11) Good management can greatly improve the resources ..... selling and distributing the finished goods as quickly as possible.
12) The policeman rarely completed a Christmas duty ..... having to report a suicide, usually caused by loneliness.
21. Translate into English using the Gerund as an Adverbial Modifier of Manner.
1) Если не привести сравнительные данные за прошедший год, отчет не даст читателю основу для сравнения результатов в динамике.
2) Путем анализа мнений и предложений акционеров правление пришло к выводу, что продажа активов не принесет компании достаточного капитала.
3) Рентабельность оценивают путем соотнесения доходов фирмы с объемом продаж, стоимостью активов и капиталом.
4) Без создания соответствующих условий для рентабельности фирмы в ближайшем будущем, о длительной перспективе вообще не стоит и говорить.
5) Задолженность фирмы можно измерить путем отношения размера долга к полным активам.
6) Полиция ищет водителя автомобиля, который уехал с места преступления, не остановившись после того, как сбил женщину.
22. Put in the suitable prepositions: before, after, on, in with the Gerund as an Adverbial Modifier of Time.
1) ..... laying the table she brought in the tea.
2) ..... hearing the news Liz seemed excited.
3) ..... exploring the problem thoroughly the experts can make a conclusion.
4) ..... entering the building of the Academy a visitor should show his pass.
5) An applicant fills in the form ..... reading the instructions.
6) ..... sending any message the sender needs to think to confirm that there is a need to communicate.
7) ..... lending money bankers have to find a balance between yield and risk.
8) The problem-solving meeting enables the manager to weigh one opinion against the other ..... making a decision.
9) Layout and the effect of the immediate visual appearance is of great importance ..... preparing sales letters.
10) ..... determining its credit policy each company examines carefully its implications.
23. Change the sentences as shown in the model using the Gerund as an Adverbial Modifier of Purpose.
Model: You can buy goods with money.
Money is used for buying goods.
1) You can measure value with money.
2) You can store wealth with money.
3) You can sell things for money.
4) People used a system of barter to exchange goods.
5) People used cattle, grain and tobacco to exchange goods.
6) People needed a more practical system to exchange things.
7) People still use paper currency to pay for goods.
8) They say people will no longer use paper currency to pay for goods.
9) You will use only cheques, bankers’ cards, credit cards etc. to pay for goods and services.
24. Complete the sentences using the Gerund in different functions. Put in the suitable preposition where required.
1) ..... a school in Britain today costs only half as much as in the 1940s, said the Minister of Education yesterday. (build)
2) ..... too economical with glue and screws can give a plenty of trouble later. (be)
3) Miss Smith’s ..... her to the office had been in the nature of a preparation and warning. (call)
4) ..... big prices for famous pictures is now a wealthy man’s way ..... taxation. (pay, escape)
5) I have been blamed often ..... too easily to directors and ..... their opinions. (yield, accept)
6) As luck would have it, he was saved ..... to make the decision. (have)
7) One of them was fined in the county court ..... his cows. (starve)
8) He promised them that no harm would come to them ..... the papers. (sign)
9) As we sat and watched them, Roger, ..... to me, said in a flat and even tone: ‘There may possibly be trouble’. (turn/neg)
25. Complete using the appropriate form of the Gerund.
1) Stark sat down without ..... . (speak)
2) He didn’t go without ..... by Amy. (congratulate)
3) After ..... more closely than usual and ..... his hair, he took the bus downtown. (shave, brush)
4) Even a criminal must be told the nature of his crime before ..... . (convict)
5) I know everyone who is worth ..... . (know)
6) Let me tell you whose house you’ve come into without ..... or ..... . (ask, want)
7) No one could pass in or out without ..... .(see)
8) She denies ..... to him. (speak)
9) He was ashamed of ..... even the slightest irritation. (show)
10) On ..... the house we directed our steps to the nearest shade. (leave)
11) He didn’t remember ..... in that room. (be)
12) He liked neither ..... aloud nor ..... aloud to. (read, read)
13) The child deserves ..... . (praise)
14) I had to sound as if I didn’t mind ..... . (insult)
15) They could hardly have been successful lawyers if they had not possessed a shrewdness that prevented them from ..... by appearances. (deceive)
26. Complete the story with the correct Infinitive or Gerund form of the verbs in brackets and reproduce it.
A new find was about (1) ..... (star) in a picture. One scene was where the girl was (2) ..... (jump) from a high cliff into the water. Upon (3) ..... (examine) the (4) ..... (jump) point and the (5) ..... (land) place, the girl ran to the director and said, – "I won’t make that jump. I absolutely refuse (6) ..... (do) it. There’s only a foot of water at the bottom of that cliff." "All right," answered the director. "Do you think we want you (7) .....? (drown)
27. Translate into English using the Gerund.
1) Несмотря на то, что он устал, нам пришлось его побеспокоить.
2) Автору удалось построить свое исследование на здравых принципах.
3) Коллекционирование редких книг было его любимым занятием.
4) Он любит читать вслух своим детям.
5) Ребенку нравится, когда ему показывают картинки в книжке.
6) Я знаю, что он скоро возвращается из командировки.
7) Я знаю, что он уже возвратился из Москвы.
8) Она перестала отвечать на мои письма.
9) После окончания унивеситета он поехал в экспедицию.
10) Рассматривая рукопись, ученый обнаружил очень любопытный факт.
11) Он очень не любит, когда его об этом спрашивают.
12) Я не могу найти свою книгу. Помню, что положил ее на стол.
13) Я настаиваю на том, чтобы сообщение было отослано немедленно.
14) Мы говорили о том, что ее включили в список.
15) Эти слова стоит запомнить.
