
Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов 1 курса Нижний Новгород 2003 (стр. 1 из 6)

Министерство образования России

Волжская Государственная Инженерно-Педагогическая академия

Кафедра иностранных языков

Н.Х. Фролова, С.Е. Цветкова

Youth challenges

Проблемы молодежи

учебно-методическое пособие для студентов

1 курса

Нижний Новгород — 2003



Фролова Н.Х., Цветкова С.Е.

Youth challenges. Проблемы молодежи: Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов. — Н. Новгород: Волжская Государственная Инженерно-Педагогическая академия, 2003. —40 с.

Фролова Н.Х. – к.п.н., доцент НФ ГУ– ВШЭ – составитель части 2.

Цветкова С.Е.– ст. преподаватель ВГИПА – составитель части 1.

Работа посвящена одной из основных тем обучения устной речи английского языка— проблемам молодежи: отношения поколений, ранние браки, проблема свободного времени, увлечение наркотиками, алкоголем и курением.

В учебно-методическом пособии рассмотрены наиболее характерные вопросы и проблемы, с которыми молодым людям приходиться сталкиваться как в Великобритании, так и в России. Данное учебно-методическое пособие содержит тексты, диалоги и упражнения, предназначенный для студентов разного уровня владения английским языком. Представление языкового материала дифференцированно. В первой части для начального уровня, во второй – для более продвинутого уровня владения иностранным языком.

Издание рассчитано на преподавателей и студентов высших образовательных учреждений, а также может быть полезно всем, кто интересуется вопросами и проблемами молодежи.


1. Поляков В.М. – кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, Волжская государственная инженерно-педагогическая академия;

2. Емельяова Н.А. – кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, Нижегородский филиал Государственного университета – Высшая школа экономики.

© Фролова Н.Х., Цветкова С.Е. 2003.

© ВГИПА, 2003.

1. Part 1. 14
2. Part 2. 119
Литература 240

Part 1


Public school

1. Vocabulary

education oбразование
elementary school среднее звено
high school старшие классы
to admit принимать
admission зачисление
compulsory обязательно
term термин
a tracking system дифференцируемая система
ability способности
major subjects специализированные предметы
to major специализироваться
humanities гуманитарные науки
science естественные науки
private частный
state supported государственный

2. Text

Education in the USA

Peter Ivanov a Soviet exchange student is at Columbia University. He wants to know more about US public school education. Now he is having a talk with James Porges, an American student.

Ivanov: When do children start going to school in America?

Porgies: At the age of six. There are eight years of elementary school and four years of high school.

Ivanov: Does high school admit all children? Is admission automatic?

Porgies: Yes

Ivanov: Is elementary or high schooling compulsory here?

Porgies: Elementary schooling is. In most States students can leave school at the age of sixteen.

Ivanov: As for my country, high schooling is compulsory.

Porgies: That’s very good. I wish we had it too.

Ivanov: I came across the term a tracking system. What does it mean?

Porgies: It means that students are placed in-groups according to their ability in a specific subjects.

Ivanov: What subjects do students have during the four years high school programme?

Porgies: They have to study four or five major subjects a year. They may major either in the humanities or in science. They have classes in major subjects every day.

Ivanov: Do they have any other subjects?

Porgies: Yes, they usually have classes in physical education, music and art-several times a week.

Ivanov: I’ve read that there are private elementary and high schools in the country.

Porgies: Yes there are. More over their number has greatly increased.

Ivanov: Is there a difference between private and state supported schools?

Porgies: There’s a great difference. Private schools have better teachers, as the teacher salaries are higher there. Classes are not so numerous as in the State supported schools.

3. Reconstruct the text.

Education in the USA

Peter Ivanov a Soviet exchange student is at Columbia University. He wants to know more about US public school education. Now he is having a talk with James Porges, an American student.

Ivanov: When do children _____ going to _____ in America?

Porgies: At the age of six. There are ____ years of ______ school and _____ years of _____ school.

Ivanov: Does _____ school _____ all children? Is _______ automatic?

Porgies: Yes

Ivanov: Is elementary or ____ schooling ______ here?

Porgies: ________ schooling is. In most ______ students can _____ school at the _____ of sixteen.

Ivanov: As for my _____, high ______ is ______.

Porgies: That’s very ____. I wish we _____ it ____.

Ivanov: I came across the ____ a _____ system. What does it ____?

Porgies: It _____ that students are _____ in-groups according to their ____ in a specific ______.

Ivanov: What ____ do students have ____ the four years ___ school programme?

Porgies: They have to ___ four or five ___ subjects a ___. They may ___ either in the ____ or in ____. They have ____ in major _____ every ___.

Ivanov: Do they ___ any other _____?

Porgies: Yes, they usually have ____ in _____ education, music and __-several ____ a week.

Ivanov: I’ve read that there are ____ elementary and ___ schools in the _____.

Porgies: Yes there are. More ___ their _____ has greatly _____.

Ivanov: Is there a _____ between private and __________ schools?

