Не стоит даже пытаться обмануть его.
6) Учеба отнимает значительную часть его времени.
7) Открытие компании предполагает ее презентацию. Однако не стоит тратить много денег на то, что не является продуктивным и не дает прибыли.
8) Покупка или аренда помещения компании также требует опыта.
9) Покупка большего по размеру помещения, чем это требуется, очень дорого, а меньшего – создает значительные неудобства в работе.
10) Увеличение объема продаж товаров на внутреннем рынке дает фирме больше прибыли, чем их экспорт.
6. Complete using the appropriate form of the Gerund as a Part of a Compound Predicate from the verbs in brackets.
1) Mrs Finch enjoyed ..... (give) parties.
2) Mr Finch liked ..... (invite) to the parties.
3) His friends suddenly burst out ..... (laugh).