
Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для высших учебных заведений нефтегазового профиля (стр. 2 из 3)

1). The machine tools are to be repaired at the end of the month.

Станки должны быть отремонтированы в конце месяца.

2). Carbon, silicon, phosphorus and sulphur have to be withdrawn from pig iron to obtain steel.

Нужно удалить углерод, кремний, фосфор и серу из чугуна в чушках, чтобы получить сталь.

(Углерод … должны быть удалены…)

  1. Powder metallurgy is to increase the life of different tools considerably.
  2. Engineers are to study the properties of engineering materials before constructing any structures.
  3. Mendeleyev had to work hard to make up his Periodic Table.
  4. Corrosion resistance of marine metallic constructions is to be very high.
  5. Much has to be done to protect nature from pollution.
  6. Ores have to pass through the process called smelting before pure metals are obtained.
  7. In designing equipment engineers are to take into acount all possible stresses that may develop during operation.
  8. Alloying has to be used to improve the properties of metals.
  9. The quality of metals is to be controlled by electronic devices.
  10. Scientists are to begin their experiments only after careful collecting all necessary data.

Упр. 6. Прочитайте следующие предложения. Определите, в каких из них сказуемое выражено страдателным залогом.

1. The gas pipeline from Yamburg to Turkey is one of the longest Russian export pipelines.

2. Lake Baikal and its area must be protected against industrial pollution.

3. The scientists are trying to solve the problem of nuclear fusion.

4. All branches of industry are interested in the further development of the oil and gas industry.

5. Metals have been playing a great part in the life of mankind since ancient times.

6. After the Great Patriotic war an extensive industrial programme was launched in our country.

7. Russia is making great efforts in the field of the expansion of the oil pipeline net.

8. Different additions are put into alloys to improve their properties.

9. Pure metals are produced from ores by smelting.

Упр. 7. Слова к тексту «Metals in the Service of Man”.

1. output ['autput] n продукция; выпуск, выработка; горная добыча; производительность, мощность The output of different products depends on market demand.
2. reason ['rJzn] n причина, основание There is reason to believe that he is wrong.
3. characteristic ["kxrIktq'rIstIk] a характерный It’s characteristic of some metals to corrode in the presence of aggressive environments.
4. support [sq'pLt] v

поддерживать, выдерживать Is this bridge strong enough to support heavy lorries?

5. weight [weIt] n вес One of the biggest loads a bridge has to carry is its own weight.
6. bend (bent, bent) v сгибать (ся) The pipe was heated and bent at a right angle.
7. destruction [dIst'rAkSn] n разрушение The destruction of Neftegorsk, a town in the north of Sakhalin, by the earthquake in 1995 was awful.
8. approximately [qp'rOksImItlI] adv

приблизительно Light travels at approximately 186,000 miles per second (300,000 metres per second).

9. mine [maIn] v добывать (руду, уголь) Coal is mined from deep under ground.
10. pass [pRs] v проходить The road was too narrow for cars to pass.
11. metallurgist [me'txlqGIst] n металлург Metallurgists in all countries use the continuous steel smelting (метод непрерывной плавки стали).
12. refining n очистка Oil has to pass through refining to become usable.
13. purification ["pjuqrIfI'keISn] n очистка Air purification is provided at all plants and factories.
14. treat v обрабатывать Wood must be treated with special substances not to be destroyed in the open air.
15. smelting n выплавка, плавка Metals are separated from ores by smelting.
16. comparatively [kqm'pxrqtIvlI] adv сравнительно Comparatively few students were eager to take part in the conference.
17. insufficient ["Insq'fISent] a недостаточный The travellers had insufficient food for ten people.
18. to a considerable extent в значительной степени Mechanical properties of zirconium depend to a considerable extent on its purity.
19. in spite [spaIt] of несмотря на Titanium in spite of early recognition of its light weight, strength and corrosion resistance is a relative newcomer to the industrial scene.
20. as well также Zirconium has much better corrosion resistance to aggressive environments than stainless steels and is particularly useful at high temperatures as well.
21. nowadays в настоящее время Nowadays some plastic materials can replace metals.

Прочитайте текст “Metals in the Service of Man”. Выполните следующие задания:

  1. Скажите, какую роль играют металлы в жизни человека.
  2. Найдите в тексте случаи употребления страдательного залога.

Metals in the Service of Man

Let us consider why metals play such a great role in man’s activities. Wood and stone are both older in use, yet to a considerable extent they have been replaced by metals. In spite of the great progress of chemistry and increasing output of plastic materials metals are still used for most of machines, structures and instruments. If there were no metals, no railway, airplane, car, electric motor, turbine or pipeline could operate.

The reason for the increased use of metals is to be found in their characteristic properties. The most important of these properties is their strength or ability to support weight without bending or breaking. Resistance to atmospheric destruction, plasticity and the ability to be formed into desired shapes are remarkable as well. Some metals have also special properties – two of which are the ability to conduct electric current and the ability to be magnetized.

Nowadays we know that over three quarters of existing elements are metals. We know approximately over 80 metals and several thousand alloys.

Most metals are usually found in nature as minerals or ores, where they exist in chemical combinations with other substances. Metallic ores contain metals combined with oxygen, sulphur or other metals.

Ores are usually mined and passed to the metallurgist for refining and purification. The ores are treated by fire or chemically by the process called smelting. Ores have to pass through this very complicated process before pure metals are obtained.