Porgies: There’s a ___ difference. _____ schools have better ____, as the teacher ___ are higher there. Classes are not so ____ as in the State _____ schools.


Do you know that…

1. Vocabulary

to go to school ходить в школу
at the age of… в возрасте …
infant school школа для детей 5-7 лет
the junior school начальная школа
to take an examination сдавать экзамен
to determine определять
to fail in the exams провалиться на экзаменах
non-grammar type школа для слаборазвитых
college education
колледжское образование
the state primary school
государственная начальная школа
attendance посещение
to last длиться, продолжаться
lesson(s) занятия
holidays каникулы
preparatory school подготовительная школа
free бесплатно
to pay fees платить деньги
a unified system единая система
secondary education среднее образование

technical school техническая школа
a subject предмет
advanced продвинутый
Literature литература
Mathematics математика
Arithmetic арифметика
Algebra алгебра
Geometry геометрия
Trigonometry тригонометрия
History история
European европейский
Geography география
natural science естественные науки
ancient language античный язык
Latin латинский язык
Greek греческий
French французский
German немецкий
Spanish испанский
Italian итальянский
commercial subjects коммерческие предметы
type-writing печатание
Shorthand стенография
Book keeping бухгалтерия
Accounting бухгалтерия
Art искусство
hand work ручной труд
physical training физическая культура
the General Certificate of Education аттестат зрелости
the General Education общее образование
standard =level уровень
To gain an entrance to… добиться поступления
To pass examinations сдавать экзамены
Grammar school грамматическая школа
Modern school современная школа

2. Text

English children start going to school at the age of 5. Between the age of 5 and 7 children go to infant school and between the age of seven and eleven to junior school. Until recently all children at the age of 10 and 11 had to take an examination which determined their future. Those who failed in their 11 plus exams were considered to be “non- grammar types” and had to go to modern schools which means no college education. The state primary schools are free. Besides the state primary schools there are many private institutions.

They don’t have a unified system of secondary education in Britain. Until some time ago they had modern schools, grammar schools and technical schools. There are big differences in the time devoted by each type of school to the same subjects.

From primary schools children go to secondary schools: public schools or county schools. Public schools are private schools where the fees are very high.

At every grammar school the places are free, to be won by boys and girls at the primary schools. The grammar schools are day schools and the hours of instructions are similar to those of primary schools, but the subjects are wider and more advanced: English (language and literature), mathematics (arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry), history (English and European), geography, natural science, ancient languages (Latin and Greek), modern languages (French, German, Spanish, Italian and Russian), commercial subjects (type-writing, shorthand, book-keeping and accounting), art, music, handwork and physical training.

When boys and girls reach the age of sixteen they may sit for the General Certificate of Education, which shows that the holder has received a general education and has reached certain standards in the various subjects. There are, indeed three standards (or levels) ordinary (0- level), advanced (A- level) and scholarship.

In order to gain an entrance to a university, a boy or a girl must pass examinations in five subjects of which English and another language must be two and which must include either mathematics or a science. He or she must pass at least two of these five subjects at the advanced level.

3. Questions to the text

1) At what age do English children start going to school?

2) At what age do they go to infant school?

3) At what age do they go to junior school?

4) What children were considered to be “non- grammar types” until recently?

5) What schools are free in Britain?

6) Are there many private institutions besides the state primary schools?

7) What types of schools are there in Great Britain?

8) What school do children go from primary school to?

9) What can you say about public schools?

10) Are places at grammar schools free?

11) What can you say about the hours of instruction of grammar schools?

12) What can you say about the subjects in grammar schools?

13) At what age may boys and girls sit for the General Certificate of Education?

14) What examinations must the student pass in order to gain an entrance to a university?

15) How many subjects must the student pass?

4. Summary

English children start going to school at the age of…. Between the age of 5 and 7 children go to….School and between the age of 7 and 11 to…. School.

Until recently all children at the age of 10 had to take an…. which determined their future. Those who failed in their 11- plus exams were considered to be “… types”.

British state primary school is…. and attendance is…..

Besides the state primary schools there are many…. Institutions, kindergartens and preparatory schools. These schools are not…. The parents pay…


Panel talk (Part 1)

1. Vocabulary

burning problems насущные проблемы
drug addiction наркомания
alcohol addiction алкоголизм
a psychologist психолог
a physician терапевт
a psychiatrist психиатр
vital жизненный
ecological threat экологическая угроза
ozone layer destruction разрушение озонового слоя
drug eater наркоман
alcoholic алкоголик
an addict имеющий зависимость
to degrade деградировать
society общество
to suffer страдать
a teenager подросток
abuse злоупотребление
to ruin разрушать
health здоровье
insensibility раздражённость
apathy апатия
frustration расстройство, крушение
human values человеческие ценности
a crime преступление
a suicide самоубийство
social vice социальный порок
be doomed быть обреченным
an overdose передозировка
to steal воровать
to rob грабить
the distortion of the eternal conceptions of right and wrong искажение вечных понятий хорошо и плохо
low cultural standard низкий культурный уровень
social injustice социальная несправедливость

2. Text