16) Едва ли есть люди, которые любят, когда их критикуют.
17) Они закончили проект, работая над ним по пятнадцать часов в сутки.
18) Я чувствовал себя странно, когда меня оставили одного.
19) Ей очень понравилось, что я приготовила ей виноградный сок.
20) Я предложил уехать немедленно.
Unit 4 THE P A R T I C I P L E S
(Participle I and Participle II)
§ 1 General Information
The Participles (Participle I and Participle II) are Nonfinite forms of the verb and thus have the verbal character. At the same time the Participles possess adjectival and adverbial characteristics as they are used in the functions consistent with Attributes and Adverbial Modifiers as you'll see later.
Participle I can also be called an Active Participle as it forms an active structure which can be seen if you transform it into a clause:
The girl sitting next to me. ® The girl who is sitting next to me.
Participle II can be called a Passive Participle as it forms a passive structure which can be seen if you transform it into a clause:
The events shown in the film. ® The events that are/were shown in the film.
§ 2 The Forms of the Participles
a) The forms of Participle I are shown in the table below:
Active | Passive | |
Indefinite | completing | being completed |
Perfect | having completed | having been completed |
The Indefinite forms of Participle I express the action simultaneous with that of the main verb:
While completing the project we were very busy,
while the Perfect forms express the action prior to that of the main verb of the sentence:
The project having been completed, we all went on holiday.
b) Participle II has only one form – the 3d form of the verb: completed, thought, expressed, placed etc.:
The idea expressed in this film is not new.
§ 3 The Functions of the Participles
There are several common functions of the Participles:
1) Attribute: Participle I: I know the reporter covering the news.
Participle II: The news covered in the report deal with the
situation in the Middle East.
2) Predicative: Participle I: Your offer sounds embarrassing.
Participle II: He sounds embarrassed.
3) Complex Object:
Participle I: I heard him playing the tune.
Participle II: I heard the tune played.
4) Adverbial Modifiers of:
a) Time Participle I: (While/when)/ Asking about the accident the
girl started crying.
Participle II: When asked about the accident the girl
started crying.
b) Comparison:
Participle I: She looked as if waiting for an answer.
Participle II: He stopped as if struck by the news.
5) Parenthesis:
Participle I: Frankly speaking, I don't know the answer.
Participle II: As mentioned above, there are three main types of companies.
There are some functions of the Participles that do not coincide. Only Participle I performs the functions of:
a) Manner: She stopped looking at the ad.
b) Cause: Being ill at ease, he couldn't utter a word.
Only Participle II performs the functions of:
a) Condition: If broken, her heart wouldn't stand it.
b) Concession: Though surprised, she didn't show it.
They went to bed, the work left for the next morning.
The work being over, they went to bed.
E x e r c i s e s
1. Complete the sentences using either Participle I or Participle II as an Attribute from the verbs in brackets.
1) Do you know the woman ..... to Tom? (talk)
2) The boy ..... in the accident was taken to hospital. (injure)
3) The police ..... the crime are looking for three men. (investigate)
4) Some of the people ..... to the party can't come. (invite)
5) Who were those people ..... outside? (wait)
6) Most of the goods ..... in this factory are exported. (make)
7) The road ..... the two villages is very narrow. (join)
8) The police never found the money ..... in the robbery. (steal)
9) I live in a pleasant room ..... the garden. (overlook)
10) There was a big red car ..... outside the house. (park)
11) There were some children ..... in the river. (swim)
12) We've spent nearly all the money. We've only got a little ..... . (leave)
2. Make one sentence out of two using either Participle I or Participle II as an Attribute. The first sentence has been done for you.
1) I didn't talk much to the man. The man was sitting next to me on the plane.>
I didn't talk much to the man sitting next to me on the plane
2) The taxi broke down. The taxi was taking us to the airport.
3) The window was broken in the storm last night. It has been repaired now.
4) A number of suggestions were made at the meeting. Most of them were not very practical.
5) At the end of the street there is a path. The path leads to the river.
6) Some paintings were stolen from the museum. They haven't been found yet.
7) A new factory has been just opened in the town. The factory employs 500 people.
8) A man was arrested by the police. What was his name?
9) The company sent me a brochure. It contained all the information I needed.
3. Complete the sentences using the suitable Participle as an Attribute of the verbs from the box.
blow, call, invite, live, offer, read, sit, study, work
1) A lot of people ..... to the presentation refused to come.
2) Life must be very unpleasant for people ..... near busy airports.
3) A few days after the interview, I received a letter ..... me the job.
4) Somebody ..... Jack phoned while you were out.
5) There was a tree ..... down in the storm last night.
6) When I entered the waiting room it was empty except for a young man ..... by the window ..... a magazine.
7) Ian has got a brother ..... in a bank in London and a sister ..... economics at university in Manchester.
4. Use the words in brackets to make sentences with the Participles. The first two have been done for you.
1) That house is empty. (nobody/live/in it) >
There is nobody living in that house.
2) The accident wasn't serious. (nobody/injure)>
There was nobody injured in the accident.
3) I can hear footsteps. (somebody/come)
4) The train was full. (a lot of people/travel)
5) We were the only guests at the hotel. (nobody else/stay there)
6) The piece of paper was blank. (nothing/write/on it)
7) There are regular English courses at the college. (a course/begin/next Monday)
5. Complete the texts using appropriate Participles from the box and retell the texts.
showing, contained, bearing, based
A coin is a piece of metal, usually disc-shaped, (1) ..... letters, designs or numbers (2) ..... its value. Until the 18th and 19th centuries coins were given monetary worth (3) ..... on the exact amount of metal (4) ..... in them. But most modern coins are based on face value, the value that governments give them, irrespective of the actual metal content.