· after the words in case, for bear that and lest, so that, in order that: She turned the radio down so that she shouldn’t wake the children up.
NOTE: It is impossible to use ought to for emotional colouring.
2. Learn some set phrases with should:
· How should I know?
· I’m sorry that you should think so badly of me.
· That it should come to this! (И до чего дошло дело!)
· To think that it should come to this! (Только подумать, до чего дело дошло!)
· To think that it should have happened to me! (Только подумать, что это произошло со мной!)
E x e r c i s e s
1. Comment on the meaning of the modal verbs should/ought to. Translate the sentences.
1) What do you think we ought to do about babies? – asking for an opinion about something.
2) He ought to be in looking after his mother.
3) I should have hated that, but I enjoyed going there so awfully.
4) You shouldn’t go out without an overcoat.
5) If you are interested in pictures you should look in at the British Museum.
6) Why should I tell you a lie?
7) Why shouldn’t I stay with you?
8) Why, where should I be without you?
9) Why in the world, shouldn’t you listen to me?
10) Should you find it necessary to communicate with me, send a message.
2. Give some advice to a person or express disapproval.
1) Your friend is always coughing because he smokes too much. – You should stop smoking.
2) Your friend has a bad toothache.
3) Your friend rides his bicycle at night without lights on.
4) Your friend is going to visit Greece.
5) The bus driver is driving too fast.
6) The tourists are discussing their further rout of the trip too loudly.
7) Two girls are arguing about the history of Westminster Abbey.
3. Complete these sentences.
1) I don’t suppose you’ll see Tom this evening but if you should see him, can you ask him to phone me?
2) I don’t think Ann will arrive before I get home but …
3) I don’t think there will be any letters for me while I’m away but …
4) I don’t suppose you’ll need any help but …
5) The doctor recommended that …
6) Our advertising manager insisted that …
7) The museum guide suggested that …
8) The landlord demanded that …
4. Complete these sentences using the modal verbs must/should/ought to.
1) Doctor! I think the patient stopped breathing. You must come immediately!
2) I don’t think anything’s seriously wrong with the patient, but you … call in and see her if you have time.
3) Jeanie’s got a cold. I don’t think she … go to school today.
4) What Jeanie has is infectious. She … go to school.
5) If she has a high temperature, she … stay in bed until the doctor comes.
6) It won’t do her any harm to go out, but she … wear an overcoat, there’s a cold wind.
7) If a woman is expecting a child, and hasn’t had German measles, she … be vaccinated against it because it can carry a serious risk.
8) It’s not compulsory for children to be vaccinated against measles but in my opinion they … be.
5. Respond to the statements with constructive suggestions, using the words in brackets.
1) John’s very overweight. (diet) He ought to go on a diet.
2) The train leaves in less than half an hour. (hurry up)
3) My handbag’s been stolen. (report to police)
4) We’re going to Africa on a safari holiday. (buy a good camera)
5) She stayed in the sun too long and was badly sunburst. (be more sensible)
6) You shall sit by me, and amuse me.
7) Now you shall look at it face to face.
8) Shall I leave the things here, sir?
9) I made a mistake about this afternoon. It shall not occur again.
10) If I come there you shall know about it.
11) You shall not slip through my fingers!
12) “ You shall see that Chris yourself tonight.”
6. Complete these sentences using the modal verbs should or have to with the correct form of the infinitive in brackets.
1) We should have called (call) on him yesterday, but we were too busy as we … (attend) an extra meeting. – We should have called on him yesterday, but we were too busy as we had to attend an extra meeting.
2) I … not (tell) him this news; he was so much upset, but I really … (do) so, for the circumstances demanded that.
3) You … (see) him dance! You’ve missed a lot. I … (take) you to the concert.
4) It was very hard work but we … (do) it.
5) The mother … ( punish) the boy severely to make him understand he was not right.
6) Although it was very painful for the mother but she … (punish) the boy.
7. Translate from Russian into English.
1) Вы, должно быть, ошибаетесь, на двадцать пятой странице нет таких слов.
2) Вам следует помочь ей, она ведь очень устала.
3) Вам бы следовало сделать то, что я вам говорила, тогда вы не оказались бы в таком глупом положении.
4) Вы должны были мне сказать, что вы больны.
5) Вы не должны позволять ей читать в сумерки, она может испортить глаза.
6) Я вас, должно быть, неправильно понял и поэтому пришел так рано.
7) Почему я должен хвалить вашу работу? Она неудовлетворительна.
8) Почему я должен принять его предложение? Я не согласен с ним.
9) С какой стати я должен ему помогать?!
10) Ради чего я буду разговаривать с ней?
11) И зачем ты поедешь туда?
12) Это лекарство следует держать в холодном месте.
13) Вам не следует разочаровываться.
14) Вам следовало бы прекратить спор, как только поняли, что вы неправы.
15) Вам следует еще раз обдумать это предложение, прежде чем отвергнуть его.
16) Он должен был бы отказаться от приглашения, если он был так занят.
Unit 10 S h a l l
Shall is found to express obligation, warning, promise, threat. It is also used to ask for instructions.
1. Shall is used in interrogative sentences with the first and third persons meaning obligation or asking for instructions: Shall I get you some coffee? Who shall answer the phone? It is rendered in Russian as: Принести вам еще кофе? Кому отвечать по телефону? Shall I open the window? What on earth shall we do?