But pure metals are comparatively seldom used because they are rather expensive and their strength is generally insufficient for the purposes of to-day. The most important way in which the strength of metals can be increased is alloying. Alloys are the most important engineering materials. Alloys are obtained by adding various metals or non-metals to the main metallic element.

Упр. 8. Определите часть речи следующих однокоренных слов. Переведите их на русский язык.

to refine – refining – refinery;

to resist – resistant – resistance;

to conduct – conductivity;

plastic – plasticity;

to combine – combination;

metal – metallic – metallurgy – metallurgical – metallurgist;

to consider – consideration – considerable – considerably;

to treat – treatment;

to exist – existing – existence;

to compare – comparison – comparative – comparatively;

pure – purity – purification;

to destroy – destruction – destructive.

Упр. 9. Переведите следующие словосочетания:

1. to replace metals with plastics

to replace members of a machine-tool

to replace metallurgical equipment

2. in spite of great progress

in spite of considerable changes

in spite of great weight

3. to increase the output of ores

to increase the resistance of metals to the atmosphere

to increase electrical conductivity

4. to mine iron ores

to mine coal

to mine mineral resources

5. to obtain pure metals

to obtain different alloys

to obtain a high output of metals

to obtain desired properties of alloys

6. insufficient strength of a pipe

insufficient weight of an offshore platform

insufficient purity of gold

insufficient quantity of alloying elements

Упр. 10. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Процесс называется … 2. Металлы получают … 3. Свойства металлов изучают …

4. Пластмассы могут использоваться … 5. Металлы будут заменены … 6. Руды добывают … 7. Руды обрабатывают … 8. Чистые металлы редко используют … 9. Производство сплавов увеличилось … 10. Трубы изготавливают … 11. Прочность металлов может быть повышена … 12. Металлы могут быть соединены с …

Упр. 11. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. Russian scientists are working on developing machines and units which improve the quality of the output through refining cast iron and steel and through powder metallurgy.

2. Over the past few years the weight of freight trains has been considerably increased.

3. Nowadays metals are considered the main engineering materials which are used on land, in outer space, in deep sea conditions.

4. In spite of the fact that titanium and its alloys are treated with some difficulties, their application in such industries as aircraft building, space industry and medicine is promising.

5. The ores which are mined in increased qualities are the sources of metals, but to a great extent metals are produced from scrap.

6. The metal production from ores in Russia is to be reduced by 6.9 per cent.

7. In spite of the fact that Russia holds one of the first places in the world for reserves of many minerals on land, new methods of extracting such elements as uranium, lithium, silver, gold, cesium and germanium from sea water are being developed.

Упр. 12. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, используя страдательный залог.

1. Металлы и сплавы считаются самыми важными конструкционными материалами.

2. В России железные руды добываются в районе Кузнецкого бассейна.

3. Металлы получают из руд при помощи процесса, который называют плавкой.

4. Несмотря на способность некоторых пластмасс выдерживать большой вес, они не всегда могут заменить металлы.

5. Нужно изучать свойства материалов, прежде чем проектировать различные конструкции.

6. В Донбассе, одном из важнейших промышленных центров Украины, добывают уголь, плавят сталь, производят различные машины.

7. Как правило, нефтеперерабатывающие заводы строят около нефтяных месторождений.

8. Известно, что большую часть продукции металлургических заводов получают из металлолома, а не из природного сырья.

9. Некоторые пластмассы по прочности можно сравнить с различными сортами стали.

10. На многих заводах чёрной и цветной металлургии России старое оборудование должно быть заменено современным.

Упр. 13. Ответьте на следующие вопросы, опираясь на текст “Metals in the Service of Man”.

1. What are the oldest structural materials?

2. Why are metals widely used?

3. What characteristic properties have made metals such important and useful structural materials?

4. In what forms do metals exist in nature?

5. What method of obtaining metals from ores is used?

6. Why are pure metals comparatively seldom used in industry?

7. What are the most important engineering materials?

8. In what way can the strength of metals be increased?

9. What is an alloy?

10. How are alloys obtained?

Упр. 14. Прочитайте текст, озаглавьте его; озаглавьте каждый абзац.

estimate ['estImeIt] v – оценивать, предполагать

lack [lxk] n – недостаток чего-либо, отсутствие

hide [haId] v (hid, hidden) [hId], [hIdn] – прятать

beach [bJtS] sands n – прибрежные пески

rare [rEq] metals n – редкие металлы

floating installation ['floutIN "Instq'leISn] n – плавучая установка

ion-exchange ['aIqnIks'tSeInG] a – ионообменный

1. We live on the planet Earth which could be called the planet Ocean as almost ¾ of its area is covered with water. We can only estimate what natural resources are hidden under the bottom of the ocean.

2. Scientists estimated that the resources of manganese in the ocean are 1.5 times larger than on land, nickel – 3 times, cobalt – 30 times. Lack of mineral resources on land makes scientists turn their attention to the ocean. Such countries as Australia, Brazil, the USA produce titanium, circonium, rare metals from beach sands, gold and platinum – from Alaska offshore, Japan produces iron ore and coal from the sea bed, Indonesia produces tin from the 50 m depth. Phosphorus, manganese, polymetallic ores are found on the bottom of the ocean.