2. Shall is used to express obligation but it is always combined with the function of an auxiliary verb of the future tense. Shall occurs in affirmative and negative sentences: We shall be landing in Paris in 10 minutes. I shall miss him terribly. The verb is found with the second and the third person expressing promise, threat, warning. You shall have my answer tomorrow. You shall stay just where you are! He shall do as I say! I want to know all the gossip , all the scandal. – You shall dear, you shall.
3. Shall is often used with third person to refer to duties: The officer shall be responsible for the fleet of lorries. The President shall hold office for 5 years.
E x e r c i s e s
1. Comment on the meaning of the verb shall. Translate the sentences.
1) The victory of peace can and shall be won. There shall be no war! Shall expresses promise it is always combined with the function of an auxiliary verb of the future tense
2) He shall do it whether he wants it or not.
3) What shall I do with it?
4) You shall answer for it!
5) The senior manager shall be responsible for this department.
6) It was an incredible feat, one which I shall never forget.
7) A player shall not lift the seam of the ball for any reason.
8) Shall we sort you out and make you more comfy?
9) The Prime Minister shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen in this field.
10) Verily I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me.
11) I shall be calling fore you at seven o’clock.
12) The editor’s decision is final and shall evermore remain so.
2. Make offers for the following situations. Think of your own situations.
1) An old lady clearly wants to put her large suitcase on the luggage rack.
2) A young woman is shivering and the window is open.
3) Your friend accidentally drops some sheets of paper on the floor.
3. Make suggestions to a friend for the following situations. You feel like ...
1) going for a swim? Shall we go for a swim? Yes, let's./Yes. let's, shall we? No. I'd rather we didn't.
2) driving to the coast,
3) having a meal out this evening,
4) travelling first class,
5) having a holiday in.
6) going to the theatre,
7) visiting an art gallery,
8) baking a pie,
9) making a sea voyage,
10) climbing up the mountain,
11) calling a taxi,
4. Translate these sentences from Russian into English.
1) В котором часу мне приходить?
2) Ты никуда не пойдешь, пока не сделаешь уроки!
3) Не двигайся! Стой, где стоишь!
4) Эти глупцы будут делать то, что я им велю.
5) Сегодня ты выслушаешь меня, я не дам тебе уйти.
6) Они за всё мне ответят, вот увидишь!
7) Мне принести ещё кофе? – Да, спасибо.
8) Кому делать доклад? Кто будет отвечать за все?
9) Что же мы теперь будем делать!?
10) Финансовым отделом будет руководить Г-н Смитс.
Unit 11 Will and would
Will and would are considered to be the forms of the same verb. Its original meaning is volition. However, in some of their meanings the use of will is equal only to would which denotes an actual fact in the past; in other meanings will is found alongside would which expresses unreality in the present or serves as a more polite form of will.
§ 1 Will and Would for characteristic habit,
criticizing, natural tendency, and requests
1. Will/would describe characteristic habit/behaviour or is used to criticise a person’s characteristic behaviour: In fine weather he will often sit in the sun for hours. Marjory will keep leaving her things all over the floor.
Moreover, would is used with the same meaning as used to. It refers to repeated actions and events in the past: When we were children we would go skating every winter.
2. Will/would are found to express natural tendency: Water will boil at 100°С. I planted a yucca plant last year but it wouldn’t grow because it didn’t get enough sun.
3. Will/would + not are used as a refusal to perform an action: Drink your milk, Jeremiah! – I won’t. The car wouldn’t start this morning.
4. Will/would are found as requests, orders, offers: Will you send me the bill, please? Would you be quiet!
1. Comment on the meaning of the verb will and would. Translate the sentences.
1) You will not discuss this matter with anyone.
2) Will you drive me home?
3) He kicked pushed that door. It wouldn’t open.
4) He will leave his socks lying all over the place and it drives me mad.
5) The show will be open to the public at 2 p.m.
6) Won’t you stay here and have supper with us?
7) All right, I will forgive you.
8) My car won’t start!
2. Make requests for the following situations. You want someone to
1) hold the door open for you. Will/would you hold the door open for me?
2) dial a number for you
3) translate a letter for you
4) deliver some flowers for you.
5) show the way to the station.
3. Use a phrase with will or would in place of the words in italics.
1) She always used to tell us a story before we went to bed. She would always tell us a story before we went to bed.
2) She still tells us a story occasionally.
3) They only used to discuss family matters with the priest.
4) He's very good, you know. He plays with that toy for hours on end.
5) When he needed extra money, he used to work overtime.
6) She doesn't always tell the truth, I'm afraid.
§ 2 Will and would for intention, insistence,
certainty or supposition
1. Will/would are used with the first person to express will, intention or determination: I say I will do anything for him. We thought we wouldn’t interfere.
2. Will/would are served to imply insistence or consent in if-clauses: ‘It’s about forty minutes’ walk from here and if you will come now I’ll go with you. If you would help me I should make another attempt.
NOTE: Will is not normally used after if-clauses: If the weather is fine, we will go to the bank of the river (conditional sentence).
3. Will may convey the meaning of certainty or supposition about present or future situations: Don’t phone them now. – They will be having dinner. This will be the school, I believe.
Will + Perfect Infinitive expresses certainty about the past: We can’t go and see them now. They will have gone to bed.
4. Would is found to express that something was to be expected. The meaning is rather sarcastical: ‘Paula is very brave.’ ‘Yes, she would be brave.’ I don’t approve of his decision.’ ‘No, you wouldn’t.’ It is rendered in Russian as: этого и следовало ожидать.
Learn some set phrases:
· Boys will be boys (Мальчишки остаются мальчишками).
· Accidents will happen (Без несчастных случаев дело не обходится).